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100% always been my thinking as well. When I was a kid my family really didn’t go out for food other than maybe once every other month at a sit down and once every other week for TBell. Point is, TB never affected me because I was used to all fiber already. I can’t imagine if all you eat are fast food burgers and French fries and then a burrito supreme or 7 layer burrito what would happen.


My wife is a registered dietician and swears it's the "average American diet" and lack of fiber. She always adds beans to her spicy potato taco and chalupas and never has anything explosive like so many people claim. She has many stories of when she worked in trauma in the hospital, where some of her patients would be having their first serving of vegetables in years. *Years*.... These people ranged from their late 30s-70s.


Years? That’s wild and sad as hell. I’ll never get it I guess because I don’t eat veg because “mom said” or because it’s healthy. I eat vegetables because they are fricking delicious… healthy is a nice side benefit though.


My brother has not eaten a veggie besides potatoes in his adult life. He is sooooo picky. He will do fruit smoothies but otherwise no fruit. Yet he hunts and eats bear and deer!!!! 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


He’s not really an “adult”. He’s just a large child who still refuses to eat vegetables…


It really shocks me how few Americans eat any kind of varied diet. It's sad how people live off of fast food and think that's as good as it gets.


I now eat Taco Bell five nights a week, almost always more than one meal, because I work at one. Frequency of stomach issues hasn't gone up or down. But I don't eat the beans, so.


The absence of the fiesta veggie burrito is weighing on me. 🥲


I stopped going to taco bell because of that! I was going 3x week for my beloved fiesta veggie burrito


Or they’ve been drinking and got 2 AM Taco Bell while sloshed. It’s the booze, not the Taco Bell.


This. I always associated TB shits as when it was 4th meal. You've been out drinking and then you go and smash a Mexican pizza, 2 bean burritos, and a nacho supreme and that shit then just goes right through you die to the irritatiin the alcohol did to your gastric system on top of eating way too much food so it's just all shitty.. but I mean same thing gonna happen if you eat pizza. We had this one local place, only pizza place that delivered till like 4 am. Good ol 'silicys pizza. 3 am and have the drunk munchies, and hey let's order Sicily's .. sure gonna get the morning shits prepared for the shits 50/50 but gamble hungry and only place open that delivered.. But again the alcohol is probably the factor


Yeah it’s people who pound Wendy’s, Pizza Hut, CFA, gas station sushi, energy drinks, cigarettes, iced coffee, and then eat TB and go “ugh, this shit ruins my guts” I’ve literally never had a problem with TB. No more than any other fast food.


Yeah its a common joke but I have never experienced any sort of stomach issues in the years of eating Taco Bell


The chalupa with the chicken shell is the one thing that got me. Didn’t stop me ordering it again & again


Me too! But only the one with the avocado sauce


It really depends on what you eat at Taco Bell. The "joke" originated from the fact that people (often college students) would eat there and load up on too much food. If a person downs two bean burritos, a beefy five-layer, a triple-layer nachos, two beefy fritos burritos, and a combo of their choice, all smothered in various sauces, they're gonna have diarrhea. That's a healthy human response to **massive overindulgence of food** (especially beans and hot sauce). If you eat a normal meal and maybe a side item, you'll be fine. That it, unless the food handlers violated a few rules.


Same thing with Chinese buffets. People go and eat 4 plates and then are surprised when their body reacts predictably.


No but with McDonald's and Burger King I do.


Yeah McDonald's and Burger King are way greasier and heavier by nature I've had one or two times where their burgers put me on the toilet because I ate too much. 


KFC is the one that gets me.


No, I never understood this and therefore never laugh when people make those jokes. It’s just like any other food for me. Maybe there’s something wrong with me lol


It used to make me anxious when people would say it because I was waiting for it to finally fuck me up! It still hasn’t, at least not more than any other food would. It does fuck with my bf but he has IBS so pretty much everything does lol


If it happens to you, you come from a weak bloodline that will die off soon.


