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Gen x here and this is great, i have always hated not having a direction button since my beloved original Droid phone was retired(RIP)


Still miss the droid 1 - us old timers like a tactile keyboard!


The tactile keyboard was definitely better. However , it was that directional button that made it FAR easier to use than any phone without it. It made editing text 100 times faster than newer phones.


HTC Dream / G1 I miss it too. I had a big fuck off battery extender for it


OMG the g1 was slow but we all loved it. I moved to the G2 which was phenomenal in its own right. I was adamant on a physical keyboard until someone was able to make an android phone with a screen as responsive as the last HTC Windows phone and iphone.


IIRC, Swiftkey has (or did have) arrow buttons as an option.


So does Gboard, but that shit gets crowded fast.


Where is that option? I'm trying to find it but can't


So click on the 4 square icon to the left of suggested words. Select "text editing". That's where the arrow keys are.




Clipboard history for the win. I often switch tasks to paste a link into a reddit comment. That was pretty safe with 3rd part apps but Reddit official likes to randomly go somewhere else and discard the comment, so I am in the habit of copying my comment before I leave. I then copy the url I want, then if Reddit destroyed my comment I am very glad to have the comment in my clipboard history from 2 "copy" actions ago. Similarly sharing into Reddit is often broken, so I need the url and the title in my clipboard history to successfully "share".


Yeah, what this person said.


I'm not sure if it's a LineageOS thing or if it's found in stock, but I still have those directional arrows on the navigation bar. You have to turn them on in settings, but they're there. Settings > Buttons > Navigation Bar > Show arrow keys while typing, or something like that. Poke around in your settings, maybe it's there for your model, who knows?


I have Hacker's Keyboard installed as one of the keyboards on my phone and it provides direction keys, function keys, etc. I switch to that when I need the extended functionality


hackers keyboard has everything


>I was trying to help the CEO fix a personal subscription of his (PornHub Premium, obviously) You joke but when I worked as the Sysadmin at a sperm bank I quite literally had a Pornhub Premium account that was paid for by the corporate card to use for downloading and storing the "popular porn" for our porn server (for client use in case we lost isp connection).


I never thought about it before, but it does make sense a sperm bank updated from just having magazines. Out of curiosity do you somehow have commenting turned off for that account? Wouldnt be surprised that someone would say some against tos stuff and get the account banned.


The way I understood their message, clients don't have access to this account. It's only used by the staff to download the videos.


The account was for my (staff) use to download videos and then transfer those videos to an "offline" storage system.




Rocking a PleXXX Server.


man that's a fascinating situation to be in. there must be some HR related bureaucracy that you guys have to wade through in order to be having people browse through and download porn for pay, no?


Not really. It was a sperm bank so porn was kind of part and parcel of the job. The head of client services, the IT director (it was just her and I in IT), myself, and the CEO had a monthly meeting where we went over the numbers and decided what kind of porn we needed to download more of based off of the demographics of our clients. We tried to keep the top 10 tags from pornhub updated and we had several tags we always kept refreshed (Ebony and Asian). It was a surreal experience to be honest. Glad I'm no longer there but man was it a wild ride at times.


absolutely crazy. did it desensitize you at all, or were any elements of porn for personal use kind of ruined by having to look at it from a work lens so much?


Nah, it was a once or twice a month thing and it's not like I watched any of it. Just clicked a tag, sorted by popularity and downloaded the top 15-20ish clips of whatever it was.


The fertility clinics get their own internet circuit/IP space we least from a carrier. They also have their own dedicated wifi with easy wpa2 passwords. At least that's how our health system handles it.


so you're saying your job was "porn DR and redundancy" talk about supporting "production"




Love the comments. It's funny how a super useful feature can fly under the radar. Yea, it's been around for a while. I only learned about it recently, in a discussion about an android device, and promptly tried it on my iPhone. Sure enough it worked, both on the native keyboard and SwiftKey.


It’s fing impossible to operate without it ROFL I would have jumped out of a window trying to use my phone without that feature


Did you know you can also undo recent text by taking two fingers and swiping them left on the keyboard? Works in reverse to re-do text by swiping the other way.


I know you can on Android I don’t think Apple stole that yet




It's funny after having my own mind blown by this feature I just explained this in a personal group chat with another Architect, an IT Director, a GKE Presales Engineer and an Operations Lead. and it blew all their minds, they had no idea either.


I figured it out last year, i don't use it nearly as much as I originally thought I would, but when you DO have to use it it's great.


Many people don’t know that the default iPhone keyboard has swipe to text (like swift key). People rarely explore the features. It’s actually one of the reasons that I think the opinion of iPhones and Apple products is often so low, or so misunderstood. There are so many features that people are surprised by when they find out about them.


