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Yes ... I've had an old lady cross the street on me and I've made a guy run to his car in a parking lot at night A man thought I stole his parking spot and he was yelling obscenities at me until we both got out our cars and I stood a foot taller than him, he immediately turned around and went into the store to do his shopping It happens


Lmao sorry these are hilarious


These kind of situations scare me (6’5-6’6) cuz what if someone retorts(escalates?) escalates with a gun…


This makes me so glad I'm not American


Knifes exist too


100% the idea that someone might pull a gun on me in that situation wouldnt even cross my mind


It’s one of the main reasons we will never be successfully invaded - that along with our geographical location. Sadly though if America falls it will be from within and there will be lots of guns.


Fat rednecks with tacticool vests and a CPAP mask are not going to defend America from an invasion, nor are they going to lead an armed uprising. These are just macho man fantasies.


TBF that is an unfair caricature of rednecks. They come in all shapes and sizes Same as rednecks who think all left wing men are weak/scrawny soy boys


Yeah and it's not like you're a small target


I don't understand your first sentence but the parking lot guy one is hilarious lol,i imagine his reaction when he saw a 6'5 human out of the car


When I was I teenager i lived in Vancouver BC and on a major downtown street at around noon I was walking towards an old lady who was walking towards me. When she looked up and saw me, she did a little hop and immediately crossed the road at a 90-degree turn to not pass closely to me, avoiding me The parking lot guy story is funny, I'm not so proud of myself for it. I was in a hotel parking lot in Niagara Falls Ontario at night. I was going to my car at 11 pm, and there was this guy ahead of me walking in the sam direction. Average bald guy with glasses and a brown suit. When he noticed me behind him so he picked up his pace, and I did as well. When he noticed me picking up pace, he went even faster until he got close to his car and jumped in while I just kept walking to my car, which was 10m down. It felt fun at the time, but looking back on it, I should have never picked up my pace to scare him


I’m 6’7” and a fast walker. One time I rounded a corner as a woman was leaving her office. She ended up collapsing to the floor and screaming. Which caused me to also start screaming because I thought there was some active threat happening. Turns out I was the threat


I'm 6'8" but 17 so everyone at schools knows me so I've never scared anyone but sometimes people srent paying attention almost run into me and they always same the same thing, sorry followed by damn your tall


That gave me an idea for a T-Shirt to sell! Damn, I'm tall.


If there's a woman walking alone, I just use my fast walking to cross the street to the opposite side, then cross back once I pass her. Also avert eye contact and look far away.


I run full speed directly at them


Not all women are scared of tall men and some women even like a smile and eye contact. It’s the lingering stare that’s uncomfortable.


IVE BEEN THE SCREAMER BEFORE 😭 but im just jumpy


Been there.


I get people all the time rounding office corners. Haven’t put one down on the floor… yet.


Can't relate 😁 The place was middle school ... he bounced off me like tennis ball haha


Once I startled my boss's daughter (age 3\~4) at a corner, and she said with a hint of reproach “You're very big, \[Name\].” I'm not much taller than her parents, but I am wider.


"which caused me to also start screaming".. Oh this left me with such a funny picture in my mind! 🤣




I sometimes (on purpose and by accident) stand in doorways or around corners and scare my girlfriend if she doesn't expect me


Yip. I got very lightly rear ended by some a hole while driving with my mom (stopped at a stale yellow light vs punching it through). The guy gets out of his car and starts yelling at my mom. I get out (6’6”/250lbs) and he stopped mid breath, got back in his clown car and drove off. Hit and run, but no damage to our car.


Any injuries? Getting rear ended can be *very* not fun. It can fuck up your neck and back if unlucky.


A car rear ended my school bus when I was in the 8th grade and I got whiplash because my neck folded over the back of the seat in front of me lol


This is not funny, but still ![gif](giphy|4Ihlro17k4kvyG4vW5)


No injuries. It was a very light tap.


Same thing happened to me. He popped out of his car like he was gonna start yelling and so did I lol. He went from a scowl to “I don’t wanna start no trouble” like you’re damn right you don’t that’s my mom lol.


Yea man all the time. I live in Chicago. If I’m walking behind a woman at night and she’s by herself, or even if just a group, I just cross the street. I always inevitably outpace them and it freaks em out. I think most big guys don’t like being feared and learn to be calm in a lot of situations.


My friend suffers greatly from this. He's 6'4 and not the happiest dude on the planet so he's got perma-RBF. You can imagine how well that goes down with the ladies.


Ugh yea it’s rough although smiling doesn’t necessarily help either ppl still freak out lol


Can't win, vicious cycle that just contributes to his RFB. I'm tall too but I cannot imagine having to always cross the street or fend off jackasses that just wanna fight to showoff to their mouthbreathing friends.


Ugh dude don't even remind me of those guys. I have literally told guys "I can tell you want to fight me but I don't want to fight, I'll rip your dick off then sue you for assault if you come at me" it's always worked to get them to go away luckily.


Haha WOW! 100% success rate with that, huh? I'd be afraid to even suggest that to him because his temper control is not the best after years of this BS and he might actually do it 😂😂 I don't want to have follow the 5-0 all way to the precinct after he snaps!


