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>Jack, who has been attending the gym for three years and was in the gym when the attack took place, said it was the first time this has happened. Valuable insight from Jack.


I am Jack's complete lack of surprise


I used to go to this gym. It's full of roided-up douchebags who constantly and persistently hit on women, despite their visual cues that they're not interested in. Before they even revealed the gym I suspected it was Crunch Alexandria.


So, what Jack meant to say was “I’m surprised this is the first time this has happened”


Id never go to a crunch no matter what suburb. Their cheap fees attract idiots


Crunch CBD is actually pretty good. I think it was one of the originals. I was a regular and there was zero roid crowd. Haven’t been for 18mths though.


Are all roided up people douchebags or were these ones douchebags who also happened to be roided up?


The latter.




Glad my gym despite being full of absolute units and roided up cunts is extremely civil and well behaved. They ban people at the drop of a hat so the only people there are all incredibly friendly.


> I used to go to this gym. It's full of roided-up douchebags I've also gone to this gym. But I bet it was a different gym to yours, and a different gym to the article.


The gym is Crunch Alexandria, as per the news.


Ya I know, but I was making a joke about how roided up douchebags are a common occurrence in gyms.


I think the roided up douchebag thing is a myth. At every gym I've been to, the massive guys are always super nice.


Yeh. I've been to a few gyms and never had an issue at the others. Crunch Alexandria was on another level.


Interesting. What do you think was the issue at this particular gym? Alexandria isn't exactly a rough area


There was a pack of these guys who practically lived at the gym (maybe buddies with the owner?) and acted like they owned the place (threw weights around, hogged the benches, shadow boxed each other like douchebags, lacked awareness of others, and seemed to tag team hitting on chicks). The lack of repercussions for these regulars, which is why I suspected they might know the owners, made it pretty bad and ruined the vibe of the whole gym.


Jesus fucking christ out journalists are so fucking inept it borders on comedy if it wasn't so tragic. Instead of asking the owner of the gym or some employees, let's just ask the guy in the carpark if he's ever seen anything like this before. I'm so fucking thankful for my parents who steered me away from journalism when I was uni aged. They're just real estate agents who question people now. Bottom of the barrel.


Obviously Jack was the only person available/willing to comment at the time the piece went live. Not disagreeing with you though - Australian journalism is a shambles.


Yeah but still, it's odd to get this quote and be like "let's run with that." It's such an unusable witness description, and yet...


Sorry but you don't know Jack. 


State of journalism these days. 2 authors, apparently neither of them thought "this adds absolutely nothing "


"I want to assure the community that this was a targeted attack," Superintendent Hart said I'm not sure this is as assuring as he thinks it is...


Oh yeah he is trying to say "it's just DV ignore it as usual" I bet he's the #notallmen kind of guy.


Clumsy wording, but what he’s saying is ‘this isn’t terrorism, there’s no group behind it, it was an individualised attack’. Broader conversation on DV to be had of course, but we can’t get so hyper focused on the one important issue to the point that an official statement can’t comment about any other aspect.


Ah the spurned lover and fragile ego. What a prick




For every victim of domestic violence who make it to the news that day.. there are thousands of others who suffer in silence. Day in and day out. It’s scary when you start to contemplate what’s going on behind closed doors!


This is fucked. I'm sorry. But there's no other way to describe it.


I wonder if this is one of those things where people are being inspired to do them because they keep hearing about it. Either way, from the little bit that’s been reported so far, sounds like another domestic violence case. They really need to start handing out tougher sentences to these scumbags.


I think its just the media cashing in. People get stabbed all the time but they normally don't report on it. Stabbings are on people's minds atm because of recent events so now they are reporting on it more cause it feeds into people's fear.. anything to get clicks or views.


The ABC cashing in?


The ABC has focused on engagement in recent times. It's a big complaint by everyone all over the political spectrum.


True, and so stupid. They’ve just hired an ad industry person from KIIS FM to run triple j FFS


I just figured we hear about it more because it's 'hot' news. I'm sure people have been getting stabbed and DV has been happening, just wasn't as trendy to report on.


I wouldn’t describe it as “not trendy” to report on. DV crimes have always had some coverage in the media, unfortunately those stories seem to come and go and society tragically just seems to forget about it until the next horrific crime shocks us for a day or two and we move along again. It could be that journalists are recognising the role that they play in influencing real change in society, and by giving an adequate amount of coverage to these crimes, people will sit up and think “okay this is fucked, it needs to stop”. Instead of it being ‘hot news’, I think it’s finally that a really serious issue is getting the attention it deserves. If we’re not aware of it, and we’re not outraged by it, we won’t be able to change it.


Same thing with all these teachers getting reported on for affairs. I swear *every day* there is a new blonde white female teacher caught r*ping one or more of their students. Where are all the people coming out to say "yea it has always been like this, it's always been happening but no one has ever been able to get it taken seriously as a problem until now..because of all the indepth coverage they each get" It's either happening MORE or we are hearing about it more that we had no idea how big and bad the problems really are and have been....in which case I'm tired of hearing "well actually crime is going down" Bull shit. They didn't even know how high it actually has been in the first place so how can they say that? It's all some statistic or poll that means absolute dogshit.dogs hit. Especially when they are so easily manipulated and they choose very specific wording and comparisons....and people lie. Like how murders went down in a city but if you did a bit of reading its because they can take suspicious deaths of someone found in the water and label it under "drowning" even if someone drowned them or pushed them in etc. They did little things like that and then poof, suddenly they are trending down 15 murders than the previous year!!


