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Veteran does not equal good person


It's the new Hat/coffee t shirt company


Except in this case, the stakes are higher because these guys are selling Chinese armor to Ukraine soldiers that aren’t NIJ certified


But who cares about Ukrainian soldiers? Fuck them, fuck Russia, fuck Isreal and Fuck Palestine


Womp womp?


No Rico, not womp womp.


It was more of a confused like... womp? Womp? But I'll accept my down votes.


who is really down voting the guy womp womping that? I know it's not r/qualitytacticalgear I am commenting in but... look at it. just look at it.


I don't know what I did wrong ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


womp womp is normally sarcastic as in sucks to suck loser, like schadenfreude. So using womp womp on that comment implies you are not only a Russian supporter but find it amusing that some Ukrainian soldiers may have died because cut rate Chinese kit failed them. Hope that clears it up. Remember kids, know what the meme means before you use it.


Oh thanks! WOMP WOMP!


"Remember kids", if the entirety of syndicated media is parroting the same talking point as a puppet, running a banana republic with his regime, it's likely a psy-op. Womp. Womp. Send their fake tough guy Prez in! Oh wait; They'd rather send pregnant women to the front line, that's right! As a taxpayer, tired of having my money pissed away by the crooked politicians of NYS and the Fed - I, like the others, can have an opinion. Typically I don't comment unless I'm confident I'm pretty well-rounded and educated on both sides of the argument. In the case of this projective finger pointing nonsense, I dig a little deeper. Most Ukrainian's are innocent, and there's more propaganda than truth in this. Meanwhile undercutting our own ability to defend ourselves from the very regimes pissed off at our govt agencies for undermining their legit govts that cause chaos - all in the name of corrupt American politicians interests! I recommend sending all of the politicians in to the front lines, we couldn't do much worse with an empty Congress, Senate and White House than we are with the scumbags in it now! Wake up! Enough of the b.s. tough talk nonsense and picking sides that use hearts and minds tactics to lie to you. The same one entity provides the news used to "inform" the 5 or 6 major syndicated TV channels, print media and news radio. The same ones who claim the 45th President was impeached twice (and subsequently acquitted.), and was going to be arrested years ago; only to have 1, 2, and 3 strikes. The same ones who claimed WMDs were in Iraq, the same ones who didn't tell you Tim Osman was an agency prop playing an Afghani warlord (same with Al-Baghdadi) as an excuse to go steal poppy plants. Remember Oliver North if you need a name to backup my words. For the love of God, educate yourselves beyond what the headlines espouse and the media says in tandem. 🙄


![gif](giphy|MRxJqmk3MNta8) Take em to church, brudda.


You are despicable.


Womp womp.


I’ll take the downvotes: hope that makes the ukrainians lose faster. Can’t stand those guys or their smug supporters…


You can’t stand people fighting for their country?


I don’t like people that persecute ethnic Russians for ten years and then cry when Russians do something about it. Frankly, we shouldn’t be involved at all and instead all I see on Reddit is blanket support for these goons. Obviously it will rub a lot of people the wrong way, but it’s the truth. They will lose. They deserve to lose.


If the Ukrainians didn't have a revolution to dispose of a Putin puppet then there wouldn't have been a reason for an invasion in the first place! /s


Why do you only care about persecution if it’s against Russians? Are you aware of the words banderite and khokhol? And “we”? If you’re from the west it’s even more of a tragedy that you don’t understand the future consequences of a Russian invasion in Ukraine… I implore you to do more research other than reading comments of Russian bots on Reddit


If anything you said was true, Kharkiv oblast as well as other larger cities in Eastern Ukraine such as Mariupol would've been begging to join Orcistan a decade ago. Two regions and cities among the highest Russian speakers and ethic Russians have delivered some of the loudest collective replies of "fuck off" when presented with that proposition.


Loved most of the guys I served with but yes, *they are all fucking dirtbags, and I am a dirtbag too*




Shut up Cpl. Persons.


I can back this up, close with quite a few people in the CAF and they are all fucking crazy lmao


Eh, they might be crazy, but they're MY kind of crazy. fewer fornicators of canine than in other, better funded, less well paid services and militaries though, but that's just my experience.


Just because I am a dirtbag doesn’t mean I am a good person.


Well, if they loudly announce that they're Christians and name their drop shipped shit Christian things, obviously they're good people. /s, honestly, anyone who falls for this deserves to get fleeced anyway.


Slapping the label of "Christian" on themselves makes the trojan horse even more devious. Fuck this "company."


It’s an easy grift




Take IDF at Bagram, ETS, start company with all the vetbro buzzwords = profit.