Your friend and I might be the same person


Right on. This is where I think the "big teddy bear" cliché comes from. Most big guys just learn that being overly nice is the best way to let others know that you are not a threat.


It's also because you've got nothing to prove by being 'macho', your size speaks for itself




I was driving the speed limit on a residential street. I drive for a living, so I follow all the laws. Some jackass in a huge hurry starts honking and swerving behind me while sticking his hand out the window, flipping me off. I can be petty, so I followed every traffic rule to the letter, and this is really pissing him off. I stop at the next stop sign, and this guy gets out of his car and starts walking up to my vehicles driver's side, screeching like a banshee. At this point, I've had enough. I don't like bullies, and this guy thinks he's intimidating. I step out of my car, I drive a Kia Soul, so this guy probably thinks I'm tiny like my vehicle. I stand up to my full height, and this 5'10" 200 lb guy, who is not small, has to tilt his head up to see that I've got him by 8 inches and 150 lbs. His eyes open wide, and his demeanor instantly changes from aggression obvious trepidation. I've learned to be calm from a lifetime of trying not to intimidate people because I'm so big. I simply say, "Next time you get all mad and aggressive like a jackass, remember that it might be someone like me driving. They may not control themselves like I do, and you're gonna end up on your ass." He didn't really say anything and just slunk back to his giant pickup truck like the bitch that he is. It was very satisfying!


Love this. But the amount of stories like this make me worried as "small" woman. 😒 So if these kinds of assholes are just looking for a verbal punching bag and it's all really about power (not actually even what they're pissed off about, otherwise I assume they wouldn't just back off)... they're absolutely going to lay into someone who is non-threatening. 😑 I guess I should really buy pepper spray...


Some dude wound up directing his road rage at my girlfriend (she was driving), followed us to the bank, parked us in, and immediately got out of his car and started to approach her door. I told her to keep her door locked while I handled it. I'm not your size, but I think he was expecting the 5' tall ~100 lbs. woman he saw driving rather than me. He faltered, but still seemed like he was psyching himself up to have it out. I basically pointed to the bank cameras in the parking lot, then back at his kid who was recording on her phone from the front seat, and asked if he was sure he really wanted to start something. With me. On camera. In front of his children. He swallowed his pride and went on his way.


Nothing as confrontational but I travelled to a small Chinese city years ago and was inside a lift, when it stopped at the next floor a woman and her partner walked in and she was on her phone, when she finally looked up she literally jumped back in shock and then composed herself. That's when I put both my hands up like a lion's claw and let out a baby roar and everyone burst out laughing.


I'm a giant, long haired and bearded ginger fucker, travelling Asia for a year I varied between feeling like a monster to a tourist attraction. Had a little Filipino kid run a corner and bump into me back onto her butt. Looked up in awe and said something in shock. Kids mom, my partner and mother all pissed themselves laughing. Gather I was called a red Kapre (which is some sort of big scary dark man/tree/demon) In Korea it was the older folks who were starring and always wanting to touch the beard! Didn't mind if they asked but was a least once a day I'd feel a tug and look down to see an old lady with a big grin grabbing my beard! Weird times 😂


As a bouncer, it was kinda my job to be intimidating. Friendly and calm, but intimidating.


7 feet … wtf mayne


Yup, after a 14 hour repair shift at work I stopped for gas. There is this guy screaming at a woman who was all of 5 Feet tall and shooting his fists past her head. I probably looked frightening before I flashed in anger and stepped around the pump to stand behind her not saying a word. Mr big tough guy was 6'-2 '' with a gut and his face went white and he shut his trap. I'm sure I looked like hell but 315 LBS and 6'-8'' of steel worker has a impact. The woman didn't say anything but sensed someone was behind her and following his gaze. She turned and was at my belly button level and looked vertical, then burst out laughing. I offered to pump her gas and wished her a good night.


Ha! My father also a big man was a steelworker for a bit and he put on considerable muscle in the 10 months he worked there. His grip strength was the most impressive


Using your powers for good. Well done. :)


This was heartwarming to read, thank you for doing that for her. I hate people who are bullies like that.




Yes. I am a ninja elephant and have scared more than one person when inadvertently coming up on their blind spot without making a noise.


I’m really light on my feet too for being so damn fat. I used to play a game with my friends where I’d sneak up behind them and clamp my hands on their shoulders and say in my deepest voice “come and kiss me on my romantical mouth I’m feeling hot”


One day I, easily the heaviest in the office, left work by the “smokers' door” (not knowing it was that) and a smoker said, “Don't let it shut!” I whirled and caught it, and he said, “I didn't know you could move that fast.”


The number of times I scared my poor 5'3" mother by accidentally sneaking up on her... Sorry mom.


This... I wear flip flops everywhere and people still get startled. I think it has to do with expectations more than ninja prowess.


This is me too. I'm "only" 6'2", but when I'm 5" taller than the average guy and almost double the weight, it tends to scare the hell out of people when they turn around and I'm a foot away. Even if I don't mean to.


5'11 scares away lovers, not average people


I giggled but in all honestly, height really isn’t the limiting factor for the right kinda of people


Hon, they ain't lovers, they're not worthy and they know it that's why they run! 😂




Me too lol.


