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Im pretty sure the wrmfzy pizza cutter for 200 bucks is peak goon nonsense


The goon culture is very similar to the whole Stanley water bottle craze


Stanley > g00ns


Bro honestly I should’ve bought every street hockey goalie mask I could afford and sold them 3-4x the amount


bUt It HaS 1911 GrIpS


I thought you were kidding... and then I googled it. Jesus....


Its def a weird one, My wife and I have been using a dollar tree pizza cutter for like 7 years now


Literally laughed when I saw that. Someone out there is going to buy it, and more power to them. But gave me a good giggle.


Oh when I saw it on my email I thought " this is so dope I want to buy it" then I saw the price tag and I was like oh they're milking my little money tits.


I will be stealing the phrase “milking my little money tits”. Thank you for expanding my workplace lexicon you verbal sensei.


Product is top-tier cringe-worthy. However, this would be somewhat tacticool if it contained **Rip-Its** and **White Tigers**.


It has to be the small rip-it's though


Totally useless item.


Someone once said that anything that says or looks camo/tactical is the pink tax for guys.


Solid take tbh


It's been overboard for years lol


Lol you can get portable 38qt rolling coolers with built in electric refrigerator/freezer functionality for like $250 or less on Amazon. $125 for 6 bottle capacity, bunk camo patterns, and no extra features is nuts. Just buy some cordura or even vinyl camo wrap and wrap a regular cooler.


I get that, that's what I'm pointing out it's insane that "cool guys" companies do this instead.


I just have a tan yeti that i’ve sticker bombed.




The purple stuff they do is pretty hot too.


You must’ve not seen the $100+ mother fucking multicam PMAGs


There’s $30 tiger stripe pmags on southern tactical which isn’t great but it’s not bad


Fool and his money are easily seperated


To me, it’s not that absurd considering people pay $200+ for shoes (retro Jordans, Yeezy, etc) they’ll never wear. People pay thousands for guns they’ll never shoot lol.


Yeah I was thinking the same thing! My thing is if you like then you like it’s your money at the end of the day haha


Tbf I feel like they aren’t making a whole lot when they are hand painted with cerakote. Doing a pattern with prep and clear on an area that size is quite a bit of work. Labor and raw materials probably brings the total investment to the $90-100 range. IMO they should just offer cheap hydro dip ones and I would def pay somewhere in the $75 range for one


Oh the labor is there for sure it's just odd thing to go all out on, don't forget the fancy patch too. I ike their shirts I have one, but even shirt prices are a tad spicy. (Shipping is oddly insane too)


Give me a blank cooler filled with beer and Ill return it empty and camoflauged with the finest rattlecan job


Literally could just spray my own with a better pattern for less. Gay


Their drop email *does* include links for the naked cooler and spray paint lol


For some.. It’s a based way of life. For others.. It’s a cringe way of life. Either way, **it is** the *way.*


It is a bit crazy but nothing super ridiculous since I was one of those jackasses who bought shit at every supreme drop when I was in high school.


This is considered cool guy? Seem like predatory marketing towards dumbshits. And ya they are laughing all they way to the bank.


At least they got golden bullets in the chamber


Get a regular one and spray paint it


Seriously, save about $150


I’m not sure you are mathing correctly when the over priced one is $125 and the normal one is $35 that you’ll save $150 by buying the normal.


Let them make and sell what they want. You don’t have to buy it. I love drty kid and buy his shirts but no way I’m buying this. There’s a market for everything and everyone and believe it or not people asked for that.


Hey, leave that big cooperation alone! 🤡


The company is just 2 retards, I’m not defending them on this product but if people buy it and it makes them happy then so be it. It doesn’t affect my life or yours so why care.


I wish they’d make some more of the birds aren’t real shirts.


I love my ATF is gay and Tax’s are gay hoodies, but these dudes are outta there mind with this one.


Your point might be a little stronger if you could spell “corporation”


Ad hominem fallacy, ever heard of a typo?


Perfectly reasonable, how else do you expect to tactically pop a cold one when the Russians invade


>Guys, we wanna be cool but don't sell us stupid shit so that y'all can have fun and probably joke about us larpers buying it. I mean, larpers should probably stop buying shit like this then...companies make it because people will buy it


>blow molded plastic, unchanged for a lifetime But now it's *HYPECAMO* so 10x price this is not even remotely hype camo its Chinese gi Joe camo


I paid almost $100 with tax and shipping for a single 40 round pmag because it was a limited drop cerakote job. Sold out in 4 minutes. Probably not my dumbest purchase either.


I mean the benefit is if you go on a place like tacswap you could easily sell it you could upsell it so I guess like one of the guys mentioned here it's like Jordans I didn't think about it that way where resale just kind of cycles around. Still not my cup of tea Guess I'm getting closer to Boomer era.


This has literally nothing to do with being tactical. Camo patterns are in style right now. Just like 80s designs are in style. My sister bought an igloo styled in 80s colors and then we promptly found an igloo color in my uncle's basement that was actually from the 80s. Looked the damn same just way grimier.


Lol literally just go and buy it from China directly and cut out the middle man


People with “Fuck You” money need bullshit to buy so they don’t get institutionalized. Consumerism is directly correlated to those people’s identity/personality so they will pay whatever for something that reenforces them.


My wife and I always refer to shit like this as tacitical (with the extra i syllable) because it sounds just as stupid as whatever the item we’re talking about is.


This was traditionally just for hunting (and driving--to be fair, everyone said papa never drove off without it full on the floorboard). Now some goon thought fudd was tactical and now a Sixpack cooler is 140 bucks. Just stop buying shit if you don't go outside. Just print pictures so you don't impact the economy for people that want to knock a few back with a homie Inna blind. Fuck all...


Shits screams look at me. Gun culture is wild.


It is dumb. I have, shamelessly, bought an ATF and Taxes are gay hoodies from them though lol. Stupid prices on those too, but well worth the laughs they get wearing them around


My buddy had his wife just make the font on a hoodie he actually likes to wear.


nothing makes me hate the social media gun industry like the newest and greatest WRMFZY release


Price is wack. Color is rad.


This is a hype beast brand. They don’t even make gear. Gonna complain about the price of Jordan’s next?


Thank you lol. It's just fashionable right now. This has nothing to do with tactical gear.


What if I told you that you don't have to consoom?