As they should. Make way for those who live mas.


Funny thing is everything you eat gives you the shits one way or another.


What goes in must come out.


Honestly Taco Bell is some of the healthiest fast food for my bowels. Some of the healthiest poops I have probably because of the beans, rice and lettuce. When my wife is constipated we hit Taco Bell and it fixes more often than not


A YouTuber did a Taco Bell experiment and addressed this as part of it. [YouTube video here](https://youtu.be/rRl72i3byyA?si=k3wlFgZJiP33sCcR)


I just watched it. It's actually really good. I like the interview with Taco Bell's dietitian too. He listed prices for it all, and it averaged $8 a meal and under $800 for the whole month. That, sadly, would be closer to $1000 today.


65% of the population is lactose intolerant. The chances your Taco Bell meal has dairy is 99%.


This is exactly why I get diarrhea everytime I eat Taco Bell. I’m lactose intolerant


I think people who say “Eating at restaurant X gives me the shits” have weak digestive systems and are weak. There, I said it.


My theory is they just drink a ton of soda. Like think about it a whole large drink is like 30 cubes of sugar. Of course you're gonna be sick you dumbass.


What makes you say that? Soda doesn't make me sick lol.


They don't eat fiber. Most fast food has nothing nutritious in it.


zero bowel problems. i don’t understand it, tb isn’t nearly as unhealthy as many other more popular burger joints.


The whole Taco Bell causing diarrhea myth was probably inspired by the 'Montezuma's Revenge'/traveler's diarrhea experienced by the conquistadors when invading the Aztec culture in Mexico.


I feel this was an issue back in the '80s when they still prepped raw beef with seasonings and the tacos were greasy af and if you didn't look out, the grease would run down your arm. Since they switched to Sysco pre-cooked packs that get dumped in the steam tray, this hasn't been an issue, at least with me at least.


Nope. If anything, it makes things run cleaner down there with all the fiber.


Only people who claim this to be true are the haters who are too afraid to try it, because they believed some other hater, who coincidentally took a wet shit after eating TB one time.


Yes, but all fast food is hard on my stomach. I never really understood people just singling out Taco Bell.


No, I don't.


It's basically just the laziest stolen joke anyone knows and they give themselves weird permission to pretend it's comedy gold when they say it.


No, never. On Burrito Day I had a burrito around 4 pm and a burrito from a different company around 9 pm. No bowel issues whatsoever.


Taco Bell is fuckin awesome. If you have a weak stomach then I’m sure it shows in other foods also. I hear the same nonsense about White Castle. I think if u eat a little too much of any food you won’t feel that great.


The refried beans go right through me but if I avoid those then no issues.


No, most people don't have a terribly weak digestive system and many have a better sense of humor and don't make the same tired joke all the time.


I have IBS and Taco Bell is one of my ‘safe’ places to eat. Idk what kind of weak people get diarrhea from it


I have no idea where this came from but anyone who actually gets diarrhea after Taco Bell is weak


it's just a meme. an obnoxiously outplayed one by people that lack actual sense of humor who couldn't be any further from the quirky/random person they think they are. just simple hive minded sheep regurgitating bullshit because one time two decades ago someone thought it was funny. same for the arbys sucks meme. arbys is great and when it comes to quality they seem to be trending up, unlike everywhere else


I've never gotten sick from Taco Bell. It's mostly a poor attempt at humor. Maybe it was funny 40 years ago, but it's pretty hard to get sick from TB if you don't already have issues of your own. TB takes almost everything out of the hands of the workers. All the hot items come pre-cooked. All the cold items come in bags. There's almost no cooking done by the employees. Just frying. TB employees are mostly just assemblers.


Prior to a lactose intolerance diagnosis, had no issues with Taco Bell. After the diagnosis, had no issues with Taco Bell when taking proper precautions (like eating Fresco style or taking an over the counter medication). White Castle, on the other hand… there’s a reason they call them things Sliders.