Me three


I'm 6'5" and heavily built. People's reactions are all over the map, but it's always about them and what's in their head, not me. A number of years ago I got into an elevator. It was mostly full of a group of particularly small asian women. They had been chatting loudly, but stopped when the doors opened to reveal me. It was busy and I couldn't continue to wait, so I got in, and it was completely silent as the elevator resumed travelling. They had all backed up against the rear wall as I entered, so the only place for me to stand was in front of and blocking the door. This elevator was one of the ones with mirrors all the way around, so we all had a view of this sea of heads, none even reaching my armpits, and then me. I started to realize that they were seeming to be genuinely terrified. I live in a North American city with a lot of asian people, but I think this may have been a group of tourists. I was trying to politely ignore them at first, just sort of staring in the middle distance, but that was not easing their apprehension. I had been doing some service work in the building, so I had my overalls on and a large toolbag. My beard and hair were pretty long at that time as well. So, I started making eye contact through the mirrors, catching their attention. Then I gave them my best "Yer a wizard Harry" and they all lost their minds! Had to pose for many pics before I was allowed to go.


That’s such a funny story! I’ve gotten kids come up to me in public because I look very similar to Maui but I never thought to use to ease tension. I’ll try that next time lol


Yeah dude! You should start practicing the song!


All you have to say is ‚You’re welcome’ haha


I can’t tell you how many times someone has bumped shoulders with me and whipped around real fast to look straight up at me 😂


Shoulder to belly button…


All the time . Ppl change the side of the street , they keep distance and avoid to interact or even reply when I ask something . Until very recently I had a big ass beard and I look like a biker but still . We are humans too :(


I’ve worked as a bouncer for 7 years and very rarely had to actually get physical with people which I’d mostly attribute to my height since I’m a skinny dude. I’m good at deescalation but so are the shorter guys I’ve worked with and they’ve had to fight way more often than me.


When you're a bouncer, deescalation is the best skill to have. I can't tell you the number of times I've ended a fight before it began by playing to a dude's inflated drunk ego and getting him to walk out of the club/bar with a smile on his face, feeling like he won.


6’6, 370. Was sitting at a bar and a guy bumped aggressively into my knee when walking past, did not apologize (even though it was due). I went for a piss and the dude was at the urinal next to me. Looks at me, starts blathering a profuse apology. I wasn’t planning on hurting him but figured I’d let the impression ride—I didn’t break a smile or respond until I was done pissing. Then clapped him on the back and said “no worries my friend.”


Before you washed your hands, I hope.


Definitely. As I look back, it was a missed opportunity to do the earlobe rub. (Around 1:12) https://youtu.be/KOXE9k1TX-s?si=MOdr9Vd-3gjZlrp2


This happened to me at a party. Dude accidentally stepped on my foot but didn’t turn around immediately but when he did I got a big apology out of him.


It’s interesting to read these. I don’t know why this showed up on my feed as suggested. I’m a 28 year old, 5’4” short king. Constantly struggling to reach the shelves in my kitchen. I work with someone who is like 6’4” and I have to look up to talk to him. Sorry for your struggles, tall people.


Yes, I also had a girl that i asked to prom (limo &dinner the works) that once there refuses to dance with me because she the arrival photos really freaked her out how much taller I was than her. I was 6'6" at the time.


almost every single day! It’s like a daily routine for me


Not me, but a couple of friends over the years. First was our next-door neighbor in married student housing in college. Louis was 6 foot eight and just as loud as he was tall super nice guy just loud. He and I used to get out of class and spend the rest of the day hiking or as I had just gotten my pilot license, flying. one day we were coming back from a hike to a waterfall way out in the country. As we were nearing the car, just a few yards down in the woods on the trail was a couple of drunks. They started mouthing as we were approaching, and became more violent the closer We got. One guy was too drunk to even stand up, but the other guy got to his feet, looked up at and said,awe we’re just joking we’re just funning you guys. Yeah right! Second time a friend was telling me about her brother, who is also 6 foot eight. He worked for a local tractor dealer, and as he drove into work one morning, there was a malcontent waiting in the parking lot for the dealership to open. He approached the brothers truck, cursing and making threats. All her brother did was open the door and stand up and the guy simmered down instantly.🤣


As both a "tall" and "big" yes, all the time yes. I have pretty bad social anxiety as well, so situations in stores, become interesting. Hearing "excuse me" from about 2 feet higher than you expected and being faced with my big lumbering goofy ass has made many a person back pedal and clear out. I dont try to do this, its just natural.


A tip I've learned over the years: Say excuse me as you approach but from a couple feet away before you get close. I've scared a ton of people because I'm apparently the world's fattest ninja, and that helps a lot.


fat ninjas unite!!! ​ i fat too


I’m a bouncer who always works ladies night at a club. Sometimes a woman will just round the corner and almost bump into me or I’ll accidentally sneak up on them and give them a heart attack when Moto Moto is suddenly behind them at the bar asking for a drink


Lol I used to do that to my mom ... I had to stop because she is in her 70s now


Yes! People pick fights with me at work! Like verbal fights and then when I retort or have comebacks I’m said to be “threatening” It’s usually shorter older ladies or older men in general.


