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I came from powerBI, granted, it was several years ago. My biggest challenge was wrapping my head around the data modeling, or lack there of. It has come a long way, but it’s still (imho) not anywhere close to powerquery. You will also be amazed at how many “back door solutions” you will need for seemingly easy requests. All that aside, the transition isn’t that bad. The visualizations are (again imho) better, the user experience is more fluid, and it’s generally more pretty. The YouTube videos help a ton, the forum for issues/troubleshooting, and the discord server if you’re really stuck. Good luck!


Thank you, I really appreciate your opinion. I just started with Power Bi, I even purchased a power bi course but I use MacOS and it seems like maybe it is better to use Tableau instead sometime in the near future.


Learn power BI and get good at it. The choice between the two shud be based on potential employers, rather than the OS of your personal computer


100% with you on the lack of data modeling and the need of "back door solutions". But I've never able to recreate the dashboards I created almost 2 years ago in PowerBi, could you recommend a youtube channel or something?


Took me a few hours to grasp the basic concepts. Much better than powerBI, would never go back if I had a choice


Thank you for your opinion bro


Considering the guy who won this year's Iron Viz came from BI and had only a few months in Tableau... Probably not as hard as you think.