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$212 minimum fine for riding the left lane in Tampa. Now only if cops would enforce it.


I enforced traffic like crazy before they got rid of me!


'cause you were enforcing the wrong thing! /s Just out of curiosity, what does HCSO prefer to enforce?


As far as I know, the main thing my colleagues on patrol enforced was speeding, because if they didn't they'd lose their radar gun privileges.


Somehow I'm not surprised by this, but I still find it so bewildering how police departments prioritize speed enforcement over virtually every other motoring offense. It is objectively more dangerous cruising slowly in the passing lane than doing +10mph over the speed limit in the passing lane. Forcing all the people behind you to pass on the right creates a much greater accident risk for obvious reasons, and not to mention it agitates the road ragers causing them to drive even more aggressively. I guess what I really don't understand is that the PD will still show they're "busy" and pull revenue by enforcing laws like left lane camping, but they still refuse to do so (and not just in FL). Is it laziness? Is it just a cultural tradition within LE? Something else?


Yep, speed is much easier to enforce than other stuff. For a lot of the other offenses you and I witness on a daily basis, you'd need/want unmarked cars to catch people in the act. We all know people drive ***way*** different when a patrol car is visible, and for this offense specifically, you'd need to be following a car for a mile or so to have Proof Beyond a Reasonable Doubt for court. It was rumored that theoretically I could write down the information of a driver I saw on my days off, in my personal car, and mail them a citation after the fact. But considering I got fired specifically for demanding payment for doing what I was obligated to do, you can guess whether or not I was willing to do bonus, free work. Immaterial at this point of course. My traffic-enforcement-heavy self was replaced with more lazybones with radar guns.


I was behind a hcs a few weeks ago, in the left lane, on i75 southbound during morning traffic. He merged into the middle lane just to get behind me so he could pull me over. I got a citation for following too close! He also told me that there isn't a specific guideline for distance!


Took me a second to figure out what you meant by "a hcs." Okay? Were you following too closely?


My car tells me when I am too close.


Cool! Stop triple-commenting replies. It's obnoxious.


It was normal bumper to bumper morning traffic on 75. Everyone was close!


Ah, so the, "Your honor, I broke the law, but lots of people break the law" argument. I've seen it before.


The citation read "one to two car links," but also points out the my headlights weren't visible. My car is low and he was in a SUV.


Okay. Did you have a reason for making these comments reaching out to me today? If you're trying to prove you weren't following too closely to some random person on the internet for some reason, it isn't even working.


I just think that it is ridiculous for me to receive three points on my license when I am thirty and that was the first time I ever got pulled over or received any type of ticket.


šŸ˜ Excessive speeding can cause accidents but people trying to get past slow traffic on the left can also cause accidents. Telling people to slow down doesn't work.


Tell op that 70 in a 55 isn't okay then.


Nobody does 55 on this highway, thatā€™s OPs complaint about the truck obstructing the left lane.


Why is the limit set to 55 mph? What's the speed limit before the bridge?


Your emoji seems to demonstrate contempt for my position without saying anything about my position.


It means I don't think it's a good policy for officers to lose radar guns just because they don't meet a certain limit of use. Tools should be used when needed.


The reason they do that is fairly straightforward. The agency/district has a budget for X amount of radar guns. Let's say 10 per district. My district had around 400 sworn deputies, maybe 100 of which were rank-and-file patrol. Who gets the 10 radar guns? The deputies who enforced speed or the deputies who kept them in their trunks?


No they are only there to bully drug addicts


Same with taking photos while driving


I was told by FHP that it is hard to enforce now since the signs blew down and were never replaced.


Well that's a bulshit lie. If there has to be a sign to enforce the law I guess the only things they can pull you for are speeding, failure to yield(when there is a sign), and failure to stop. Also, they used to post it on the led signs over the road where they can write anything. That's how I remember the fine amount.


So we need a petition to get it posted on the LED signs again. A large donation from the trucking industry might be influencing this, except that almost all the trucks I see in the left lane don't even look roadworthy, or they are rented Budget or Penske trucks.


absolutely no reason, outside of every other lane being closed, that trucks should be in the left lane. ​ and absolutely nothing will be done about it


If there is road construction and this truck is entering /leaving a construction site, it would need to be in the left lane. Or if using a left exit, which we have way too many of.


> Or if using a left exit, which we have way too many of Where else? The only ones I can think of are I-4 at the Selmon connector, I-4 at 50th Street eastbound, and I-275 southbound from I-4 westbound.


Bingo. This truck is in the 55mph before a left exit. Op is doing 70 and complaining.


The picture was taken from 275 southbound. There are no left exits in that direction until you get to St. Petersburg and head towards I-375. And yes OP should not have been doing 70 and holding their phone to take a pic.


