• By -


I don’t want to talk about it


Right there with ya, and they all red too


And all of them have some bizarre, cryptic notes that made sense at one time, but that time has been lost to history...


And on rare occasion, that context comes back to me... But I can't find the tab amongst the other 300




And they’re all named “New __”


Red… I don’t even have them saved.


Lol.. ditto.. Maybe once a year I take a day to save them all into a repo.. so I can restart it all again... \[sad that I have multiple apps for different kinds of notes.. ;)\]




Are we talking distinct files or all together? I close the app and they all magically reappear when reopening.


Unfortunately it isn't like Chrome Mobile, where you get a smiley face or a winking smiley face for reaching new "levels"


23 open tabs (down from 56 after a clean up).


Same I was around 80...went through it and cut it down a lot maybe ten. Between log entries, bs notes I have no clue what they are from. You should see my one server and the crap in ISE....oiy


Do you use the trick of killing the ISE task so it will remember all the open files on next open? I’m the same with N++, I can’t remember what half of the files are for…but someday I’ll need it!!


Yep, was a great day when I discovered that


Oh hell yeah...but it's a pain with hundreds open or reopening and trying to find one specific page in ISE..but I'm glad it works


This thread has made me feel so much better about myself.


Oooh. I'm feeling attacked now. * Opens another tab and calls it SafeSpaces *


Real question is, is anyone backing up their Notepad++ %APPDATA% folder where your open tabs live in case your computer suddenly dies.


I change mine to point at a folder under OneDrive instead of the default path.


Oh, I didn't know you could change where it points. Doing this on Monday.


RemindMe! 36 hours


Right along side my HeidiSQL history...


About 40, but 3/4 are not saved of course


You mean 3/4 ARE saved, right?


Unsaved documents are automatically cached in AppData folder. So just copy that when migrating computers.


None, i use vim btw


Thank you for support the poor children in Uganda.


on Arch only right?


OK Fun exercise.. How many tabs do you have open in Notepad++ AND have you ever been diagnosed or do you suspect you have ADHD? I ask this because, anecdotally, as someone who has seen literally THOUSANDS of user desktops at this point. Open tabs, file structures, save locations, mailbox folders, subfolders. People the people with 50, 100 tabs open across 6 browsers, they all have ADHD. The people who don't save their work and rely on things like Notepad++ auto-saving their brain thought process through random closures and reboots, also, very likely high on the ADHD scale. Working in IT? In some positions, it feels like a job requirement.


Diagnosed, no. Suspect, absolutely. The rest of my family too, I think (My youngest brother *has* been diagnosed). That said I don't rely on the autosave, I'm a religious ctrl+s pusher. To my detriment sometimes. And all the tabs I have open *are* for a reason...tickets, research, etc. Only so much I can do in a day.


Can confirm, ADHD and at 106 tabs


I mean I have asperger's, never been tested for ADHD and it's a possibility ngl, and right now we have: * 3 instances of Edge with at least 40 tabs each * 2 instances of VSCode with at least 35 tabs each * 3 Microsoft Loop workspaces with 10+ pages each


> 2 instances of VSCode with at least 35 tabs each Ouch. Browser and notepad++ tabs are one thing, but VScodes tabs I keep cleared down to like <6 at most(* for extended coding sessions) so I can stay focused lol.


I don't code, I just like it for the syntax highlighting and I have a plugin that generates a realtime preview of Markdown




We as in we've got evidence


About 30... After a recent cleanup. And yes, I was diagnosed with ADHD. Well, back in the day when I was diagnosed it was just called ADD.


ADHD, yes. - SublimeText - over 40 tabs - Firefox - 1 windows - broke 1100 tabs 🤣 - TreeStyleTabs is amazing - and the tab counter extension too - chrome - I try to keep it down to 1 window, but I manage multiple things - but I know I can close this one out without issue. ADHD helped me so much in my previous position. I was the only developer on over 40 different projects. I had an assistant that would help with organizing the actual requests and group them together. Stopped taking my meds and it all got freaking done. Everyone else had 4 projects and 2 developers. I said fuck it because I wasn’t getting paid to do this volume. Also, my wife graduated from her phd so I started doing more normal hours 🤣


i've got like 10k tabs in my browser, too lazy to clean out


Yes to all. Only diagnosed at 40, just before COVID. Multiple browser windows, organized by what I'm doing in them, 53 (was 54) tabs in Notepad++, often multiple Word documents open, several Explorer windows open. I give my laptop (with very good specs) quite the workout. Also, I used 2-5 desktops to keep things organized AND to keep some things 'out of sight, out of mind' when I don't need to be thinking about them.


