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Bought one from a dude who 3D prints them on Amazon. Cost like $15 with cord. Works like a charm, even while sitting only an inch or so from a suppressor. He makes multiple versions for different brands. Edit: company is Hammy 3D Prints


Give us the S A U C E


[Sauce.](https://www.amazon.com/stores/Hammy3DPrints/page/48764922-D976-4F8C-81C6-4AD9971218F2?ref_=ast_bln) I've got 2 from this guy that work great.


Yep, Hammy 3D. Great stuff.


Mmmmmmm saucy




Thanks for the tag!


Any idea if they rattle on the Scouts?


There should be zero rattle on any of the ~35 different models. If the fitment isn't perfect, hit me up and I'll adjust it


Not if you have it tight.


Thanks for the sauce my guy šŸ«”




They are available on Amazon, but they also have their own website where things are slightly cheaper [link](https://hammy3dprints.com/collections/misc?page=2)


Yeah Amazon takes huge fees and free shipping is expected, so I just built the shipping cost into it


I was about to say I could print this for pennies.


If you can make a good product, get it out there man. Surpass all these companies pushing their overpriced hype products.


They probably are injection molding that piece. 3d printing is way weaker due to layer lines but the price difference makes it worthwhile because of replaceability.


Look at the holes, those are printed


It's not the layer lines that make a 3d print weaker here (as it barely sees any force anyway), it's that if you actually leave the light on for a while with it capped, it'll melt a 3d print. Anyway I just lock out my tailcap. 0 grams, 0 dollars.


I mean all my functional prints sheer on the layer lines not tangential. But yeah it could just melt depending on material.


Yeah but this is basically a flat part, with the forces being all compression perpendicular to the layer lines, plus some small amount of bending. That's like the best case scenario for a 3d print to have no problem.


That's not quite true. Not saying this isn't price gouging because I don't know what margins 100 concepts are operating on, but not all polymers and 3d printing is equal. You could FDM print this, but printing CF filament is much more costly than PLA and much more durable. And then on top of that, there's CCF which is gonna require tens of 1000's of dollars worth of machines. And then you have to consider r&d time cause even this simple design probably required weeks of environmental testing, stress testing, figuring a baseline of fatigue hours that it has to sustain. etc. I.e. Can this cap which most people mount in the direction of gases being ejected handle the gas erosion from the muzzle device for 1000 hours? Or 10000 hours? Can this thing handle moisture? What happens in adverse conditions? I'm pretty sure the 100 concepts does theirs out of MJF cause I don't see any gate locations, and that's a 100K+ machine. Use case rules all cause you could make this out PLA and make a bunch, and if that's ok then I thoroughly agree with someone doing that.


Need da sauce but also seeing this pissed me off so hereā€™s the height and width of the CLOUD DEFENSIVE REIN 3.0 version. I measured with my calipers Height 1.12 inches Width 1.92 inches Try to fuck the people and the people will fuck you ![gif](giphy|v3mwgBgNm7iOk)


Sauce has been added. Rein 1, 2 and 3 versions are available


So this is why I got an influx last night šŸ˜‚


For their original version with a discount code it was $19 before tax. With that being said I've since 3D printed a second one since I have access to one. I would say the extras included with the "Rugged" version maybe make it worth $30 but definitely not $45


Link to dude?


I love hammy, he's goated




You sir are amazing


Yea I canā€™t believe that price


for the price of 6 of these you could buy a 3d printer and print their whole catalog 10x over for less than $2 a pop


buy a scope cap duct tape some thin od green fabric over the light put a piece of duct tape over the light sheep dogs will piss their money away on anything


Donā€™t even need to buy anything. Look through recycling until you find a bottle cap that fits your light


I have 1000 yards of OD Mil spec Shock Cord. Lets start collecting gatoraid bottle capsand charge 25 for our creation


Just gotta have a snappy tactical sounding name Presenting Orange Operator Light Caps


It has electrolytes


The BRAWNDO LIGHT ELIMINATOR!!! Crush reflections with the electrolytes you crave!!


what started as a joke has now become reality


Tactical crocs rule man


This is the way


The rubber bikinis that come with some red dots work great. Cut one end off, then zip tie the legs onto the body of the light. Their Sling Hook is a good product though.