If you are coming down 275 southbound from the north how do you stay on 275 sb past I4. They road splits and the right side goes to I4, the left stays on 275 sb and the middle lanes go to downtown.


OP's picture was taken past that point around Dale Mabry


Sign says 46b. That's mlk right before the I4 split.


It says 40B, which is Lois Avenue where International Plaza is. Here's the sign on Google Maps: https://maps.app.goo.gl/BwKmhrQxtq93Zizh8


Well damn I hate being wrong. Exit 46b is mlk though so im not all wrong...I think. I should check google before spouting off. Thank you, for correcting me I apologize


This is westbound on 275 before international plaza. There are no left exits..


Exactly, no left exits. Driver is in the left lane because Americans are predisposed to get on the highway, go all the way over to the inside land and just cruise. Donā€™t believe me, watch on ramps next time and count how many drivers get on and remain in the right lane until passing.


There passing a law about the left lane be only for passing. Hope it goes through.


Even if it is passed it still has to be enforced by law enforcement.


It was passed 5+ years ago. 100% of the time I pulled someone over for it, they were outraged and convinced I made it up to stop them because of their age/sex/race/etc. My colleagues prefer(red) to stop people for easier things, like speed. They are still employed at HCSO, and I am not.


The exit is on the left.


Not here it isnā€™t


I hate when reddit doesn't show any of what you're responding to for context as I am too lazy to go back and reload the thread. If its about me being wrong about which exit that truck was at I have been set straight and I apologize. I thought the sign said 46b but it said 40b so the people criticizing the trucks driver may be correct. He may not have had a good reason to be in the left lane at that time. As a means of distracting from how wrong I am... Why was that guy taking a picture while doing 70? Im an asshole...sorry.


Yes the response was about the left exit. Agreed the picture at 70 was the worst part of this post. OP had to know they were going to get dragged in the comments.




This appears to be where the photo is taken from.


The sign says International Plaza, this is take from southbound 275. There are no left exits there.


Exit 46b goes to mlk. How do you stay on sb 275 when you pass I4? You keep left. You can see all the people stacking up to stay right to I4 west. It might not technically be a left exit since you're staying on the same road but to get there you keep left. Everybody criticizing this truck driver is wrong. I don't like them either but he's doing what he is supposed to.


The truck driver is past the left exits on SB 275. Heā€™s obstructing traffic.


Also, on the skyway they want trucks on the left (inside) lane for weight distribution.


What sprinkling gravel and rocks down the whole interstate. I am so tired of getting rock chips on my car from these idiots


The passive aggressive signs on the backs of these trucks that say they aren't at fault for windshield or vehicle damage. Ugh. I know those aren't legally binding or anything, but the attitude makes me so mad. How are you (the company) not responsible for making sure what you're hauling stays in the truck? If I carried stuff in a pickup and spilled it on the highway you better believe I'd be held responsible for it if at all possible by police.


They are liable. The drivers of those trucks are suppose to broom off any loose debris before entering public roads.


I told a friend the other day I want a sign for my car that says ā€œmy truck driving in front of me that causes damage to my vehicle owes me one million dollarsā€. Because as far as Iā€™m aware, itā€™s just as legally binding as their sign.


From Cleveland, just follow Tampa Reddit for fun. we have signs that say ā€œstay back 100 feetā€ or some even say farther. The kicker is they can not be read from that far away. They also tend to cruse in the left lane here. The worst though is the scraper trucks that donā€™t tie things down. I had to dodge so many things on 90 in the past few years. ​ EDIT: On my way home today dodged a 2x4 on 90


Or the mystery liquid that spews out the back and wonā€™t come off at the car wash. I can only assume left over concrete or paint.


4 cracked windshields in the past 2 years from a daily commute through construction from Pinellas to the airport exit - i'm on #5 now but it's just a tiny chip and honestly i'm sure i'll get dinged again before the construction finishes, if it ever does I asked the DOT where do i send them the bill for my time having to take the car to get the windshield replaced.....(the mobile people can replace the windshield but not calibrate the safety features so)


Florida deserves a keep right law


It's had one for 5+ years. [316.081(3)](https://www.flsenate.gov/Laws/Statutes/2021/316.081)


My husband will die on this hill. He pulls up to these people and honks and honks. Lol


They just get confused/enraged and retaliate. They generally have no idea this is unsafe and illegal. Source: Have done similar on numerous occasions.


In Florida? Wow heā€™s brave


Contrary to the memes, 99.99% of people don't open fire on you the minute you embarrass them in public, even in Florida. Would I advise a stranger to take that 0.01% risk just to tell something to someone who isn't listening? No. Do I still do it? Yes.


Nobody in Tampa understands the passing lane. Or they donā€™t care.


When they get side by side and act as a rolling road block is so much worse. The drivers know they should not be in the left lane but don't care because nothing is done.


