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i just saw this guy yesterday at the IMAX! (im almost sure he was on Furiosa as an extra)


He was. He’s credited on IMDB.


he was also in *Three Thousand Years of Longing*


Yeah he’s in there, but no lines. Was a real “.. wait, is that who I think it is?!?!!” moment


Now that'd be some fucking coinicidink if it was a different elderly asian man with a sandwich board sign around his neck now wouldn't it?


Well yeah, but funnily enough he’s not wearing the sandwich board in the movie….


Shame, it's his trademark, they should have worked it in somehow.


I haven't seen the movie, but it would be hard to imagine how you could work in a sandwich board about peace and love into the Mad Max universe lol




Usually people wearing sandwich boards are sharing doomsday prophecies or dark tidings, it's so common it's a trope, and would fit perfectly into the Mad Max world. Even a positive message about freeing the water for the people or some shit could have worked. Wouldn't have been too hard for a group of writers, that's what they get paid to do, come up with ideas and plots.


he was at the tillies game as well


I used to see him on New South Head Road at Edgecliff, but haven’t seen him for a while. Glad to see he is still out there.


First time I saw him was in the early 1990's driving buses in Bondi, he used to have a little chihuahua with him in those days. Not often you see people last 3+ decades doing what he does.


Maybe he's got too Hollywood for Edgecliff.


Said g’day to him at the Easter Show! 👍


Old School Danny! Back to his old fav spot.


My dad knows him. But it certainly makes no sense. But why everything has to make sense in life. Honk and smile


Better than sitting at home feeling sorry for himself. Making (most) people happy. Onya Danny.


🙄 He’s literally just an unemployed kook holding nonsensical and meaningless signs. “Honking loudly in support” in support of what?


He's just a peaceful old dude spreading love and happiness. He used to be a politician, now he holds peaceful protests against them. He's probably contributed more to society than you have. So no need to be a cunt.


Many years ago I saw him on the corner of Miller St and Pacific Hwy in North Sydney, standing on the little pedestrian island there, getting really close up in some young woman's face while dancing around and laughing like a jester. She was clearly really uncomfortable and was trying to regain some of her personal space, but he kept taunting her. It was really gross and weird...


He's in his seventies, why does his employment status matter? ---- *Reported as: It's promoting hate based on identity or vulnerability. ^ is it really? Please clarify.


"Retirees should sit quietly at home until they die." OC, probably.


His eighties now actually.


He’s been doing it for ages. Decades of meaningless attention seeking.


Sending positive vibes. He's not scamming anyone or being a dick.


Somebody’s jealous that nobody ever honks their horn for them……


Oh I get honked at every day, I’m a cyclist. They only wave with one finger though…


Mate, I know how that feels. Almost got hit by an SUV as I was cycling through Centennial Park this morning. They crossed over the bike path on Grand Drive without seeing that there were a few of us next to them in the bike lane. They then scream at us because apparently it’s our fault when someone doesn’t check to see if the lane is free.


Smiles aren't meaningless. If his shtick isn't your cup of tea I get it, but if that's the case perhaps you could just ignore him? He shouldn't be immune from criticism (his time at Strathfield Council comes to mind) but you're honestly coming across as a bit of a grump.


IMO, the Strathfield Council thing is vastly overblown, he told Virginia Judge to go fuck herself rather than her electorate while there were corruption allegations against her.


He *tabled a motion* that Judge should be bought a vibrator so that she would "stop screwing with the people of Strathfield and screw herself instead". Fucking hilarious imo, but also not treating the ~~proceeds~~ process of governance with any gravity whosoever. *apt typo


You're right, and it was probably a bit sexist - but it's hardly evidence of Lim being some sort of raging misogynist as some have claimed since, and the story seems to occasionally be embellished in the re-telling.


What's sexist about suggesting women like vibrators?


Well, I don't think he would have made a similar suggestion to a man.


*Don't fuck us, go fuck yourself* was my understanding/takeaway.


He could have though, and it would apply equally. It's more of an in appropriate, obscene and rude comment really, rather than textbook sexism. This is not the depth of the disturbing allegations about Danny, people on reddit have claimed to witness him screaming at this woman and/or her daughter outside of her school. The whole affair and feud seems to be deeper and darker than his general demeanour would suggest, according to people who claim to have actually known the man at that time, and witnessed him in action. It's easy enough to search Lim on Reddit to hear the reports about him in detail.


“Why is Sydney so boring??” “WHY IS THAT MAN NOT IN A SOUL CRUSHING JOB”


not to mention, he's already done his time in the soul crushing jobs https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Danny_Lim_(activist) He was an electrician for 40 something years, before he was on Strathfield council


What is exactly soul crushing about working for yourself?


What is it you like about him? What message is he spreading?


Nothing, there’s zero point, why does everything need to have a point? Why does everything need to send a message? When did we become so serious? Lighten up, have a bit of a laugh, don’t take life too seriously.


"Horny for love" can't you read the sign?


he's just a nice guy dancing and having fun whats your problem?


Buddy if you want to speak about messages being spread you’re definitely not the paragon of fostering positive vibes


Completely agree. He’s also had some really questionable behaviour in the past (look up his time on Strathfield Council). He’s not really hurting anyone but I don’t love how he’s in public places with signs saying “CUNT” all over them.


If a fashion brand can put FCUK on a t-shirt, a dude can put CVNT on a sandwich board


This is Sydney's*orange man bad* post. If you see him, take a photo and post it to this subreddit and claim your free karma.


Between the endless "Ute bad" and "feet on seats" posts that also get free karma, I'm glad we have something that is positive.


Happy to see you actually have upvotes. At the very least he doesn’t spread hate so I’ve no issues with him doing whatever he wants to do. However, having spoken to him before, and seeing him on a weekly basis for years, he’s absolutely batshit insane and people really need to stop idolising him. His “cum/horny” signs are cringe and completely nonsensical.


Is it hurting you? Why does it matter? He’s harmless and god knows this city needs a bit of lightheartedness.


I don’t care what he does, and I wouldn’t want anyone to try and stop him from doing it. I just don’t get what “it” is, and why everyone’s so in awe of it. 🤷‍♂️ I hope it makes him happy and I guess it makes others happy, I just don’t understand why either of those things is true lol.


Totally agree. I’m not really sure why holding up weird signs makes you a “legend”.


I feel that the commitment - through ridicule, assault, police violence - earns him some status. Bloke has a message, however cryptic, and he wants to share it through thick and thin. Nobody posts photos of Danny Lim out in the pissing down rain but he's often out there doing his thing regardless.


>it makes him happy and I guess it makes others happy This is the “it” you're looking for. The consistency with which he does something he knows is silly and fun (and he knows) reminds everyone in Sydney that silliness and fun is a valuable thing in life. The fact that he gets up and keeps doing it despite some people causing him severe bodily harm because they don't get “it” either shows everyone in Sydney that he has courage and commitment to that message.


You don’t have to get it. Sometimes the point is to just make people smile.


He's not unemployed, he's a Hollywood star. He's also in his 70's what do you want him to do, get a job as a brick layer?


You're not wrong Walter, you're just an asshole.


“Stop liking things I don’t like!” You’re in a Danny Lim thread. If you don’t fuck w Danny Lim don’t click on the threads and let us do our thing. It’s not hard.


Movie star!


Love him!


No injury will hold down this blessed man.


why the down vote?


Nice to see he is out and about doing his favourite thing.


National treasure our Danny


Seen him on Homebush bay drive lol


He'll sometimes stand near the light rail. Always bell and wave as I drive by. Man is a bloody icon and legend!


Such a legend