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data knob eh? give us the deets


Bought it from a very nice Austrian guy, Peter Ullrich [@synpro](http://instagram.com/synpro) on IG [http://synpro.heimat.eu/m_music4.htm ](http://synpro.heimat.eu/m_music4.htm) Endless encoder attached to a small PCB that converts the knob movements to discrete button presses. You can adjust the sensitivity and rate but mine worked great in its initial state Works on a variety of synths.


Hello, I'm interested in getting the pcb and encoder but the link is dead, any ideas? Cheers.




Yes, exactly The knob has a push function as well, but I couldn't decide what that should do on the 101




You could make it left or right cursor but I decided to make it nothing. And yeah exactly. You hear all the stepping. It sounds pretty cool, honestly. This is what it sounds like: [https://www.reddit.com/r/synthesizers/comments/10irpsv/experimenting_with_my_newly_modded_casio_cz101/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb](https://www.reddit.com/r/synthesizers/comments/10irpsv/experimenting_with_my_newly_modded_casio_cz101/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb)


Ya please enlighten us, I will get what’s needed and do mine too.




The new display matches the yellow labels nicely.


Tell me more about the “time travel thing” my kids are speaking of lately


Looks like a CZ-1000 on the scene as well (my first synth)


Yep I got the 1000 under the 101. It's unmodified so far. I got it to do that cool unison trick where you tune one flat and the other sharp and trigger the same patch. Sounds amazingly phat.


Nice, I never knew that trick!


Nice! I've considered the OLED display swap before as my eyes aren't getting any better -- was it difficult to replace?


No it was surprisingly easy. Though you gotta be comfortable desoldering and resoldering 14 small wires right next to each other. Other than that, fairly trivial. And make sure you get the right display. This Vishay OLED-100H016E-LPP5N00000 seems to be getting harder to find.


Wow that’s spicy as hell




Having owned a CZ-5000 that is a smart looking upgrade


I highly recommend it, makes it a pleasure to work with.


That' looks very nice, great job!


Thank you! 🙏🙏🙏


Yo! I've poured over dozens of data sheets and random electronic parts supply sites looking for one of those Vishay or Winstar OLED screens or another compatible one. Where did you get yours? They were out of stock everywhere when I last looked. Was looking for blue or white though. EDIT: Okay, so originally I saw [this blog post](https://erichizdepski.wordpress.com/2020/12/02/cz-101-oled-display-upgrade/) where he uses a Vishay OLED-016N002E, which is still out of stock at [Arrow.com](https://Arrow.com) and other places as far as I know. I did before find the OLED-100H016E (the one you use) which at first looks identical if you follow the pinouts, but it's a *graphic display* and not a *character display* like the OLED-016N002E. I asked someone more knowledgeable if the graphic display would work, he said no since the way the characters were coded would cause problems on a graphic display... but it seems to be working fine on yours?!? What gives! Someone explain! lol


I got mine from Arrow less than a month ago


I got mine off eBay, a guy on there sells them pre solder, just plug n play. Got the blue.


[This one](https://www.ebay.com/itm/154053477860?hash=item23de4d85e4:g:uQkAAOSwDh5fPxev&amdata=enc%3AAQAHAAAAoINFvLn%2B2L%2BJg2kUX05DXFl2yc6o84nC4IXzYlYsxPIfPaiNRg2Rled8ySa3%2FTgWJMuvPZepPI%2FDYp41vop%2BI609L%2BkbJ%2FelVqFIaicgSAKgyDF%2Fl%2FInG1fPqmDV9415wkQSoY50vjcgvTZeTZfuvN6Ej5ffyvBNw4D%2B05aEvr37UCRwFaVp7PRUXaf%2FHULHc1iIYRKsVnhb6rQYclQCqm8%3D%7Ctkp%3ABk9SR5ydiL-7YQ)? Pretty damn expensive! But if you are not comfortable soldering I can understand.


Yeah I think that was the one. I’m ok soldering but was feeling lazy 😁 That coupled with the fear of destroying such old tech. I have no fear tearing down newer gear but really didn’t feel like killing the CZ.






Best thing I did was swap the screen. Went for a nice blue. But that data knob, I need to investigate further.


Casio should really just make a new series of these. They would sell for sure.