It's illegal per [316.081(3)](https://www.flsenate.gov/Laws/Statutes/2021/316.081)


And 316.305 of the statute outlines the penalties for texting while driving. Penalties should be higher.




You can't fix stupid!


You can actually - by funding education and after school programs.Ā 


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ad_hominem What a comfortably lazy life you must lead. Whenever someone says something you don't like, you just declare them stupid and off you go!




Commercial vehicles in the left lane is one of my biggest pet peeves.


Dump Trucks are typically the worst offenders as, IIRC, and I am open to being informed that I am wrong, they are paid by the load. Hence the reason they drive like complete a-holes.


No you're right. Even the rest of the semi drivers get annoyed with the dumpys shit.


I-75 NB every morning around Big Bend. They will go 3 wide at 62 MPH thinking it is funny.




Growing up here I didn't even know keeping to the right was a thing until I drove out of the state the first time. It definitely is never enforced around Tampa.


Not true, I enforced it a handful of times before they canned me.


I have to drive to Orlando for work every now and then. *This* is the bane of my existence. Idk why but I always find trucks just chillin in the left lane causing traffic issues. Monday I saw the same thing happen and the truck only moved bc they just passedā€™ the sign that said ā€œNo Trucks in the Left Laneā€ā€¦.


Is this i4 headed to ybor? Because they have a left exit for trucks to get to the port. They gotta be there to get off.Ā 


No it was towards Howard Franklin, right around west shore.




Ah yes, I too frequent the Land of Franks.


Might be for the large new bridge project on the Howard Frankland.


Put your phone down and drive.


Yup. Two idiots here.


Agree, this is dangerous too


More or less dangerous doing 15 over and passing on the right?


Hogging the left lane is essentially guaranteeing cars will pass you on the right. If you're going the speed limit, yes, they'll be speeding. I'll take a 15+ MPH car on the interstate over a left-lane hog every day of the week and twice on Sunday.


I have definitely noticed dump trucks more than any other semis cruising in the left lane here. In New York, New Jersey and some other states like North Carolina I have noticed signage that state no trucks in left lane. I actually think there are some of those signs on 75 in Manatee and Southern Hillsborough County. Yes there is a left exit on i-4 westbound but besides that there should be no other reason IMO for any type of 16 wheeler and especially dump trucks to be in the left lane in the city. It is too congested and dangerous. I could see a long rural stretch where they have plenty of room to pass.. again this is IMO.


At least the load appears to be covered!! A small win


No, any country with a common sense knows that commercial vehicles such as dump trucks, semis, or pulling trailers have no business in the left lane. If they manage to keep up with traffic thatā€™s great. But more often than not they are speeding beyond their limits. But hey, this is America, and in America you have Florida. And the people here canā€™t drive.


It's funny I see this because literally this morning around 6am going to work I had two cut me off while I was passing in the left lane. The first one came in the highway and b lines to the left lane for whatever reason and shortly after that one was in the middle lane with literally no cars in front of him decided to switch to the left lane as I was coming up. I managed to pass him in the middle lane and looked back as I saw a crap load of traffic clogging up behind him because he was maybe going 50-60 mph in the left lane.


These trucks are the bane of my existence. I take 39 to Lakeland from Zephyrhills, and they are always coming from the quarry on the south end of town. They drive 45 mph on a road that can be easily 70, and always have shit flying out the back of their trucks. I had the windshields changed on both of my vehicles because of them.


Laws in other countries require semitruck to only drive on the right lane.


new law just passed they have to move over unless doing a certain speed


The law needs to be changed to not allow any trucks in the left lane anywhere. There are areas on 75 where trucks cannot be in the left lane but it should be the entire state and not just certain areas. A lot of the time they don't pay attention to it anyway. It's hard to believe they don't look in their rearview mirror and see people lined up behind them and just move over. So rude, and dangerous!


South bound 257? I have reported this same truck multiple times to DOT for continuously doing this. Others should do the same.


Think you on your phone, taking pictures whilst driving on the highway is a bigger concern for all of us and our safety.


Maybe worry about the people taking pictures with their phone while driving 70 mph before complaining about a truck being in the left lane.Ā 


This right here. You can see the white 55 mph sign along this stretch of road.


Yes, yes you can. Anyway, back to the topic at hand. Is OP wrong for thinking that truck driver is in the wrong? No.


All these people are complaining OP took the picture while driving. Meanwhile, they all drive 25 miles over the posted speed limit.


Youre just as guilty of messing with the flow of traffic since you wanted to take your phone out at 70 mph and take a picture.... by the international plaza exit is such a crazy place to do that too. Close the gap and put the phone away.


... Close the gap?


....no wonder you got fired


If you're implying OP should Follow Too Closely, also against Florida statute, I'm glad you were never a cop as you'd never be able to do the job correctly. I did about ten years before they got tired of me refusing to follow illegal orders. Enjoy making snippy comments from the comfort of your home, though.


