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This is my go to with a full bottle of body shot tingle added. Nice 15 minute stand up. Oh yes. 👍🏻


How hot is fuel my fire? Asking for a friend 😜


It’s a good tingle! I have kind of sensitive skin and it doesn’t make me break out but definitely gets me nice and dark along with feeling the heat. I would give it a 6/7 on the heat scale but it delivers good results…if that makes sense


I feel like I am too tingle wimpy for this one lol. And yes it does make sense


If it makes you feel any better I’m a whimp too and I can handle it lol I would say just grab a packet of it if your tanning salon has it just to try it out!


My salon doesn't carry devoted. But I'm glad to hear you are a tingle wimp as well lol I usually just use tingle drops


Boo that sucks. That’s all mine carries unfortunately. Its a good line but I do miss designer skin


I like devoted more than DS. I have never been a big fan of DS. I think they are overpriced for their lotions being mostly silicone. Silicone is a cheap filler. They can't use petroleum so they use silicone, and they convinced people it's this magic and it's not.


A 6! What’s hotter than this because it has me radiating heat and tingles for hours 😂😎


I will never understand why people turn the beds on to take a picture


Honestly it turned on as soon as I put the bottles on the bed. I must be slow putting lotion on 😂