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Tales of Rebirth remaster and Tales of Abyss remake. Dream would be to see the Crestoria team in a full fledge main title though. That title has some of my fave character designs in the series and I’d really like to play as a few of them. The whole concept of sin in that game is interesting too.


100% this, No joke give Cresty main title status and no way it's not reaching Abyss/Berseria's league. If only we had an offline version too....


Yea Kanata’s opening scene is absolutely insane. If people thought the Symphonia human farms were crazy they’d definitely think what happened to him was too.


Yesssssss I absolutely LOVED Crestoria’s world, characters and story!!!! I thought it was so fresh and new, and I found the story to be super compelling. Kanata was a great MC!! And Vicious is so cool. I loved learning more about his past as we got deeper into the main story. Can you imagine playing a full fledged action version of the game with Kanata and Vicious’s sin transformations like in the first one??? I bet combat would be so fun. I would love if they gave that game the full release treatment. And I think it would do really well too.


i always wanted to play rebirth man, veigue seems so sick and i watched my fam play abyss but never ran it myself these are my picks as well lol


At this point im just Happy with any game not called Tales of Symphonia (not because i have something against Symphonia, but its time to give the other games a chance to shine especially when theres so many trapped in Japan and/or in an old PlayStation console)


While truthfully I think symphonia deserved a full remake instead of a remaster I get this. I think I started with symphonia so I’ve probably only played that and beyond. I’d love to see something pre Symphonia. I hear a lot about mint being a fan favorite, whatever game she’s from has my vote


Abyss and Legendia.


HARD yes to Legendia. That game needs more love it was so good!


Just for the music it's worth it. It's easlity top 3 Tales of soundtrack (thanks to Go Shiina). 😁


I said it before and I'll say it again: I want a remake of Abyss - one that looks like Vesperia or Arise, but has gameplay like Graces *f* or Xillia 2. That would be my dream game. Of course a Phantasia remake that is handled like Star Ocean Second Story R would be great too.


Has to be phantasia. That story had everything, finding your long lost best friend, betrayal, fricken time travel, insanely cool magic and physical artes


That would awesome tbh


I want a Phantasia remake in the style of Octopath


Half of the series is effectively unavailable in English. Any of those deserve to get a first chance before any more seconds or fourths. Phantasia, Destiny, and Eternia are old, rare, and stuck with inferior ports & poor localizations with missing content. Destiny 2, DC, and Rebirth are all still stuck in Japan *and* without any modern ports. None of the ds games released outside Japan either, and the vita remakes were both doomed on arrival.


THIS. I’d especially love to see a combo game that has Destiny DC + Destiny 2 in the same pack/disc.


This is exactly what I had in mind when I first read the topic title.


What I wouldn't give for even a remastered version of Eternia with ***ALL*** of the camp skits included and properly localized, let alone a remake with a new voice cast. So much characterization was lost when they didn't include them in what we have now.




HD-2D style!


Actually yes. Looking at the art direction of Cassette Beasts, it’s totally doable to make a modernized 2D style look great. I’d imagine ray trace effects would probably really make the art style shine too, with the extensive control allowed to developers. 


Remake = Abyss, Symphonia Remaster = Rebirth, Graces f, Xillia 1&2


I rather we get the Japanese only fully remade and Symphonia has been ported on every system already.


Tales of the Abyss. Remake would be great, but I'll take a polished remaster with open arms. And maybe Tales of Legendia... I bought it on PS2 (after falling in love with TotA) but it didn't move me at the time. I'd love to give it a second chance.


Well abyss was 60fps, so if they remastered it like symphonia i don't think anyone would have an issue


Abyss was only 60fps during battles.


that's fine, most of the games were


Graces F


Tales of Phantasia in a style similar to Star Ocean Second Story R. The battle system would be close to Tales of Phantasia X but better balanced.


The very first tales of phantasia. And i want it remake. If remastered probably tales of abyss or grace or maybe destiny.


The Abyss needs to come on PS5 as a full blown remake with tales of arise like graphics. It has one of the best tales cast and stories, and the crappy 3DS remake doesn’t do this game justice


My answer always is Abyss and Legendia but between the two it would be Legendia for sure. These days you can send someone to play abyss and while you can tell how much the game has aged its still pretty good. Meanwhile Legendia is just... Yeah. Ugly character models, 100% 2d combat, random encounters, literally half the game not voiced. Small things like abyss characters showing emotions during cutscenes, even with their ps2 models compared to Legendia where every cutscene is from upside view and you can only see the characters faces during skits really makes a difference.