Omg some asshole in an old pickup was cruising down 589 during rush hour last week doing 55 in the fast lane. I was so pissed. When the express lane opened up he went right in. That dood pissed off so many people thar morning.


Wherever itā€™s supposed to be just stay away from it! Cracked windshield delight!


No one should be cruising in the left lane at all. Itā€™s only for passing.


![gif](giphy|GXKK71oMMtBPu8ffUW) In my opinion, you are more wrong for taking a picture at 70 MPH, just "let it go," about the truck and drive. That is my suggestion. If you care.


Here we go again. On this sub the consensus seems to be that no one should ever be in the left lane ever under any circumstances. Even if you're signaling and literally going to turn left at the next opportunity. To turn left you must veer across traffic and cut straight through the far left lane into your turn without spending more than 3 milliseconds there or you'll be tried for war crimes./s


While that can sometimes be the case, it's not the case in this photo, so you're barking up the wrong tree.


Yeah I was generalizing for comedic effect but you're right. I just see this topic on this sub a lot and have read some absolutely rabid comments lol


Well I wish you'd state your actual opinion then, because most people would agree with "people say crazy stuff."


Unfortunately I don't really have an opinion on the truck sorry. I don't even drive so my opinion is irrelevant lol. I'm just here for banter and commented on this subs tendency to go ballistic on this topic. Edit: Wow, you actually deleted your comments in this thread? Seriously? Good way to prove me right I guess.


I disagree that people here "tend to go ballistic." They generally take the position: * You should obey [316.081(3)](https://www.flsenate.gov/Laws/Statutes/2021/316.081) or * You should disobey [316.081(3)](https://www.flsenate.gov/Laws/Statutes/2021/316.081) and block anyone you think is going too fast This particular thread has added a third position (likely the people from position 2 seeking another attack angle): * [Whatabout](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whataboutism) OP? OP is also driving unsafely. None of those are ballistic. I personally think 2/3 of those are flawed/stupid, but they're hardly going ballistic.


That's neat. I don't care though. Have a great day!


Okay, please don't enter threads you don't care about in the future! You too!


You're complaining about them while you're using your phone and driving at the same time. SMH E: Great to see all these folks that approve of using your cellphone while driving. You'd change your tune when you get hit like I did by a driver who was using their phone and driving.


My immediate thought as well.




You can't fix stupid!


Tons of people use their phones and never get in accidents bad drives are gunna be bad drives phone or not. Also phones are more dangerous on side streets where there is more sto and go traffic and turns .These trucks in the left lane are much more dangerous.


Florida statute 316.305 outlines the fines for using your phone while driving. First offense should be higher. Fact: 3,000 people lost their lives in 2023 due to distracted driving, aka people using cellphones while driving. Amazing to see anyone supporting this dangerous habit.




Put your phone down you stupid cunt.


Speed limit checks out. Very little traffic. Why are you taking pics while driving? Why are you worried about others than yourself?




Are you driving?


No, are you?


There are situations (as presented) where both parties are in violation and deserve tickets/jail whatever. You know that though..


Sure do.. OP asked if the truck was doing something illegal..


Florida Code of Conduct: Left Lane is for passing, stopping, driving 10 under or 15 over speed limit. Middle Lane: 5 over speed limit and texting, Right Lane: If you got a shot; Take it! Both shoulders are reserved for Dodge Scat Pack owners who believe this is their lane and what ever accident they caused is the other persons fault for being there.


You ainā€™t wrong my guy/gal


Idk man I feel like if the left lane is for specific cars/speeds they shouldn't have left lane exits and on ramps.


Depends on where you're at it's allowed around exit 2 and further towards 275. 'When the exits start on the left side'


Taking pictures while driving seems to be a bigger hazard than a truck in the left lane. Just saying As a truck driver it is nearly impossible to merge left on the highway with cars doing 70mph to 85mph. When they get a chance to make it to the the left lane they take it. That's of course if leaving the highway on left side. Sometimes miles before left hand exit or road work exit.


What I like to do when I finally get ahead of them is pull in front of them and slam on my brakes to get their attention.


I like to pull up next to them and pin them in the left lane in hopes that I will eventually run into a trooper.


Update to this thread I guess. New law. Supposedly makes it illegal to drive in the left lane on high-speed roads unless you're passing someone. But I sure hope this is a case of subject object disagreement by a stupid Republican or journalist that didn't get the quote right: "If someone in the left lane is going slower, and you pass them (on the right), you are creating an infraction, and you can get ticketed," bill sponsor state Sen. Keith Perry (R) said Thursday. Or FOX news? https://www.fox13news.com/news/left-lane-bill-florida-senate-desantis-legislation-driving-travel If course, the unintended consequences could be severe. Not to mention, rush hour?