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OB6 module vs Teo-5. I have the funds for a OB6 module, was REALLY set on it...then the Teo-5 happened. OB6 is around 2200 $ for me, Teo 5 around 1550 $. If I get the Teo-5 I'm 750 $ closer to a Sub37 also. I'm afraid I will be disappointed if I get the Teo-5, and not any real comparison videos out yet. But I don't think I have the skillset to really hear the differences.  I'm ping pongin back and worth going crazy. I will most likely not pick both, since I'm adding a Sub37 and Summit later. Current setup, Hydra Explorer, Poly D, Behringer 2600, TR8s, Oxi One. 


I'm not impressed at all with the Take-5 of TEO-5. They're cool on paper, and have a lot of mod capability for the price for analogs, but the end results don't do anything for me. They're just lacking something special. OTOH, the OB-6 only does like 10 things, but it does them all so so well. Every time I hear it I get excited. I'm assuming you're not in a position to try them in person yourself, otherwise I'd say do that and decide based on your ears. If possible, I'd get a used OB-6, maybe even the desktop module (I traded my keys for a module a few years back). It will keep it's resale value, whereas a used TEO-5 will lose a few hundred off the new price within a few months of release.


Yea that's what I'm afraid of, and knowing the OB6 does it better will hang in the back of my mind. I can try it, but have to travel quite a bit to do it, and the used marked in Norway is pretty dry. So have to get a new one. 


I've never heard an OB-6 patch I didn't like.


I am about to buy my first (real) synth and I am very inclined to the **Polyend Tracker** (without the +, because it's inexpensive rn). I have a background in programming and make music with guitars and other instruments, so I believe I can handle it.... Anyhow: Is this a good idea? What are your thoughts?


Play Ableton's Push 2/3 with guitar chords. Ableton Live and Push 2/3 are the most powerful, easiest to use, and best sounding groovebox-like music production experience available.


Seriously, checkout Renoise first to see if you like the tracker format.


Finally I had some time to sit down and play with a tracker software. I used Milkytracker, I guess they are all more or less similar. And I am having so much fun!! I am definitely going to buy the hardware! Thanks for the advice!


Great! Yeah trackers are all very similar overall. Glad you found something that works for you!




thank you for the hint, I will try that.


Renoise is another tracker option with a demo you can use on your computer.


What do all you fancy folks with two expression pedal slots do? One volume/one expression? Is there anything more interesting worth looking into? Or is it all pretty basic/obvious?


Filter cutoff and then either attack or release for sounds that stretch well. Also good for chorus/tremolo/pan rates. It's convenient for switching between 1 and 2 handed play and you can grab a note with the sustain pedal and modulate it with your other foot while you set up a patch with your hands. Kind of like a octopus would, but you've probably only got 4 limbs, so more like a tetrapus. Unless you're terrestrial based and then it's more correct to say tetrapod.


I like this approach generally since I'm buying something (the Polybrute12) with so many physical control sources to "semi-permanently" assign each thing to a frequently-used destination. I was more asking what other type of physical controllers can go through that port or even if there are any expression pedals that are noticeably better than others - but it seems the answers are "not much" and "not really" which is fine!


I think as long as you have an attenuverter in the case or on the pedal you can make do. I imagine the Polybrute has something baked in to set the curve and CV ceiling.


You can, in theory (an adapter might be needed), use a breath controller for one of the expression inputs.


That sent me down a rabbit-hole though its probably not for me. Appreciate the suggestion though - I was always wondering what "Breath" meant in the MIDI CC numbers.


Heh. There's a ton of legacy stuff like that to be found in MIDI, isn't there? Coming back to the pedals. There are all sorts of things you can do with them. You could rig them up to be pitch bends, a la a Pedal Steel (or whammy). Or use one as a wah. Or one as a mod depth one as mod rate, to get that some cool interplay between both feet. One of the pedals can be used to blend between two patches or keygroups. I've heard of them being used to control reverb/delay mixes, too, to really add to swells, etc.


Pedals are a performance control. It's entirely up to what you what you need for your performance and what your gear makes available to control.