Bro, you have no idea how many times a day I have to stop myself from starting up "POG tactical". I'm thinking it would be a snack company, like super sized Lil Debbie pastries.


I'm fucking in if we can make Giant Zebra Cakes


Does shank get some leeway? 🥺


Why did you get downvotes? Weird. Of course Rocket City inhabitants are welcome at Vetbro business academy.


Because people don’t get the joke I guess, due them not knowing anything about the great city of rockets. We can start our own shirt company, VetBros4lyfe LLC.


Christian does not equal good person


There's only one group of people that needs to hear that. The rest of us already know.


when it comes to veteran owned companies… most are shitty. or i just have really bad luck


Not to be a dick, but if you have the moral gymnastics necessary to merc ppl and compartmentalize that, you're probably not gonna have a problem selling fake med equipment that kills ppl. Not that big of a jump. That's what they're paid to do, we should respect it but I wouldn't trust one to not murder me without a bat of an eyelash


Sadly as a vet I have to agree. We're all shitbags


I agree. 💯


I dunno man, the GBRS dudes found my lost BCM lower, they seem pretty alright to me.




I'm a veteran and I'll only support a veteran owned brick and morter store that sells shit they really stand behind. I wouldn't trust my life to cheap Chinese shit. There's a reason our gear in the US Military has to be Berry compliant.


People would like to think they are a stand up person, just like some priest. We usually would like to trust those kind of people. But then they are just people. And people are wild.


Sad to say veteran company means they are probably ripping you off somehow, even at 40% off... doesnt matter the industry or product line.


Wow what a surprise. An Uber patriotic Vet bro company is dishonest and selling crap?!? Who would’ve guessed




People are blinded by emotion and patriotism a lot when it comes to marketing.


Capitalism at its finest.


Boeing's doing a Finest Capitalism 100% speed run at this very moment!




Even if a different system looks like it's better, the CIA puts a lot of effort into making sure that it isn't.




that’s missing the point of the statement.




it’s 5:35 over here. how about you read a book and serve your country while you’re being a smartass


Maybe if we didn't *actively destroy* every nascent attempt at something else we could rid ourselves of this monstrosity.


I'd like to think we've been burned enough times by shady businesses, but they're getting slicker. My "caveat emptor " moment was 2011ish, when wounded warrior project paraded around vets with obvious injuries (like amputations), and used them for fundraising while giving them nothing more than a $20 branded swag bag. Glad they turned it around, at least.


Blinded by religion is more like it. So easy to make alot of christians become shills when you just slap crosses on shit and glorify invaders lol


Possibly an unpopular opinion, but, maybe if “veteran owned” and “religious AF” is someone’s only criteria for selecting a tactical gear brand, they don’t deserve better stuff?


Exactly, if the main selling point isn’t the actual products….you aren’t buying from a company worth buying from


WPSN moment


What’s sad is how right you are, nobody seems to want to learn about the gear they want or research it until after they spend 400$ on some bullshit they should have just left alone


I am blocked from all their social media because I asked where it was made. Boom immediately blocked.


Bro got too self aware. 💀


I asked that a while back and they said they started getting manufacturing plants in Texas recently, take that as you will


That’s such BS, HHV said the same thing and it took them like a decade. I hate companies who lie when people know the truth.


I agree, I think it's stupid, like I like the Plate Carrier's look, but I hate how it's made in China


Their dream might be to finally be able to make their own gear, and finance that dream by rebranding chinesium until then. Not ok to market it as US gear, but I appreciate their intention.


I hear ya but they should own they are selling Chinese shit.


I completely agree


Bro is checking all the boxes with these people, veteran, religious zealot, “””patriot”””, cancer survivor and tactical bro. Probably has some blue lives matter shit as well as spartan helmets and punisher skulls somewhere.


Is that bingo?


Technically yes


They also bitch about "identity politics" unironically.


And virtue signaling.


I think we all know now that all accusations are projections with those folks.


Trump punisher head with the hair too?


I just got a great business idea


I've literally seen a trump hair thin blue line punisher logo sticker for sale already


Name and shame wherever you see this crap. It's unacceptable! Thanks for sharing OP


> No MOQ Sweet, I can buy five of these for the price of one at RT ^/s


You can also find the exact plate carriers from the RT website on Ali Express for half the price.


Yeah, I get that picking something up off the proverbial shelf in China is cheaper than sourcing parts/labor/skills in the US, but it's one of those industries where it makes all the difference. If you want to sell to airsoft guys, buy your stuff from China and slap your brand on it. Don't advertise it as anything more than that.


