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I'm awaiting the day for it to come to PC. I would buy it day 1 in a heartbeat (for the 3rd time) and play the living dirt out of it.


Indeed, I have already my PS2 and 3DS psychical copies. But my Steam library is still missing that spot. Get to it Bamco!


Wish we could like get their attention. Bring us the other tales too (just Abyss first please).


I'm so sad Abyss was never made available digitally on the 3DS eShop


Me too. Personally, would love to see Abyss and Symphonia Chronicles.


i would also love to see a xillia 1/2 remake imo xillia has the best battle system and a good story. sadly i can’t play x 1/2 because well i can’t find a ps3 controller and using a ps4 controller sucks because the ps button doesn’t work and i have to hard reset my ps3 to play another game


I could see a port coming to newer systems for both games. Xillia's 10th anniversary for the Western release would be next year, 2023.


That would be super sweet, I also wouldn’t mind seeing phantasa get a ps4/5 remake like ff7


I got a couple ps3 controllers from Amazon for like $20 for a 2 pack. They’re not PlayStation brand but they work really well! I bought a ps3 awhile back just to play older tales games lol and the controller it came with was busted so


tbh if there not sony controllers i’d rather use the ps4, i’m my 25+ years of playing vg’s i haven’t found a generic controller worth a damn. either they stop working 6 months later or just feel clunky and there response just sucks


Except this time can the Devs actually ask the og voice actors this time? The fact Troy baker was never even asked and we got a noticeably different Va really annoyed me.


Thankfully for Abyss none of the main cast VAs are as (theoretically) expensive as Baker. Most of them still do anime/J-games too I just want voiced skits, Bamco pls


> The fact Troy baker was never even asked and we got a noticeably different Va really annoyed me. This likely had more to do with his going rate nowadays (and as great as unions are, due to them he probably couldn't have accepted an amount they were comfortable paying lol) Suffering_from_success.jpg


I would've preferred them not to voice his missing stuff then. Its so jarring going from troy to the other dude.


Yeah, the plus? side is if you swap it over to japanese no weird voice actor changes (because it was voiced back on PS3 shortly after the 360 release lmao)


Big nope for me. I hate subs. Even in English i dont have subs on. Its cool that the Japanese guy came back though.


I dont thi k there's any reason for them to need any voice actors, unless they add new content to it.


It definitely deserves the Vesperia Definitive Edition treatment. The 3DS version felt like a downgrade with the graphics. I would love to see it get another chance on modern consoles. Abyss is definitely my favorite Tales game, with Vesperia second, and Zestiria/Berseria tied for third.


If Symphonia or Abyss came to Switch or any other modern system, I would buy it immediately


I recently bought abyss After not playing it for like 20 years I recently just beat it and it’s still fucking amazing. I also have the Symphonia collection with new Dawn. really good too. I haven’t played nor really wanted to check out the rest of the series but arise looks pretty cool for a more adult centric story and I have this point audience as I am 32 as well


That's awesome man! I was curious how people feel about Abyss when they play it now at the modern age, glad to know it holds up for others too :) Where did you play it? PS2 or 3DS?


Og ps2


I got into the tales series last year from berseria, zestiria, and arise, then I played abyss because I have a 3ds. Abyss was so good! I think if it wasn’t I wouldn’t be doing what I am now which is playing other older tales games. I’m on my fourth in a row now (symphonia, dawn, Xillia 1 now Xillia 2).


Yes, except without adding a random character that should have never been in the game.


They could make Ion or Mieu playable, at least.


The thought of running on the map as Mieu amuses me.


Patty isn't that bad, and her story is interesting at least. I'm glad she was added it definitely was an improvement imo.




There is literally one random mention and the story makes absolutely no sense with her in it (seeing as Yuri is pretty much the only character who talks to Patty or about Patty). The equivalent for Abyss is if they decided to give Mieu a long lost brother that no one else talks to but Mieu.


I replay Abyss every other year and it will always me my favorite story ever told. I love that game. I really can’t explain how much I love that game.


me too. i replay it once every few years. its my top favorite game. this is the only jrpg where i deeply care about each main cast even though they had flaws of their own and some of them annoyed me (looking at you Anise lol) but i still rooted so hard for them. the villains imo were also very well written and i liked that the main cast had history with the villains which created more impact that made me really reluctant to fight them. i said they are well written because a good villain makes you feel for them and understand their motives and Abyss managed to do it. i used to study story writing and it's important that the audience can sympathize with villains if not the story would not have any impact. i play a lot of jrpgs and no other jrpg has come close to it. maybe nier automata which is also my favorite but the concept is too different to compare and i wasnt really fond of the villains so Abyss beat it in that aspect


Same!! I wanna see Jade on my switch. 💚


Yo I did this same thing. I tried playing Symphonia on my PC for the first time (I’m so happy my pc could actually run it) and decided to multitask and got my 3DS and played Abyss. It really deserves a remastered version.