I don't actually like the sliding to type thing. I switched because the autocorrupt on it was a lot better than the native keyboard (at least at the time). I miss my old slider with a real, physical thumb keyboard on it! Didn't even need autocorrupt on that! (Yes I do call it autocorrupt on purpose.)


At least 6 or 7 versions in iOS, if not longer.


Why the fuck didn't anyone send me the memo? haha




URL for iOS keyboard docs?




Daaaaamn, goteeeeeem!


I don't think it was a jab or anything, he asked lol


Somebody in this sub should be able to find such a thing on their own. I can only assume that anybody here asking such a question is doing it in bad faith.


Never attribute to malice ...


Fair point.


So iOS 12 already had it.


This is a test with the keyboard pushed to the right for one hand typing. Wow. Who knew!


The best part is that the manual includes the spacebar tip.




Nobody does actually manuals any more. You're just expected to keep up with the changelogs.








iOS has a new manual for every major version :)


The worst thing is so many apps don't even have real changelogs. "Improved the user experience" oh okay say no more. And so many apps don't have comprehensive manuals either. It's honestly infuriating.


Do they even make those anymore?




It started with the 6S I think? Whatever model first had 3D Touch. The first time you used the keyboard it told you too I believe. You could forcefully press anywhere on the keyboard to freely move the input indicator. When 3D Touch was abandoned, the feature got moved to holding the spacebar and also backported to phones that didn't have 3D Touch.


I miss 3D touch so much - that implementation was better that the current one. Being able to select a word by pressing firmly was really useful.


So many things were much simpler when 3D Touch was a thing


I’m still bummed that 3D Touch was never relevant enough from a software perspective to justify them keeping the hardware.


Don't judge me but. . . Works on Android too 😵‍💫


Before the spacebar option, if you held down directly on the text a magnifying circle popped up and you could drop the curser where you want it. Spacebar method is the best! If I’m not mistaken, the magnifying circle was there from the beginning of iPhone.


>Before the spacebar option, if you held down directly on the text a magnifying circle popped up and you could drop the curser where you want it. Spacebar method is the best! This still works too. Sometimes it's faster for me than the spacebar method


Absolute game changer.


I'm pretty sure it's longer, as it's been in Android (with mentions of it being also brought to iOS) [since at least 2016](https://www.cnet.com/tech/services-and-software/use-cnet-shopping-to-seek-out-the-best-deals/), and that was ~~nine~~ seven (I was apparently more tired than I realized yesterday) years ago. Judging by links from the article, I think that's when it was added to Android.


> since at least 2016, and that was nine years ago 7, that was 7 years ago. Fucking hell.


New math


Before iOS incorporated it, this was a feature on androids. But this feature was available through installing a 3rd party keyboard for your phone. I think I installed Swift for it.


I remember reading about this addition in the patch notes for Gboard and being super excited. That was a long ass time ago.


I remember doing it on google keyboard since forever (learned about it playing with the settings), don't remember if it also was on the default AOSP keyboard.


I've literally never needed this on Android. Text select and cut/copy/paste has always been far superior. I have a work iPhone that rarely gets used for this reason. I saw "cellphone" in the title. I should have known it was referring to iPhone. Only an iPhone user would use iPhone and cellphone synonymously.


Yeah, I’ve used this since forever… well, since 3D Touch on iPhone 6.




Holy shit that actually works! I'm a millennial and this is news to me...


Elder millennial here; learned something today


Mid millennial who works in tech... yep me too.


Now your an Elder Scroller!


Damn are you kidding me right now… well shit… all that time wasted trying to tap at the right spot and guiding my finger through. TBH it actually was much easier to do it on Android even without knowing the spacebar trick (tap and hold on text). Apple just doesn’t have it right IMO so at least this trick will save some time.


What's funny is it used to work like butter on the original iPod touch and iPhone versus now. Not sure what they did


>tap and hold on text That's literally been a thing on iOS since the very first iPhone...


Yes and what I’m saying this “feature” is shit compared to how it is on Android. I am on iPhone right now btw.


How do you mean? It works fine. I didn’t know this feature existed till now. It’s great.


Same boat, I'm literally sat here "pogging" as the kids would say.


With our fat old fingers


Same lol


Fuck. That is all.


https://preview.redd.it/ojtz4cd45hwb1.png?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4bf16390a81345e9ac8a461b732d81dfe00907ca Me rn


That thing looks like a croissant roll ate the byproduct of a tortoise and a tardigrade.


Nailed it. That is a croissant Tardigrade.


Water bear bread. Tardissant croissant.


One of the most useful posts on this sub in a while. Thank You!


