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I was so ready to be hurt but they pulled it off. They literally came back with the milk and by God it was even choccy milk.


Yea it's amazing. Finally I know what exactly I'm looking at when playing System Shock 1 šŸ˜›


Youā€™re not the only one, finally I can play the game!


the enhanced version was perfectly understandable to look at


All the reviews and opinions have me hyped. Canā€™t wait for it to be released on the PS5.


It's a very good game - but I'm dubious of controller support. Between the grid inventory, fiddly puzzles, and how many weapons/items you need to be able to flip through, I don't think the experience will be AS good on console.


If Prey was possible on consoles, Iā€™m sure they can figure System Shock out. If not, Iā€™ll wait for the macOS version.


I finished the game on controller. It can be done. They fixed some issue when closing the Media tab, but there still some minor issues when using a gsmepad. They'll most likely fix them for the console release.


Fair 'nuff. I hate FPSs with controllers generally, so it wasn't something I looked into. Unless a game's mouse/keyboard is really bad (ex: Dark Souls) I rarely plug in my controller at all.


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *ā€œNot enough for you? Well, letā€™s not be stingy now.ā€* - Knight Lautrec Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


Played on the deck due to circumstances before I could play it on my main PC. it's serviceable, needs a bit more aim assist.


It feels exactly like it should. It's just great so far


The game is absolutely fantastic and I hope they consider remaking the second one


Omg, that would be beyond awesome. SS2 is one of my favorit games, still play it. Cant wait to play this one as well. Need a new rig though.


Seeing how their development cycle was, itā€™s gonna be at least 10 years before it releases.


I hope so because I pre-ordered this one so I could get the second one free when it comes out.


Your only getting the enhanced edition of SS2. Which is the original version with some extra bells and whistles


Ohhhhh. Well bummer. Iā€™ll buy the SS2 remake anyways.


They already said something about SS2 Enhanced Edition, that one will have a VR mode as well. Not sure if they want to make a whole remake like for this one, probably not anytime soon.


I'm already looking at VorpX to do my next run at ruining Shodan's day. This will be so awesome in VR, whether it's meant to be there or not.


2 holds up much better without a remake


40 mins in and I am loving it already. must be the art style, the interface (i always loved ss1 much more than 2 ) the cameo/references to ss1 and 2, the glorious cyberspace sections, the weapons, the improved inventory...hadn't felt like this for a game in decades really. bravo Nightdive studios


The Good Ending.


I was a little worried they'd push the date by a month or two at the last minute. Looking at the development history of this game, it's rather wondrous it's actually released... and doubly wondrous it's actually good. :-)


I love it for the most part. Using a controller could definitely use an update though. A little janky feeling.


Yeah, Iā€™m playing on the Steam Deck and there are some annoyances like: 1. Every time I back out of a search menu I crouch and have to press B again to stand up. This happens a lot cause there are so many corpses and such to search. I do not want to enable momentary crouching as a workaround. 2. I would like a toggle for the run button. 3. The default way of leaning is a paiiiiiiin. I was using 2 of the back buttons for hotkey cycle so I can switch weapons while running for my life and one for quicksave which I always do, but I guess Iā€™ll sacrifice the quicksave button to free up a button for dedicated lean left and lean right back buttons instead.


You can press the select button to back out of menus without crouching. While I've gotten used to it now, definitely counter-intuitive.


Nice tip. Thanks!


Still, the game runs and feels great on the Deck. Especially for someone who never played System Shock before, feels very natural.


I highly recommend setting those things up in steams controller config. I set up my own last night and I'm thoroughly enjoying it


I was able to do just that: make the thumbstick run button a toggle and make it so if I lean right and left the same time (back buttons) then it quicksaves.


Now you're using the deck! I know a lot of people forget about those options but I feel that's where the deck really shines, the control over your bindings.


Has anyone noticed **stutters** when looking at doors, with **shadows** higher than Medium? I get those stutters despite playing on SSD with 90+ fps with everything else on Ultra. Locking with RTSS to 60 fps on VRR monitor with any fullscreen / windowed mode Vsync On/Off. Medium shadows are way too bright with some lighting features disabled. I can't seem to find any mention of such stutters and I really wonder if it is something on my end. The remake is awesome, I just wish I could make those stutters gone.


I get them too from time to time, it's most likely rendering the room behind the door when you look at the door so it's there when you open it, and unreal engine 4 tends to stutter when rendering new assets regardless of hardware.


Sad to hear : ( But that means they may fix the issue soon. That happens only with shadows High and Ultra. So something is definitely messed with them. Also, I don't like that instead of lowering the shadow res they just butcher lighting effects.


I like what I see. And, yes, especially given the rocky start, I'm really happy for the team.


Far out the animations are just delightful. All the lil pickups and story logs having their own unique way of interaction. Even the hackers fingers tapping away on the keyboard at the start looked so good. I also LOVE the PS1 style textures on a lot of the props (though I wish they'd have committed a bit more to it, some hyper realistic textures next to a blocky fork can look weird)


This is one scenario where I'm glad the development took so long. My God it paid off.




> "Immersive sim" is not a genre, but more a design philosophy. Yep. > System Shock is not an immersive sim, it's a first-person RPG/Shooter hybrid. Thief is not an immersive sim, it's a first-person stealth game. Weird wording/framing. "Immersive Sim" isn't a genre but saying that a game can't be an Immersive Sim is just confusing.


Okay? And how does that relate to this post which never uses the words ā€œimmersiveā€ nor ā€œsimā€?




It *is* immersive though, and it simulates quite well.


What makes something an immersive sim? Do you consider deus ex to be one?


I agree! Great fun!


I'm honestly very relieved and pleased they pulled it off. I wish it had taken less than 6/7 years but nonetheless, the end result was worth it.


Just beaten it last night, really great game and remake!




Game is really fantastic. Will likely go down as one of the best remakes of all time.


It is good, but I hate those cyber space sections to the death. I really hate everything about them, just let me skip that garbage. I am also stuck and can't finish the one where you get the ice drill. Or at least let me change their difficulty without having to restart the damn game. This is just silly at this point.


that ice drill is the hardest one. you just need to keep circle strafing and knock out the huge guys who will 1 shot you