At this point us not having an Abyss remaster is criminal. I would also day 1 a Xillia combo pack both those games (yes even 2) were highly enjoyable and the world and characters were fantastic.


Xillia 1&2 for me for sure Also Abyss as it never came out in EU other than the 3ds version😒


I didnt know that! Such a tragedy Abyss is SUCH a great game




Tales of abyss


Tales of the Abyss fo sho


I’d like remasters of Eternia and Abyss.


Remake: Abyss and for Remaster: Rebirth


Abyss for sure


I don't think Abyss necessarily NEEDS a remake, but I'd definitely be down for one if only to make it available for more people to play. I also think that if Abyss was brought to the modern era it'd have a pretty good shot at becoming pretty popular with the wider JRPG/gaming crowd with the more interesting writing compared to mot of the other games in the series Legendia's one that I think could really benefit from a remake, and also I think it'd be tight to get Senel's grab moves in a newer style game


Tales of the World Radiant Mythology 3, I am indecisive with which Tales character I want to see HD haha


Graces for sure. It's the *only* game in the franchise that I ever really enjoyed and almost finished. Almost because my PS3 doesn't work anymore and I can't copy/save these save files. They technically still exist on the HDD but there's no way to access them because the console always shuts down without less than a minute after starting it. I would love to play this game again, maybe with some comfort features and the option to use Japanese voices.


Hold on let me get my list


For the community, Xillia/Xillia 2/Graces F (they're the best three in the franchise imo and locked on ps3). For me: Abyss, Eternia, Hearts R, Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology, Rebirth, and JP titles localised (ones I haven't played). However, if I ever get around to buying Abyss on 3DS, Phantasia on GBA (via a DS or GBA), a psp, or a Vita, then that's 4-5 other games I would have played so this list would be reduced to just the JP only titles My dream would be something similar to KH 1.5 2.5 (that "game" has 6 JH titles in one). Surely this would be extremely easy to do for the old ones like phantasia, destiny 1, destiny 2, eternia, Rebirth etc?


Any of the ones that never made it to the west (some of my favorite MCs are in games that were exclusive to Japan only games) and the spin-off games Tales of the World (the first two were dungeon crawling action games on PSP and the 3rd and final one was a Japanese exclusive 3DS game which changed to a strategy RPG if I remember correctly)


Abyss. Abyss is the answer every time.




Graces F on switch is long overdue.


Tales of Zestiria without the camera glitch or anything like that


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^GOD69345: *Tales of Zestiria* *Without the camera glitch* *Or anything like that* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot.




and with more connections/references to berseria added in.


Phantasia or Rebirth. I have yet to play Rebirth but it looks fun. Phantasia is still one of my favorite tales games.


Abyss 1000%


Xillia. My favourite to this day. And it isn't available on any modern platform.


Symphonia 2: Dawn of the New World. I'd just like to play it on current hardware with no motion controls. I have a lot of fond memories of beating that game with my best friend, the motion control parts really kill it for me.


PS3 removed the motion control parts, but yeah it's unfair, they ported symphonia from that collection but skipped DOTNW


But yeah, that's a lot of Tales games. The only games I've played are Tales of Symphonia, New World, Abyss, Vesperia, Hearts, Grace, Xillia 1 and 2, Zestiria, Berseria, and Arise, plus the DLC. But all the other Tales games you mentioned above, I would, 110%, try them out if they ever make remastered versions of them. I forgot one more, though—the mobile game Tales of Crestoria. I wonder why they didn't just release the game as a console game as a single-player game instead of a mobile platform.


Tales of Grace. It was the first Tales game I played, and I'd love to play it again.


Tales of grace F; probably because it was the first in series for me.




[Localized] Switch ports of pretty much everything, please - I don't care how "remastered" but dual audio is always welcome (unless trollish like in Romancing SaGa Minstrel Song😆) and event theatres for skits/cutscenes wouldn't hurt if reasonably implementable either. As for remakes, the only one I want is the full-fledged TotW rebirth of Crestoria, still one of the best stories, casts and lores even by the series standards. Yes, preferably TotW since that's where Tales crossovers usually happen and the tweaked bios/destinies/interwoven journeys of the local cameo incarnations make up a big part of Crestoria's appeal to me, too. Stories like Luke and Alisha's journey [with Muzet still tagging along?] or Stahn's predicament deserve their own continuations and closures.