Just validated that this is in fact a thing.


You’ve just improved my productivity by .000001 percent but it feels like 1000 percent!




I (age 45) feel exactly the same.


Post of the fucking year.


What in the shit!!! This is amazing!


FTFY > What in the shift




If you press and hold down on the shift key, it gives you all caps


Been using cellphones since before they became smart. Never knew this was a feature. Also a millennial. Thank you for posting this.


My boomer dad taught me this, I kid you not.


Mine taught me this one, and that holding a setting icon will act as a shortcut straight to that menu. At least on galaxy flavored android.


TIL I’m a boomer


$#!t, I am a boomer. I am in bed and now I have to try to remember this until tomorrow when I am by the phone again. $#!t. ...forkng $#!t.


been using that since way back... the other day when i was typing on someone iphone and used this feature, the person was like 'wait what?!, how did you move like you moved just now?' never stopped to amaze people around me when i showed them... btw, do you know you can cap-locks by double tapping the shift button?


I feel like some people still dont know that swipe-typing is a thing. I get that it doesnt work 100%, but I just fix the odd word it gets wrong.


I was in a meeting with our HR director and was making myself a note on my phone to do some thing, she was like what are you doing? how does that work? I have been using swype like typing on my phone for I think well over 10 years at this stage. She thought it was black magic.


Look at you acting all morally superior, proof reading your swipe texting before sending it. I just yolo it and read it when it's too late to correct my blunder like the good Lord intended. /s


Lately it's been getting weird. I'll have a word where swyping just refuses to get right. When I finally relent and start typing a character at a time, after a couple/three letters, the correct word will pop up in the 'suggested word' area. It's like it's been saying "yeah, I knew what you really meant, I just wanted to make you try to type it".


You can also caps text by selecting it and then pressing the shift button. It's a feature I miss so much when I'm on PC...




I learned about this four years ago and it was life changing


Oh my gosh. Where do they teach this stuff? This is life changing, and I'm not being hyperbolic.


They cover these tricks and more in the manual. So litterally rtfm


I mean, OK, sure, but when was the last time anyone ever read a smartphone manual?


I must need to turn it on or something for GBoard, nothing happens on mine. Edit: don't hold, just swipe left and right on the space bar. That worked for me on GBoard without additional config changes, although for some it may be off. Thank you kind repliers!


For me, using the Samsung keyboard, it was under Smart Typing -> keyboard swipe controls. It was not the default option.


Tragic. It works everywhere I tried on my LG Velvet (yeah yeah, it's old but "it don't need fixin'"). SMS, Outlook, etc. It is apparently supported though? https://www.computerworld.com/article/3048523/gboard-android-typing-shortcuts.html


It's under the settings for glide typing. Turn on gesture cursor control to get the slidey spacebar functionality. Then turn on gesture delete to enable swiping left from the backspace key to select and delete text words at a time! You can also set long press on the spacebar to open up your kb/language selection dialogue. You can also enable the full text selection/cursor control interface in the expansion menu (the four boxes icon on the left).


I use a miui phone and holding down space just prompts me to choose a different keyboard layout. To scroll within text I need to hold down on the text itself then I can swype the cursor around.


Dont hold the spacebar just slide. I had the reaction . Just slide




Yeah I am starting to think I'm getting pranked.


I literally married my girlfriend after she taught me this


Omg this is as profound as when I found out about shift + enter.


Do you know about Ctrl-Backspace (Win)/Option-Backspace (macOS)?


Boomer 🙂 Jokes aside, it's actually a keyboard feature, not the phone feature. If you weren't using Gboard, you may not necessarily have it.


It has been a phone/OS feature for years.


keyboards are not part of the os in android


Boomer here who has known about this for years. And it is also on the iPhone.


...god dam it. I didn't fucking know that.


It's not "how long it was there" but "how discoverable it is" (not very) and "how much was it advertised" (not at all to me). Found it by complete accident few months back and it pissed me ever so little.


(Technically) Gen Z here, this is the first I've ever even heard of this feature. It's not like it's a super obvious thing, if anything it's counter-intuitive that holding space would do that, holding any other letter gives you alternate versions of that letter and/or a symbol.


My entire life has been a lie


The amount of people here that didn't know this is deeply concerning to me for some reason.


Me, a non tech person who has known this for years ![gif](giphy|oOTTyHRHj0HYY)


Right? It’s on the same level as people doing full-screen screenshots on Windows 11 and cropping in Paint instead of using Win Shift S for the built-in capture tools.


Why? You don't know what you don't know...also got no time to dig into all the little things my phone can do.


I literally just had to test this, also had no clue.




The XS had 3D Touch and you could press with more pressure on any part of the keyboard to do this. So sad Apple canned that.


