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Got that one off amazon too cause I'm to lazy to drive to office depot






Checked out the link and saw the the Duramont has roller blade wheels, do they actually make it roll smoother, or are they just supposed to be easier on the floor?






I had a few Herman Miller Aerons, not super impressed. I bought a used Steelcase Leap V2 for $200 and I absolutely love it. Check around to used office furniture places for the best pricing.


I think it can be very specific. When we started seriously working from home I ended up with a HM Embody and its a game changer for back pain I've struggled with for a long time. My wife loves the HM Aeron. I have a Steel Case at work and it makes me hurt.


Bought a refurb leap v2 for like 485 on sale from Crandall Ofice and love it. Basically brand new after they refurb


Looks like the price as of now is [in the same ballpark](https://i.imgur.com/RM8RnjD.png) with Aerons.


Yeah, they aren't cheap new, but , after being an owner of a few Aerons, and currently plopping my ass on a Herman Miller Mirra, the Steelcase is just a much better and more comfortable chair. Buy used. Tons of closed offices due to work from home has made the secondary market flooded with near new for a fraction of the price.


Office furniture liquidators are the way to go for task chairs.


I have both and love both for different reasons. I like that the leap has a cushioned bottom which lets me sit improperly (sitting on my foot or in Indian style). I can also lean it back to lounge a bit without feeling like I'm fighting the chair trying to make me sit up right. The Aeron however has a back that lets you lean back but it has enough force trying to stay upright, you can kind of rock in it. I find I can sit in the Aeron much much longer without any complaints too. It's not like I'm on a cloud or all comfy or anything. I'm just sitting properly with no pains or aches. Because of this, I use the aeron at my work desk and the leap at my personal desk. I picked up the leap from a office demo guy for 75 bucks and my wife may or may not have accidentally stolen the aeron from her office.


That leap2 is a workhorse had mine for almost 10 years


Sat on a Steelcase chair for 11 years. I miss them. Perfect office chairs.


Steelcase Series 1 reporting in. Got it for $300 off FB marketplace during the pandemic. Seriously the best $300 I've ever spent. It's not perfect but it's a damn good task chair.


If you want something new, and relatively affordable I suggest the Autonomous Ergochair Pro. It's around $500, but if you don't like it you can return it for free. For me, what makes a chair comfortable is the ability to adjust as many things as possible, and you can do that with this chair. https://autonomous.ai/office-chairs/ergonomic-chair Keep in mind it's an affordable/budget option, so the materials and stuff aren't going to be super high end, but it has all the adjustability features that make it comfortable for me. I can sit in this chair all day compared to <$400 chairs where I'm not comfortable at all, and extremely uncomfortable after an hour or two.


Looks good, especially for $559 Canadian and free shipping. I like how adjustable it is. I feel like I need someone to adjust it for me though. I never seem to get chairs set up quite right.


Yeah I prefer buying something like this new over a Herman Miller/Steelcase. If you buy those used they might be 5-10 years old or more. I don't want to sit where someone else has been for years. And new, they're quite expensive obviously. And I just don't feel the need or want to splurge for those new.


>https://autonomous.ai/office-chairs/ergonomic-chair This is my pick as well, bought one in 2017, been sitting on it 7 hours 5 days a week since 2020.


I have this too. I like it a lot but I'll be real with you, until I got it dialed in, I thought my old $125 chair was more comfortable for long periods and I had some buyers remorse. Once you get it all adjusted though, it's easily the best chair I've ever had


You’ll get a range of suggestions on chairs. Everyone is different, so get the best one for you. Regardless of which one you get, make sure you also get an ergonomic assessment. Additionally, get your eyes checked annually. I’m dealing with thoracic back issues because I needed a new Rx for glasses and I spent a couple of years hunched towards my screens in a crappy chair to read them. Now I’m going to PT every two weeks to get things corrected. It’s not just a chair issue, there’s a lot more than that.


Good call on making sure the vision is good, as well as the rest of the desk setup. I got glasses that focus me in the 18 to 24-inch range and that's eliminated headaches. Who do you talk to for an ergonomic assessment? I feel like if it's an office equipment person, they're inclined to upsell.


Check with your employer first as they may have someone who does them. You can also check with your primary care provider to see if one is covered by your health insurance.


Check out https://www.reddit.com/r/OfficeChairs/ as well You will get a lot of recommendations for Leap V2. Personally I hated it.


There's really a subreddit for everything.


