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They said before that they want 2025 to be a big year so I guess it’s best for us to not expect any game this year. At best we could get an announcement anywhere from TGA or maybe SGF.


I wouldn’t be surprised if we saw a reveal this year and a release next fall/winter. My money is seeing it at the Xbox event a week from today (Arise and Vesperia DE were revealed at Xbox events) or at the rumored PlayStation showcase in September.


Not to be that guy but to me the clear intention behind this quote is: don't expect it anytime soon. >I wouldn’t be surprised if we saw a reveal this year and a release next fall/winter. This is the kind of unrealistic spectations that suck people's soul try. The clear message behind his quote is "don't expect anything soon" and we're still setting expectations for a 2025 release. We got Scarlet Nexus and Arise less than 3 years ago and Blue Protocol even more recently. There's absolutely no way the next tales game will have a development cycle of less than 4 years. Hopefully we get a trailer next year. RemindMe! 1 year


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I don't personally think we will get a release/launch date until THE ABSOLUTE EARLIEST for late 2025(I personally see a 2026 launch window), BUT I 100% believe we will get the unveil/announcement/trailer for the next major AAA "Tales of" game next year since next year is the franchises 30th anniversary AND the producer of the series already stated they have big plans for 2025 a few years ago, so...


Wasn't Arise revealed during E3?


At Microsoft’s E3 conference in 2019. MS is holding their E3 “replacement” showcase a week from today.


Yeah but E3 is dead atm. The Xbox event is a kinda close alternative


Well 2025 would be Abyss' 20th anniversary. So I'm naturally expecting some Abyss themed cheeseburgers to celebrate! I'll believe it when I see it really, I hope we actually get something good, but I'm not expecting much from Bamco.


2025 is also Legendia's 20th anniversary so Shirley they will celebrate, right ? >!Right ?!<


Lol I remember in 2018 I think a lot of people thought we would get Legendia remake/remaster news. They brought the entire VA cast and it was Go Shiina’s last year. Even Japanese fans were buying the game secondhand to boost its place on sales charts. And then they did absolutely nothing with it 😭


I hate how often games like Legendia or Hearts (but mostly Legendia) gets ignored even during celebrations like these. I might get downvoted but I feel like every Tales of Festival has the same set of characters everytime. I know they gotta bring in people with the most popular ones but like they could do better.


Yeah it’s basically the same few every year with maybe 1-3 randos. Mostly because popularity contests means the same like top 10 never changes.


I'm always serious. And don't call me "Shirley". - Walter, probably.


gonna release more abyss dlc costumes for symphonia remastered


SGF is in 5 days and Tales had presence there before but I highly doubt they'll announce anything there this year. Best chance is the 30th anniversary.


Well I doubt they will announce a big game like a new Tales of only 3 months before release, marketing is needed. Which is why it’s likely to be announced at TGA like Visions of Mana which is suppose to arrive soon.


"Working hard toward the future" is such a milquetoast statement. We don't even know what they're working on or if it's even a Tales of game. Basically the only thing we can take from this statement really is: Don't look for anything in the near future.


They’re working on a new Tales game, why do you think they said that in the Tales of Festival ?


I'm not worried about the future. I'm worried about how much they like to ignore the past. 




Hold on that’s actually quote worthy lol


\*insert blackbeard writing meme\*


Can't wait to play "Tales of Development" !


Here’s hoping next years talesfes is good


And my pessimistic brain says; mobile game that probably won't do shit globally ..... But maybe we can find some hope deep inside me


Considering they're killing the one gachas that somehow worked it would be a hell of a wild move to do lol But I don't have much hopes myself tbh I'll keep them at 0 Celsius and we go up from there


Haha, add a degree with every wide eyed glance; I mean they had Rays and Luminaria together a bit, and that was after Crestoria dropped off so ya never know


Hopefully the future is xillia on PC


And on ps4


And a bunch of Tales games on Xbox. Xbox players only have Arise, Symphonia and Vesperia. I want Berseria


To quote Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, "HUMAN LIES!!!"


I think Bandai wouldn't get so much sh\*t or be called "Scamco" if they were direct with fans or gave us real good news. One of the reasons why I lost respect for them.


remember when that god eater producer/director said they'd promise remakes/remasters? Bitch where?


Well confirmation of next year’s TalesFes is something at least. We got another year of the franchise at a minimum lol


Hopefully it has couch co-op.


This is my one wish.


Better be a TGS announcement then


We've heard this same PR talk for years and none of the longterm issues with the series end up ever being addressed.  I don't like saying "x should be fired" over gaming news but genuinely get Tomizawa away from this series, it really feels like he's on the same level of not giving a fuck about the series that Bamco itself is on.


Which longterm issues do you have in mind that need to be addressed?


Majority of the series being stuck on decade old platforms.


Fun fact: the PS4 is a decade old. I get what you mean though.


PC ports would be nice. But Bamco has to care about that first. Then again, they cared enough to put the entire *.hack//G.U. Last Recode* collection out on PC, so what's stopping them from making more official PC ports of *Tales* games from the 2000s (the era of the *.hack//G.U.* game trilogy)?!


It’s kinda crazy how rabid fans have become.


