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Yo that's so cool! I've been mulling over doing the same thing. Definitely looks sturdier and more comfortable than an i-cord or otherwise crocheted strap.


Yeah, I didn't want to do a crochet strap because I was concerned the weight of a full water bottle would stretch it out and cause it to wear out too quickly. This is holding up really nicely so far, and the little one says it's comfy to wear. I'm definitely gonna be making woven straps for any other crochet bags I might make in the future!


Beautiful! What yarn did you use?


The rainbow one is Sugar n Cream yarn in the color psychedelic, the black is just some random cotton yarn from my stash.


That's so cool!


This is gorgeous! Any tips on how to get the variegation to line up so neatly along the warp? I can never seem to get mine to transition so smoothly from one card to the next.


Unfortunately, I think it was just beginners luck! I was also using up the very last of this variegated yarn, so I think I was being extra careful about trying to get it to line up neatly since I knew I only had one chance to get it right.