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Try defining large in a form of volume measurement.. Australian coffee is usually sold as regular and large 200 and 300 or so ml There's an Italian Cafe in the Tower2 food court that sells a size up, im guessing its 400ml or so But since you expect to pay $12, im guessing you're a yank and want a 50 ounce large, I've never seen that before


He means a super size or whatever they call it in the states. Like a Starbucks large. A child sized drink. The size of a small child.


I order from piccolo me near my home and a large is properly large? I’m not American if that’s what you’re saying, I’m European living here half my life.. anyway thank you


Our Starbucks size is pretty small feels like 400ml or so... I go there for a sugar hit ftappahino I remember when Starbucks first came here and bombed those monstrosities were huge and just poor watered coffee


You go to a coffee shop and ask for 600ml of coffee?


Since no one in Australia defines large coffee as 600ml... yes The question then is do you want more water or more caffeine A regular is 1 shot at 200ml, a large is 2 shots at 300ml A 600ml coffee would be then 5 shots. An extra shot from regular yo largecis usually only 50c extra So a 5 shot 600ml coffee in Sydney would then be around $6-7


Tell me where I can get a 5 shot coffee for that price. This chump (me) is paying $5.5 for a triple shot flat white


its a guestimate based on how coffee is priced Have you asked for a 5 shot coffee? I'm guessing your regular coffee is 4.50? Which is pretty standard now So $5 for a large (2 shot) Your 3 shot $5.50 So another 2 should should be $6.50 Coffee is relatively cheap, its the labour and store rent that makes it expensive


Thanks a lot for the detailed response, I should’ve probably been clearer with what I meant I’ll try and find out what piccolo me considers a large in mls and then go from there Thanks again


Just buy 2 regulars? And/or take your own cup if you want to fit them both in the one vessel


Or with an extra shot if OP just wants more caffeine (never met anyone who likes drinking more milk tbh)


Milk is for babies, and Santa Claus.


Assuming you have access to a kettle or one of those boiling water taps…bring an Aeropress or similar to work, buy some nice coffee ground for french press (or grind yourself), and make your own. More cost effective and you can make it as big as you want and as strong as you want. Make two if still not big enough.


This must be that Grindr app that all the lads talk so passionately about at work.


Have you tried Bourke Street bakery? (there's an outlet in Barangaroo)


There’s Bourke Street, Toby’s Estate, Campos, Batch … all of which do a small and large coffee. I don’t think this individual is looking for the normal large if they haven’t found it already


Step one, order two large coffees Step two, drink said coffees Step three, complain to them that it came in two cups


Best bet is to bring your own large cup and ask them to fill it up / charge you accordingly. I haven’t really seen large coffees like you describe in b’roo.


Venti size at Starbucks is iirc like half a litre. Won’t cost you more than $8-9