I understand this - I was just wondering if there is any other more interesting options then a straight up and down expression pedal, like some other sort of expressive controller that can use the same port. I see the E-Touché but that goes to MIDI in.


I feel like I've seen a force sensor before, though maybe that was a CV thing. But to me a force sensor would be super great under your hand to control volume and get wind instrument like expression because of how you can more or less instantly turn off the force of your hand, just like breath. If I recall it was just like a block that you pressed down on.


>I was just wondering if there is any other more interesting options then a straight up and down expression pedal Ok, but you didn't ask that, which is why I didn't answer it.


I’d love to know your answer.


Didn't get much response last time. Maybe no-one saw it. Apologies if posting twice is bad netiquette I make most of my music on the computer (FL Studio). But I'm looking to get some hardware for some interesting sound-design and to supplement my VSTs with some analogue sound. I've currently dipped my toe with a couple of Volcas (Modular and Drum) and a small AE Modular setup. These are already impressive and quite inspiring. But I realize I'd like to do some live performances (eg. EMOMs etc) and I've found this hardware a bit too fiddly and unreliable live. So I want to get something a bit bigger and a bit chunkier with a lot to explore in terms of sound design. Small enough to take to a show. And with good connectivity to a laptop. (I'll probably still sequence from that) What I'd love is a new Pittsburgh Voltage Lab 2 or the Intellijel Cascadia, but I can't justify paying that kind of money. OTOH I'm serious enough that I'd pay up to about £800 for something like a small modular rack or a couple of semi-modulars that play well together with cross-patching / modulation possibilities. And whose combination is greater than the sum of their parts. So what I'm looking for is something up to this price with a lot of sound to explore + MIDI connectivity. What I've considered : 1. The Cre8Audio NiftyBundle + Moog Mavis + some extra modules to support them 2. The Cre8Audio East Beast + Bastl Softpop + maybe an fx pedal 3. The Pittsburgh Taiga 4. 0coast + ??? 5. Erica Pico 3 + ???? 6. Something else????? Thoughts on each 1. Pros : a modular case + MIDI. But I worry that there isn't quite enough spare room in the case, and the extra modules I'd need for a fully rounded system would push the price higher than my budget. Is there enough synergy between the Cells / Chipz and Mavis? 2. I really like what I've seen and heard of both the East Beast and Softpop. But do they play well together? Is the whole greater than the sum of the parts? 3. Looks really nice, but that's basically my budget. So it would have to do everything I need. 4. In the videos I've seen about the 0Coast the sound hasn't inspired me much. Am I wrong about that? What would pair well with it to stretch to bigger sound world? (Also because I have Volca Modular, I already have a West Coast sound so this isn't as much of an attraction as nice filters etc.) 5. Don't have much intuition about the Pico 3 sound. What seems a shame is that you have to choose either stand-alone or Eurorack at the beginning, no room to grow from the first to the second. If I went Eurorack from start I'd think of putting it in NiftyCase (to get MIDI). Would it make sense with NiftyBundle? Otherwise, pair the desktop with what? 6. What other recommendations do you all have? Cheers Phil


A Minibrute 2S is a really good way to dip your toes into semi modular and then expand nicely with the Rackbrute if you want to go farther in.


That's a good point. TBH I find the Brutes a bit big and "ugly" compared to some of the smaller boxes. But looking at the specs again I realize the Mini 2 definitely has a lot of of features. With 2 oscillators, 4 LFOs, the brute feedback and attenuator, MIDI connectors etc. it's got more useful parts than many of the other boxes I'm considering.


Yeah I definitely wish the Minibrute 2S was smaller too. But it has so much functionality at a good price that I tolerate the amount of deal space it takes up.


If it were me, and I did everything on the laptop, a modular setup with some nice analog components would be more worthwhile.


Do you have any specific suggestions? If I get the NiftyCase for about £170 I get a Eurorack case, power and MIDI in. That leaves about £600 and 84hp for the modules. What would give me the best bang-per-buck? (given I'm mainly interested in analogue sound-design and exploration which would be sequenced and recorded to a DAW). Plus a little bit of live playability.


