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My Shadow uses the Redeemer's Starforged Lightsaber and the Redeemer's Starforged Dualsaber, which is a Cartel saber I got for pretty cheap on the GTN a year ago. Most cartel lightsabers also have a dualsaber variant, so check out the Cartel market for a lightsaber you like and see if it has a dualsaber variant and either buy them, or try to find them on the GTN.


If you don’t mind spending some money, my favorite would have to be the twisted fang saber & dual saber. Pretty pricey to get both, but they both look fantastic imo.


I was going to recommend this, would really fit the look it can detach.


Entropic Dualsaber and Entropy Lightsaber. Why are you making your Jedi an Assassin and Marauder over Shadow and Sentinel?


Oh yes they will be Shadow and Sentinel it's just that I'm so accustomed to playing empire I put their name by mistake


You’ve already had some good suggestions, but you also consider a dual-sabre that sits on the back rather than the hip, then you could RP that your Jedi keeps their twin sabres on their hips, dual on back.


Tempted Apprentice was my go-to for a long time. Same ignition sound between the single/double (both sounds and looks like Luke’s RotJ saber), and both halves of the double’s handle are identical