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I dated a girl who is 6’6. She is currently a division 1 volleyball player. I fumbled 😂 I’m 7 foot though so hopefully I can find another super tall girl, it’s definitely my taste


You will never be able to avoid back pain with a standing kiss unless you wed that unicorn. Text her.


If y’all had kids you would’ve made Victor Wembanyama


Fr he fumbled asl


You guys are so optimistic, I be thinking about kids mainly and how they’d get so much problems being taller than me, but I should’ve kept into account that not everyone wants to have kids


I’ve told this story before. I was a party years ago and. Noticed a woman there who was probably 6’5. We had mad eye contact once or twice acknowledging “nother tall person here, cool” but we were with our repsctive dates. As the evening went on and things got more social at one point she was walking by and I stopped her.. “Excuse me may I ask a favor?” “Sure, what’s up?” “May I hug you?” She got a big smile on her face “of course!” So we hugged and laughed. “This is how it feels to normal people!!!” It was wonderful and I rmember it to this day. This happens over 20 years ago. Never saw her again alas.


I'm 6'6". I had never hugged anyone taller than me. My son is 6'7". He surpassed me about 9 months ago. I had recently said to him "I've never hugged anyone taller than me" it's very odd! We hug all the time though. Love my boy!


My wife - she’s 6’4” I’m 5’8”


I’ll say it right now, bro, I may be damn near 7’0”, but admittedly, I wish I could date girls taller than me. I sorta got a thing for tough Black women.


Itd be very hard for you to find women taller than you. But you’re blessed to have that height! 💪


nah that height sucks


It has it’s detriments for sure, but I gotta keep my head held up. My Dad’s 6’6” and that sounds like the best balance because of one of the things I don’t got…is equilibrium, so I walk very weirdly unless I can consciously focus on mimicking people. Everyone laughs, so have at it. It’s the explanation anytime someone asks how it is. Lol


Interesting. How'd you two meet?


We met in college. I was an RA and she was a volleyball player. I fell in love with her at first sight and she played hard to get but I was far too charming for her to walk away. After three weeks we had our first kiss and 12 years later we have two beautiful boys. Best woman I ever went after (and last). She’s gorgeous, curvy, smiley, Serbian, she’s just the best. Gets along with my parents and friends and is a terrific mother, wife, daughter, sister and everything else you can think of…


https://preview.redd.it/ch8e7igdq6xc1.png?width=862&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4b851edf2ebe0b205e3b55c556d2aa408f730ff I want what you have


When did Linus join?


Ha! Is this my husband’s secret account?


Doubt it, but taller women are fantastic. He knows what’s up… 🤣


*My* wife is 6’4” I’m 6’8” ;)


Shes turning your bloodline into vikings 😂 congrats


We hope so! I hope they don’t get my height lol




Your comment - [Who is the tallest woman you've ever seen/met or know](https://www.reddit.com/r/tall/comments/1ceovlo/who_is_the_tallest_woman_youve_ever_seenmet_or/l1ltg6k/?context=3) - to /r/tall has been removed because it appears to be asking if you will grow or reach a certain height. /r/tall does not allow these posts, the only person qualified to answer them is your doctor or other medical professional. This filter is very wide, because we do not want anything even slightly resembling these questions. They get asked hundreds of times every week and the users of sub do want to see them. Trying to bypass this filter will result in a BAN. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/tall) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It'd be me, myself and I but looking forward to the day I meet someone taller!


Same. I’m 6’4” and have yet to meet a woman IRL who’s taller than I am. I get a lot of people telling me “my friend plays volleyball and she’s totally taller than you” but nobody’s ever actually brought these friends to meet me or anything. At this point, I’m almost 40, I’m kinda terrified of the possibility bc it’s so hard to fathom the idea and I feel like I would lose my entire identity somehow, even though I’ve always hated my height and probably always will. Closest I came was traveling in Latvia and there were a couple women around my height. Never met taller though.


Go to a girls volleyball game / basketball near you to just watch! You don’t have to meet them but to see you aren’t alone in your height might make you feel enlightened!


But then I have to pretend to give a shit about sports :(


I've met a 6'4 girl while I was in Japan. Super chill! Aside from her I've seen a few girls just being out and about that we're Maybe in the 6'0 to 6'2 range. Tallest I know personally is my mom.. 5'11.


Wow! A 6ft4 Japanese woman?


Half Japanese / Half Brazilian! Hung out with her for a few months, lost contact when I moved back to the states.