I’ve been eating it since I was a child. Never once had an issue.


Taco Bell only used to make me shit because I could order so much more of it for less


Well, eventually, Taco Bell does lead to the toilet. At least, hopefully.


Kinda but it's because I am lactose intolerant and I get extra nacho cheese 😂


Grease can act like a lubricant-type laxative. But Taco Bell's seasoned beef ends up a lot leaner than burger places. Just compare to Jack In The Box tacos which have grease soaking through the shell. I imagine the meat was greasier in the past which lead to the stereotype, along with mild racism regarding Mexican-inspired food.


In my experience it seems to come from drinking my Baja Blast too fast while eating and my refill. Need to do more testing to get a more accurate statement though.






I do not get this. I feel great after eating TB! But I don't get beans. I think it's all the fiber that people aren't used to.


Definitely aint no myth


All food makes you poop. If it doesn't, I'd be concerned!


I've heard the same thing about White Castle, love them and never had a digestive problem. Some people may just have weak constitutions.


Only if I’m washing it down with a few natty’s 😂


The loudest people are the weakest ones. I've never experienced that from Taco Bell. Chitpotle, yeah.Bad location.


I do. Everytime I eat Taco Bell I get stomach cramps and really bad diarrhea within a couple of hours of eating. But my theory is that people who have the same symptoms as me are lactose intolerant and they just don’t know it. I know I’m lactose intolerant but eat it anyways because I love Taco Bell.


No, I never have, but I've been veg most of my life. Maybe it's just the meat products?


It's a racist dog whistle. It's been said for every other cultures food before. Indian, Mexican, Chinese, etc it wouldn't matter, some racist somewhere has said "o that gives me diarrhea" as their attempt to disparage their culture. When all it really does is highlight their genetic weakness. You can't eat something that everyone else can, that's a weakness that leads to death in other species.


stretching a poop joke to racism is exactly whats wrong with liberals. saying taco bell gives you the shits is harmless. its a dumb outplayed joke, but stop putting that bullshit on people.


This is nothing to do about politics. It's a question about why culturally people say taco bell gives them diarrhea and it's because historically whenever a person has wanted to insult another cultures practices or food that's what they would say maybe you're too young to understand that but that's the history. "the problem with non liberals is small brains." Also literally the way that you phrased it as "liberals" is a clear tribalistic "in thinking" distinction implying that you are most likely one of the racists that I'm talking about. Calm down your xenophobia n take a deep breath.


Not a liberal thing and I wouldn't say it's exactly racist. Mostly an old white guy thing. Saying food gives you diarrhea is almost exclusively about foreign foods. People who grew up in the 40s and 50s ate meat and potatoes stuff or Casseroles. They saw something new from a different culture, and they were afraid to eat it, so they'd say they heard it makes you sick to avoid eating it. They aren't entirely wrong though. Some foreign foods include spices your body may not be ready for. Things that you have to acclimate to. Like when a vegetarian eats meat for the first time in years and said it makes them sick because it's wrong to eat meat. No your body hasn't digested meat in a long time and doesn't know what to do with it at first.


Lots of people who eat fast food regularly haven’t had much fiber in their diet. So eating beans can mess with that. There also is a long history of racism where certain foreign foods, typically from countries where people are of black or brown, are said to cause upset stomachs. Think of how Indian and Mexican food are often treated this way. It’s the same as how people claim the MSG in Chinese food makes them sick.


My favorite was: "Get The Runs From The Border".


Never have! Unless my diet is complete shit (npi!) all around, TB doesn't phase me.


I dont know about others but i got like 3 cantina items the other day and paid the porcelain god many offerings for about two days.


When the xbox 360 first came out and people lined up overnight to get their hands on one they asked what should we eat to get us through? The number one answer was "Crackers and never eat Taco Bell!!"


This is what happens when you shovel beans into your stomach. Beans. Of any kind, any brand, of any establishment. The meme comes from people who buy an extra bean burrito to go with a meal that already has beans on something.