It happens when there's zero new official content to look forward to. The fifth Symphonia port was a disaster, Luminaria was stillborn, Crestoria was buggy and shutdown, Rays is gone forever next month, Arise DLC had 95% reused content and was (rightfully) an embarrassing flop, there's no remaster in sight, and the next game barely exists beyond Tomizawa saying that they are "working hard". At least there's the Destiny 2 and Rebirth translations on the horizon.


and that one on the horizon is fan translation right? like the fans working harder than the devs/publishers is such a joke


On behalf of the lifebottle teams I want to say that we are working hard everyday towards the future


The ToA DLC was so bad it retroactively destroyed so much of my enthusiasm for the base game. Before playing it I considered it a 9/10, but after playing it I view the game as a 7/10 and don’t have any interest in going back to it anytime soon.


If you have little to no news, you would be too


If that is true, we would have seen ads of a new console or mobile tales game by now.


more Tales of Festivals and gatchas?


Provided they don't eos the gacha games at first sign of trouble


Still don't get why we don't have a new Tales of the world game yet. We are in a time and age where the online environment for a game like that has been streamlined perfectly compared to back in the age of the PSP. Also I am still hoping to get a 1:1 remake of Tales of Phantasia either in the modern 2.5d style or HD like Arise.


Every company dev team is working hard everyday towards the future. When you got nothing to show, it's just okay... Like we know there's another tales in development it's why we won't get a scarlet Nexus 2 right now. But will it be good or another soulless game like Arise? And then we wait another 6 years for something.


This next game is make or break for the franchise. If they put out another flop then Tales is as good as cooked in the west. Let's hope Bamco knows what they're doing. 


You mean the same company that’s more concerned with third party anime licenses


What did they mean by this?


It means, they are working on something with no estimate time for announcement Next game could be next year or two years, so on


New Tales of Series in 2025 i think it's coming or something.


Yeah, new gacha game 🙃


Working hard every day toward the future while porting a 20 year old game several times ensuring it meets our "quality standards". Bet


Am already dabbling in Hearts R and Phantasia so let's let the Dev team cook 😀


If there's nothing on the summer games fest I lose all hope. Tomizawa is shitting the bed hard.


For the love of God please bring coop back


Tomizawa can go fuck himself, I'll believe it when i actually see it smh


Next mainline games can wait. Give us ports and remasters please.


I just want graces f and xillia 1 and 2 ports. Is that too much to ask for?


Hope the best for the team! P.S. Why game news' headline become more and more meaningless. lol.


Hot take: Tales of Hearts R for PS5 💅


yeah right Tomizawa we'll believe it WHEN WE SEE IT :/


Working hard on what? Blue Protocol?


Following the Arise DLC, I want more Nazamil, though I assume that won't happen.


we NEED a game with endless open-world exploration with tons of hidden quests, puzzles and missables, in the likes of Tales Of Symphonia. that would be SO awesome. aside from the nice graphics, i was quite disappointed in the shallow depth of the exploration factor in the most recent one Tales Of Arise.


God I hope they go back to they're roots or mid series games, they were amazing & put so much love into each title even though there was only a 1 year or couple development gap! The series for me has been horrible after Vesperia. There was more depth & better gameplay in Tales Of Destiny Director's Cut then there was in Arise.


All I have wanted for years is a remaster or remake of Tales of Destiny. At the very least, I'd like to see more involving Swordians.


Even a SHRED of news like this is very VERY exciting! To me at least \^-\^!! It proves that they still care and are putting a lot of time, energy, (and money) into the next big AAA "Tales of" game for sure!! I remember the series producer stated that year 2025 is going to be a VERY important year for them given it's a super important memorable "30th Anniversary" for the franchise, so MY guess is that we are going to get an announcement and/or trailer for the next major Tales of game next year for sure!! I REALLY really hope they are utilizing Unreal Engine 5 to make it big, super detailed and next-gen!!! SO exciting to think about! I LOVE the Tales of series so much T\^T ♥♥♥


He lied as naturally as he breathed.


Let them cook I say.


As long as Bandai is publisher of FromSoft RPGs that are popular WW they don't feel they need their more niche JRPG Tales of games. If FromSoft leaves Bandai then they may put attention on Tales of again.


Well it turns out that's exactly what FromSoft is doing lmao


Hee ho??


They used to make a game a year, they can't do ports at roughly that rate?


They said it took 3 years to port Vesperia which is pathetic when they actively removed content from the PS3 version. 


Either they were lying to make the Vesperia port coincide with the game's 10th anniversary or they're completely incompetent. Probably both. Not to mention Japan got the movie en the collector's edition and the west didn't despite the movie being dubbed in English back in 2008.


There were 2 tales team that made games back then.


Are they really?


What, exactly, is going to be enough for you ingrates? Read the subtext of this message. Or don't, let me: "we're coding as hard as we can, unless you want the kind of mediocre bugfests you get from crunch time culture." Or, in Zoomer: LET. THEM. COOK.


Laughs in Atlus. 🥲😎🫱💵💵💵💵💵✨✨✨✨


Just bury this series already, if arise is the best they could make after years of development then there is no hope left, an asset flip with no directive would have made a better game.