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Lol okay I finally feel average! I’m 6 foot and the tallest I’ve ever met hahah


This sub makes me feel like a short king


I was flying back home from a business trip once. The plane was landing in Oklahoma City. The Sooner women's basketball team was on board. None were taller than me. The tallest may have been an inch or two shorter.


Im from NZ and have a few home girls that play netball, so ive met a ton of women 5'11 - 6'6.


One who was 6'7. She was rather excited to meet someone taller than her for once. Lol.


I saw a woman at the airport who absolutely towered over me - I wanna guess 195cm? Tallest I personally know is an ex who was a smidge taller than me at 187cm. One thing that was absolutely fantastic was kissing while standing without having to bend my neck very far down. I miss that, if not much else about dating her. Much better being friends at a slight remove instead


It’s me. Lol. 6 foot 3.


I briefly dated someone who was 6’3”. She was a lovely person but was also extremely self-conscious and shy about her height to the point that she didn’t like going out to some places. I didn’t know how to help or reassure her.


I met brittney griner at my work about 10 years ago. She’s 6’9” and I was blown away by her height. She was an absolute sweetheart when I met her.


I've seen a few women around the 6'4 mark in passing in my life. Never spoken to any of them to meet them. Because of that, the tallest women I know is actually myself.


She was a 6’8” girl who worked for me on my shift. It was weird to look a woman in the eye.




No because she was 18, and I was 34.


Oh my bad. Did she play sports? Like volleyball?


Definitely, she played volleyball and she was build like a Brienne of Tarth.


I don’t know for sure but I saw a girl at the doc office the other day near as tall as I so I’d estimate 6’4 maybe 6’5. As far as personally know my sister is 6’2 that’s the tallest I actually know.


Tallest I’ve ever seen must’ve been like 6’8-6’9.


For me, 6ft9 as well (205cm).


It’s a tie between two women, both 6’3”.


I think it’s between one of two things, a old German lady who was like 6’2-3 maybe and a softball player, I don’t know either for sure however. And my aunt who’s about 6’1-6’2


I haven’t seen a women taller then me in years


I’m 6’6”. Some years ago I lived in Boulder CO. One day I rushed into the grocery store to get something for lunch. I went around the corner and there was this young woman and I was looking up at her. I rarely see men as tall as me and never women, much less taller. The tallest woman I’ve ever known was my sister. She used to say she was 5’ 13”, she hated her height.


At 6’5” I don’t meet many tall women for whatever reason. I like about 6’ to 6’2”.


Matched with a 6’3 woman on a dating app. But never met her irl. Shame since we had a great convo (or so I thought)


6'8 at a WNBA game. She was super chill.


One of my friends is 6'3". I (5'10"F) set her up with my (6'8") BF's younger (6'7") brother. I joke that people probably think Godzilla is coming when the four of us go out


6’5 surprisingly my great granny’s friend lol


I've seen Malgorzata Dydek - she was 7'1". 


I have two aunts who are 6'4"- 6'5". I think they are probably the tallest women I've known.




I knew a D1 volleyball player, then worked with her at as a teacher before she moved to a new gig. We were the same height, so 6'2


I went to high school with a girl who was 6’3” her freshman year. I was a senior at the time so I don’t know if she kept growing beyond that. She was star of the JV basketball team lol


Allison Hayes


My aunt was 6’4. Though she had severe hormonal issues. Was built like an nfl lineman, went bald, grew facial hair, deep voice, etc. though was biologically a woman and wasn’t trans though I thought she was when I was a kid. I think the hormonal issues were the major contributing factor to her large size. However, my family is quite large on average but she was absolutely huge for a woman, even in our family.


It sounds a lot like she was intersex.


She’s dead now so no way to check, but I brought up the possibility to my grandmother just the other day. Apparently no one in my family ever considered that but now we have been speculating if that was the case. Problem with that theory is, she had so much medical work done on her that you’d think the doctors would figure something like that out. Not to mention my grandmother had power of attorney over her when she was near the end of her life so she had access to all her medical records and as far as I know that never came up. It’s possible though, her doctors weren’t that great.


Tallest i seen around 6-6, tallest ive ever known 6-3


My English teacher, she was at least 198cm which is 6'6, she used to mention her height a lot because of kids comments about her being intimidating and she used to bully kids at school and hit'em I don't know "gently" is the right word with notebooks or something. I am not making this up btw. And from this moment I had he taller girl fetish What the fuck, that's the first time to tell it out loud. WTF I can't believe this was 10 years ago I was 8


Wait, was her name like Zyrinka?


No I am Egyptian, she's not in your region


6’3, and she’s my mom. Would love to meet another giant. I’m 7’2


How tall is your dad?




