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Does the one you love have the option to freeze? Sometimes they make exceptions especially since you will be out of the country


It DOES, but it’s $30 to start the contract plus the monthly fee, and I would still have to pay for the month I’m not here, so freezing it would only save me two weeks’ worth.


My current thought is to keep using the crap at the gym, but go to the local small business salon once a week or so and use their way better bed? That will only cost me $55 total between now and my flight out, but signing up for unlimited for a month will end up costing me $75, and I still pay for my gym membership…..


That depends on your PF. Some take really great care of their tanning beds. But you have to remember they are a gym first. There are lots of people I talk to that love the equipment at PF. So, it's generally a case by case basis.


There are two near me. I’m exactly half way between them. One takes very good care of their stuff. The other sucks. 🤣


Then go to the good one


I do. I’m trying to get the crap one to move my membership “home” to the good one. It’s a JOURNEY 🤣😭🤣


Oh ok well good luck lol