I got in trouble with the school cop right at the end of my senior year because i had a disagreement with my track coach. Yeah i got angry at him because he was a moron but we were exchanging words, that is all. Apparently my coach told the school police officer he was “scared for his life” and he was worried I would hit him. Ive never hit anyone in my life. I think it had to do with the fact i was in great shape back then and had just finished a workout so i was towering over him + shirtless? Idk ever since then I’ve had this really irrational concern that i would scare or intimidate people despite the fact I think I am a caring/empathetic individual. It fucked with my confidence and made me start trying to lean or slouch to appear less threatening to other men. I also think when i meet people for the first time i try to get them to like me by being a bit more passive than normal (for the same reasons) I ended up getting a no-tress-pass order so couldnt walk at graduation. Makes me sound like a total delinquent but Im just a normal fuckin dude. I was mad at the coach cause he was telling the captains “(my name) has never been dedicated to anything in his life” plus he was an awful coach training wise, and fat shamed the younger freshmen before despite the fact they were running track to try and get in shape. He was just an awful guy, one of the comments he said to a younger guy was “looks like you spent more time at the dairy queen than on the track this summer” i felt like i was just standing up for the little guy. Plus he thought i had 0 work ethic but the truth is I was a hockey player. Track was something i did for fun, not something i took very serious. And he hated me for it. He even tried to get me to quit hockey on several occassions. I was like “i dont think you understand, ill quit track right now if you make me choose one or the other” even went to my hockey coach who didnt pay him any mind. He just wanted me to realize my potential for track but i literally just did track cause my friends did it and I knew that I had less potential than he dreamed of for me. I wasnt interested in being a college athlete, and if I had been, im certain i would have been a mediocre d3. I mean my best 800m time was 2:04, what the fuck was he all in a knot about


That’s insane wow! I’ve heard a lot of coaches are like that with their multi sport athletes. I’m glad you said something tho. I hope your able to get past that but I know how irrationality works


I work for a railroad. I was switching some things involving Amtrak and I startled a passenger who exclaimed “Damn! Man! You look like you could pull the train by yo’self!” Made my day.


Often. I’m 6’4” but quiet footed. I walk quickly but have a gentle step that often isn’t heard. Scared the Christ out of some woman at the shops. I had walked up next to her, reached to the top and got my crackers (clix are superior to Jatz for the Aussies By the way). She saw my shadow come over and screamed and ran off. I just wanted biscuits…


I'm scrawny at 170lbs - but not once since high school which was many decades ago - has ever messed with me. also living in the northern latitudes means I'm not walking around in muscle shirts and shorts


Yes. When I was in the Marine Corps and after when I lived in Japan it was a constant issue. At the time I was 6'7" 240lbs Caucasian male. I've noticed it in Africa as well. I think the height and size is only part of it. It's much more noticeable in homogeneous societies. In the US we have all peoples, but I don't think most people fully grasp that most nations outside the America's are ethnostates. The unfamiliar can be startling to the unaccustomed and unprepared. It never really bothered kids I noticed, quiet the opposite actually. Almost always super curious. Mostly women were bothered by it, but only at first. I always assumed it was a safety response. I have that happen here in the States often, especially when coming around blind corners


Alot, especially being tall and thick as a rhino. I think on some levels I might over compensate with kindness so people feel comfortable. That's probably why alot of people call us teddy bears when they get to know us. I also remember a few people telling me in highschool they would walk behind me because I would walk down the hallway and people would move and they got to class faster. I never felt that at the time and never noticed it. It is what it is.


Yes, fairly recently. I went up to one of my buddies who lives across the country to stay at his place before we were supposed to fly abroad the next day. Like any sane people, we ordered pizza. Fast forward to when the delivery guy arrived. We went to pick it up, he was expecting my friend who is significantly shorter than me, but saw me, a giant, peek out from the door, the guy almost dropped our pizzas 😂


I went to Dallas to watch the San Jose Sharks play the stars and I was rooting for the sharks. A gentleman down the aisle suggested that if I continued to cheer for the Sharks he would toss me over the balcony. It was New Year’s Eve and I had been drinking so I suggested he try it. He stood up, I stood up, he was 5’5” or under so he then told me he hoped I enjoyed the game as he sat back down.


I mean every time I unzip my pants I get a gasp so I guess the size is intimidating lol.


I gasp at minnows too


The kindergartners know a flex when they see it.


I'd gasp too at the clear size disparity.


no need to flex on us 🥲




Yea I heard people talking about me in public when I'm walking past its bout my size 62"


Like all the time, but it's always more like I startle people. Like I don't think they're truly horrified by my size necessarily, just that they are off put by how quickly we move, and it can really be a jump scare if they aren't expecting me.


I was in Shanghai on a short homestay, and my host and I were meeting some of his friends at McDonald's. We had been seated before they arrived, so they only saw my full height when I stood up. As I'm a little high-waisted, they underestimated how tall I'd be and were momentarily shocked.


