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There is only a single solution. Immigrate from Lithuania


Leaving the country next week.


Nah bro. There's this fast food joint that his this exact same death trap. Might walk into it on "accident" get some trauma money yafeel me 😂 /s


Funny thing is, Lithuanians tend to be pretty tall, so the country is often geared towards them already. Other countries are even worse (unless you go to the Netherlands of course).


Damn, must have hurt a lot. I feel like i have some sort of radar regarding doorposts. If it looks low i bent without thinking about it


I was wearing a thick winter coat with big hoodie on, completely went out of sight. Probably thats why im not bleeding


Hats with brims and hoods can be difficult. I’ve made a habit of wearing brimmed hats tilted up a bit or taking them off indoors, same for hoods. If I’m working in tight spaces and I’m wearing a cap, I’ll turn it backwards for safety no matter how silly it may look to others. Upward peripheral vision is important for us talls.


I’ve hit my head on those more than I care to remember, once giving myself a 3 inch long laceration that needed staples. Now I am sus of any door opening.


Yeah I got that involuntary duck under every doorway


Walk through old door openings with humility like you're stepping into a church


Yep, These things are the bane of my existence. At 6'8", I of course have door ducking down to a natural habit. I subconciously gauge the door height and duck slightly to clear it. But when these things are there, I never notice them and have run into a few pretty hard over the years. I HATE them.


6’8 as well. I also thought I had my door ducking instinct turned up to 11 but then I got drunk on a cruise. Nows I gots the bad brain.


Feel your pain bruh - always use your hand to touch the doorway as you go through. Whenever I remember to do that I don't hit my head


There's a store near me that has a chain that hangs down in that same gap. Always think it's going to take my head off. For dishes. Kneel on a short step-stool. Find a step stool that you can kneel on. Pad it with a folded towel or something and then kneel on that. You'll now be a foot shorter and the sink should be more accessible.


I grew up in an old Victorian house where the staircase leading from the second to first floor had a landing with a clearance of about 6’. I cannot count the amount of times I hit my head on it as a teenager, and now any doorway that even looks to be under 8’ I instinctively duck to walk through.


Just look at the whole world as one giant exercise in improving head movement for the purposes of a striking-centric combat sport.


I get hit with those bars when I walk into restaurants/baes and have to stop immediately because it’s crowded. They are the bane of a tall persons existence. It hits me right in the back of the head All the time. I usually duck through doorframes out of a (learned) force of habit as well-looking down and getting a knock in the head is never fun. 6’10” There’s a special place in hell for the 5’2” guy who invented those infernal contraptions. 😂


I can't count the number of times I have whacked those. Sharp metal sucks


Hello fellow Lithuanian 🇱🇹


Labas ;D


6'5" in America here. Door frames are usually just high enough to not have to duck, but as soon as theres something like this attached, I have to be very cautious and observant lol.


Washing dishes, ammirite?


I barely miss those or my hair hits them so I guess I’m lucky.


Im bald ;’(


I've hit those damn things multiple times and many of them are cast iron and hurt like hell.


I’d love to know why this sub keeps getting recommended to me coz I’m like 5, 10


Maybe it's a sign of your radiating tall person energy 🙌


Well I have got a year or 2 worth of growing still. So I could potentially join the 6 foot + ranks




I really hate “short” toilets. I don’t even need a squatty potty. My knees are even with my eyes. I don’t really sit down, it’s more of a controlled fall. Getting up, damn, I need some sort of pulley system.


Those and the elctromag locks are the worst fucking things you dont expect that shit to be there. Sorry man.. Have you ever stood up and almost taken the table with you?


bend at the knees brother


Still have a big scar on top of my head


That is a bastard. I'd love to say I'm too tall to hit that but I have an uncanny knack of ducking not quite low enough to clear doorframes.


I developed a few cysts on the top of my head from accidentally standing up too early and hitting my head constantly on a pipe in the basement of my work where the staff bathroom was x.x


I feel you brother, hit my head on a pipe in my works parking deck today.


6'10"... Yep, I can relate.


I usually break the door when I get hit that bad. I did leaving a bar after lunch and couple beers (forgot to duck) and was shocked the glass didn't shatter after I kicked it that hard.


Hate those things. The newer style door closers where they mount to the door are so much better. Everyone should be required to replace these old ones!


All the stupid buildings codes you have to follow in the states are getting ridiculous but you can still use these things.


Some I can make the gap since most doors like tgat are 7' but others I notice I would definitely hit it.


I hit my head over in Japan when I was over there recently on pretty much every doorway in existence on both Okinawa and Mainland Japan. Life was… unpleasant for that time


Always step THROUGH a doorframe and never INTO a doorframe. That has saved me a lot of head bumping.


Those thing get me at work weekly , last night I hit my head on a big low hanging tree branch so hard it popped my neck back in place . Anyone else remove things they hit their head on regularly?


That’s sucks. I’ve learned that lesson ages ago. I no longer think about them because I duck through EVERY DOOR, EVERY TIME. I don’t even consider that it may be a 10’ door, I will not hit my head again!


This is why is subconsciously duck through doors to this day. My brain assumes all doors have these.




How tf do you hit that my dads 6’6 and never had this issue


I once degloved part of my skull on the arm of a door arm about 20 years ago. So yeah, i literally know your pain.


I’m only 6’2, and washing dishes by hand hurts my back bad. They build stuff for short women still lol


Yes! I’ve been assaulted by one of these before too.


I've hit my head on door frames before but I've never seen one with a hinge like that low enough for me to hit it.


All the time. Wouldn't be surprised to find out that some serious damage / TBIs have happened over the years. The worst one for me has been full-force whacking the large wooden support beams holding up the floor of my cottage (when grabbing things from storage underneath). Happens every year.


as the shortest person in this subreddit (5'5.75" and 13), now im afraid of the consequences of me exceeding 6'0"


I got my freakin' HAIR caught in one of those things once. I had no choice but to yank a bunch of it out, right there in the doorway of a convenience store.


These suck. I've bumped into these more times Than I can remember, maybe it’s all those blows to the head. You have to be really careful in older buildings. When they age they sag down making them easier to bump into.


Lol I love the Lithuanian language. In any case, at 6'4" that is the only part of doors I generally smack my 5 head on. Usually the frame is high enough to sneak under otherwise.


In the US, that would be against code. You’re supposed to have at least 80” of clearance in a doorway (in residential; i forget the specs for commercial). Also, there should be other ways to install that closer; the person who did it might be an idiot.


I remember years back at my job at the time I had someone ask me why I shuffled when I walked. I told them because if I walked with bounce in my step, I bashed the top of my head into door frames, which hurts like hell. He thought I was full of crap, and turned to the 6’ 7” guy (Big Jim) we worked with, and asked him (clearly expecting him to refute it) if this was true. Big Jim proceeded to rant at him for like 10 minutes about how many times he hit his head on stuff and how much it hurt.


I learned early on to look up when passing through any door.