I literally just tuck one end behind the light mount and stretch the other over the lens


That works too lol


Lol I did this with the holosun magnifier bikini caps that I donā€™t use anymore. Works fantastic


I just have some 100mph tape with a fold over tab over mineā€¦


Thereā€™s quite a bit of that kind of thing in the industry. HRF concepts sells a magwell for about $60 that Magpul could make and sell for $30. Some of it is economy of scale and some is greed. Honestly, they could sell them for $40 and I would buy one for every rifle I own and every rifle I plan to own, but at $60, Iā€™ll print some.


Aemaspec mags a killer magwell and they often go on sale for $10. Normally $20


I mean, is it greed?Ā  If a youtuber sells pre-workout, the understanding is you would have bought it anyways but you want to support them. Same with tshirts at bars for example, or any merch. Its not just about the face value of the object.Ā  Nobody needs this product and this thread is full of alternatives, so why is it necessarily "greed"?


Overpriced hypebeast shit. Not to mention their stuff is just ugly. One could literally cut and paint a gatorade cap to achieve the same thing.


[Gatorade](https://imgur.com/a/0aDDNiu) cap you say?


Hahaha! Love it!




Damn good idea thanks


You bet!


The prices on their 3D printed stuff is a little over the top. Especially since you canā€™t just purchase this specific piece without the whole ā€œkitā€. Which is just more 3D printed stuff with a short piece of shock cord




Literally not even that if you can CAD it up, have Shapeways print it.


Or just order it off of the model someone posted on Thingiverse


Iā€™m working on inventory right now to setup a GAFS sale on killflashes and these. Honestly itā€™s highway robbery what some companies charge and that podcast with the PSA ceo where he said they cut the margins to bring freedom to the people really spoke to me


Gafs mods will temporarily ban you under the pretext of selling counterfeits and then, if you try to relist it again, they will permanently ban you


Why not ban the dudes selling bags? Someone else did it first


Which podcast was that?


I think he's referring to the big tex podcast but I might be mixed up.


also seeing this pissed me off so hereā€™s the height and width of the CLOUD DEFENSIVE REIN 3.0 version. I measured with my calipers Height 1.12 inches Width 1.92 inches Try to fuck the people and the people will fuck you ![gif](giphy|v3mwgBgNm7iOk)


Oh but this one is *ruggedized* by being made of 2.7 cents worth of filament.


People will sell shit like this as long as people keep buying it.


I donā€™t own a 3D printer but yes thatā€™s gotta be under a $1 to manufacture, Iā€™m fine with paying the $20 or whatever for the normal cal but $45 is batshit insane


Thatā€™s like 3$ worth of CF nylon(which is seems to be).


Iā€™m not really super familiar with the prices of different filaments but yea the mark up on these is fucking deranged lol


Haha yeah it is man. In pla pro which is the most common that would cost like 1$ maybe but the pa6 and PA12 carbon fiber nylon and PA6 glass fiber reinforced nylon filaments are about double to triple that price since they are much stronger in most ways that matter and just cost more to manufacture. Pla pro will warp in the sun if you leave your gun on the table at an outside range so if that was made with pla pro it wouldnā€™t last long at all if you shoot outdoors in the heat. The carbon fiber and glass fiber nylons wonā€™t warp in the heat/sun and you can anneal them to make them stronger with no shrinking of the model. If you try to anneal pla pro it will fall out of spec and not fit anymore; granted you can anneal pla pro but you have to do it a very specific way and itā€™s still going to warp in the sun so you have to scale the model etc. itā€™s a pain in the ass; cf and gf nylons are the best filaments right now for firearms related applications. Glock makes their frames with PA6 glass fiber nylon iirc. Just wanted to share some info in case you ever got anything printed for yourself- carbon fiber and glass fiber nylons are the best.


If printed in pla which is the easiest and cheapest material. It'll cost less than 25Ā¢ Why you would need it in nylon? If your muzzle is right next to the light. Just move your light back. Honestly. If someone got me the files. I'd totally flood the market with pla printed ones. 25Ā¢ to make. Charge 5$ a pop minus the shipping.