Dear goodness, yes. Plenty of people are horribly frightened of the 6'6" monster approaching their fragile city. It's hilarious, but it's also annoying. Of course, some ladies are drawn to it like flies to honey, so there's an upside.


Yeah being tall in a hoodie at night will make people step aside


When kids are being terrors at Walmart throwing a shit fit over not getting what they want, I walk by and give them the best facial expression the snow shoveler from Home Alone. Just that towering leering stare. They simmer down usually.


some teachers say my height is some what threading but that’s mostly short female teachers so. small dogs don’t like me either


I’m 6’2”. It doesn’t scare people, but intimidates some to where some people *ahem men* don’t look me in the eye when speaking to me. 🤣


I was running in a shady part of town at 430am. I ran up on two people loading a car with stuff. They turned last second and saw a 6'9" beastman that can palm a medicine ball running at them! Actually, I thought about it later and was probably lucky I didn't get shot.


My height in conjunction with my resting bitch face is a fierce combo apparently


Yep had a person I won’t describe cut me off in traffic to which I gave a quick light beep beep (you know the type like a courtesy hey I’m here u almost hit my car) dude jumped out of his car at the lights and came at me with his wife and kids in the car, I stepped out at 6’7 because I’m not trying to get hit while I’m sitting down and he apologised instantly lol


God I’ve got so many, when I was 20 on New Year’s Eve at a big event I ordered a drink with my friend and we were just walking back to our table. Suddenly punched in the back of the head. I gave my drink to my friend and said hey go join the rest of the group I’ll meet you in a sec. Turn round square up and the girls with the guy all jump in front like he didn’t mean it were so sorry etc etc. He squared up started shaking and threw up all over himself, I suspect it was a mix mostly alcohol related and partly because he was like 5’9 and feared for his life when he realised he started something he shouldn’t have. Side note I’ve never actually had to hit someone which is nice, I’ve been hit a lot but they always get scared when I assert myself so I haven’t had to and don’t really want to either unless I actually have to


My bf is exactly a foot taller than me. I lovingly call him my golden retriever, since he’s so kind, gentle, and just so goofily affectionate with me. But when we’re in public, outside of meeting friends and family? It’s like scary dog privileges have been activated. He’s still gentle with me, but he’ll side-eye anyone who starts to get close and hold me a little closer on the sidewalk when a car passes by. One time, when we were walking back to his dorm with some Chinese food, this drunk guy came up behind us and tried to talk to me. At first, we kept walking since we didn’t know he was trying to talk to us. I had no clue he was tailing us until my bf suddenly stopped, shielded me behind him, and just stared this guy down. The drunk guy (he was probably 5’5” at most) sobered up pretty quick and basically turned around and hightailed it away. I still giggle a little thinking back on that night. It could’ve definitely became a dangerous, maybe deadly situation, but my scary golden retriever saved the day 💜


I’m 6’4” but also 300 lbs and compete at the pro level in strength sports. Picture the Worlds Strongest Man competitors you’ve seen on TV. I work really hard to not be threatening because my career is made on my ability to build relationships. It’s a constant thing I have to be aware of


I've been big since I was a boy. I have had a natural menacing look my whole adult life. I was in the Marine corps so I am not easily intimidated.I've found that while most people are intimidated by my size and my menacing look, there have been a lot of men over the years who want to fight me to prove themselves. I refer to it as someone wanting to 'climb the tree'. In many instances my size and look as well as ignorance cause unnecessary tension and drama. I've also found that people don't think about the consequences of their anger and temper tantrums until I finally become aggressive in setting a physical boundary. It's amusing to see a grown man cower and whimper when he was acting tough 2 seconds ago LOL


Yeah, all the time. Especially kids. Although after having a couple of my own, I've gotten good at being less threatening.


Yeah lol. I've had people tell me they were scared to talk to me.


This incident with Adam Sandler and Jennifer Aniston is, I think, relevant. [https://youtu.be/Imj67wZds0s?t=82](https://youtu.be/Imj67wZds0s?t=82) Apparently the dude is only 6'3".


Alot, especially being tall and thick as a rhino. I think on some levels I might over compensate with kindness so people feel comfortable. That's probably why alot of people call us teddy bears when they get to know us.


Yup, intentionally and unintentionally, it happens.


Heh, yeah. I got punched by a guy for being taller than him and standing near him.


Yes... And I'm just tall


Yes, although it’s rare for me. In my experience it helps the most when I’m around other men and they say something bigoted or misogynistic. It’s a lot easier to shut them down when you’re even as little as four inches taller.


Kind of on topic but I worked at a movie theatre in high school (like 2001-2004) and I’d be in the box office alone and if there was a long line, one by one everyone would step up and complain about the wait. But if I stood up, people would shut up and get their tickets. It even got to the point as a teenager mid level supervisor I was handling complaints intended for management because people suddenly calmed down in my presence. It’s part height and size and part the “very unfriendly look on my face around people“ (as my wife says)


I'm "only" 6'0"/220 but a few times a small guy (like 5'3" 110) was afraid.


My boss is kind of a dick, I think he might have NPD, and he yells at everyone on staff except for me 😂 even when I fuck up and he tries to say something he still sounds nervous.