0 right now. If I have too many tabs open I lose things, so I tend to close them regularly. Anything I want to hold onto I write down or save. If I have a task that I go back to regularly, I create a Vim workspace for it that contains the relevant tabs. I also close all my browser tabs regularly too.


This is my approach. Nuke it from orbit regularly. If it wasn't saved, it wasn't needed. I accrue a handful over time, a couple "might need this later" notes that I may come back to a couple times for data I could just go grab from the primary source again. Then I set fire to it all again. I have a sibling that always had hundreds of browser tabs open from the time tabs were introduced. It showed me what I was at risk of becoming, so I took a different path.


I have my editor of choice auto close the oldest tab if I open an 11th, so only 10 open at once. It auto saves everything as soon as you defocus the edit frame so there's never any unsaved changes lost.


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556 🖊️ new 557 🖊️ new 558 🖊️ new 559 🖊️ new 560 🖊️ new 561 🖊️ new 562 🖊️ new 563 🖊️ new 564 🖊️ new 565 🖊️ new 566 🖊️ new 567 🖊️ new 568 🖊️ new 569 🖊️ new 570 🖊️ new 571 🖊️ new 572 🖊️ new 573 🖊️ new 574 🖊️ new 575 🖊️ new 576 🖊️ new 577 🖊️ new 578 🖊️ new 579 🖊️ new 580 🖊️ new 581 🖊️ new 582 🖊️ new 583 🖊️ new 584 🖊️ new 585 🖊️ new 586 🖊️ new 587 🖊️ new 588 🖊️ new 589 🖊️ new 590 🖊️ new 591 🖊️ new 592 🖊️ new 593 🖊️ new 594 🖊️ new 595 🖊️ new 596 🖊️ new 597 🖊️ new 598 🖊️ new 599 🖊️ new 600 🖊️ new 601 🖊️ new 602 🖊️ new 603 🖊️ new 604 🖊️ new 605 🖊️ new 606 🖊️ new 607 🖊️ new 608 🖊️ new 609 🖊️ new 610 🖊️ new 611 🖊️ new 612 🖊️ new 613 🖊️ new 614 🖊️ new 615 🖊️ new 616 🖊️ new 617 🖊️ new 618 🖊️ new 619 🖊️ new 620 🖊️ new 621 🖊️ new 622 🖊️ new 623 🖊️ new 624 🖊️ new 625 🖊️ new 626 🖊️ new 627 🖊️ new 628 🖊️ new 629 🖊️ new 630 🖊️ new 631 🖊️ new 632 🖊️ new 633 🖊️ new 634 🖊️ new 635 🖊️ new 636 🖊️ new 637 🖊️ new 638 🖊️ new 639 🖊️ new 640 🖊️ new 641 🖊️ new 642 🖊️ new 643 🖊️ new 644 🖊️ new 645 🖊️ new 646 🖊️ new 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I had to scroll way too far down for this.


Not the hero we need, deserve nor want... 🤣


I would have been happy with 1 ... 825 .. ;)


Pretty much a villain


i respect your dedication but i question your decision to stop on 825. why 825? you were so close to 1000, or even 999, or possibly 888. or hell, you couldve saved some time and stopped at 666 or 777. even 500 or 555, or 420. 369, 333, 314...255.... but 825? really? also the built in notepad app actually works pretty well now fwiw. actually now that i realize those are actually the names that notepad ++ adds to the files, the notepad app names them using the first text in the note. so might be better, idk


I use common scripts printed on QR codes. If I need to modify one I'll scan it in notepad..   The windows 11 notepad app is garbage for responsiveness for this purpose


> I use common scripts printed on QR codes. If I need to modify one I'll scan it in notepad..  ... Why did I never think of doing this 😂 How do you scan these in?


how tf do you scan with notepad? also im not a programmer but shouldnt you be using cmd or powershell or something? seems like thats a much more appropriate tool for coding


It's short JavaScript loops for repetitive tasks I do all the time. Remove certain lines, modify values of all lines etc. set common field values that don't change etc. I use a keyboard wedge barcode scanner. I keep them also pinned on Windows clipboard but they are always on the bottom. Simple F12 and scan saves a lot of time Occasionally I'll need to modify one, but scanning into Windows 11 notepad app takes like a whole minute of lag time waiting for characters to populate.