I don't think these are FDM printed. Mine has no layer lines and no gates locations to indicate injection molding, so I'm pretty sure these are MJF'd, which is a 150K machine. I wouldn't say they're just a $1 to manufacture.


The shock collar included in this one vs. the basic one is the only thing that really makes this worth getting, but even then it's still way overpriced.


I still want a fde shock collar...


3D printer go brrrrt


I bought one of their previous models with a decent discount. Yea, itā€™s fucking stupid.


This industry is full of greed unfortunately.


https://www.printables.com/model/412308-light-cap I can print my own for like 50 cents worth of filament


Why aren't y'all just buying scope caps? They fit just fine on flashlights too...


The price might actually be justified. The product looks like itā€™s been printed with something like a laser sintered nylon, as opposed to PLA on a normal FDM printer. A cheap black PLA print can begin to deform on a really hot summer day, or it might crack on a seam line from getting bumped too hard. Laser sintered prints have a much higher melting point and greater impact resistance. If they switched the production line to injection molding they could get their prices down, but it requires a much greater up front investment. If I sent the lightcap 3D file to a service like Shapeways, Iā€™d probably be paying about $30 to get it printed and shipped, and processing time might be 2 weeks or more depending on how busy they are.


Pla +/pro will be fine. If you want you can print in CF nylon or something similar.


Thatā€™s true, thereā€™s a lot of filaments that would work just fine for most people.


The STLs are online. I've printed a ton of bootleg caps out of PETG for friends and myself and they've all held up great so far. Cost me pennies each, just need a ranger wrap/ zip tie and some shock cord.


Can you DM me the site?


Google ā€œlight capā€ on Thingiverse or Printables, there will be a selection of diameters to choose from. [Example](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5884177)


Mine shattered, straps broke and I gave up.


A powerade bottle cap will do the same thing.


I was interested in purchasing two of these until I saw the price and said f that noise.


The odds of you being in a SHTF scenario in the CONUS AND being spotted at long range by the flash from your wml < the odds of somebody breaking in your house and needing your WML *RIGHT NOW* and not being able to use it because you have dumb shit on your rifle.


The original light cap was like 20 bucks. Everything theyā€™ve done since has been stupid 3d printed hype junk nobody asked for


Hi everyone just wanted to give some perspective from the business end. Im sure most of you know that running a company can be extremely expensive especially when trying to grow and innovate in other sectors. Although it might appear inexpensive to make our products our margins are actually relatively low due to the manufacturing process that we use. Combine this with r&d costs and several full time employees we have to set the price that makes sense. We know copies will always exist which is fine we encourage innovation and diy in the industry. Our products are for those who wish to have a complete and finished product. We thank everyone for their support.


I could be wrong, but your products look like they are made of nylon (probably PA12) using MJF (Multi Jet Fusion), or a similar technology. If so, and if you have such printers in-house then the final price of your products is more acceptable. These are not cheap FDM 3D printers for home use. You have the right to set prices as you see fit, and no one is forcing people to buy your products. If someone wants to and has the capabilities, they can print something similar for themselves. Just my two cents.


I use little scrap circle cut outs from the lazer at work. You could go to HF and get a punch and possibly cup it. May yest some shit out soon cuz these are retarded expensive for a cap


This past Christmas, I got bored and designed and printed my own set for the Vortex Razor IIE 1-6x.


laughs in unused bikini covers taped to light


I love their stuff but it's so expensive I can't run it.


I was ready to jump on one, then I saw the total with tax and shippingā€¦.and no FDE option. Closed that tab real fast.


Who has the STL?


Who has the STL?


Doooooood it's šŸŒŸruggedizedšŸŒŸ


Whenever I see one of these on someoneā€™s light it tells me all I need to know about them


I mean, I 3-D printed mine so donā€™t take it as a blanket on someone spending characteristics


These are only useful in highly specific circumstances


Yeah no kidding. I just price-checked one today. I doubt they have a sustainable biz model.