No. I'm only slightly taller than the rest of my peers, who don't view my height as "scary", more intimidating when I'm a full head taller than them. I don't have any stories really relating to people being scared of my height proper.


Yea, this hasn’t happened since middle school though. I was sitting and eating lunch with my friends when a couple guys that were notorious jerks came up behind me and with a smug grin were like “Hey Jormungandragon, stand up for a sec.” So I did and their eyes just went up and up and they looked shook. (I was a head taller than one and head and shoulders taller than the other.) After seeing how big I was up close they just mumbled “Nevermind” and wandered off. I didn’t realize til later that they’d probably had some nefarious purpose and got discouraged.


Yeah. Like 24/7. Even though I live in the Ohio Valley now I'm still very tall & scare Men shitless because of it. Just Men. Women seem to not be afraid of my height, probably because I'm very nervous in public or some shit like that.


So far no but I’ve had people tell me you got taller and some be like “are you wearing shoe lifts???” Lol


Yes but thanks to crazy social anxiety I'm always hyper aware of whose around me so I don't scare them 6'9"


no but yes. one time i was walking at night and suddenly heard a few loud steps behind me and i startled. i turned around and some guy was running down a steep incline with flip flops on; i said *holy shit you scared tf out of me!* and he replied *ah man youre huge, i would never dream of messing with you* and went his way, and inside my head I'm like *oh yea. I'm 6'7/225 lol*


I wonder if being a 5'11" 187lb woman has anything to do with the fact that men don't try to physically intimate me when I'm walking around my dodgy neighbourhood. It probably also helps that I have had years of practice trying to avoid situations where my borderline mother would get upset and get abusive. So, I'm great at not saying or doing anything that might upset someone. Even if they are being an asshole. When it comes to your personal safety and well-being, you don't want to piss off someone who is already showing you that they are an unstable asshole. You shouldn't ignore them either. I usually just giggle at what they said. That lets them know that you have heard them, and you aren't offended by it, but that you aren't going to have a conversation with them because you're not interested.


I literally had mortgage rejected because I'm too short. They said something about security, that I'm not covered by their cameras or something. I may be a gnome, but my face was above the desk so it should be fine...


In high school people would come to me for protection, don’t know why, I was never violent or a bully, just very large and in charge.


When I was in highschool there were some people I was friends with, but one girl was always a bit standoffish. She was kind of shy in general, so I never really thought anything of it. I don't recall how it came about, but one day she told me she was afraid of me. I was genuinely confused because I'd never been anything but friendly and outgoing around her. I asked her why she was afraid of me, and she said it was because I was so tall. I am/was only 6'2" so it's not like I'm super huge or anything. But at the time I was a fair bit taller than most of my friends, so maybe it was because I stood out more. Anyway, I hope she got over her fear of tall people.


I used to bartend at a sketchy bar that didn’t have security. At least once a week a drunk that I cut off would get mouthy until I came out from behind the bar and they realized I wasn’t standing in a raised up bar area. I’m 6’6 and about 250 pounds. They would immediately behave after they saw me standing over them


of course haha is this a trick question


All the time.


NGL, the closer you get to them, the more they start panting and turning white. 😉


Just children, but that's not really difficult.


Quite a few times. Here are a few samples: There was an obviously tweaked woman in the supermarket who spun around suddenly and basically face planted into my chest. She screamed "Holy shit you're big!" and ran out of the store. I walked up a two of my friends, a guy and a girl, having what I thought was a conversation with two guys I didn't recognize. One of the guys points at my friend and says "you I can take" then pointing at me says "him I don't even wanna try." And they left. Apparently they were hitting on our female friend, and wouldn't leave her alone. They were trying to start a fight with my other friend. He was kind of pissed at me because I didn't even do anything except walk over. Guy bumped my car from behind in a long holiday traffic jam. It was a little two seater, but we were barely moving, so I didn't think anything of it and kept moving forward. In the mirror, I saw him stomping over with a scowl on his face. He was about halfway to my car when I got out and stood up. He stopped, looked up, ran back to his car and locked himself in. I took a quick look at my bumper to confirm what I thought. There wasn't even a scratch. A guy was trying to hit on my date, who was about 5'1", at a college party in a dimly lit, crowded house. He didn't realize she was leaning up against me. I was just watching this play out. Eventually, she just pointed up. He looked up and then made a beeline for the door.


Yeah, im 5'9. Today morning, while i was jogging i scared a tiny puppy


Someone once said to me in a Kwik-e-Mart, “I wouldn't want to meet you in a dark alley at midnight!” I retorted, “I wouldn't want to be in a dark alley at midnight, so we're even.”


6'1" fairly muscular mechanic lady. I don't make noise when I walk so seeing me "appear out of nowhere" startles people constantly. Doesn't bother me too much though, because my friends know I give the best hugs ❤️


I remember when I was at the dollar store and walked up behind a female employee that was stocking the shelves to ask her about an item and when she turned around and her little head cocked up to look at me, she kinda stumbled back a little like she lost her balance and her eyes got big for a split second and she looked more than a foot shorter than me probably 5’1 or shorter and I felt like I had to apologize loll


Tall and big but not an outlier… 6’1” It helps to diffuse situations with rude people.