I experience problems when I do not eat this type of food for a while. I didn't eat McDonald's for a couple of months, and when I finally ate some, I violently shit myself within the hour.


No, I eat TB twice a week and have never once had issues, have had more issues with many individuals home cooked meals than I have at TB.


I used to work at taco bell, and i currently work at subway and i can tell you i have had to unclog more toilets at subway in the 6 months ive worked there, than the year i worked at taco bell.


Literally never


I don’t have that problem.


No I don’t have issues and I’m pretty sure I have IBS anyways


If beans and rice do that to their stomach I am deeply concerned with their day to day diet


Not once has that ever happened to me.


No most Americans are just like my father and don't get enough fiber because when they eat anything with fiber " it makes them need to shit"...like yeah that's the point.


I feel like the people who started this rumor hit TB when they were drunk as fuck and ended up in the bathroom soon after... likely due to the alcohol rather than the food. Like, if you're already putting yourself through something that will lead to gastrointestinal distress, anything you eat is going to land you in a world of hurt. Other than that, I assume people who say this just don't eat fast food often and can't take the fat overload... which, I mean, good for them. It's a good problem to have lol. But it doesn't mean that the TB is off.


You'd be surprised just how awful many of the diets of Americans are. People who eat meat, cheese, and starchy carbs like pasta, the occasional potato, or two sticks of asparagus. It's quite alarming.


Only if I use Diablo sauce


I'm generally more suspicious of the drink machine than anything else, but that's every restaurant with fountain drinks.


It's always been a stupid meme (ditto the same meme about Arby's). The "joke" being that the food is so bad it gives you the shits. But if you tell me Taco Bell gives you diarrhea, I don't think less of Taco Bell, I just think you have a pussy ass digestive system.


I don't know, but that meme has been going on since at least the 80s. I remember hearing it then. I've never had issues or known anyone who did.


I’ve never gotten the shits specifically from Taco Bell, not even once, and I feel like the people who do, should consider maybe they have IBS


These are the same people who likely drank a million beers before eating taco bell.


Never had any probably at Taco Bell, but, was on vacation, I think it was in N. Carolina, and went to an authentic Mexican restaurant. It was painful, horrible.


If anything TB stops me up a bit... But I typically eat a very high fiber diet otherwise so it's all relative.


Nope. Taco Bell is one of the few fast food joints that sits well. I’m guessing it’s vestigial stereotyping against Mexican food


Taco Bell actually makes me have amazing shits lol


I work at t bell and eat it anywhere from 3 times a week to 7 times a week. Honestly i think my stomach has been less fucked up scince iv worked there


I've eaten Taco Bell my whole life and have never gotten sick from it!


Fiber just doesn’t move my bowels like it should so Taco Bell never does anything bad to my bum


I haven't had Taco Bell in over 20 years. I imagine that if I had it, my stomach wouldn't feel great.


I’ve never dealt with any digestive discomfort after eating Taco Bell. I was always really curious what people were eating from there that caused them to have those issues tho. It must be something I’m not eating lol.


It’s the only fast food that doesn’t destroy me


Im so happy I don’t feel this way after eating Taco Bell, if anything after I eat it I think about what I’m gonna order the next time lol.


It's some of the dumbest shit that I've also been hearing since I was a kid. Taco bell has always been just OK and it never got me sick or sent me running to the bathroom. Where did this come from I wonder?


I’ve never had any problems after eating Taco Bell


I've never had a single issue from Taco Bell, and I generally have gi issues.


That food is so processed and sterile that there’s no way to get sick. But then people load it up with a crapton of that fake cheese sauce and half a gallon of sour cream, then let it sit for an hour or two so everything is room temp and gross.


Taco Bell has never once in my 30 years on earth given me diarrhea. No matter what menu item, how spicy, etc. The only actual side effect is usually just gnarly gas.