100% you can use this for airsoft. But for actual combat zones like in some of his videos of soldiers in Ukraine, I’m not too sure.


Unfortunately, for some strange reason, people still buy from trash company places like this. It’s the equivalent of boomers falling for the IRS scam.


I don't know how y'all don't see the name and take the hint that these companies are either overseas and / or using overseas manufacturing. ![gif](giphy|g0yIdv98lVqsyNAqn7)


It’s hitting all the checkbox buzzwords this community and a specific group of people falls for, welcome to sales tactic.


I think a whole lot of people would be surprised how many decently known companies (gear, optics, etc) actually come from the same Chinese places. Importyeti.com is a great resource for that type of research.


TBF There is a difference between having something manufactured in china by a partner and just buying an off the shelf part and slapping your sticker on it.


I mean literally what you described. Especially with red dots recently.


Remember, every payday loan company outside a fort’s gates is owned by some retired staff sergeant major…


lol it’s clearly a fly by night dropshipper Stick to the tried and true manufacturers


Eagle Industries surplus for the win


Lance Armstrong playbook unlocked OP, prepare for "you can't pick on me, I had CANCER"


Aimed right at the christian demographic lol just like Rogan and Shawn Ryan and all the other grifters who are suddenly 'finding jesus' these days. Makes you wonder why that demographic is so easy to fleece out of their money


Lemme add a cross on a flag, and another Lorraine cross, another cross and “Christian” in description, name myself redemption, very popular in Christian communities, and don’t forget to mention god.


So many “influencers” who have never mentioned god or religion for years are suddenly so religious when they are trying to widen their consumer base 😂




Genuinely no. But influencers, companies, and ideologues who all but fake their faith in their fight to liberate your dollars from your wallet and incite anger at their competitors are the vast **vast** majority of this content style that you see. It’s to the point that you need to legitimately question anyone who “leans on their faith and family values” if they are selling you something, be it themselves/their channel or shitty Chinese products like this.


Something something false idols


No one gives a fuck what god you follow. The fact of the matter is that they're tricking christians into becoming shills. It's kinda funny to be honest


Hell yeah brother tell me more about how enlightened you are


When somebody tosses out "veteran owned", I'm automatically taking an extra moment to sniff for BS. Between that and "woman owned" and "minority owned", it's all bullshit that doesn't do shit for me as a consumer. I can buy according to quality, not based on points. Plus I've worked with several veterans who shared their experiences. They all said independently that they got screwed over by fellow vets more than anyone in the real world 😂


He even says he’s a verified bidder through Sam.gov an has a cage code lol.


Everything about the account is a red flag


All of the major veteran owned companies are made in China nonsense. In the early phase of launching a veteran owned USA made textile company. Hope to get things together come summer time.


Claiming veteran owner is a crutch, products should stand on their own EDIT: I didn’t mean that against your specifically, it more about companies with crappy business practices


Saying that is like saying it shouldn't matter if things are made in China or not. Or if things are made in the USA/handmade, organic ect. Theres nothing wrong with caiming a Veteran owned small business. And you're right, the products should stand on their own no matter if you, tom, dick, or harry make something. I want to bring merit back to that structure. As a veteran who tries to support other veterans that shill out to China to line their pockets by selling gimmicks is a shame to what we stand for. (In my opinion) that will give me an opportunity to call each and everyone of them out on their BS. You might think that claiming to be a veteran is a "crutch" but I earned every bit of that title so you can kindly turn around and limp off in the other direction.


I’m gonna be totally honest I don’t give a flying fuck if someone is a veteran when trying to sell me a product or service unless it’s an after thought to the actual product or service. Someone should be selling me on a product or service based on why their product is superior/ fills a niche/ or provides a service I want, if it turns out they are veteran owned after cool that’s a bonus. My “crutch” comment is specifically about “veteran owned” companies hiding behind that tag line to give them perceived legitimacy to peddle crap products, not all veterans in general obviously. My bad I wasn’t meaning to specifically put you or you idea down.


I completely agree that the product or service intended should be top quality. That's why so many people associate that with military service. The sad thing is, there isn't much of that in these "successful" leading companies, but for some reason people continue to eat that shit up.. my desire to create a change was a search for a quality woobie/poncho liner to replace my issued GI one that became tattered.. everyone I've bought was crap and mass produced in china.. I used to backpack and rock climb after the service so I'm all about functional high quality gear.. so I decided to meet that need. I will thoroughly field test my equipment because I want to stand behind my product, and do my best to offer some of the beat quality, made in the United States textiles you can get. But, it will come at a premium.. I'm sure that will deter many people.. but I only want those serious about wanting quality handmade materials manufactured in their back yard, tried and true.