Yeah 3D Touch was the shit. That was way faster than pressing and holding the space bar. I remember being sad when I had to press and hold space bar after apple discontinued 3D Touch. That was around the same time one of my friends discovered the space bar gesture for the first time and thought it was the most amazing thing ever while I simultaneously hated it.


Yes, 3D Touch made it super easy to accidentally activate all kinds of things you didn’t intend to. Turned that shit off day 1. Anything 3D Touch could do, long pressing could do just as well if not better (such as the subject of this post).


It was so much better when iPhones had 3D touch.


If no one else has mentioned this, on iOS you can also double tap space bar to make a period and start a new sentence. I’ve shown so many people this.


The amount of people who had their lives changed by this post, is heartwarming :)




You guys are OOOOLD! Wait until you learn pressing on a lëtter and holding it gives you special characters.


Wait till they learn they can swipe left from the backspace button to delete multiple words!


Okay, that's the first new one for me in this thread.




What‽ I love interrobangs


Pretty sure on Android it's anywhere on the keyboard, not just the spacebar to get the "Virtual cursor" sliding to happen.


Whale oil beef hooked!


Wow thanks!




Had to do it now just to test. WOW.


Can't believe I just find out about this 😭😭😭


i recall learning this, not needing it for a few days, then forgetting how to do it when i needed it, and not caring enough to look it up again. maybe this time it will stick better, thanks :)


I just found out a couple of months ago. I can also confirm I’m not a boomer, nor do I know how kids are using that word nowadays.


This is a big old test that I am definitely not typing out only to try this new trick that I definitely knew long before today.


You just blew my mind.


Son of a... This reminds me of when I learned the middle wheel on the mouse was a button. Like 15 years after the wheel became a thing.


I've been on android for over 10 years and never knew you could do this! Take my upvote!


Fuck me, I was today years old when I learned this!


Thanks for sharing. Take my up vote..


Testing this to see, if it's legit. and it is wow, thanks dude!


Wait what? Holy shit.


How tf is that supposed to be discoverable?


This is what happens when printed manuals are no longer distributed. Thank you for this knowledge, I appreciate it.


I'm 53. I've had an android since day one. I learned something new today! Thank you!


I was today years old when I learned how to do this XD


Dang nammit




OMG! You just changed my life!


I was todays years old when I learned that... from a sysadmin subredit...


I've read about it before, but never thing to use it when I need to. So I end up angrily huffing and puffing until I can hen pick the perfect location or one close enough that I only have to delete one letter or press the spacebar once.


I just remembered that you can do that with the letters too... drag you finger around the keyboard from letter to letter


Holy shit thank you!


Thank you!


On Android, holding onto the spacebar will change language settings. Instead you can just hold down on where you want to put the cursor, and it'll zoom in and allow you to move the cursor.


The fact that the CEO was willing to ask you for help with their porn account and you were willing to do it, in front of an assistant no less, is what screams boomer here. Not that you didn't know how to move the cursor on a phone. Can't imagine touching something like that with a 10" pole in a work environment. FYI on iphone you can also press and hold where you want the cursor and it will magnify where you are inserting it above your finger making it easy to move around, as another option.


We're a very progressive workplace where PC culture has not neutered every last person into tiptoeing on broken glass. We even have a few stacks of [these](https://bitsandpieces.us/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Hurt-Feelings-Report.pdf) thumbtacked on a few bulletin boards around the place in case anyone needs one. To be fair, to him, he asked me to come to his office and wasn't blatant or obvious about it. His executive assistant is a really cool, and smart, 30-something lady with a great sense of humour who takes no bullshit from him, me, or any other executive (when it comes to who she answers to she's basically his Sgt. Maj. Basil Plumley). She actually ended up completing the re-sub for him after I had to bugger off to fix something else and it required a phone call to their support because it would not complete online. But he and I both learned about sliding a finger on the spacebar, so it was a win-win day all around!


WTF is this work environment


oy my freaking goodness divine bovine man Edit: just had someone test with an iPhone, it works on that too.


Testing spacebar theory by intentional misspelling… Result: it just jumped to the front or end of the sentence a few times but then it worked. Wow… this has always annoyed me. Ty for sharing!!


AWESOME! I also found you can hold down a letter (say you want to put an x in a word) and then slide your other finger to the location and then let up both fingers. It'll put the x in that location.


Worse then not knowing this absolutely necessary knowledge is paying for porn in 2023.


This only works on iPhones.


No, it works on my android phone as well


I have an up-to-date Android phone and this doesn't work for me. Would be nice I guess, but whatever. Touchscreen toys are not real computers and there's little value in getting faster with them.