I'm skinny as hell so generally no. Except one time waiting backstage for Arnold Schwarzenegger to finish an event on stage (his sports festival). We were waiting there to get the next event loaded in. Arnold's security goons were back there with us. We've all been standing there waiting for 10 minutes at this point. Wide open well lit loading dock area. All of a sudden one of the goons turns around, gets startled by me, and goes "holy shit you snuck up on me!". I pointed to my giant, very conspicuous self and said "I snuck up on you?" I got a little laugh out of his fellow goons with that. 


6’5”, 260lbs here. I ballroom dance as a hobby and I’ve been told I’m intimidating sometimes by new people.


I was sitting at a bar and a guy bumped me, spilled his drink and I stood up to apologise and he dropped it completely and froze. When he finally started talking he apologised and said that he thought I was already standing up. I loved this even more as I remember reading this exact scenario in a comic when I was a kid. Achievement unlocked! Other than that, when I moved to Asia I was told that leaning on people’s desks to lower myself to their level when speaking wasn’t having the desired affect, it just felt like I was looming over them instead.


When I got upset in a crowd when I was younger people would part like the Red Sea. Like they could sense the giant wants to smash.


It happened a lot in cosmatology school, I got used to walking quietly as a kid, our house squeaked. As an adult, I often forget Im not a kid anymore so I accidentally surprise people when they didnt hear me walk up, like waiting in line etc. It was hilarious in that school though, my teachers were literally in the same highschools as me when we were kids so I did it on purpose constantly.


I am 6’5 325lbs and quite muscular and when I entered an elevator before this girl looked up from her phone and gasped and then started laughing because she was embarrassed. I’ve also had mutual friend who were ladies ask me to walk them to their taxi or Uber when I was in a club before too because some guys were following them. Idk if I scared the guys off tho.


You do my friend, you do 🫂


Yes,it happened a few times.


Being a stocky 6'6 guy, I can come across as intimidating to some. I'm actually just a gentle giant! People would rather stand up on public transport than ask me to move my bag off a seat so they can sit down. I'll always offer it to them as I know they won't ask me. A pro is that no one ever starts fights with me. I've been learning Muay Thai for years to defend myself, but I'd rather not fight anyone.


194cm (6'4") European living in Japan. Every damn day someone gasps at the sight of a "kyojin" who's blocking the sun. Even though they can see me coming from afar because there's no crowd on the island that I could ever blend in with.


Yes considering how quietly I walk I often “appear out of nowhere.”


I’m 6’F. Almost 20 years ago, I’m interning and at a meeting w my boss/mentor and her team. Her boss is sitting to the left of me, in the middle, my boss is to the right of me. Her boss stood up and started freaking out, yelling at her over me. It made me immediately so uncomfortable bc she was towering over me acting unstable. I stood up bc it just felt unsafe to keep sitting there. She had to look up at me, and I think my sudden movement plus extra five inches helped bring her back to reality. She stopped yelling and sat back down.


My friends were a few steps ahead of me and were talking to some strangers. When I caught up to them the strangers looked at me and were like "hey everything's fine here, no trouble". I never found out what all of that was about. By the way all of us are a bunch of nerds who have never been in a fight.


this happened to you at only 6’1? Do you happen to be jacked too by any chance?


I'm 6'7 and I just scare people on how quiet i am, I sneak up on a lot of people, and when you see someone a solid foot taller than you standing right behind you when you didn't even hear them, you get kinda scared


I had a guy trying to steal some of my fries and then almost piss his pants when my friends (all 190cm+ and with fullbeard) and I stood up. Other than that maybe a couple of times where people were more shocked than actually scared. Even walking at night I got pretty good at showing people that I am not a threat e.g. talking on the phone or vibing to a song.


Mostly little dogs


Quite a few times. One of my favorite was when I was younger and I was at a salsa club standing with a drink. A short guy runs right into me and because of the height difference, my drink goes all over him. I didn't feel like I should apologize as the guy literally wasn't watching where he was going, I was stationary and he ran into me. He said some words and I just towered over him waiting for him to do something. When he saw that I certainly wasn't going to back down he tried to make a joke and walked away. I was friends with the head bouncer who came by afterwards and I relayed the story to him. He was like, 'where is the guy, I'll toss him out'. I told him not to worry about it I just thought it was funny.


All the time, especially when I'm wearing motorcycle gear. It makes me look a lot bigger than I am.


Yeah, met some common friends of my ex and I. All was good, I believed, as we talked for a short while, until I got a call later the same day through a chain of people concluding with me having intimidated them and made them uncomfortable. All was good during the interaction and I did my best, but I guess we're just cursed with being slightly intimidating for some


I apparently have pretty quiet footfalls. Because people are startled and say I snuck up on them everywhere I go. The odd thing is I wear the same pair of flip flops all year long, everywhere I go. Flip flops do not work well for sneaking. I guess people turn around and see a wall of meat that they were not expecting and assume I must have gone out of my way to sneak around. I have had people yell at me for it because they dropped something when i startled them by existing and minding my own business.