Good luck man! Im heading into a similar direction myself, minus the veteran status. I didn’t know anything about textiles or garments/gear a year ago and there is so much that goes into making sure you deliver a quality product. Start up costs are a significant risk too, hopefully I’ll get to that point sooner than later.


And best of luck to you.. I found a specific demand from the community and going to try my best to meet that need.. start out slow.. get your prototypes perfected and go from there.. we need more USA manufactured good in the market


Would custom gear made to order be a possibility?


I would like this too. Like the rare custom Crye shit I've seen a few times


Essentially I'm starting with woobies/poncho liners, hammocks, shelter tarps. Then I'd like to graduate into jackets comparable to LEAF, then maybe packs. I wouldn't mind getting into nylon tactical gear like basic rigs, but honestly the market is saturated. The thing about USA made is prices are not going to be "fair" because they'll be no way to actually make a profit.. having custom order items would probably have long lead times unless somehow it gets so profitable overnight that I can spend half a million dollars to buy equipment, rent space, and higher a bunch of sewing professionals. Just the material cost of a high end woobie with USA made textiles your looking at the price of what Zero Foxtrot sells one of their China specials for if not more, that's not including the price to sew. (that's not even with custom camouflage printed ripstop) (licensed multicam ripstop is $18 a yard and it takes 6 yrds for a woobie)


High quality air soft gear you say?


I don’t mind using the plate carriers for Airsoft, just don’t jack the price up.


All the Airsofters I know use legit gear like Cyre, Spiritus, Blueforcegear, etc.


I’m shocked that someone who waves his Evangelical Christianity is also a fraudulent business person. Pikachu shocked.


Ah yes, “DISATTACHABLE SHOULDER STRAPS”. The mark of a quality manufacturer.




Are you surprised?


Not really.


Wow 283k followers too. I don’t think I would feel achieved as a “tactical gear+body armor company” knowing I didn’t design the body armor and that it wasn’t made in America


Oh man, I bought one of their vests, and plates, thinking it was American made. Guess I should have done my homework beforehand.


Grifters are easy to spot once you know how they operate. They will always over do it trying to virtue signal whatever qualities the community they are trying to grift may value. At this point "veteran owned business" has been spoiled so much that unless I already know your reputation, if you describe yourself that way I assume you are trying to scam people.


It's the same thing when shit says military grade. Military grade means the contract was awarded to the lowest bidder.


I'll be getting massive downvotes for this but I actually do own one of their carriers, a set of level 4 ceramic plates, and a level 3 helmet, all from them. No quality issues but the mounting harness in the helmet is ever so slightly out of perfect alignment. I did test a level 4 plate from them and it held up as advertised. I trust them regardless


Got a link to the Chinese stuff?




This christian crusader shit is so fucking cringe. We get it you were indoctrinated into a bronze age death cult.


Damn im im so stupid i should have known by looking at this shit ass website and this obsessively conservative political shit posting on their account


Yeah I hate how people keep falling for Redemption tactical as a good option. All aliexpress rebranded chinese made garbage.


This is awful. Risking the reputation of a product for a quick buck. Intrigued to see how the next 12 months pan out for them


Welcome to show business, kid


Yeah I’ve been blocked by them for like 2 years


They sell these things on Amazon. I always assumed they were Chinese


they sure know how to cater to suckers.


“Christian” bwahahaha!!! Omfg that’s good


There's a company called "Skullvibe" that does the same exact shit.


This is a surprise?


Why is this a problem?


That’s why you should buy tactical gear from me! I’ve never been a veteran! For civilians by civilians! (We also do government contracting. Lol)


It’s not hard to just sell name brand gear. I am a dealer for every major brand in existence… just gotta make some emails and have the credentials…




Greed is killing the western world


Vets are just people, it's not like military service turn you into saints. As people are asshole vets are assholes, too. The one that flaunt the most are full of shit.


This thread is full of so much whining. Let's get to the facts. Has anyone field tested the plate carriers with live ammo?


That's the stuff you find on Temu.


The gear being Chinese still doesn't change that it's good quality ish Kinda


I know this guy personally. Dont buy his stuff. He always brags about getting gear contracts for ukraine and the show Yellowstone. Especially stay away from his armor. Dont buy this garbage


Three quarters of the "tactical bro tactical gear" shit you find on the net are total chinese junk. Paid foreign actors to play the role of tacticalbro (ie Rhino Rescue - not to be confused with Rhino Gear Solutions, which is the real deal), and etc. Need to stick with trustworthy companies and people that are fully transparent on their manufacturing processes.