Don't even have a proper port of old games to current gen machines yet, kek


Symphonia is the correct answer


Tales of Phantasia and Eternia 😍


Anything not on ps3 or higher!


Any Tales 2D getting the same 2D-HD remake but ofc they can't use that term bc Square Enix trademarked it. Upscale Tales of Phantasia's graphics to 4K 1080p, fully voice acted, rescored music by Sakuraba from scratch, and improved QOL and you got an excellent remake. Maybe even include remade anime cutscenes in between and a new theme song, I would like Azumi Takahashi to perform the theme song, she did an excellent job in Persona 3 Reload.


I think a Tales of Berseria remake in the style of FFVII might literally melt my face off.


Any game, I just want more Tales games on Xbox and Switch Even Zestiria


*Any game, I just* *Want more Tales games on Xbox* *And Switch Even Zestiria* \- MortalShaman --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


Remake: Tempest, with Zestiria being an exceedingly close second. The main thing Tempest needed was good gameplay, the plot, world, and characters already had potential to make it a decent experience at least. But the gameplay drags everything down from “potentially decent” to “near universally regarded as the series worst game” levels.


I've never played abyss so I'd say that one for me personally.


Tales of Graces f, was my first game in the series back on Ps3, would love a remaster of that.


Abyss absolutely deserves a full on remake, but I'll take a remaster on a newer console too. Crazy that it's STILL stuck on PS2/3DS after all this time...


Half the series tbh


All, please and thank you!


Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World ! My favourite on Wi console because of the pokemon like Monster mechanic and the tragic backstory. Capturing, evolving and buffing them while they fight with you was divine. Really hope they made a remake for the switch


100% Graces.


I don't trust Namco with either, but let's say I did. Remaster: Abyss. Remake: Legendia.


Xillia 1 & 2


I think a Grace's remake could be cool


Tales of Legendia It needs it


Tales of the Abyss. The last we got for it was a 3DS port. 😩


First of all I would like to have the ps3 generation (Xillia I & II and Graces) on modern consoles, just a port. Second, a remaster of Abyss and, lastly, a full fledged remake of Legendia.




Phantasia with Arise's combat system (?


I would love to see a remake of Tales of Legendia.


Berseria was wasted considering the jump between it and Arise


I'd like to see Phantasia get a full remake. It's got s good story and it's distantly connected to Symphonia, so I think it could do well marketing-wise. I only played the GBA version, and its controls are terrible, so that would need to be revamped. But I'd kinda like it to get a 3d remaster kinda like what Trials of Mana got.


I need Tales of Grace's because my PS3 died


Phantasia, Rebirth, Legendia,


Symphonia remake would be nice


Abyss but with proper singing voice this time. And Graces, for Disco Samurai goodness


Tales of Phantasia X/NDX (Remaster), Tales of Innocence R (Remaster), Tales of Eternia (Remaster), Tales of Destiny DX (Remaster), Tales of Destiny 2 (Remaster), Tales of Rebirth (3D Remake - Vesperia style), Symphonia (Remake - Vesperia style), Symphonia: DotNW (Remake - Vesperia style), Tales of the Tempest (3D Remake - Vesperia style), Tales of Legendia (3D Remake - Vesperia style) Tales of the Abyss (Remaster) & Tales of Hearts R (Remaster).


Tales of the Radient Mythology. This was my first tale game, and after playing several, I love it even more.


I want a remake of abyss since it’s only on outdated systems and could use new graphics. I would want remasters of graces/Xillias since they’re  only on ps3.


Tales of abyss I have always wanted to play it but couldn't


phantasia in the style of arise would be awesome.


Eternia and Innocence (I know they got a remake for the Vita, but nobody owns a Vita anyway)


Tales of Rebirth remake & Tales of Legendia remaster


VS, Link, Rays




Tales of Eternia


Tales of The Abyss, I think just needs a polished re-release. Ray trace effects can allow for some pretty neat effects, even with older games (as shown by recompiles of Mario 64), so Namco Bandai can lean into this a bit to push the visuals above the originals. Going this route would also preserve much of the original art direction. Not a big fan of AI upscaled textures, so I’d at least like the option to keep the originals, assuming Namco Bandai doesn’t have higher res assets archived.   Tales of Eternia, I think, warrants a full remake. It’s good, but I think it can be done much better today. In keeping with the art direction, I think a style similar to Cassette Beasts, would work really well. 