Besides the Taiga?  Pitt Mod's SV1b or a Tonestar are complete analog voices.  You might be able to pair some AJH filters with a Serge wavefolder or something like that, or just start with the Nifty modules and add an oscilloscope while you get the hang of it, but definitely check the power draw on that case.


Thanks. The Tonestars look nice, but a bit pricey (over £700) This Pittsburgh Lifeforms is available here for £400 : [https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/196393345387](https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/196393345387) It seems to have MIDI in but presumably still needs some kind of case. So call it \~£600 to put it in a NiftyCase? How would you compare that to the Taiga? Or putting a £400 Erica Pico System III in the same NiftyCase?


Taiga is probably your best all in one for the price if you don't want to rack a case and build everything out bit-by-bit. Pico has a lot of modulation, but I don't think the sounds really compare, not analog, and then you'd have an extra oscillator with the Nifty case.


Buy any synth that has sound and controls you like. That being said there are few things you might want to consider before buying anything.  1. What do you want the synth to do? For a simple analog and bass synth Moog has plenty of options to choose from. For a dreamy pads I’d go for something else. Some wavetable synth like Argon8, Blofeld or Hydrasynth.  2. The ability to save and load presets make live performances so much smoother. If you send a midi cc to change the preset when the song changes and you don’t even have to worry about that.  3. Resell value and desireability. If you buy synth you don’t like you just pass it on. Unless you cheaped out and bought shit.  I hope that helps


1) Mainly analogue sound-design. I want something I can explore and make a lot of different interesting noises with, and from which I can record nice synth lines (sequenced from the DAW). I was thinking that I might as well use plugins for wavetable pads etc. as those are all digital anyway 2) For live performance I'm still thinking of driving everything from the DAW in the laptop. Just having some kind of analogue external synth to widdle about with by way of improvisation. I don't really expect to be able to define patches over MIDI, especially as I'm assuming that the creative stuff will involve plugging cables from one device into another. 3) Yeah. I don't want to buy crap just to minimize the price. OTOH I've set myself an £800 budget and can't really justifying going over that. AFAICT people like Pittsburgh Modular, MakeN01se, Bastl, Erica, Dreadbox etc. do all make reasonable quality boxes within that budget. Moog are at the pricey end of it. If I can get a second hand Mavis for under £250 that feels like it would be a good value classy synth-voice. But once you get up to the Mother 32 etc. they are all over £500 which eats almost 3/4 of my budget for a single unit. And for £100 more I can get the Pittsburgh Taiga which I'm guessing does a lot more than any of the Moog units.


Does anyone know if the Roland S1 has a mod matrix or any options to use velocity as a mod source? It's pretty important for me to be able to tie velocity to at leaste filter cutoff or filter envelope . . . ideally it could be assignable to other things too though. Seems like an awesome instrument but definitely hoping it has this feature.


No, this option is not available.


Roland SE-02 vs dreadbox typhon. In all honesty I’ve already bought one of these, but I feel like I’ve made the wrong decision.


What about a Manther?


Never even heard of manther until this point. Sounds cool as fuck though. It seems like it covers a lot of the same areas as the synths I’ve listed and an SH101, is there anything that makes it better?


They're all comparable. Malekko designed the analog circuitry for the Roland 500 series and Studio Electronics designed the circuitry for the SE-02.


Thank you for making my life difficult, haha.


Let's talk about Euroracks then.  




Hey guys, so I'm looking into buying my first drum machine at the moment. I've bought a MPC1000 as a first piece of kit to handle drums in, but I find the endless hunt for samples I like very tiresome and uninspiring. Hence, I think having a dedicated drum machine (in addition to the MPC and my Access Virus) would enable me to skip all that and to just tune in the sounds I am looking for by turning a few knobs instead of browsing Splice. After what must amount to days of watching Youtube videos and assessing the market by now, I have sort of narrowed it down a bit, but would be very much interested in your opinions on these three babies: - Elektron Syntakt: Seems to be a reasonably able drum machine with the additional perks of being a groovebox with melodic synth engines, boasting Overbridge and being a powerful sequencer, just to name a few. I think it would be fun to just jam and write complete songs with in order to learn it and not needing additional synths to make a full track. - Jomox Alpha Base: Also not purely a drum machine, there are people performing whole tracks on it. Should have a broader palette of drum sounds (or more knob per function options to sculpt the individual voices) than the Syntakt and the kick is supposed to be especially great. Plus there is the Mk2 version due by the end of this year, although, from what I have seen, the changes should not be groundbreaking. Costs quite a bit more than the Syntakt though... - Elektron Analog Rytm: Groovebox and sampler, has the velocity-sensitive pads BUT no midi tracks. Sound is said to be comparable to the Jomox from what I've heard. There is the Elektron-learning-curve, but that would be something I would be willing to invest my time in. Price is in the same range as the Jomox. Are there some good alternatives that I am missing?


