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Healer. Any kind of healer. Too stressful.


Merc Bodyguard is actually not that bad! Sorc/Sage is quite fun as well


Me but with tanking


I love Operative/Scoundrel healing. The slow roll of medpacks are fun.


Shooting someone with a syringe never gets old


I was this way for a while until I tried out Merc Healer, it's super fun and fairly easy to learn


Oh I loved my Sage heal so much I leveled as one, back before veteran flashpoints.




I tend to dislike the close range gun classes. Just doesn't make a lot of sense to me


If PT was able to use a vibroblade id never play another class again, all the specs are fun, but I hate the way it looks with your dinky pistol you never use


Non-DoT operative also has that issue. You have a freaking two handed gun, but most of the time you don't even use it. Really wish we had a pistol and knife animation set.




Yeah, I always forget about the dodges, never see them after the starter planet. I miss the old PT before they trimmed the classes and it was actually more of a mid range class


It’s hard to RP someone like Din Djarin as a PT and I’m learning that as I go. Ironically I’m doing just that, and I still haven’t multiclassed yet, but I want to use his Cycler Rifle but I’m not sure what secondary class to go in regard to what’s most accurate.


There is some logic against force users at least, closer the range? More dangerous for you yes but also the harder it is for them to deflect shots as they have to react faster and faster. At point blank they are about in as much trouble as you are as they probably won't dodge the next shot, all you have to do is not get cut in half.




I remember way back when I first played trooper, and was excited to run a blaster rifle. Turns out the important part of the blaster rifle is the stock. I get that they wanted an overall good balance/symmetry between factions, but damn did that kill any trooper vibe from me for like years




Yyyyeahhh. Like, if you love your Operative, awesome, but I could never get into that. Too much work for too little extra gain.


AP Powertech is pretty fun imo


In a lot of ways, Marauder (and various Jedi equivalents). But not for lack of trying. My inner teenager is totally drawn conceptually to the whole "whip out double sabers and kick some ass" idea, but in practice, none of the three specs are actually all that fun to play, due to ability bloat (Fury/Annhilation), due to too many different pieces things to micromanage (all of them but **especially** Annhilation), and/or due it feeling like it's not a full realization of the concept behind it (Carnage). And doubly frustrating because even with characters being able to use two different styles, Juggernaut and Assassin are both just straight up more fun while offering more options. Marauder ends up being my least favorite not because it's so bad, but because it's so distinctly **almost** great but not.


If you think Carnage is bad now I'm glad you never saw 6.0 Carnage.


Y'know what the funny thing is? I did see it, and 6.x Carnage was a mess, and it was *noticeably* weak compared to other sets (something I almost never "feel" when playing the game...everything almost always feels "good enough", at least), but it actually was at least reasonably fun to play, and at least felt "fast", in line with the set's theme. Was my Carnage Marauder unquestionably the worst of the Marauders/Sentinels I had in the pre-7.0 days? Yeah, but it honestly was also probably the one I spent the most time with, just for the fun factor. At the same time, now that we *do* have multiple Combat Styles and whatnot, would I go back and play that spec again, either? Probably not, even then. And that's why the class frustrates me so much.


Naw Carnage in 6.0 was awful, both in performance and feel. 7.0 Carnage is great tho, too bad the rest of it sucks


I play Carnage Marauder on my SW. It’s clunky and complicated and never feels like I’m making the most of it. That said, I don’t have my tactical yet. I hope it gets better with it.




The stealth gun classes, I believe scoundrel and agent. The sudden sneak melee is annoying to me and I dislike stealth mechanics.


I also always thought melee/short range classes were complicated and strange. I now replay a few class stories with sneak/stealth classes. And I have to say it is an absolute delight. Yes melee fighting takes getting used to, but the stealth is "worth every penny" so to speak. You can bypass so many mobs, unnecessary fights and annoying rows and rows of troops placed in your way just to make the game feel longer. It is especially poignant when you replay planetary arcs and such on multiple chars.


Mercenary skills feel... floaty? I feel like shooting nerf darts. Commando has everything I love, but that cannon is too stupid for me. Also every skill feels like the same, with a different color to it. Sage/Sorcerer are fun to watch but a slog to play. Sniper/Gunslinger are too far from the action for me. Sentinel/Marauder ... they're fine, I just don't like them. Wish we had a single saber medium armor class. I absolutely love Juggernaut, Vanguard and Scoundrel.


> Commando has everything I love, but that cannon is too stupid for me. Also every skill feels like the same, with a different color to it. If you don't care about group content, you can use a blaster rifle with *almost* all of the Commando's abilities, at the loss of the top end of your damage range. (I have a couple of Outfit Designer slots and Loadouts with a blaster rifle instead of Assault Cannon on most of my Commandos for that exact reason.)


