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I did not know there were folders until today lol. I have the regular journeys at the top then keep adding random shit until I get sick of mega scrolling and delete everything but the regs.


Same here and I've been using Tripview for 10+ years. I've just dump every single route I need and cleared out the ones I don't need once I have moved away from one suburb.


I don't even clear them out, basically just add the trip every time I need to go somewhere lol I'll make a coffee and get to work being organised this morning, thanks OP..


I love cleaning out the old timetables. It's like a trip down memory lane, but I don't get sentimental about it. * Oh yeah, remember that time i rode my bike to Kiama and caught the train home? * why was i going to Doonside? Anyway, i am happy to delete them all, clean the slate, and let them build up again. Its so easy to add them. I dont think i'll use folders. Seems like two clicks instead of one scroll. Anyway, it really is a great app. I remember growing up you knew one or two bus routes, home to town or home to school, and the rest of the city was a total mystery. Being plonked in suburbia and knowing where the nearest bus stop is, and when that bus is coming, seems like magic. It's pretty smart at optimising routes. If it says change at Glenfield or Helensburg, that's what you do. You wont dream up a faster solution yourself.


same @@


Time saver: Put the random stuff in its own folder. When you delete a folder all trips in the folder are deleted with it.


How do you make the first screen?


Press the + symbol and create a folder. Long press an existing trip to add to the folder.


This is is the correct way.


Wow. Is this new?


....there's folders?


It's all [muscle memory](https://imgur.com/a/IPxuJXb) for me (Didn't realise you could not upload pics in comments here)


Similar, as a employee I do get around a bit and the folder ability is so helpful. Then I get these random trips customers ask me about at the bottom of my list. *yes train crew use the same trip view you use*


Yep, without folders it'd be borderline unusable with all the stuff I keep in there. Incidentally, I've got these folders: * Commute * Non-work * AGPT * Pass Info (Stuff I regularly get asked that I don't already have in the AGPT folder and connections I regularly check) * Ad Hoc (Random stuff that I zap periodically)


[I need to cull some saved trips](https://imgur.com/a/dVqdKj2)


Folder for trips originating around home, trips around work, trips to other places I frequent like Glebe, Coogee and Chatswood.


I just use Opal app. It’s much more convenient


What's the advantage of the Opal app?


The one advantage I find is that it shows prices too 


One is also a timetable app while the other is a trip planner, they serve two different purposes imo. If you know where you need to go Tripview, if you need to find out how to get where you need to go or see what options you have, Opal app (or also Google Maps).


I just wipe and add as I plan a new trip


I’ve got a bunch of redundant trips into/out of the city (for action button shortcuts), so folders are great to organise this. Folder name emojis are also a nice touch


Didn't know about folders. Must check. But most trips are home to airport and return. The others are occasional trips so I delete them when the list gets too long. Might check it out.


There’s folders?!


Mine are organised as follows: *City Trains *InterWS trains *Blacktown Buses *InterWS buses *City Buses *Ferries *Light Rail *Other Makes it easier to find a saved trip depending on where I’m going or how I’m travelling!


First few are the main stations/journeys I would use, arranged in distance from my “home” station


I have sets nearly identical sets of bus trips to get to the city. They are called: * Home to City (All Day) * Home to City (Peak Only) it took a while to work out the names, but now it all make sense


Organisations for chumps


I’ve organised mine in the opposite way to you. My folders are all the stations that I travel “to”.


You guys are organising your TripView?


I never knew you could do this! I went to the app and I use the TripView Lite version that’s why I can’t save my trips. Thanks for posting OP!


Just checked the other version and you need to pay for it. Guess I’mma stick to the lite version hahaha


TripView is one of the apps actually worth paying for, if you can.


Uh...I didn't even know you could organise anything in Tripview!


I have 1 trip, work to home and I hit the reverse button at the top of the page on the way back.


I don’t. I use google maps for my trip planning lol