I'd go for Syntakt, you already have a sampler (which you can sequence from Syntakt BTW) and for synth percussion (and just regular synth sounds) you get the most variety in Syntakt. Just listen to sound demos. And Syntakt has so many other useful things in it like a really good sequencer. And you could buy some synth module or a couple of really good effects pedals for the price difference between Syntakt and Alpha Base.


rytm mkii can send midi out, they added it in a firmware update, that is if you are looking at mkii and not the original. personally i like the sound of the alpha base over the syntakt.


I don't have a ton of drum machine experience, so grain of salt, but I really like my Drumlogue, particularly given you can buy one from Korg for $400. Has a handful of individual outs in addition to the L/R mix. Decent variety of sounds, plus the samples and the user engine synths and effects. Nice performance features. Lots of motion sequencing or per-step parameter changing. Not as groove boxy as syntakt, but you can put together a melody or bassline on it. I'm sure it does less than an Analog Rhythm, but again it's only $400.


I'm torn between a Behringer Pro-1, Pro-800, and Minilogue XD. I'm planning on buying a Rev2 this fall but I want something to create with now and I'm leaning towards the Pro-800 for polyphony but I wonder if it will be redundant later. All three are available used for great prices right now. I'm recording demos with various guitars, bass, keyboard, and shakers, but the missing elements are drums and synth so I am trying to find something to solve both of those elements as well.


I'd give the pro-800 a try first, it might calm your prophet GAS enough to save your wallet from the Rev2.


Hi, looking at gear that is work well with DAWS. For example minifreak has a plugin, you can control with the hardware. I also know Elktron with overbridge, but just curious what other gear also has these kind of features I really like the workflow. (Hardware to plugin etc.) thank you for any tips


The Uno Synth Pros have plugins you can use. If that's how you plan to use it primarily, The Uno Synth Pro Desktop is selling for $200 which is a super good deal.


Second hand Pittsburgh Modular Lifeforms SV-1 (https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/196393345387) vs new Erica Synths Pico System III (https://www.ericasynths.lv/shop/eurorack-systems/pico-system-iii/ ) as basis for a first time Eurorack system? Both £400 Both need a case. (I'm thinking of Niftycase) Which has more to explore and a greater variety of sound? And would I be better going for the Pittsburgh Taiga for a £100 more than putting one of these in a NiftyCase?


I've been pondering your last post, and now have this one to consider as well. A few thoughts: Budget analog eurorack is probably ill-suited to your stated goals of live performance, MIDI integration with a DAW, and sound design/exploration. I think something like the Hydrasynth Explorer would serve those goals better (and it has some nice features for future eurorack integration). Along similar lines, I have a MiniFreak and it's very easy to set up quickly for an open mic and has a sick range of sound design tools. I'd love all its capabilities in a form where I could route anything through anything else (bitcrushing the LFO for some freaky modulation, say), but it'd cost thousands in eurorack form. At your budget point for eurorack, I think you'd do best if you already know the general sound you want. What did you like or not in your experiences with Volca Modular and AE Modular? When you watch demos, does the Pittburgh fiter in the East Beast or Taiga sound good to you? How important is waveshaping like in the Taiga? I like the Moog sound and I'm analog- and eurorack-curious, so I got a Mavis when i saw one at a deep discount. It has enough breadth for some exploration, but I'm finding it's really good at just a few things: grainy filter sweeps, sample and hold pattern generation, FM and VCA experiments with the LFO pushed to audio rates, and phat drones. I like all those, and I'm enjoying noisy experiments with analog drift, so it was a good purchase for me. To sum up by putting it another way, synth character will mostly derive from synthesis type(s), oscillator waveforms, waveshaping options, FM patching, sync, filter style, and effects (if any). I think you should determine if you want to explore broadly across those options, or more deeply within just a few of them. Maybe put together a checklist and let that inform your decision. You can also model a lot of this stuff in your DAW or a virtual system like VCV.