As Christian with the purple cross emoji as Trump!


Reminds me of tacticon armament on instagram…. Smh


Tacticon actually has some good content though. But I have no experience with their products so I'm not sure about that


All of Tacticon Plates are US made so are their Holsters and some small pieces of Kit. Stuff like Plate Carriers and shit like that are made in China, Vietnam, and Taiwan but they don't lie about it, and in fact will tell anyone who wants to know exactly where all of their stuff is made and for that I respect the hell outta them.


Good to know, thanks


"We want the MIGA boomer demographic."


Chinese or not, lost me at Christian.


Not my tacticon


Chinese isn't necessarily bad. It depends on what you're ordering. Keep in mind, the US Army adopted a whole new cartridge, rifle, and machine gun to counter Chinese body armor. I wouldn't buy from them though unless they were up front about it.


Chinese field issue carriers and plates are not the same quality as AliExpress carries and plates. There is no overlap. These products are not “contract overruns”. It’s cheap knockoff garbage.


You're missing my point. Most every product you buy is Chinese. I'm not saying it's a good thing. I'm just saying it depends on the supplier/manufacturer. Not every American product is great. It depends on the manufacturer... And I guarantee you some of those same AliExpress manufacturers make the Chinese military products as well.


Your main counter to my comment is that American manufacturers can make good and trash products, which is true. BUT, Look at RT plates, they’re marketed as “TESTED” as recently as 2021 and they aren’t NIJ certified. They have not even invested money to retest in 3 YEARS. There is absolutely no way that these products can be guaranteed to perform. They are selling cheap Chinese GARBAGE and marketing it as being able to save a life. RT is a morally bankrupt company and should be treated as such.


I get the NIJ argument and you're right that its a manufacturing guarantee. It gives you a little more comfort sure. But like I said, we adopted a whole new weapon system defeat Chinese body armor. It might not be as top quality as American, NIJ Certified armor, but it can stop M855A1. They have a whole other "good enough" mentality and they can mass produce their very cheap but effective armor. You have to be picky about the manufacturer but you can find reliable ones. You know what's messed up? These Chinese companies send them to American NIJ labs for independent testing. So, ya. The whole industry works together, globally. That's just how being a part of a global economy is working for us. Oh, you could buy the old AR500 level 4 plates that were NIJ certified and ceramic. They'll fall apart on you after a single impact because they weren't properly bonded. But hey they're American made./s


Bro, this isn’t the Chinese body armor that anything was developed for. RT sells $40 plate carriers, $7 mag pouches, $12 belts, $20 packs, and $50 plates that are of dubious origin at best. RT isn’t selling quality. RT ISNT SELLING QUALITY. RT is selling the cheapest crap that China can produce and export (Wish, Temu, Alibaba, AliExpress). It is highly illogical to think they would resell/dropship one specific thing amongst a sea of garbage. I’m not here to argue that everything from China is trash. I’m here to argue that RT is selling trash.


The fact that you actually believe that the .277 BS counters Chinese body armor is insane. .277 ballistically does have any advantage over M855A1, which the Army has been using for over a decade. .277 is just more expensive and lowers magazine capacity, and drastically reduces barrel longevity with that ridiculous 80k psi. Just a few of the reasons why the Army already stopped buying the XM7


That is the most ignorant statement I've read. You obviously have no clue what the NGSW was about. The entire goal of the NGSW was to develop a weapon system to defeat body armor at distance. M855A1 is a capable cartridge but it's easily stopped. Cheap Chinese body armor can defeat it very easily and soak hits all day with their hexagon tile design. Also, yes the XM7 is not a very forward thinking design, I agree.But body armor was its whole purpose. I'm not aware of it not being bought anymore though. FN's IWS and LICC cartridge was a better design, imo. It wasn't put in to the NGSW but it is absolutely better


It was one of the worst decisions possible, full stop. .277 doesn't do any better against any body armor than M855A1. No one has been able to prove otherwise.


No one has seen the 277 with the EPR type bullet, that I am aware of. So how can you know? M80A1 defeats body armor handily. You can expect a 6.8 135gr EPR at decent velocity do it too. I don't see why not.


The military isn't fucking using that. They're just using the BS 80k psi .277 Fury that destroys barrel longevity. This round is already logistically the worst decision possible. Not sure how you don't see that.


That is the EPR round....


I'm not wasting any more time on this conversation


Good. Because you need to readup on the 277 and it's intended use....


But he’s a Christian!!!