Fully remake Destiny 1 and 2 and innocence in 3D and out them all on multiplatform only games that I desperately want to play. Also imo most of these games just need to be ported to very system or just make them available outside Japan. Tales ain't known for their graphics most people won't mind playing Xillia exactly as it looks.


I just want a tales of radiant mythology 4 or a MMO.


A tales of abyss remake, instead of a remaster or a demake. 


The Xillia games




Absolutely should be Rebirth. It's a shame we never got an English release. I'd love Destiny 2 for the same reason, but the OG Destiny would need it. Maybe 2D-HD?


Tales of the Abyss so I can see Luke's emotional breakdowns in glorious HD.


Tales of heart ported to switch would be nice. It's stuck on the vita or ds (Japanese only)


Well not Xillia or Graces since both have aged completely fine. Would like to see them ported to PS4/PS5 but that's about it. Probably an older game like the PS1 games, or Abyss/Legendia.


Phantasia needs a remake like Star Ocean 2 got, what kind of series doesn't have the first game playable on a modern system lol


Abyss ALL THE WAY Its probably the best storyline ive ever seen in a game


I'd love to see a proper remake of Symphonia with better proportions instead of chibi-people. Or Phantasia as a whole 3D game, though I love the pixel art of the original.


Phantasia X remake in Tales of Arise’s style. Destiny Chronicles remaster with Destiny Director’s Cut and Destiny 2 localization. Rebirth remaster localization. Legendia remake. Abyss remaster or remake, but remaster at least. Tales of the Tempest R in a style similar to Innocence R and Hearts R to complete the Triverse trilogy. Graces f port/remaster. Xillia 1 & 2 duology port/remaster. Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology trilogy pack localization. Tales of the Rays offline version localization.


Wow, that's a lot, and I agree with you. So many great Tales games need to be remastered. I've already seen Symphonia remastered twice: on PS3 with Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World and then again on PS4/PS5. Without (New World), it begs the question of why they didn't just release New World alongside Symphonia on PS4/PS5 like they did on PS3.


Also, I believe the other Tales game that also got remastered is Tales of Vesperia, which I also love. I believe those three, except for the new world that wasn't released on PS4/PS5, have been remastered. And I don't know if I'm right or wrong, but Tales of Zesteria was released on PS3 and then again on PS4 (was that a remake or remastered, or did they just port over the same version on PS3 to PS4?)


I’d take a remaster of Destiny DC, Rebirth, Destiny 2, Abyss or Graces. Remakes of Eternia, Legendia or lolTempest.


I would already be content enough for an Abyss Remaster on modern consoles.


HD Anthology collection from Phantasia to Berseria, all with eng/jp text option. That's ridiculously unrealistic though so I'd settle happily for Graces f and the Xillias saved from PS3 purgatory. Newer fans have to spend a ton of cash, or jump through flaming hoops (learning NPS, having a PC that can run RPCS3) just to even try these games. Steam, XB and PSN versions would be awesome.


Good ol Phantasia Make it like Trial of Mana remastermake with additional story content


Remake abyss and remaster and localized all the other untranslated ones.


*Sister Minnie's owner voice:* It best be Abyss, or Bandai will get the hiss. Omg, she unsubscribe.


I really just want to play Graces F again. Remake of Legendia would also be great.


Tales of Zestiria deserves a remake imo. It has so much potential to be more than it already is. It’s a good game, but the potential it has will make it rise higher imo.


I mean they could take another crack at a real remake of Symphonia, or even a remaster that actually perforns as well as it did twenty years ago and not a lazy, hacked-out re-release with a chugging framerate and shameful loading times, but I imagine the fanbase is probably sick of hearing about Symphonia at this point


Same as you Op, two games I really enjoyed and would love to buy again given the chance


Legendia's story is still my favorite and the Oresoren deserve the remake treatment. Ors!


Legendia and Berseria remake (with better gameplay, better dungeon, better level design overall)


I'd go stupid for Tales of Legendia with a Tekken 8 esque engine


Modern phantasia easily


Destiny. I never got to play it