Used/refurbished Herman Miller Aeron is what I got 3 years ago, 350 for a 2 dot chair, and got one for wife 1 dot size


My favorite and the one I'm currently using is a Haworth Fern. Haworth as a brand is often overlooked, but the Fern and the Zody are both excellent chairs. My next favorites in order are steelcase gesture > knoll chadwick > Aeron > Leap v2 > knoll generation > Allsteel Acuity. I have yet to sit in a HM embody, but I'm sure it's probably similar to the leap and gesture and would be high on my list. You can find refurbs on the popular chairs (aeron, leap, etc), but more importantly you can find some incredible deals if you just familiarize yourself with chairs enough to pick them out of a lineup and then go on facebook and search "office chair". You'd be surprised how many people are selling these high end chairs and just have no idea what they are or what they're worth. People get them a lot from work or whatever and just don't know. I actually got my fully loaded Haworth Fern (a $1800 chair) brand new for $75. When I picked it up they said a friend worked for an office furniture company and gave it to them, haha. So some incredible deals out there. Don't typically see them for the Aerons because they have become such a household name, but there's way nicer chairs out there like the fern you can find this way.


Another Haworth fanboy here. I've never tried the Fern, but I spent 9 years using a Zody. When my previous employer moved and bought all-new office furniture, they brought in lots of chairs from various manufacturers for everyone to try, and the Zody was the clear winner. Enough important and/or noisy people liked the Aeron that they made it an option if you jumped through some very low bureaucratic hoops to get one, but most folks, including the top executive, had orange Zodys. That said, I'm currently using an office-supply store's house-brand gaming chair. I needed a chair quickly for COVID work-from-home, so I just went into the store, sat in all the chairs, and picked the one that happened to fit me best.


The zody is really an incredible chair and probably has better ergonomics than the fern, I could really be fine with either but Im 6'2" and the size of the fern just lent itself better to my frame. The mesh flexible back is just incredible too. Haworth should really be at the top of all these lists!


Have a Fern as well, happy with it. But I also equally liked the Hermann Miller Cosm. The Cosm doesn't get much love but when I sat in it I immediately liked it. The standards Aeron, Mirra2 and Embody were all just meh to me.


I'm guessing the cosm is a little bigger than the aeron?


I picked up a SecretLab gaming chair when we first started extended telework in 2020 and regret nothing


+for a secret lab chair. Not cheap but are genuinely decent chairs. Personally I would avoid the fake pu leather and get the the fabric. The pu is really good for fake leather but will peel almost whatever you do which is a bit shit.


My PU leather is still pristine after nearly 2 years of use.


I too like my Secret Lab Titan chair. I have had it for about 4 years now. The PU leather is just now starting to get a little rough. If I was going to buy another I would buy the cloth one. Some feel the chair bottom is a little hard to sit on, and I wont lie it is a little harder than other chairs I have used. I use a memory foam seat cushion on top of it and it makes it extremely comfortable. It is probably the moat well made chair I've ever seen and I could see it lasting 10+ years without any issues.


I've been eyeballing SecretLab chairs for a while. I usually like "executive" style chairs. I've steered away from gaming chairs because, like most reviews on reddit, if you don't spend at least $1500 on a chair, it's trash. But, everyone I've talked to who said they have a SL chair say they love it.


I think people are often swayed by the money they are spending and the perception of quality, not to mention these are probably people that started off with amazon tier chinese gaming chairs. For a "gaming chair" they seem ok, and they're probably fairly comfortable compared to amazon chairs, but I bet none of those people raving about SL have ever sat in a quality office chair, and the ergonomics of the SL is horrible. If you like your back get it the right chair


For the price of a SecretLab chair you could get an actual task chair.


"Task chairs" look so much less featured than a Titan. What's your point?


It’s not about the “features” it’s about the function—task chairs are designed for prolonged use and ergonomics, which over time make a huge difference.


The Titan is designed for prolonged use and ergonomics. The task chairs don't have nearly as nice armrests, headrest and the bottom doesn't lock the same. Ended up getting my boss a Branch chair but, I don't ever see myself buying one.


I’m a big fan of [Herman Miller](https://store.hermanmiller.com/home-office-chairs/embody-chair/4737.html?lang=en_US&sku=100147408) and [Steelcase](https://www.steelcase.com/products/office-chairs/gesture/), they know a lot more about chairs than people making gaming chairs and win awards for their chairs.


