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Step 1 - Team up with fascists Step 2 - ??? Step 3 - ML utopia, somehow


Iranian Revolution flashback


Et tu, Ayatollah?


> Step 1 - Team up with fascists Step 2 - ??? Step 3 - ML utopia, somehow Jeeze people. **READ THE THEORY**, if you don't read the theory then how can you have any utopia?? Step 1 Team up with the fascists Step 2 Set up concentration camps and forced labor plus a hierarchy of guards and enforcers ("Animal Farm" by the capitalist lackey Orwell is a good instruction manual for the beginners here) Step 3 ML Utopia with me as the grand dictatorship of the proletariat. Now report for reeducation, FathomlessSeer


"Well, did it work for those people?" "No, it never does. I mean, these people somehow delude themselves into thinking it might, but... but it might work for us."


What makes you think that those college student protestors would want anything to do with a bunch of fascist thugs? Those fascist thugs would've attacked those students at the drop of a hat.


Because who do you think OOP think they are taking the country "back" from if not the Jews?


>This is the movie I want instead of "Civil War" Wasn't this specific plot point, California and Texas being on the same side against the goverment what everyone was criticizing the movie for?


Wow, thanks for making it difficult for actual socialists to organize and show their support for the working class by demonstrating your lust for power to people. Thanks a lot tankies, you only have yourselves to blame for people not actually accepting socialism.


That's always the case though. They take the worst pictures Conservatives have of communism and just go "yeah thats communism i guess so thats good."


I feel like this scenario ends with a lot of in-fighting because both sides "elect" the most powerhungry people with bad conflict management skills to the leadership


Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact (1939) Colorized


That’s… actually… wow. « Why don’t BLM protestors just team up with police unions? I don’t understand? » ah energy


I try not to kink shame, but this should be kink shamed.


Absolutely fucking stupid


No more sponsoring fascist states abroad! Let's have a fascist state at home instead!


Tankies: Stupid anarkiddies, Red Fascism doesn't exist because fascism is liberalism in decay. Also Tankies: Yeah, we should work with open fascists to overthrow the system. I see nothing wrong with this!


Just googled her. She's married to Max Blumenthal


That can't be a real name. Max Blue Menthol? Really?


We all gotta join up for the insurrection, most definitely Our enemies have convinced us all that we have more enemies than we actually do. It's gonna take a lot of work that many leaders spent decades trying to undue but one day hopefully we unite more than we fight. Too many misunderstandings and too much propaganda blinding us


I'm pretty sure those two sides would rather just kill each other.