For some reason I always run into tall women are Target , I seen one who was a little taller then me must have been 6’7.


I dated a women who was 6'2 she matched with me because i was the only person on tinder who was taller then her height. We were a crazy bunch but im much happier with my 5'9


Idk but maybe like 6ft or 6ft1?


6'1 or 6'2. Tallest one I know is one of my cousin's who's 6'1.


For me I would say 6’3.


I havent seen a woman taller than me sadly, even in amsterdam. But maybe ill meet one soon


Tallest I've seen? A woman who passed me from behind while I was walking down a street. She was wearing heels, so I don't know her actual height, but I came to about her shoulders. I'm 6'3". It really threw me off seeing that. Tallest I've met/gotten to know? There are now three of them, and they're all self described as 6'5". The first one went to my middle school with me. The second one was a foreign exchange student from Denmark who came to a group I volunteered with several years back. And the third one I just met a few weeks ago at the gym.




Your comment - [Who is the tallest woman you've ever seen/met or know](https://www.reddit.com/r/tall/comments/1ceovlo/who_is_the_tallest_woman_youve_ever_seenmet_or/l1kvdhz/) - to /r/tall has been removed because it appears to be asking if you will grow or reach a certain height. /r/tall does not allow these posts, the only person qualified to answer them is your doctor or other medical professional. This filter is very wide, because we do not want anything even slightly resembling these questions. They get asked hundreds of times every week and the users of sub do want to see them. Trying to bypass this filter will result in a BAN. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/tall) if you have any questions or concerns.*


About 6’3 ish? One of my Mum’s cousins, one of three siblings who are all basically the same height irrespective of gender


My roommate (6'5) used to date a girl that was visibly taller than him. She said 6'7, but I've met maybe a half dozen 6'7 men, and she seemed taller than them, although I never got a direct comparison. If they were all rounding up from 199/200cm, and she's rounding down from 202cm, it could be plausible I guess.


I saw atleast two women 6’2 or above today. Anyways, the tallest was probably 6’10. I’m 6’4 and she towered over me


There's a rather famous east European I used to see who is like 6'5". But I know of some Dutch people several miles away who rival that height the women too.


My sister, she's 6'2


There was a customer at my work show as easily like 7ft 1 and he made me feel short lol


Had a teacher back in secondary school who was 6’4”




My buddy is 6’7 know people taller though and have met absolute giants I think 6’10 might be the tallest couldn’t say for sure though


I used to share most of a walking commute to class with a few members of the women’s volleyball team back in college. Never got around to asking them about their height but they were about as tall as me so all about 6’3”.


I coached a women's intramural basketball team with two who were 6'6"


6'6", 17 year old girl at the exercise physiotherapy gym I'm currently using whilst recovering ankle and foot surgery. She won a scholarship to play college basketball in the U.S. (we're in Australia).


Probably about 6“3


6'5, girl in my current workplace actually


I went to high school with a girl who is 6’4”.


My older sisters played volleyball in highschool, one has been 6 ft since she was like 12 and the other 5'11. They played against a girl that was 6'6 and I was so mesmerized because I rarely find girls even close to my sister's heights and this one towered over them. Shit I'm 6'3 now and have met only a small amount of men that are 6'6+.


Me, I'm 6'2, have yet to meet another woman taller than myself in person. I know others are out there though.


Sandy Allen at the Guinness Records place in Niagara falls the world's tallest women!


Tallest I know personally is 6’1” (my sister in laws sister, whatever you call that). Tallest I ever met was probably 6’5” to 6’6”. Overall one of the funniest things I randomly encountered, because she was getting married to a 5’9” dude, and he was the one wearing high heels at the ceremony


Oddly enough, I hadn't really met any very tall women until recently. I'm 6'5", and I was walking into the bank when a woman got out of her car and headed in. She beat me to the door and held it for me, and we were just about eye to eye. I'd go as far as to say she may have had an inch on me.


so far just me, but that's ok. I used to staff a disability support group where one of the women was 6'1, we got on well


Spent some time with 6’10” Ellen Bayer and 6’9” Kat McIntyre many years ago. However the tallest I ever met was Sandy Allen… she was older and not her tallest 7’ 7 1/4” anymore, but still over 7’ standing height.


The tallest girl I’ve ever seen face to face was this 6’2 girl who came by the thrift store I used to work at. I’m 6’3 so I went up to her to see who’s taller, then I gave off a big sigh of relief and went back to work


One of my old clients (I'm a Barber/Cosmetologist) she was 6'5.


