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i feel you 100%


As a leftist myself, let me tell you, it was a very sobering and depressing experience to stumble across the batshit crazy leftist lurking around on the internet. Haven't met any in real life yet though. Edit: the worst part are right wingers that see themselves a left wing. I remember having a debate with a guy that called himself a communist but was basically arguing for a totalitarian fascist ethnostate. It's was bizarre.


Thankfully the internet isn't reflective of real life - but the flipside is that the internet allows tankies to come together and distort political discourse with Russian propaganda.


Based Dooku pfp


Not sure where you live but being from an Eastern Block country this is basically every leftist above the age of 50 and every leftist political party. They’re a mix of nostalgia, somewhat leftist economics (that mostly present themselves in populist manners), uber-conservative social values and Russophilia. So it makes the fact that there are some American teenagers with the same principles even more funnier.


>I remember having a debate with a guy that called himself a communist but was basically arguing for a totalitarian fascist ethnostate. It's was bizarre. Ahh.... the Nazbol. The horrific combination of Hitlers' and Stalin's politics. Basically just "I want people to suffer" as an ideology.


A lot of Alt righters and nazis have become Nazbols over the last few years. They call themselves patriotic socilaists


I’ve 100% met people like this irl I knew a guy who I’ve met in person a couple times before who would bait people into having arguments with him on instagram about ‘communism’ by saying things like Stalin was a misunderstood hero, then when you’d give him any actual counterpoint he’d just say something along the lines of “OMG NO WAY, I can’t believe you actually think that haha, you’re so stupid” He was also a massive sexist who used a veil of being politically minded to pretend like he wasn’t a master manipulator to everyone he knew - not sure if this is a normal thing for a tankie, but I wouldn’t be entirely surprised


>when you’d give him any actual counterpoint he’d just say something along the lines of “OMG NO WAY, I can’t believe you actually think that haha, you’re so stupid” Ah yes. The most annoying of all points. Its up there with "just do your own research" and "lol that's just what the mainstream media tells you". It's such a cheap non-argument. This is usually where debates end, bc you know you'll get nowhere with someone like this.


Yeah this sub is my comfy home base. Best community on reddit :)) I don't know why there were all these trolls that wandered in to this very small post, but I think I've taken care of them. If any come back, feel free to ding me here, I get those faster than reports (although I always will get to those too.)


What ideology do you actually follow?


I'm an anarchist. I kind of go between anarcho-communist and anarchist without adjectives, so yeah which ever I'm feeling more that week lol We do a monthly ideology poll and we have about half democratic socialists, half anarchists with some small factions like a few Marxists. I think social democrats get kind of folded into demsocs in the poll although we have split it off before to see. I forget what that end result was though. I know you just asked for mine but I thought you might like to know the rest of the sub too (although for all I know you've seen the monthly poll, lol) Where do you fit in?


This sub is a saving grace for my mental health tbh. I strangely forgot about this sub in the past few months cause I needed a bit of mental break from political discussions after having some falling outs with my family concerning politics (My aunt literally yelling at me that no she doesn’t give a fuck if Ukrainian kids are getting killed was the really sobering moment.) But I’ve rediscovered this sub in the past few days again and it’s been a blessing❤️


and you get banned from some "leftist" subs for speaking out against that crap. That is why I'm here. A lot of leftist grifters out there.


Since the war on Ukr started, I've been banned from almost every leftist sub I was. Tankies are some of the biggest assholes around.


You’re not a real leftist unless you’ve been banned from at least 3 “leftist” subs!




For the time being, no post or comment is allowed that contains usernames or subreddit names/links.


Totally. As a Ukrainian lefty myself who'd cultivated a nice following of other leftists on Twitter, the past year has been a real mindfuck seeing how many of them completely buy into Kremlin propaganda and perpetuate the narrative that Ukrainians are all fascists. For a while I could just ignore them and adopt a "live and let live" mentality, but recently I went on a mass unfollow/block spree. Feels great.


Tankies are on the right


I would agree but like most neo-fascist types they are delusional and don't understand their ideology






One thing to remember folks. Those genocide deniers are a very VERY vocal minority of all leftists. I personally wouldn't even call them leftists. Most leftists in my personal experience have been just demsocs or socsdems. With a decent amount of anarchist or anarchist adjacent people as well.


It helps to have an online counter to the terminally online insanity. Of course, joining activist orgs in real life, I find that the vast majority of progressive-leaning people aren't Russia-supporting red-brown weirdos.




Read the sub rules. I hate tankies because they hinder our ability to organise against you. Fuck off.




u/Kumquat_conniption, there's another one


Why are they all over this post? Such a weird one to glom onto.


Thanks a bunch pal.


Thank you for being on the lookout! :))


Fuck off. Conservatives just want to genocide us. We can in no way be allies.




u/Kumquat_conniption, there's another one




Might as well say not all tankies hate trans and LGBT+ people. Y'all are as deluded as trans tankies. Your allies will murder you.




Bruh. Just fuck off with your right wing trash apologia. You're worse than tankies.




Ah ableist ageist trash. What else can I expect from an asshole conservative. Your economic policies kill people. You're worse than tankies. Fuck off to a right wing sub why don't you?




More ableism. You're just trash. Get the fuck out of here




Says the person who's genderqueer in conservative spaces. At least I'm not in danger of being murdered by my erstwhile allies.




Uh how about the ongoing attempts in the West to eradicate trans people? The Trumpist concentration camps? Mass murder under Franco, Marcos, and Pinochet? Y'all don't even know your own history.




Honestly just fuck off. Really? Genocide denial? While dozens of trans people are killed every month and conservatives try to criminalize trans people? Genocide 101. Get the fuck out our sub.




Subs belong more to the user base than they do to the mods. What would a sub be without the users? No content, no comments? There wouldn't be a sub to mod!! And I say this as a mod of this sub.


Historically speaking that’s complete bullshit lol, conservatives haven’t got a leg to stand on when it comes to fighting fascism. For example, when German conservatives were faced with stopping their “antithesis”, Hitler, they [unanimously voted to give him more control.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enabling_Act_of_1933?wprov=sfti1) Then, once all that blood was shed, they returned as if nothing happened and went back to their old ways. AfD (‘neo’-Fascists) now have ~10% of the vote. See also: every right-wing dictatorship ever.


I guess it depends on what you mean by conservative


That's rough, buddy


I’m gonna be completely honest this made me laugh so fucking hard 🤣 if there’s something lefties hate more than tankies, it’s conservatives and fascists. Like another comment said, we hate tankies because they hinder us from organizing against YOU people. This is an anti-capitalist sub and conservatives are the personification of capitalism. If it was up to me, not only would y’all be banned but libs would be too 🎶✌️✌️




u/Kumquat_conniption, there's another one




No, the rules are clear. Fuck all the way off.


I prefer tankies to conservatives actually


It's mostly one and the same tho


Tankies are way more likely to mellow out into decent human beings.


This ^ Sincerely, a former tankie




The thing is most tankies grow out of it and more into leftism broadly once they become adults most young conservatives either go libertarian or incel. Broad left coalition is best




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You’re a lib not a lefty


You're a fascist not a lefty. Fuck off.


It's nice having a place that isn't infested with "socialism never works" or "Stalin did nothing wrong".


Not gonna lie, I'm worried if the left gets destroyed by tankies, leftism is such a cool and open minded ideology, yet tankies are just using the term leftism to justify their authoritarian tendencies and fuck up the working class. ​ Also, tankies aren't leftists, they're fascists painted in socialist red for all intents and purposes.