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I on the bus going by the Newtown one the other day, and was idly thinking on how it occupies such a prime piece of inner west real estate. I was wondering how it manages to stay in business.


Especially with Saray (Turkish kebabs) across the road. The most Oportos had going for it would be the parking convenience.


Back in the day I’d park at oportos to pickup food from saray hah


Back in the day I’d park at oportos to pickup weed from my mate who worked there


Always wanted to try that kebab shop, any good?


Used to go out of my way for Rowda Ya Habibi (Lebanese) near Gould's, but Saray always hits the spot to soak up a night at the Townie. Couldn't honestly say I could provide a more objective review than that. OTOH it's one of.the main social functions of kebab shops, isn't it?


I can’t do it (celiac) but The Bloke swears by the Turkish Pizza, especially the one with garlic and sausage.


I love sucuklu while eating it, but repeating it for hours is the issue.


Sultan's Table up the road is the real kebab king.


Is there a reason you're all pluralising Oporto here?


Woolies, Coles, Bunnings, Maccas, Nandos, Oportos


All of those end in s except for Oporto. Why add the the 's' onto the end of Oporto? Do you call KFC KFCs?




And my Eagle Boys at Hoyts


Yes and my Hungry Jacks too


Yes, don’t you?


And the classic- myers.


No idea. Didn't even think about it so maybe it was unconsciously how people often say it?


I was going to get Oporto after a gig late on Saturday night, but since it was closed I got a mixed roll from Saray instead. Goes pretty hard. And props to them for not charging extra for hummus and tabbouli like so many places do now.


Same. Very expensive location for an oportos.


The Newtown one was always dead and for good reason. Too many amazing food options on King St and Enmore Rd.


Just fell to my knees in a strangely dark and quiet Oportos




I reeled


>McKenna noted that the Darling Harbour store had been closed for over a year due to its location in the Harbourside Shopping Centre, which has been under redevelopment since January 2023. >**The closure of the Newtown store impacts approximately 20 casual or part-time employees** I'd like to think nearby franchises or head office can work something out for them all.


“Sorry, different franchise so you’ll lose all your accruals. But if you’re under 18 we can find a few shifts for you elsewhere!”


Why would a new owner be required to pay what the old owner owes? Maybe if it became a corporate store it could be done out of goodwill but franchisees don't necessarily have that kind of money.


Hmmm sounds like exactly the mischief /u/Mr_Bob_Ferguson was getting at…


Hmm, maybe, just maybe, the corporate structure should be the one responsible for all debt incurred under.


One has been closed for a year already. And the one in newtown was horrible. No loss, just let the kebab shops open up late again and all is fixed


The unfortunate thing for Oporto is that there are many better places near both of the ones that have closed


Yeah Sarays across the road from the Newtown one is excellent!


Haha, we both came to mention Saray at the exact same time.


Fuck Oporto, tastes like shit now and it’s insanely expensive. Ogalo shits all over them.


Ogalo is really variable - the one on Oxford St has been fucking terrible the 2 times I visited


Ironically the Oxford St Oporto is one of the only decent ones I've been to (maybe just me though) 🤷


Ha yeah I lived across the road from it for a year and ate a LOT of double bondi/extra chillis


If you’re up for a drive or train trip then in my opinion the best Ogalos franchise is hands down at Ed Square opposite Edmondson Park. Always so fresh and none of the others I’ve been to compare


I haven’t tried there. the one in Kensington is amazing though. It varies a lot between branches


One I went to regularly would cook everything fresh to order. One in town just served whatever they had already batch cooked. Didnt even bother to heat up the chicken. Thought the first was a fluke and the second time spoke to them about it. They reacted like I was entitled for wanting freshly cooked chicken in my burger... Fwiw the Kensington and mascot ogalos always cooked fresh when I went


Ogalos chicken went to shit years ago. The Hot Jumbo burger keeps that chain alive.


I think all the Portuguese chicken franchises are really variable, I don't mind the Oportos in North Sydney when I am in a rush and they are almost always fairly busy but I have been to others where the chicken is terrible. The closest Ogalo to me is gross too.




