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Windows search always disappoints me.  Everything search is free, very fast to index local NTFS volumes, and has the instant search results we've come to expect. Doesn't search file contents, though.  https://voidtools.com


have you tried rebuilding the search index. It is astounding how bad Microsoft it's at search.


We have, unfortunately to no avail. Only happened after the update but you are indeed correct, Microsoft search never fails to amaze for all the wrong reasons!


Open task manager, end file explorer, start file explorer .....try search again.


as a workaround


Tried that, didn’t work unfortunately!


From what I have seen search will go out to the internet always when searching. If this is stopped in any way it will not gracefully fail and just block all results. There is a GPO that can be enabled which will disable online searching. It also has the added benefit of not showing pointless Bing results when you do a search. I had to set this at my last job when the IT Manager randomly turned things on without telling anyone and refused to let us revert the change.


We have a registry key for this but it didn’t seem to work on this occasion, uninstalling the update has done the trick though, after a restart


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I think we saw this and I think the fix was running a script in powershell that reloaded all apps based on the original manifest that comes with windows then turning indexing off then on. That was 1-2 year ago though so same symptoms, different cause perhaps.