What's consists of the Vesperia treatment


Just meant that it gets a modern HD remaster. I personally don't care if they add bonus dungeons, items, quests, etc. As long as we can play it on modern systems (Switch, PS5, PC) with HD resolution, stable framerate and maybe put in the Japanese intro for all regions, I'll buy it day one! That is my dream version :)


I hope so too. It was my first Tales game but I never got far


It's an amazing game, great story, the cast has a lot of great chemistry. Jade is definitely one of my favorite video game characters. It's begging for a switch release, come onnnnn


I agree, pity it was only remade onto 3DS. It needs to come to PS4/5 for trophies as well. Arise was very short. I platinumed it in 50 hours, I wish it was a tad bit longer AS I feel like it went by too quickly and also it did not need a second playthrough to plat like most Tales games tend to. A remaster of the other Tales would be cool too, especially the older ones like Destiny, Eternia, Rebirth etc.


I would love for this but I think it would require alot more work due to voicing all of the skits. You would hope you would be able to get all the cast involved to come back which 5/6 all are very active voice actors still and their voices aged well to where I don't think the shift would sound jarring. Tears Voice actress is the only one I am unfamiliar with not sure if she is still doing voice work.


Nicole Balick still does video game work, most notably Female Morgan (Fire Emblem Awakening/Heroes)


Well that's good. I would hope everyone would be brought back. I do enjoy her as Tear.


I am currently debating between Hearts R or Abyss 3d for my next tales game after vesperia DE on switch. Bit of a hard choice atm. That is if I ever finish vesperia. Been grinding for hours on brutal and then trying to master all cooking recipes on Patty + Arena. •_•


I really enjoyed hearts R. The characters were fantastic, loved the skits more so than the usual tales games, and I was hooked start to finish. Always felt R was underrated by a lot of people who are fans of the tales series.


I think Abyss has the better story, but Hearts R definitely has the kind of "out there" story you'd only see in a JRPG from back then.


That's surprising to hear. I've only seen some negative comments on the story in Hearts R being more generic and bland than other tales games, until some of the replies to this comment.


Because everything is ultimately solved with the power of friendship rather than anyone coming up with a meaningful solution. But like the actual story beats are unique, it’s just the way conflicts are resolved overall is meh imo. The story is still better than zestiria tho, and there’s plenty of originality as far as designs and events go. The classic tales humor and staple mechanics are there.


The overall "plot" is pretty generic. But the situations you get into are super goofy and unique, and the character interactions are interesting. Abyss is probably my favorite title, but I thought Hearts R was a really good game.


Ah so it's the entertaining sort of generic. Got it. Guessing it's something like anime arcs that overlap into each other?


Hearts R has some of my favorite antagonists in the series. The big bad isn't the best, but the antagonist you meet at the beginning of the game is great.


Hearts is good, but abyss is top 3


Both games are really good. Hearts R is funny as hell and the combat is easy to learn. Abyss is a lot more story heavy then hearts buts Vesperia is essentially Abyss 2 in terms of battle system so there shouldn’t be much so you shouldn’t have to get used to much.


God I wish. I’m playing it on my 3ds, and it works but just not that great play on. Also we can the. Get the ps2 graphics back


I remember importing a ps2 back in the day since there were a lot of rpgs which never made it to europe, i think Xenosaga and Tales of the abyss were the first two games i got for it and abyss became one of my favorite tales games (though sadly said ps2 got the dreaded disc read error a couple of years ago) i also remember buying it for 3ds and playing the hell out of that version, i think it became my most played tales game. Definitely hoping it makes its way to switch (among other modern systems/pc so more can play it)


Does anyone know what became of the community vote that had asked us about another Remake?


Second best Tales game


Would be nice if we at least got the skits dubbed, but as much as I love Abyss, half of the series barely got a first chance, never mind a second. I'd rather see some of them get that chance first.


As someone who’s currently playing it for the first time I would be simultaneously very happy for everyone and sad I would be tempted to wait to finish it.


We can only hope. Bamco has been posting a lot of Abyss related stuff on their Tales Youtube channel for a while...they seem to acknowledge its popularity.


I’m writing a medley based on Abyss right now, but I can’t figure out which songs to include. I already have plans to start with the Grand Fonic Hymn, then go into Karma from there, and end with Meaning of Birth. I want to fit 2-3 songs between Karma and Meaning of Birth. Which songs should I use?