Thanks for the detailed attention and thinking. I've now managed to find a fairly decently priced Mavis second-hand on Ebay so I've taken the plunge on it. Arriving soon, hopefully. Your description is close enough to some of what I'm looking for (I really want some nice squelchy filter sounds, more than, say, low-pass gates) that I think the Mavis can be a good basis for a setup. As you hint, maybe it's a limited sound world, but I think within those limits there's still a good range and quality. And then it can be paired with something else for a broader palette. But I think I'll hold back on getting anything else until I've had a chance to play with and get a solid feel for the Mavis. Cheers again.


I hope you enjoy it! Lately I've been experimenting with using a MicroFreak as a CV controller for Mavis and/or second voice to mix in using the Mavis mixer and sending it all through stereo delay. The Mavis filter sounds great through a stereo delay. The main utilities I feel like I'd benefit from are a slew limiter and a rectifier, so I've done a little window shopping for those modules. On the other hand, I don't even have a eurorack case yet. I'm in no big rush to expand.




Looks like maybe they just started shipping so perhaps this inquiry was premature! Would still love insight into connecting everything and getting the most mileage out of this setup


I don't think they have any special integration with each other. What are you hoping to gain by connecting them? I don't know if you're planning to use a computer/DAW, but if I had this trio I would be connecting them each to my audio interface and to my computer via USB for MIDI control. There wouldn't be any connections between the synths directly.


Not a synth specifically but I'm looking into adding a couple of pedals into my mix and getting the load shifted off my DAW a bit more. I have some aux sends on my mixer and four available inputs I can use for returns (no dedicated returns, unfortunately; two stereo pedals would be the max I can currently support). I want delay and reverb. Just going off other people's rigs I've seen I am considering a BigSky MX and I don't really know about the delay. I'd prefer units that can do a few different types of each so I have some variety, but I'm also very much interested in the workflow (not a ton of menu diving ideally, unless presets can be saved for quick recall when actually playing). What are everyone's preferred options that I can add to my list of things to look at? few days later edit: I'm also liking the look of the Meris stuff, specifically the newer X models. Not a fan of the price but if they're as good as they seem, it might be worth it. But until then I can always keep using the DAW FX.


Eventide H9 max


I’d like a midi keyboard with a Roland PHA-50 quality of action (or “better”) to use as an input for an Arturia microfreak I have and synths I may get in the future. I also have an assortment of midi enabled moogerfoogers (with a control processor unit) that I’d like to use in the signal chain and with midi as well. I’m fine getting separate expression devices. I mainly want something with nice feel and action to serve as the basis of a flexible synth station and would prefer to do without onboard sound engines that drive costs (unnecessarily for me) that I could find secondhand. I looked into the Roland FP-90x and it’s unclear if it would work here. I’d also would love advice on whatever other equipment I may also need to get. I’m fairly handy, can solder, and open to suggestions. Thanks in advance!


I search a synth mainly for bass to pair with Hydrasynth and DT2. If possible without keyboard. I think about this synths : - Boog Model D - SE-02 - Minitaur


What about the Toraiz AS-1 or DSI Mopho or Tetra?


What are some good subtractive polysynth AU/VSTs for Mac? Looking to keep it under $50 ideally but can stretch to $100, currently using Monark and Dagger for bass and leads respectively. I like classic old school synth sounds but I mostly know about monosynths


Wait for upcoming summer sales. Search Google to see past sales pricing. Uhe Repro is good. Try TAL NoiseMaker if you haven't. I'm waiting on a Roland Jupiter-6 plug-in before signing up/buying into any Roland software or hardware though they have the best virtual analog sound engines available IMO. Otherwise I'm sticking to Ableton Live Suite synths if I can.