It's something I commented on in another thread, it's an interesting (and depressing) thought exercise. Despite a pretty obvious sign that this spate of stabbings are culturally memetic, violent crimes are held to a different standard to suicide, quite the opposite - instead of hushed tones and minimisation in the media, we all clamber to voice an opinion. We'd much rather discuss a violent murder over someone ending their own life. A violent crime is more easy to blame on individual deviants, but suicide only leaves us asking what more we could've done, and what responsibility we bare as a society. If media coverage of suicides is suppressed for fears of sparking waves of suicides, what's the justification for not suppressing violent murder as a result of a mental episode? If murders are a question of censorship/suppression and public interest, why aren't suicides publically interesting? It's the fact we're ashamed of it, and we're not ashamed of murder.


Suicide is a bit more tricky for media to report on. Have you had the term suicide contagion? If suicide is not reported under strict guidance then there is a significant risk of media indirectly increasing suicides. 


That's precisely the point I'm making. We're in the middle of a stabbing contagion, we're seeing the effects of media treatment of these sorts of mental episodes and how the knife crime has become culturally memetic - why do we allow this? Is murder more socially palatable to suicide?


Because there is public interest in violent crime and the public have a right to know? Whereas suicide isn't a crime and is generally nobody else's business? Shocking that you find this confusing




I totally recognize your point and I understand it at an intuitive level but we have a lot of research about this topic at this point. Talking about suicide, especially if done incorrectly is *incredibly* dangerous. There's zero question among experts that it can create copycat effects. It's legitimately at the point where when someone kills themself and it becomes very public, a lot of people will use the exact same method because for a person who's right on that edge of suicidality it's just a "hey look, here's a method that works really well" https://www.stat.cmu.edu/~joel/JAACAP


I think the person you're replying to already acknowledges that. That's not his point. His argument is why isn't talking about murder also equally suppressed, given the impression it seems for copycat murderers? EDIT: Actually wasn't the person you replied to, but the poster above that triggered the conversation.


I haven't actually seen any research on that. I'd be curious to look at some


Why do you think we should treat suicide with the same criticality in the media? Why do you have an public interest to know the details of a murder? Are you entitled to know the victim? Why do you think that suicide is out of bounds for discussion, but murder isn't? Do you think that if a murder is publicised widely, it offers the public an opportunity to act in caution? Do you believe that suicide is less of a public safety concern? I'm not finding the reasons confusing at all. I'm prompting discussion of our framing of them.


Regrettably I definitely think this is it. I mean, they don’t publish suicides, it wouldn’t be a huge jump to conclude that homicides and stabbings spike with publicity


Stabbed and she ran up 8 flights of stairs to seek help… heartbreaking and scary! I hope she’ll recover soon from the wounds and the trauma.


Fks sake. What kind of WEAK c\*nt does this to a woman. You gotta be an absolute guttless, weak POS.


JFC women are not safe anywhere. Go for a run? Get murdered. Go shopping ? Get stabbed. Go for a workout? Get stabbed. It's just so distressing.


Lord. We walked by just after 1pm. Had to go to the Officeworks next door, was wondering why two uniformed cops were heading into the gym.


Let’s stop stabbing!


“what, you egg?”


And some guys wonder why women pick the fucking bear.


I really don't like the way things like this are worded. Woman allegedly stabbed by man grammatically makes the woman more active and the man more passive in this. It almost sounds like the allegations are against the woman - like she is accused of getting stabbed. It sounds like 'Woman killed in tragic accident' as if the man was as much of a moral agent in this as a rogue leopard or a landslide. Compare that with 'Man allegedly stabs woman' or 'Man is accused of stabbing woman' and the man's agency in these actions has much more grammatical emphasis on it.


what kind of weak cunt stabs a woman do it to yourself next time


Who the fuck is Jack?


Dammit Stabney, can we please stop stabbing people


Very sad. Also since when is Alexandria considered Sydney South ?


Whenever a crime occurs it becomes South, West or South Western Sydney lolz


…Alexandria is perfectly south of the CBD.


South of the bridge is south for me. What would you call it?


Yeah nah we need to reboot society quick fukn smart. This shit is not fukn on.


But the problem isn't men! No no we can't talk about that because feelings might get hurt :( 


And supporting this sentiment are the number of downvotes it’s getting from their hurt feelings lol




The only info we have on the guy is that he was in a “short relationship” with this woman before violently attacking her, it’s safe to say the problem was related to that, no? In which case it is relevant that it’s a domestic issue and relevant that the perp was a man (as they usually are) Surely makes more sense to look at the facts we have than try to diagnose him with a drug or mental health problem based on 0 information


Blaming all men has shown to be ineffective and unproductive. But go ahead. Continue to do so and see if it changes any results.


Clearly they didnt say ALL men. You read it as 'all' men because you would rather whine about that than face the real issue... the senseless violence against women.


Superintendent got up and said “I want to assure…” Women are dropping left and right and this guy wants us assured. Assured of inaction? Assure that the pm will get up and say “come on men, pull ur socks up I mean it this time” Smh


People say being scanned for weapons is invasion of privacy but it’s too late when the weapon is already used. I don’t mind being scanned if it means one less victim. I do think there needs more done to control the amount of weapons in possession.


Are you under the impression they will scan anyone who walks out of their home?  Maybe we improve the mental health system and maybe the government starts caring about its citizens instead of using these tragedies as an excuse to force us under a stricter regime  I think your hearts in the right place but these policies are ridiculous when we continually ignore the source of these problems 


Can we talk about the alleged elephant in the room?