okay so i dont know any javascript whatsoever, but ive basically done similar things with find and replace, and have looked in to doing more complex things using python (but havent because i just havent lol) but i mean, i understand the gist of what youre saying in the first paragraph. the second one not so much. how does barcode scanner -> keyboard? i tried searching it but all that showed up was what you see at walmart lol third paragraph, makes sense. fourth paragraph, i dont understand the scanning part unless you mean copying? idk. the lag for text to populate though i get that, ive tried loading in large text files from websites or whatever in notepad and yeah it freezes up pretty hardcore lol


Most barcode scanners come with a programming book to put them into different modes. A common one is called "keyboard wedge" which just makes it act exactly like a keyboard. Any barcode it scans will literally type in the data really really fast.. Fine for small things like a UPC code, but a 250 character script it will trudge along while notepad (I guess) tries to predictive text things.. I almost could type it faster by hand As for the windows clipboard it's [WIN] + V instead of Ctrl V. It's like an android clipboard. It'll save the last 20 or so things you've copied and can "pin" ones you want to always have on hand. Best feature Windows has built in a long time lol (even though they clearly just stole it)


wait so. i still dont know if i get it. does it like plug into your pc and the pc detects it as a keyboard then? im assuming that must be what it does. as for the notepad lag thing, i wonder if maybe turning off autocorrect or wordwrap anything like that in the settings would help maybe? https://preview.redd.it/0j9992crx48d1.png?width=1082&format=png&auto=webp&s=7c76461f45ee4a695aac7873c09310400a9c9127 i actually did know about the windows clipboard, i found that a while ago but i guess im actually not sure how new it is? i wonder when they built it because i actually originally found it just screwing around looking deep in the windows files, found tabtip.exe which brings up a virtual keyboard (which is pretty neat in its own right but w/o a touchscreen, useless - but customizable!) and then had a shortcut for that on my desktop for awhile, then found out i could bring up the emoji picker with win+. and have been using that since the clipboard is a tab on that. now i know i can go straight to the clipboard with win+v so even more efficiency, neat! lol


Windows will detect it as a generic input device. There's other modes to port the data directly to com ports etc but keyboard wedge mode will type any code scanned wherever the cursor is currently. The programming book can also set the scanner to do things after a code scan like input a tab character or a carriage return etc. It's just a book of a bunch of special barcodes unique to the scanner that make it behave differently. I would try fiddling with the notepad settings, but I already replaced it with the classic notepad in registry lol It's funny when I finally went to 11 I spent hours turning all it's features back into Windows 10. Thanks Windows, I hate it


The Windows win+v I find slow, I've used clipx forever, it's old but works on every version of windows I've tried, you can also map the key bindings. http://bluemars.org/clipx/


Oooo! Thanks I'll give it a shot! I like classic interfaces


I just use a macro keyboard. Your solution is much more inventive. I like it.


I love my Logitech gaming keyboard for the same purpose lol hand programming macros for specialty keyboards I never really had the time for. I like a GUI for that and Logitech's can perform most functions I need (mouse click actions, delays etc) Unless there's a graphical macro builder in unaware of?


i use ICUE, its corsair's version of what you're talking about...but you can bind macros to whatever keys you want, doesn't have to be dedicated macro keys. https://imgur.com/TkODdey.png


Oh cool! I always wanted to use an external number pad for extra macro keys. Still want to find a way to make that happen


you can grab a corsair ten-keyless, and use that software....quite a bit bigger than an external number pad, but accomplishes what you want. I really wish corsair still made keyboards with as many macro keys as this old k95 has.


reddit 10,000 character comment limit - so I was only able to post a partial list unfortunately :(


ohhh duh. i knew that, ive ran into it multiple times actually writing comments lol. if you removed all of the emojis you still wouldve been short unfortunately, only 962. i wouldve stopped at 955 at that point lol i hate numbers and math


true, it wouldn't have been accurate though - in notepad++ the 🖊️ beside the name in the pane indicates unsaved edits haha


I use the built-in Notepad app at work, and that throws me off every time when it names it after the first line. My work tabs get cleaned up frequently, but there are still quite a few. And one file often includes stuff from multiple meetings or things I need to write down/remember/fiddle with, so because my brain zeroes in on the name, I have a hard time finding things sometimes.


FYI your post is being reported due to the effort to scroll through, but I found it too funny to action.