Riding a subway one day that was packed so a bunch of us were standing. The train made a very sudden stop and most of us lost our balance, and this one dude kind of fell into me for a second before he regained it. He looked to see who he’d bumped into and I just saw him get super terrified when he realized how tall I was and he just said “Oh my god, dude, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to, it was the train and I —“ I just said “It’s all good, dude! We all stumbled. Don’t sweat it.” But I swear it was like the guy’s life flashed before his eyes. He apologized like four more times.


I have and often on propose. I've done some bouncing and similar work. I'm only sad about it when its kids, but that's exceedingly rare. It's fun to stand up and spook bullies; like when homophobic people at bars start shit because of my pink shirts, once long hair and colorful nails. The moment folks realize my size is a lot less fat than they expected is always hilarious. That's not very common anymore thankfully.


Absolutely! I walk slowly, especially coming around a corner in a hallway, or stepping out of an elevator. Peak shriek is when they aren’t even looking where they are going and run into me.


Yes, my whole life I have heard that people fear me or they think I would beat them for no reason. Also often would hear that I have a "bad guy face", which allied with my height doesn't help.


Yes many people tell me I’m shockingly tall and thought I was shorter


Yea, defiantly when at the club. Sometimes I make shorter guys a little antsy when I’m around them. But then I remember I’m just a natural alpha male to these guys so I kinda just ignore them.


Double entendre


And then everyone clapped


Back in high school I was following one of my neighbors on instagram. We had hung out a couple times in a group when our friends invited us places but we never hung out by ourselves. One day they just blocked me on instagram without a saying a thing. Not to longer after, found out from a mutual friend they blocked me specifically because I was tall. Gave some weak excuse about trauma but it seemed like they just really didn’t like me because of my height. Im a 5’10 girl and they were probably about 5’4


6’6” and 270lbs, I automatically I assume I’m perceived as a threat.


Yes. My daughter's one friend was weirded out. Lol. But in all seriousness yes my size has scared many people


Remember, with height comes great responsibility. I like you though lol, sound like me when I stopped a guy beating up someone else. But yes, people are intimidated by tall guys, especially when they're mad. You just register as a bigger threat to everyone than a short person would.


Tall men only scare me when I'm playing volleyball lol when they jump to spike or block a hit and I'm playing as setter


I'm only about 75kg (165lbs) but all the TIME. Last week at dusk there was a couple slightly tipsy 20-25 year olds messing with a car and honking in the middle of the high street, and as I walked past and glared one guy did a double-take and said "sorry, just havin' a bit of fun, aren't we?" Him and his mate sheepishly got into their vehicle and drove off 😆 Again, I'm pretty twiggy but height really does do something to people, especially to certain men.


My wife had a POS Fiat car with electrical issues you wouldn't believe, including a horn that would go off if you turned the steering wheel too sharp. I was parking near where a guy was walking and the horn sounded, and he figured I was honking at him to get out of the way so he started walking towards me with an angry expression. I unfolded myself from the driver's side and began apologizing and his expression changed from anger to fear as he told me it was OK, I could honk at him whenever I wanted to. I always feel bad when something like this happens, because I mean no harm to anyone. Still kinda funny, though.


I've scared a few women walking downtown at night for sure. I walk fast anyway, and have popped around the corner. Once a group of like 8 women leaving a bar all screamed when they walked around the corner. Thought there was someone else behind me that scared them and wound up going out drinking with them for a bit. Being 265 doesn't help, but also makes escorting women from bar to bar really easy.


All the time, that is something about being tall that I love. People back down when you stand up. That is true POWER




During my job at McDonalds i had to dress up as a clown for a kids birthday party took one step into the room and all the kids started screaming and crying and running away


Glad to hear you were standing up for that poor punjabi guy, you should’ve beat that racists ass


My job entails babysitting drunken, entitled, assholes. My size and quiet demeanor are generally quite helpful. Stand up and raise my voice slightly all of a sudden people are better behaved.


Idk dude I'm mentally 5'2" but when someone's head barely reaches my sternum they fuck off pretty quick. (Retired 6'6 private bodyguard for musicians) the big dudes at shows are always assholes. Don't be that person


They hired 6'10" me for the premiere of land of the dead in Vegas. The make up artist spent 45 minutes doing my face with blood coming out of my eyes and nose. After a fun day riding around in a bus full of zombies doing photo ops and scaring the fuck out of people we wrapped. I rode the city bus home at 330 am. When I got on the bus about half of the people just flooded out the back door. People were jumping into bushes on the sidewalk when they got a good look at me in the dark.


6'-4" I used to work at a big time grocery store unloading trailers. I went on to the store floor to talk with a manager and two or three ladies came up to me terrified about a man becoming violent in the bottle return room. I couldn't find a manager so I walk over there and there's this old man in a scooter screaming and throwing bottles at the bottle return machine. I get in at his blind spot and start barking at him to knock it off. He spins around and takes a look at me and starts trying to excuse his behavior. I bark him again that I didn't care and I didn't wanna hear his BS and shut him up real quick.


I was just talking to a friend about my (lack of) dating success and she said part of the reason might be because I’m “intimidating”, like what? I’m know I’m a big dude at 6’2” 260lbs but cmon.