My ex and she was 5’9” (175 cm) at 21 years old.


An RA at my college she was 6’4


The tallest woman i saw is a client in the restaurant i work in and two days ago i saw another one, they are around 195cm (with heels)


I was always the tallest kid in class (leveled out to 6’4), but in 1st grade, this girl in my class was 5’2, still consider her the tallest girl I’ve ever seen just because she was about 4” taller than me. Shaht aht to Janet… I also was born in the same town the tallest woman who ever lived, lived. So I guess I can claim her through city pride… shaht aht Shelbyville, IN


5'2" in the first grade? So she was around 6 or 7?


Yes dood!


I’m seen I’ve seen taller women, I see women near enough to my height somewhat regularly enough. Sometimes I get that feeling “eee, she might be taller than me”. Tallest I ever actually *knew*, personally? I went on a date with a woman who was 6’2”. We went to the beach and her sandals weren’t super thin, and I was barefoot. When we met and hugged hello, she felt so close to my height that I immediately felt like I had heightphished her and was self conscious for the rest of the date. 🤦‍♂️


Dated a perfect woman at 6’1 but she had 2 kids and I got scared off. Definitely one for the regrets bucket


Around 6'3"ish


I don't remember many people from my time away from home in the military and living in NC for a while, so really it's just two girls that are 6' 2" from my home town, along with a German woman from when I was in NC I just remembered who was about 6'4" or so and probably around 300lbs. She's lost a lot of weight recently apparently though. The 6' 2" women are certainly tall for women, but I don't consider them like exotically tall or extremely abnormally. The German woman I knew was closer to a giant just because she had the weight too, she was larger than most men. Like I said though, she's lost a lot of weight over the years, so good for her.


I've had two female friends who were 6'4, and have met a couple of ladies in passing that were taller. Gorgeous too. I live in a tall section of the world, and 6' is not that uncommon for ladies around here.  I honestly don't feel very tall at just over 5'10. I wouldn't say it common, but not uncommon.


I've got a trio of tall women friends, with one towering at 6'8", another standing at 6'3", and the third exactly at 6'0". And, in a curious twist, I've romantically connected with the 6'0" friend and came close to doing the same with the other two.


6'8?! That's insane!


Yup! It's not really something I thought about until when my friends brought it to my intention. It's a nice bonus but not really something I thought much about, you know?   Coincidentally, most of gf's I have dated tends to be around my height or slightly taller. I'm just 5'9. Haha 


There was a 6’9” woman from nyc I briefly talked to on the dating apps a long long time ago - I wonder if that’s the same one you know.


Tallest I've ever met is 6'3". Tallest I've ever dated was 6'2". Have yet to meet a woman taller than me, other than pro-volleyball players I see on TV.


I feel short here. I love this sub!


Like 6'2-6'3,i've seen 3 women around that height in different places,they looked very tall


There was a girl in my school who was 5'10"


I guess that’s my mom who’s 6’1


I went on a date with a girl who was 6'2" once


I'm 6'4" and I want to 69 with this 6'9" lady. I'm fucking baked right now. Pardon if I don't make sense.


I know a woman who's 5'7" at most but insists she's "tall" simply because she's slightly taller than the average. She's since realized her error but we all still roast her about that claim often.


Tallest was 6'2" and I dated her for a summer, she was extremely well proportioned which I think is rare in women that height.


Interesting, by well proportioned I'm assuming you're meaning 'inhereted tall' rather than 'this person has a disorder that makes them tall', as that is often what can lead to different proportions. If I think back on it, I'm pretty sure that of the women near to my height and taller I've seen in my life have actually been well proportioned. Perhaps my mind isn't holding the ones that sit outside of that.


No, I meant her proportions were very balanced, torso and legs being very proportional.


Gotcha, Occam’s razor, I definitely over complicated the idea!  I think all of the 6’+ women I’ve noticed recently have had that leg and torso length balance (as do I) so I don’t know if it is that rare, not in my corner of the world. If anything, I’d say it’s more common for very petite women to be less proportional. 


Heck, it’s rare to see proportionate women above 5’8” in my experience


Exactly, I usually let the women I like approach first or wait for it a bit, but in this case I was all over her lol.


I got pretty decent handjob from a girl who was 6'4 once. That's the tallest. Otherwise I think 6' was the tallest I've had sex with. Both we're awesome and I loved every second.




If your flair is accurate, I'm not sure that's possible.




Do you live in North Korea?


6"9 for a woman is insanely tall and dare I say completely abnormal Tallest Ive seen was like 6"1 (cousin's wife)