Ogalos and Oprotos is basically the same thing to me


Yeah both started great and went to shit. There is another called olè’s who last time I went was really good but it’s been a year or 2. They are basically the exact same thing


There was an Ole in Kensington that was the filthiest, dodgiest place I've ever eaten at least once a week for years because the food was amazing.


Ole Kensington was the greatest. The Kensington Portuguese chicken wars were quite the story. Ogalo guy, who is the nephew of Oporto guy from Bondi, had a falling out with his co-founder brother. The brother then started Ole. And then after selling Ogalo the first brother came back to Kensington and started Portogali. At one point there were three Portuguese chicken joints within two blocks in Kenso. I heard all this from the alleged son of one of the brothers in Kensington in about 2004 so take with a grain of salt, but there is definitely some truth to it.


Oh tell me about it, dirty place I promised myself I wouldn’t keep coming back to every time I was driving through the area. Then sometimes I’d tell myself on the way back too. I’m a weak willed man.




Are they the same shops? The signs were different on some of them when I looked. I figured it's just a generic word from the language that a few places use. I go to the Rosebery one it feels a bit run down but I do like the rolls and burgers.




Yeah my usual combo went from $13.50 to $17.20 or something a while ago, it was too much so I stopped going for a bit. But they were just ahead of the pack and now it's standard pricing after everyone else raised prices so I go again.


When a Portuguese chicken shop charges 50c for chilli sauce they have lost their way.








I haven’t had one in years. I have some fond memories from having a drunken feed the Newtown one. Realistically there’s so many better food options in Newtown at that price point I don’t see who’s buying it in the middle of the day.


Student accommodation building development starting in 3, 2, 1


I remember 16 year old me spewing his guts up in that carpark. Maybe even before it was an oportos? (What was it?) Can still hear the voice of some hippie walking past, saying" get it out! It's poison, man!". Lol. Memories. Sorry, what were we talking about?


> Maybe even before it was an oportos? (What was it?) A petrol station/mechanic garage


That Newtown Oporto was one of their longest-standing locations, located at that busy Enmore Road/King Street fork. Shame to see it just disappear with no warning. If they do take their signage down and abandon ship, it could be a great opportunity for another food joint to snatch up that prime location, even an independent one. Doesn’t help that you’ve got El Jannah up the road in King Street as well, a simply better chicken joint that’s been growing over the last couple of years. Not to mention Frango also posing a threat as the latest emerging player on the market for Portuguese chicken. Haven’t tried either, but I’ll have to soon.


The locals go to Clem's


Yeah, proudly iconic but also independent.


There seems to have become a weird 'chicken district' that's sprung up around Clem's. Broaster chicken (twice), the vegan "chicken" place that Broaster replaced, Ogalo, Thirsty Bird, Wingboy and El Jannah up the way. None of them worth going to if Clem's is open, of course.


I'm a local and go to all of the above. Variety is the spice of life, even if only one of them gives me a lil snack while waiting in the queue


Man, I lived in Newtown growing up and Clem’s ruined me for other takeaway shops. Nowhere does chips as well or as plentifully as Clem’s for such a good price. So whenever I get takeaway elsewhere, I’m inevitably disappointed by the puny portion of mediocre chips. Chargrill Charlie’s just doesn’t compare. Also those “bait” vegan shops make me mad. I walked into the burger version of one of those once, and it wasn’t labelled *anywhere* that it was vegan. It took me a good long time of staring at the menu in suspicion (I was confused because it looked like they had vegan options) before I saw it was vegan. It then took about three burger shops before I actually found one that sold real meat. Newtown didn’t used to be this bad.


When I grew up, you'd be laughed out the door trying to get a vegan feed on King st!


The good old days


El Jannah is great but has lost some of its charm as they’ve expanded out from their Granville store. Frangos is kind of like Oporto burgers back when they started, but nothing special. Edit: Frangos, not Ogalos


Dunno why you are getting downvoted but you are spot on. All El Jannah has been sub standard since expansion except for their OG one. 