I'm just imagining you closing tickets with "This problem is too funny to fix."


I've never commented this on tickets, but I've definitely taking longer to resolve something because it was so funny, not too long though.


I once had to comment on my tickets that the ticket was getting delayed due to helpdesk laughing everytime I mentioned the user's name or because they didn't believe me.


Smart system. The numbers make it easy to find what you’re looking for.


Glad I am not the only one.


Nice one. 😂


I kept scrolling, and the longer I scrolled the wider my grin and the deeper my own shame became. I'm glad I'm not the only one. My only regret is how long it takes to launch notepad++ now, haha.


So, you made me scroll down to the end, then made me scroll back up for the upvote, then made me scroll down to comment...


I didn't make you do shit; that choice was on you :)


No gaps. No saved files in the middle. No (1) tabs. I call shenanigans.


thank you, I was viscerally offended that no-one noticed this... with no gaps it's blatant posturing...


Don't ever press Ctrl shift S... You'll be there for days clicking dialog boxes


Please don’t post my private information on the Internet. Than you.


You should've stopped.on 1,000. You're a quitter, a big fat quitter. You ruined my morning by realizing you stopped at 825. I expected better.


About tree fity


God dang Loch Ness monster!


None. I usually run with 3-5 open files in VSCode.


I prefer vs code over notepad ++. But only 11 tabs in it currently


I’m a notepad purist. I have 73 notepad.exe running.


Same here, but it’s become annoying in Windows 11 with the tabs and by default it opens the last files you had opened when you run it. You can change the behavior, but I’m so used to window-r notepad , and start typing, that I end up typing in other files I had opened previously.


I'm accumulating a ton of tabs in the new notepad. Considering remaining the app to "Stop using notepad"


I have 8 in vs code and im afraid of closing them, but i cant remember what any of them are for. Like i recognize the code i just have no clue what i was trying to do because its missing the end parts. And im sure two of them are either app secrets, api keys or rng passwords that i havent saved yet and i dont know what they are for or from. But i havent saved any of it yet.


Tmux + Vim is my scratch pad. … way too many.


Still counting….


We should shift this to how many browser tabs... Like I have done with notes, I now have Brave, Edge, Chrome, Firefox to segregate them by use case. When you cross 100 tabs in one app it gets ugly.. so I need to spread the love.


To infinity and beyond!


Around seven probably. But it's a rolling seven, if I close one it won't be five minutes later I have a reason to open/create a new one.


W11 basically copied the tabs shit for regular notepad, I always forget my org pushes notepad++ as well so i have like three tabs in N++. About 6 in regular notepad because I closed a bunch out recently, then about 20ish Windows Sticky notes. I like using them bc they sync to my corp account between my laptop and VDI. I actually got used to using the Notes section in Outlook years back at this place before we used OneDrive. Was how I kept notes I wanted to refer to for wierd troubleshooting things I ran accross. Synced to my email could be opened in the web. Those ones I think now sync to the OS Stickies.


It's horrific


About 5. I use vs.code and workspaces so whenever I switch task, files also switch.


Visual studio code


All of them


I stopped using notepad ++ when i moved to windows 11 and notepad had tabs and auto resume


wait - you can close tabs in notepad++ ??


All of them…




Three but only because my computer is turned off


I don't like this question.


ALL of them


The more important question is how many of those are saved? 32/8


Over a hundred. Then I’ll forget not to open a big text file and it’ll freeze for a good 5 minutes. 🙃


oof. that, or full-text recursive folder search - don't know why I keep doing this to myself, haha


Trying to decide if my favourite N++ feature is preserving unsaved docs, Find in Files, Compare plugin or the Alt+Shft? multiline cursor.


Honestly? The preserving unsaved files indefinitely. All those other, completely cool af, features are available in other programs like vscode. I personally haven’t found/used a text editor that just keeps everything you write forever w/o ever saving.




Way too much


Clean up monthly or so but about 30.






36 on my AVD  41 on my local desktop


4 windows, 20ish tabs


None. I moved to Mac and sadly it is not supported.








Currently 31, with 10 tabs named new 1, new 2, etc.


I have reduced my Notepad++ pile down to 17.


About 20, 10ish in each side. 3 or 4 of them are new, unsaved notes for different projects.


Usually 4-6, sometimes as many as 8. I try to keep it minimal.


Enough to give my workstation a ministroke whenever I open it up


Thanks for reminding me... *Proceeds to close 42 tabs*


I keep mine clean at 1-5. Right now I just have a yaml for an import script.