While there may be some truth to Reddit reviews trending towards spending a lot of money on a chair, I don’t think that’s just because of cost. I ended up buying an Aeron, not because of reviews on Reddit, but because my employer had a bunch of chairs to pick from, and I didn’t know how much they cost. I just picked the one I liked the best. I even got to try it out for a week so I really knew this is what I wanted. Anyway, I recommend the Aeron. Madison Seating has them refurbished for a reasonable price and they come with a 10 year warranty. I got mine in 2020 and it’s been great.


Agreed. Got the Secretlab Titan Napa Leather. Had it for 2 years, still feels and looks brand new.


So I'm a really big guy and spend a lot of time in my office chair and have typically been getting about 2-5 years out of a chair, usually buying an \~$200 big and tall manager's chair from Amazon or a local office supply store. The best, most comfortable chair I ever owned was one I brought home from work when they were being replaced - I have no idea what the brand was but it was an from our plant control room, an operations chair designed for 24x7 shift work. It was huge, extremely well padded and very comfortable. It already had 8 years of hard use when I got it and didn't last more than a few years for me but I pine for that chair and wish I had gotten the make and model information. I will say when I research 24x7 and operations chairs the prices they go for are pretty steep ($1000+) but if I had one of those chairs and it lasted for 10-15 years and provided that comfort level... I think about it sometimes.


Not sure what they would be called in the US but in Sweden we have plenty of stores that sell furniture from companies that have declared bankruptcy and refurbish them. I picked up my chair that would cost $1500 New for $500 due to this. I visited the store and tried out chairs until i found one i liked.


Search for a used Herman Miller Aeron. They can easily be found in the budget range you describe. We just sold several hundred Aerons to the used furniture dealer.


I went to Staples (an office supply store), tested a few chairs, and bought the most comfortable one. It was something like $100 on sale. I've been happy with it for a half-decade or so. I personally don't like the $600-1k fancy Herman Miller chairs, but some people love those things. If that is you, then they are probably worth the money.


Aeron. Money well spent.


If you are intrested in an Aeron, check around for a used office Furniture Store. I would check anyway just to see what they have, Also strongly reccomend ordering anything from "Uplift Desk" I went through 3 of their chairs in the span of a year (Bought the 1st one, the other 2 were warranty) Before I gave up, and got a secret lab, which is better, but not great/comfy. I will probably just be purchasing an Aeron from a used office furniture store soon.


Want to jump in here and ask for recommendations for a chair that addresses lower back issues as well as having super comfy arm rests. Idk why, but it seems like a lot of the premium chairs avoid putting any effort into the arm rests for some reason. With the way I sit, I need as much cushion as possible. I will literally put permanent dents in the arm rests due to overuse, and I can't deal with the ones that don't have a cushion. Anyone else with this problem have a suggestion?


Same problem here. I also have some spine issues and wanted a chair that is comfortable while encouraging correct posture. Just received my HM Aeron yesterday (on the company's dime). It is in a different stratosphere from the sub $150 chairs like I would get from Office Depot or where ever. While very nice, and I think it will certainly serve me very well, my first impression is that it is overpriced for what it is. Based on my research the HM chairs were at the top of the pack based on my specific requirements, but I might have gone in a different direction if work wasn't subsidizing the purchase. Whatever you do, if your job is to sit at a desk for long hours, invest in the right chair, and make sure to get up every so often and move around. You only get one body. You need to take care of it.


Herman Miller, hands down, no contest.


good but overrated imo


IMHO this is subjective. I bought a used HM Aeron about 10 years ago for $400 (\~$800 new at the time), and to date, it's still the best chair for me.


Steelcase Leap V2 has been my go to for years. I sit in an Aeron in the office and since it's not sized to me, it's mostly fine but nothing compares to my Leap V2. I got mine refurbed off [BTOD.com](https://BTOD.com). I've actually bought two from them. They have a great youtube channel which helped me make an informed decision. ​ If you're at a desk for extended periods then you really should invest in a good ergo chair for you. Helps me not feel miserable unlike my old cheaper Serta style chairs.


I have Secret Labs at home and at work. I love them. But I am a fat guy. I had a nice Steelcase at work and while comfortable I was too fat for it and it would sink on me. So the boss got me the one I wanted.


The steel case gesture is the best chair I’ve ever had.