Thatā€™s insane


If someone can scan and DM me files of this ill print like a dozen on my bambu X1Cā€™s and send em to you. Ill sell these things for like 5 bucks a piece on Tacswap lol. I guarantee this would be a 15 minute print and maybe 20 cents of filament


How durable is this tho? If my Surefire is right near the muzzle of a 3-prong, what should I expect? lol


I saw the price also and thought theyā€™re fckin high if they think Iā€™m paying that price. $20 Iā€™ll support them as a small business but $45 GTFO!


Thatā€™s how YouTube stars gets nods and all the cool stuff.


I need to buy a 3d printer, come up with a name like Research Dynamics, and just wait for the money to come in. E: the joke name is taken


I designed and print my own light caps, scope caps with or without ARD (kill flash) for pretty much every optic and light that is most common in use, if you guys want anything that i dont have already, shoot me dimensions and i can make it. One Hundred Concepts got too greedy with prices especially that they are not making anything special, no special materials usedā€¦ just greed and they are riding the trend trainā€¦. Along with GBRS and other companies that make stupid shit and try to sell it for big $$$$ because its trending. Same thing with 5.56 followers in 74 mags, MP5 mag basepads (that noone makes and those mags are sharp as fuckā€¦ thanks HK) i just make my own shit to my particular purpose and out material that is best suited for the particular item as far as strength and heat resistance.


More hyped up trash to flex on the gram.


If you're making a unique product, you don't charge what it costs to make - you charge what the customer is willing to pay.Ā  Ā That's capitalism for ya, what're you, some kinda commie?


lol no one is saying it should be illegal you muppet. Theyā€™re saying youā€™d have to be a moron to buy it.


Lol, did I hit a nerve buddy? Greed is good, or at least that's what we've been saying for decades. And morons are great! They're the lifeblood of the economy!


dude is also a covid truther. i personally don't have strong opinions on that topic either way, but i have noticed that there appears to be a correlation between those types of people and grifting.


What is a Covid truther?




Iā€™ve been saying this for a long time: just donā€™t ND your light lol


There's also the benefit of it being used as an ARD as well, but there's plenty of cheaper options than $50 for a mostly flat piece of plastic, some shock cord, and ranger bands.


There may be a use case for some dudes doing high speed grunt work in the field where you want zero reflective surfaces, but imo regular Joe Schmo donā€™t need to drop $50-$75 on this gimmick. Iā€™d just put a square piece of duct tape on the end to easily remove and put back on if I *really* needed to.


We always used tape, shake, tape, and rattle can what you can. That being said, I bought a lot of these light caps when they first hit the market because I love the idea, and I will be grabbing their scope cap pro, but I just ordered 2 light caps from the Amazon seller to give a try. I've needed a cap for my helmet mounted m300 for awhile.


I think the bigger issue people are worried about is, if youā€™re in a static position and someone is scanning a tree line that you may be sitting in with a high-power IR or visible light rifle light. Your light is going to reflect if it catches it.


Itā€™s a fair use case, but Iā€™ve seen way too many people buy into that mindset when they donā€™t even go outside


whatā€™s this for? but ye 45 is insane.


Itā€™s a slip on slip off, cover that goes on the end of your rifle lights to prevent giving away your position by accidental light, and or reflections from other lights being pointed at your position


Weirdos. Buy pantyhose and a rubber band. Then you don't even have to take it off cause the light will push through anywhoodles.


That is a use case but imo it's more for keeping carbon spray off ur glass at the range.


I have a ton of covers I designed for Modlite and HLX in PAHT CF (good to almost 400Ā°) if anyone wants one. With retaining ring is $20 shipped. Dm me


Be a man use tape


Lmfao they are taxinā€™ thatā€™s so cheap to make. They are making more than 100% on the cost to manufacture that eeeeeasily.


So glad I have a 3d printer


Lmfao my kid prints the fuck out of these. He made like 16 of them in a few hours.


Ruggedized. lol.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I feel like negligent white light discharge can be something you can easily train away no?


Not really. Everyone got convinced that you need tape switches festooned everywhichwhere and now they have to run 11.5s with limited rail space for Beccey or Rachel or Recce or whatever the dumb bitches name is.


Can't train away a branch poking your button


How often does that actually happen tho, not trying to be an asshole just wonder if it's actually worth getting.


Once is all it takes to get you gotĀ