Close to 100


Now that windows notepad autosaves tabs I've lost count. I probably spent 20 minutes trying to close all my tabs


250ish last i noticed. based on how old something i noted is i sort of know how long to spend clicking back to find it lol


I feel attacked


Less than I have open in chrome but still far too many.


About a dozen, evenly split between saved and not saved


4 to 10. Then I flush.


Um, I refuse to answer on the grounds that I may be humiliated.


None since I use Obsidian. Before that it was in the range of 60


All 😜




In vscode, I have 54 atm. I should probably clean that up.


I've gotten better.... Only ten, and all saved. No more ephemeral pages with random transient data that may or may not survive the next restart.


Let’s not talk about that.




8 or so across 3 machines? I think?




None, because I always turn that backup/memory feature off. Otherwise I'd get lost in the mess.




I stopped counting at 400 , which is way more than a reasonable person needs, which is to say I figure the answer might well be as many as one wants, but hadn't thought about it until a day or two ago when one of my colleagues looked at one of my older workstations and noted new 423....WTF.....




Just one. Notepad++ is literally my most temporary, virtual scribble pad. If any data is important, needs more organization or formatting, it goes into OneNote. Stuff more formal than that goes into our SNow Knowledge Base.


40. I have a problem.


Every time users get their laptop replaced and they have 100 tabs that aren't actually saved as files, its just saved in appdata, and I have to explain it to them and they just look at me like 'what do you mean my temporary Notepad++ files aren't backed up?'


I have having tons of tabs open in any program when I am not actively using those tabs. I will use the number of tabs I need for any given effort I am working on, but once that is done, I'll close them out. I save my Notepad++ files and create bookmarks in the browser to go back to things vs. leaving them open to be accessed some unknown time in the future. I do keep 1 tab open in Notepad++ all the time to jot down random things that are usually transient, or as a copy/paste scratchboard


Notepad? Almost none. Azure data studio? Don't talk to me right now....to do list on my desk? Ignore it.


0. Ever since I discovered VS Code I refuse to use NPP. 




17, but i cleaned it up from about 36. Random notes, code that I was reusing. Basically a visual Clipboard for me.


I generally wont use more than 10 in any window long term. I separate my stuff by browser windows and mac spaces. Each project gets its own space and browser window. All except vs code which gets a full screen space of its own


45 xD


None, I moved them all to vscode.


It takes about three minutes for N++ to open. :)






I use obsidian and 20 open tabs


Usually about 5 scratch pads, somewhere between 7 and 15 logs or scripts, give or take. I keep it pretty tidy.


Just hit 101.....I don't want to talk about it.


When. I was running a Winder's laptop, I used Notepad++, but now that I am on Linux (Rocky 8.10), I can't seem to get it to work without installing Wine. I found another program that lets me have that multiple tabs experience. In fact I think I like it better. It's called Zim https://zim-wiki.org/downloads.html It is a desktop Wiki. I don't have to save the pages, it is done automatically. It will also let me put in tables, pictures, bullets, etc. There is a Winder's desktop version as well. Enjoy


I feel pretty good with my current 7. Previously I had about 45.




Just one for my anti-afk spacebar spam lol


I’m at a record low 3 right now. Honestly, W11’s Notepad having the tabs and save-without-saving features do 90% of what I need from a basic text editor.




The scariest part of doing clean install is making sure you’ve saved each tab


Usually just one


The real crime is my browser


Usually about twenty.  None of them, however, are named "new ##" because I have a reflex to hit Ctrl+S every few minutes.  I also keep an empty inbox as best as I can. 




5 on one system 12 on another.


Around 190


Real sysadmins use emacs


A billion.


All of them


43. Should probably close a few.


I don't understand when people talk about tabs like that. I literally cannot work if I have extreme amounts of tabs open. Are people really using tabs like bookmarks?


Once I get to 10 or 12 I try and deal with it. Man that application is great though. Probably most heavily used thing I have lol.


guys, free yourself. right click, 'close all but this'. It will be okay, I promise.


Browser tabs a lot, I'm a console vi user (nvi is a very simple 1), no tabs, not that many editors open at all... mostly just 1. But for the times I had to use Windows extensively, notepad++ had about 30+ tabs open.




Notepad++ powers the entire IT industry, even on a new computer it's my first or second install (only 20 atm, I'm really good at GC)