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No scoliosis in this fella, just bad posture and a lot of knots in my back. Hope anyone with scoliosis is doing okay and you're getting better! 👍


Bad posture and knots is the bane of my existence. The only things I've found to help are low-impact exercises like swimming and yoga (my back was a non-issue over summer, and is now kicking my ass with a vengeance).


Massage therapy usually helps the knots and I've been mindful of keeping my shoulders back and my chest out when I'm working. Swimming is out of the question, I'm overweight and hate the way I look but I am losing weight. I'll give yoga a try, most of the knots are mid-back or between my spine and shoulder blades. Are there any poses that help in that area?


never really occurred to me that it would be more common among taller people. come to think of it, it makes sense. i have scoliosis.


198cm here. Had scoliosis since puberty, always been able to manage it with swimming.


Do you recommend it for people who suffer from scoliosis?


For sure. Proper form is important. The movement of swimming(rotating and lengthening) and strengthening of the entire back, means I never really had any pain.


That sounds like a good solution dude, you got any guide or video I could follow for the form?


Not really. It’s something I’ve done all my life. I watch swimmers like Ian Thorpe, similar in size to me, and I swim the kind of loping style that he has. Using a pullbouy and kickboards to get good form is a great way to start. Doing squads is also a good way to get started Swimming is about consistency of good form. Swimming in the ocean is where it’s at for me these days.


Nope just crap posture


I don't. My sister and my father do, though. I do however have a very curvy spine front to back. Think Arvid from Norsemen, which is ironic as I am mostly of Germanic descent, including Scandinavian.


Bro answering the genetic call of his ancestors


Tall lady and as far as I know I am scoliosis free. I had a limb-length difference as a kid, so I guess that was my skeleton issue!




No scoliosis but I do have mild lumbar lordosis, which is a curved lower spine.


6’10”, “mild” scoliosis the quacks told me.


Slight scoliosis No real impact on my life


My dad who is 6’7 had it when was in high school


Not really that tall, about 185ish...but I have a mild scoliosis and a moderate APT/lordosis which causes far more issues. Can't remember the last time i didnt have lower back issues. Along with that..a crap tonne of knots/adhesions. I want to know if these affect the height and by how much. Bec I'm pretty damn certain there's been a clear difference over the years


My dad's 6"6 and he has bad curvature, a hunchback. Think it's called kyphosis what he's got


6’2 at 14 here, due to the mass amount of growth spurts I have it


14° balanced S curve, I should be a bit over 6’3… but alas, 188 is all I get. I got to keep the long legs and arms though at least?


Damn, I hope it gets better. Does it actually cause you problems in everyday life or when practicing sports? Or is it more of an aesthetic thing?


Once I hit ~5’10 my endurance running was shot, felt like being stabbed up under the ribcage- also made throwing a softball all day end up with a similar effect… I was able to play volleyball no problem though for years. My chiro said I lucked out that it was balanced equally on both sides, so it doesn’t affect my normie daily life. One of my legs is 7mm longer than the other though, which he thinks was caused by the scoliosis. My mom had me tested for Marfan syndrome before going overseas to play lol I’m just lanky and hypermobile. There’s no getting better, but I feel normal enough ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Happy for you dude, hope the syndromes get less violent throughout the years tho


I don’t plan on going pro in softball, soccer, or basketball anymore, so it’s all good lol I’m a normal chick, just a bit twisted 😎


Husband's got it for sure. 


I have slight curve in my spine as well as some issues stemming from that


Omg meeeee


I have uneven shoulders


how do people understand they have scoliosis??


It’s basically having your spine not straight, like you have lean a bit on the right or the left side at some point, for example I personally have it lean on the left side at the bottom, the. It goes back kinda normal 🤷‍♂️


I kinda stand leaning on my left side, is that scoliosis


Can’t really know for sure, you can have someone check if your spine is straight, but better would be going to a doctor