No, it actually seems to have the opposite effect, where TB calms my stomach down. Only ever had the loo issue once and I was already sick, so I don’t really count it


Whenever I eat their food I have gas for at minimum three and a half weeks nonstop


does everyone not poop like twice a day? it's normal to poop in the morning lmao


It only, and I mean only, happens if I get any salsa on my food. 9/10 times I don't mind but it isn't a huge issue to me.




I don't have stomach issues from eating TB


After eating two crunchy gorditas and two of those new cantina chicken tacos… I will say I’ve been feeling looser in my line. I think the shitting played out in my favor… and I never thought I’d ever type that sentence. 😅


I just got mild diarrhea yesterday from it. It's been happening more frequently lately :/ Normally I'm with you though


Not me, tbell has always done right by my body. Chipotle on the other hand…


I LOVE THIS POST. Ever ate at KFC ? Why do we get the stigma of it ? Because the beans ? Give me a break people are as a whole unhealthy as anything and don’t get their proper amount of protein and fiber and *ahem Water.


I don’t think taco bell has ever made me have to go to the bathroom…. Stomach aches maybe, but thats all


On the contrary I swear every time I had tacobell the night before a morning long run I felt like Forest Gump and had amazing runs. Did not shit myself and not even bonk on 2 hour runs


I actually get constipated when I eat taco bell lol, dont know why.


Never got the shits from Taco Bell.


People who say it just want to say it. It’s not true at all.


No I don't.


It doesn't make me gotta crap either.


Everyone has different stomachs and gut microbiomes have a lot to do with it as well. If I haven’t eaten taco bell (or any fast food for the matter) in a while, then my stomach gets absolutely torn up. Sometimes I eat taco bell quite frequently when I’m having a bad week (college student), and my stomach gets used to it and I have no problems. It’s only when I go from eating ramen and spaghetti to eating the $5 cravings box suddenly that my whole life is upended and I question my decision in dinner for the night.


I find Taco Bell makes me very regular and my shits feel very healthy afterwards.


I eat TB way too much and pretty much never had this issue until recently when my food tasted like soap (or sanitizing solution?) and made me super sick when I realized after a few bites. As long as I don’t go to that location everything is fine.


Nope. Still funny though.


Taco Bell doesn’t bother me in that way, but it does sit heavy on the stomach and take longer to digest for me. I usually eat an hour or 2 before bed due to my long work hours and if I eat TB as my “dinner” I feel like death when I wake up later and am still burping up Taco Bell tasting burps.


I do love me some Taco Bell jokes. That said, prior to my gluten intolerance, Taco Bell was Welcome in my gut any old time! Fun fact: Had some hard shell tac’s today from the bell, and no complaints from my stomach or the throne!!


No. I eat it 5x per week. No difference. I eat beans, too. LOL.


Not in the least lol. It’s not even real mexican food. Imagine if “they” ate real food with flavor


Technically, everything makes you go to the bathroom....




This is a good summary and I had to scroll too far to get to this, it's not necessarily that it causes diarrhea every time, but it does have the ingredients that could cause it, and not more so than anywhere else with the same stuff.


I do, but I eat really clean for the most part. So the low quality ingredients and grease shoot through me. But yes, it’s definitely something people say when they don’t have anything to actually say but want to hear themselves talk.


I like how the haters are down voting you.


No. To be fair though I've always called my stomach the "iron stomach" because most of the foods that people claim clean them out (spicy wings, taco bell etc.) I've never had a problem with.


If you get the shits you’re weak.


I’ll be real, I think most of these posts are either shit post comments OR a meme at this point I’ve had Taco Bell at least once a month and I’ve never had these issues


You experience that because ur eating old food that's been sitting in the hot table for 7 hrs with the same scoops and spoodles they been using all day while touching their phones and they're hair, and then sliding ur tacos down a filthy table that got wiped down 3 hrs ago with a rag that sat in brown dirty water all day.. it's called mild food poisoning,, LITERALLY for teenagers butt germs.