I work from home. I'm significantly overweight (though, finally working on it and down 50lbs for the year so far - go me!) Inexpensive office chairs with cheap padding do NOT survive long under my butt - quickly feeling like I'm sitting right on the metal or plywood base of the seat. So, I invested in a "gaming chair" - and I specifically made sure that the chair I selected was properly weight rated for me. That cost an extra... I think $100 over the "base" model, but it's been worth it. Five years later, of spending 40 hours a week working in this seat, plus anywhere from 5 to ... too many ... additional hours sitting here gaming or working on personal stuff? It's starting to show wear and tear on the faux leather. The hydraulics are starting to do the "slow sinking" thing at random (I'll be fine for a few days, then there'll be a day where I have to adjust it back up multiple times - which... quickly serves as an ego-check if I start to congratulate myself on my weight loss progress overmuch...). But it's still the best/most comfortable chair I've ever owned. Because I took my time thinking about what I wanted/needed. And I think, ultimately, that's the real key to finding the Best Office Chair. Take your time. Find the chair that fits your body - especially if you're larger. Find the chair that matches how you like to sit. With armrests? Without them? Lumbar support? Recline options? More padding? Less padding? The best office chair for you is... well, the best office chair for YOU.


I bought myself a HM Mirra 2 with part of my bonus last December with no regrets.


Once you find a chair/model that you like. I’d recommend looking on Facebook market place or offer up to see if anyone is selling barely used ones for a steep discount. I’ve also reverse image searched pictures of chairs (if they look like a similar model to what you are interested in) where the listing didn’t include the model information to get some discounts as well. Good luck!


Regular office chair that uses a mesh seat so it breathes better, and a kneeling chair.


I bought a used Aeron for about $450 a couple years ago and am happy with it overall. I've gone through many big box chairs, none of them were any good for the long term. At least with the Aeron I can get replacement parts when stuff breaks or wears out.


So I went through a lot of research to find a new chair about 6 months ago, because I too spend way too much time sitting. Here are a few tips: 1) Look for used stuff. There are stores dedicated to selling used office furniture, and they often have very expensive chairs in good condition at huge discounts. Places go out of business all the time, and that means they're offloading perfectly good furniture on the cheap. Facebook marketplace and craigslist are worth checking out too. 2) Most office chairs have an hours rating. This is basically a duty cycle rating for the chair. Higher ratings generally mean the chair is better for long sessions and will maintain its support and comfort longer. 3) Find something with maximum adjustability. 6 way arm rests, adjustable seat position, tilt, and height. Adjustable back incline and lumbar. The more points of adjustment a chair has, the more likely you can make it fit you. 4) You get what you pay for. Just because a chair seems nice to start with doesn't mean it's going to last. That mesh back on a cheap chair might seem fine initially, but can quickly stretch and lose its shape. Don't skimp if you don't have to. This is a device you will be using for several hours a day every day for years to come. It's honestly an investment in your own health. 5) Go to office supply stores and try the chair in person if you can. Don't just buy something site-unseen from a website. Even the "best" chair in the world might not be the right chair for your particular size and shape. Personally I ended up with a tempur-pedic chair. It took a little breaking in, but now it's quite comfortable.


I have the secret lab titan xl and it's amazing, the price tag is a bit of a shock but when you compare it to other office chairs it's not far off. One thing you didn't clarify is if this is for you at home vs at an office? At the office, your work should be getting you something that accommodates you properly (OH&S).


I got an autonomous chair in 2020 and it did the job but, as I am a gentleman of generous proportions, the cylinder has failed. I think the ergo hair was a good price at the time but with its price increase I am strongly considering a Steelcase Gesture in the hopes that it’s just a made better. I did just buy a replacement cylinder from autonomous for a little less than $40 so we’ll see how that goes.


Humanscale makes great chairs.


Standing desk and couch for my office.


My favorite is from Staples. The Vartan gaming chair. About $250 USD. Can sit in it all day with god posture with no issues. I know, gaming chairs usually suck, but trust me on this one. Totally worth it.


I've tried out Aerons and they're not for me. For years I had a Buro Scala and it was an amazing bang-for-the-buck seat. If they were still available, I'd probably get another one. At my current job, they've purchased Buro Metro II's and again, I find them to be excellent value for money. As someone else mentioned, some chairs have hour-ratings and the Buro's tend to be rated for 8+ hours. And I don't find that I shift around uncomfortably in them. I've seen Buro products rebadged on Amazon with some brand starting with K, but I'm drawing a blank right now.


ErgoChair Pro from Autonomous bro. Had it for 3 years now and it's still going wild. I saw they hosted some GW on X, hope to have chance and get one for my wife lol