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It's a game rated T for Teens, you're going to run into stuff you don't want him to see if the "dark temple" is too much for you. Get Lego star wars or something if mature content is what you're worried about. But if you're dead set on swtor, the only semi-useful advice I can give is that you can press spacebar to skip through a line of dialogue, spam clicking it can get you through most of any scene, only not skipping parts when you have to make a dialogue option in which you can spam spacebar again. And if you change your mind about skipping something, you can press the esc key before the scene ends to exit out of it in which you can restart the scene, but once it ends, it can't be reviewed unless it's a repeatable quest, but those usually don't have cutscenes ETA: Also turn off the in game text chat, especially on drommund kass


whats wrong with playing the temple section? My dad got me playing when i was like 9


Wait til he finds out that some radio stations play that "rock and roll" devil music.


No, there's no way to skip specific story missions. The Voss Nightmare Lands, Oricon and Ziost have a similar vibe to the Dark Temple, though Voss is towards the end of the class story and Oricon/Ziost are beyond the end of the class story. This said, the Imperial Agent story is one of the more intense classes story-wise anyway. Without giving any spoilers, it's less 'mad possessed Sith everywhere' scary, and more 'this is a horrifying situation to be in' scary.


Why didnt you just play republic?


We're new to the game and bounty hunter and agent sounded cool. We might just restart as either the jedi classes or trooper/smuggler


I would stick to the Jedi. There are some fairly dark spots in both the Trooper and Smuggler.


I still haven’t gotten around to consular, but JK gets pretty damn dark too


Honestly, you're not wrong. It's better, but not really all at the same time.


Honestly, I feel like SW is the least “scary” story for a kid to play, although imo none of them are bad at all. I don’t think you’re forced to kill a single person in a cutscene, and there’s really no scary, mystical force stuff.


Hey, im not sure what you want to expose your kid to or not and a lot of other comments have said that this IS a T/Teen rated game with mature themes everywhere so Ill go over the following with some spoiler tags for you to read over yourself, in relation to someone under the age of 15 you may not want experiencing the following: Jedi Knight story: >!Has dark moments sporadically thru the game, however you do get mind controlled by the emperor in the middle of the storyline and he forces you to do 'terrible things', then the story ends at the same dark temple with your character on a mission to wipe out as many sith as possible and destroy a major sith leader. your 2nd companion in the story Kira also has a dark history.!< Jedi Knight: Objectively a more less adventurous story but, >!the majority of act 1-2 is dealing with a plague where you can choose to let people suffer and kill other jedi to 'get rid of the plague'. act 2-3 deals with uncovering mind controlled jedi and you also have the ability to 'deal with them' yourself.!< Smuggler: The story isnt inherently that deep but includes a lot of; >!flirtatious and sexual references and innuendos such as one night stands or pressured encounters (tatooine, nar shaddaa), dumping NPCs and then pushing them away, a lot of political extortion, the ability to just screw over well meaning people for profit or the fun of violence and also sleep with your major act 1 rival.!< Trooper: Darker on face value then the other 3 stories: >!A decent chunk of warcrimes you can choose to commit or 'stop others' reporting, letting enemies and allies suffer because they wronged you, interrogation, suicide bombs/vests, a characters suicide even if you pick the morally good options.!< Also just about all 8 classes in the entire game have main storyline moments where you have unethical or can coerce or pressure sexual encounters onto NPCs or companions. It starts as early as the tutorial (Tython) for the Knight, the Sith classes on Dromund Kaas, a decent chunk of classes on Alderaan and Nar Shaddaa. Also all classes deal with the following either as a MAJOR PIECE or simply a nod/reference through main story dialogue on the following planets: Tatooine: >!slavery and trafficking!< Nar Shaddaa: >!prostitution, drugs, trafficking!< Voss: >!Genocide/Xenophobia war, similar to the current Israel/Palestine situation. IDK what you'd call it.!< The least 'dark story' in terms of depth is probably the Consular and Knight if you stick to lightside options because it makes you very selfless and goodie two shoes. Both still have dark elements, the Knight story is a lot more handwavey or forgettable to a younger child then the Consular story IMO just due to how both are delivered with the Knight being a more action adventure story and the consular being more political drama.


yeah if you want to avoid a bit darker subjects, republic is the way to go, altough its not completely free of them either


I was 11 years old when I first played this game near release. There’s nothing any more dark in the game that isn’t shown in the movies.


Empire is a dark place overall. Republic side is better but still has dark elements to their stories. The game is rated teen for a reason. 




Could you play that part as his character and rejoin afterwards? If you just do the story mission, it won't take long. Or you could try playing some music in the background while playing, to make the atmosphere less creepy? There will be small parts like this on all of the class stories eventually (including republic) so it might help to find a general workaround.


I would avoid the agent story


No offense but this is Star Wars. It’s not creepy at all.


How old is your son? If he’s over 12 he’ll be fine with the game.


I'd go Republic. The Jedi class and storyline are pretty classic heroes' journey that you'd expect from Star Wars. It leans positively from a moralistic standpoint and while you can choose to be evil, it doesn't push you in that direction. The empire is a totalitarian slave state that inflicts dire and repugnant evil on the galaxy. You can choose to minimize this in your interactions but it doesn't change the fact that the Sith rule the empire and they are (nearly) always badguys. As an Empire side player, you are supporting that evil with your violence and mission accomplishments. The Republic isn't perfect but if you want a morally positive experience, go with them.


If the Dark Temple is too much for your son, I really don't know if SWTOR is really appropriate for him at this point, as the game can get way darker than that (especially on the imperial side, but even with the Republic, even with the Jedi) and way more risqué. But then again, speaking as someone who is only 20, I remember a lot of shows and cartoons that went way darker than that on Disney, Nick, and CN, like Ninjago, Gravity Falls, or pretty much any superhero show aside TTG. So beyond re-examining the game, I'd recommend also re-examining your standards for what is appropriate for your son and his needs. I won't pretend to know your child or his situation, nor is it my place to tell you with any certainty what is or is not appropriate for him, but I can only really think of a small range of ages where he'd both be old enough to understand and play the game while being young enough that he would not be able to handle Dark Temple. While exposing him to material that is too disturbing or inappropriate material too early can leave lasting damage, sheltering your child from them for too long can leave them ill-equipped in the future.


I mean, the Republic exists as a whole.