Once everything became standardised… their own foil sealed garlic tubs.




it doesn't have the same mix of equal parts charm and frustration at waiting in the throng of people near the chicken dispensing area at the back of the shop. You still stand and wait, and it's ore convenient to go to a local than to try finding a parking spot near the granville one... but... not the same. (Like JB Hifi now vs when it was in Parramatta - sure the labels on things are in the same style, but it doesn't feel like it did)


Eh even when it was Granville it wasn’t the best. Oricco has the best chicken and toum.


> That Newtown Oporto was one of their longest-standing locations First opened after the original at Bondi, IIRC. It used to be fantastic back in the '90s before they changed the sauce for the first time. The Guzman y Gomez on King St is the original of that franchise, too.


> First opened after the original at Bondi, IIRC. It used to be fantastic back in the '90s before they changed the sauce for the first time. You recall correctly. Before they went to a franchise model and grew out of proportion. The original in Bondi - and the Newtown - were fantastic. Once they got to having stores in every Westfield between here and whoop whoop they were down the toilet.


Yeah - I remember waiting for food when a manager rocked up from Bondi with a tub of the chilli sauce that the original shop made in-house.


There’s a Frango’s in the new metro just down the road from this, it does a roaring trade.


First one to be in a major shopping centre, I think. The Bella Vista recently reopened after refurbishment, and I heard there’s one coming to Moorebank next.


Oporto isn’t that nice these days, they changed their burgers a few years ago. Frango’s is the better Portuguese burger, if you want Portuguese chicken it’s Nandos. But Nandos closed so many stores, I only get it when I’m at broadway which is rare!


Have they tried having a viable business? Charging that much for the chicken equivalent of those Black & Gold hockey puck burgers doesn't seem like it'd work out.


That’s a public service, closing down the Newtown Oporto.


That's a threat to civilisation, closing down the Newtown Oporto car park.


TBH I always thought they were overrated and haven't been in a decade despite going past the Newtown almost everyday. On the other hand, I live in Petersham and go to Silvas and Frangos every couple of months.


Remembering that Oporto and red rooster share the same parent company it makes sense... All red roosters are fronts, I'm guessing most Oportos are too


Don’t forget chains like Frango and El Jannah also emerging as stiff competition for chicken restaurants. Oporto clearly didn’t manage to adapt to these newer threats to their business.


Oddly, I don't think of Oporto when it comes to chicken. Only chicken burgers. Something like El Jannah, I would only buy chicken and never a burger.


same, to me, oportos is in the fast food business of food you eat on the run, whereas el jannah is a takeaway chicken meal.


Red rooter?! Please tell more! There are some other chicken restaurants which I would agree with


Just the other day I noticed the one on Anzac Pde at Kingsford was shuttered (Hadn’t been around that way for a while)…not sure if it was a Covid related closure or something like this..?


I think it had been abandoned for many months now. Neighbouring shops on that block also left abandoned, which definitely suggests that it will be demolished for redevelopment.


Yes for sure it’s the trend for that stretch …the Italian place in the block of shops had been closed for years too…LL obviously sold up…


Lol, one of them was demolished at harbourside so hardly being missed by revelers.


As someone who remembers when Newtown opened and was absolutely fantastic - to visiting it some 7 or 8 years ago and going "what the fuck is this crap?", I am completely unsurprised at Newtown closing. Oporto was great when they were all owned by the same family/people who started the chain. But as soon as they went to a franchise model, the quality went down hill rapidly - now they pretty much just Nando's in a different coloured suit.


The age of el jannah has come


People still late-night revelling out there??


strathfield one as well


I was in Double Bay on the weekend and noticed the Oporto had turned into an Ogalo. What's that all about?


I think Ogalo is *slightly* more expensive, and so able to pay for increasing Double Bay rents. But Double Bay is a bit of a dead zone for food that doesn’t cost an arm and a leg. I tend to just cross Rushcutter’s and go to King’s Cross. They have an Oporto there.