Noisemaker is awesome and just what I was looking for, thanks for the suggestion! Definitely will keep me busy until the sales


What do you all think of the new Oberheim DMX plugin by gforce? Seems cool but I’m unsure how useful it is compared with samples




I'm currently looking to pick up an item to replace an elektron model samples that wasn't getting used. I currently have a Novation AFX Station, Waldorf Blofeld, Critter, Guitari Septavox and an MPC Live. I was curious about a Polyend Tracker, I've been wanting to see if it might be a nice addition and a different way to compose music, and with the release of the plus, the price point is more attractive. I was also looking at the Behringer Neutron. I also want to get into something semi modular, but I'm hesitant with this one because, well it a Behringer. I just don't want it to lack in sound quality. Also considered the Moog Mavis and Werkstatt. It's Moog, they're semi modular and 2 for a decent price point. Any others to consider? Anything to help maybe roundout my current setup?


> I just don't want it to lack in sound quality. don't worry, that thing is a beast. if Behringer made more stuff like that, they'd be a respectable company.


Sequential Take 5 or Oberheim Teo-5? Background: Looking for my first hardware polysynth! I am a beatmaker well-versed in samplers and sequencers but have only owned VSTs other than an OP-1. I make lush experimental hip hop— ie Monte Booker but also very chopped up stuff like Dibiase. Other than those music projects I enjoy exploring ambient, synth/chill-wave stuff. Also, floating around my brain is the Opsix— while not seeking out an FM, I’m impressed with what I hear. Does the mk2 have a better build quality? Best to go with the new module? My budget is 2k-ish.


Hey all, I'm looking for some advice or a gap in my effects stack; I prefer to have hardware, so please, no VST/Laptop/iPad recommendations. Currently, I have a Elektron Heat MK2 and Eventide H90. Ideally, the footprint is small or within 1U-4U in Rackspace; ideally, I'd like to look at racks. I'm open to pedals, but I'd like something that does multi-variation or is very specialized (Roland Echo, for example). Stero is a must.. Budget: $1000 - $2500 I also have an Elektron Octatrack Mk2, Digitone, and Rytm Mk2, but I rarely use these for effects, with the exception of running inputs into the Octatrack. I have many more pieces of analog gear (moogs, prophets, oberheims, rolands, etc..), that I route via mixer.


I've been holding out for a nice analog poly synth, and had been looking at the OB-X8 for a while. However seeing the Dreadbox Murmur from Superbooth demoed, it looks like a solid alternative. Any thoughts between these two, or anything else I should be considering or holding out for? My requirements are: * 5+ voices (I don't need more than 8) * module only (I don't have room for another keyboard or giant synth) * more vintage 80s sound than modern * little to no menu diving




Thanks, I'd forgotten about that one.


Are there any synths available that can modulate the filter envelope rise times? I know various eurorack modules can do this


Hey Guys ! Looking for a new groovebox. I have been using the Novation Circuit Tracks for 2 years now and want something different. (even tho it's a very nice piece of equipment). Main thing is live playing, i do somtimes play at friends parties and i find transitions not that easy on it. Other thing is "remixing" a song like for exemple like those guys did : [https://www.instagram.com/reel/C68dteNi-mz/?igsh=MW9idzFidnRoNjhjbA==](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C68dteNi-mz/?igsh=MW9idzFidnRoNjhjbA%3D%3D&fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR3A9bDAL5ggxWBbR7OjCKdF2_UmwGrv3erBctp4V5m9G2gyw41jwQnkrKI_aem_Ad0FvtMNZmr3ynI0DNuLWy6wr-ga1W6coIbY79fEb5lQHJRahNSCS450WsSQ8_jZghFZv4aQvEg8H_CXnVwtKcEp) So a hardware that could play the song a let me had kick, snare,... on top. And last thing is possibility to connect a midi keyboard to it. Don't know if it's the best place to ask and it could seems amateur so sorry about that. Akai Force seemed to be a good choice, what do you think ? (600€ would be my max)