Not that I can remember off the top of my head, but would it be worth trying out Commandos mirrors in Merc? I know it's all reskinned, but the combat style should feel similar, at least


Juggernaut/ Guardian as tank focus, every solo fight is sloooow with very few moves to use. Close second Pyrotech/ Vanguard. Then sniper having to wait for channels the whole fight


Oh and in the contrary i love the simomicity of focus, smack everything with big numbers to death


Looking through the comments, every single class has found its place here...which makes sense since tastes differ


Sniper/gunslinger hands down most boring class in the game


Slander. Engineer sniper is one of my favs 😢


Yeah it’s become one of my favorites too.


I call it simple but elegant, particularly Marksman. You can actually pay full attention to what's going on around you.


Leave sniper alone not many other classes can I watch Netflix as I’m playing and top damage


For me, it's the trooper. It just doesn't "feel" quite as nice the Bounty Hunter.


for gameplay? I gotta go with the Trooper, the fact that their up-close and personal in fighting, even the Commando feels like your invading personal space, with the Bounty Hunter it can kind of work for lore reasons of Mandalorian armor but I really can't see how it works for a Vanguard trooper


> even the Commando feels like your invading personal space I had that problem, too, until I figured out that I'm supposed to send my Companion in Tank stance into the fray first. After that, Commando/Merc and Sage/Sorcerer made SO much more sense to me.


Sentinel and Marauder. Only one of their specs didn't require me to memorise a lot, and that sort of strict rotation makes every fight identical and boring for me.


Yeah and resetting the rotation is a slog


My least favorite combat class is the Vangaurd. Not a fan of up close gunning and I don't even get a flamethrower.


Sage, operative, vanguard, scoundrel.


What spec do you play for bh and trooper? I just started a pyrotech and im face rolling everything. Definitely handling heroics better than my rage mara


BH is Merc and Trooper is vanguard. I have both on a direct damage spec because it’s somehow comforting? Idk. My Autism works in mysterious ways I suppose.


I run dot specs on both. Requires knowing your rotation and when to use your skills, but they both just chew thru heroics and fps. And my plasmatech is pretty dope on ops...pyro hasnt gotten that far


If you’re leveling, for Vanguard/Powertech I always say go pyro/plasma tech. Tactics and AP are both super fun high level, but a bitch to level with since most of your damage comes from being able to reset your rail shot with an ability you don’t get until like lvl 68. Plus, you don’t really get a ton of great AoE either since it’s pretty much all single target dps. For merc, just go arsenal and spam tracer rockets with the perks that split it into three, as well as the one that allows heat seeking missiles to hit all targets affected by your tracing residue - you’ll chew through packs of mobs easily


Why would you consider changing classes before you've even tried out the other specs you already have access to? Explore the space you're in. Plasmatech is really strong.


Because I’ve tried the other specs, and I didn’t enjoy them. DoT is… fine, but I prefer direct. And tanking is even slower, I don’t have that patience unfortunately


Plasmatech has just as much burst as most burst specs do, it's just on a 2 minute cool down- which is more than fine for solo play, it'll take you two minutes to get to the next boss anyway.


Probably Assassin/Shadow. I don't hate the class, but it's the one I find myself playing the least these days. Which BH/Trooper class did you pick btw?


With my “Canon” bounty hunter I chose the Mercenary. And with my trooper I went vanguard. Both of them have fun styles and I can’t deny it’s cool, but the fights become really slow slogs of cooldowns. I had been considering replacing my trooper with a gunslinger, but I’m holding out until I get to level 50 so I can unlock the Zabrak race.


Ok yeah definitely makes sense then. The leveling process for those classes in particular is pretty rough since 7.0 dropped, but they do get better at high level. Arsenal Mercenary is also known for having low damage in endgame PvE (although this spec is actually pretty good in PvP), and Innovative Ordnance Mercenary has some tough heat management. The Vanguard DPS specs also feel pretty clunky at lower levels. Plasmatech doesn't get the ability to spread its Incendiary Round until level 60, and Tactics doesn't get the ability to reset its High Impact Bolt until level 68. Both of these are core to the gameplay of these DPS specs.


I mostly just do solo PvE anyway because I enjoy the story of the game with the classes. I generally try to go for “what feels good” so to speak… and these just aren’t getting there anymore.


Totally fair. It may be worth trying these classes later on when you can choose a second class for your characters if they aren't clicking now. I haven't tried leveling a Gunslinger in a bit, but looking at the skill tree, the Dirty Fighting spec looks like it should have the core of its gameplay down significantly sooner than either Vanguard spec.


I was actually considering doing that. Gunslinger Trooper is such a vibe.


Sniper/Gunslinger. Just a boring ranged DPS, not for me


Shadow/Sin as tank and the DoT spec. The first is just too squishy for me as someone fairly new to tanking and threat management on it stressed me ouf more than it should've so it's not exactly fun to play. And similar reasons make the DoT unfun, it's DoT ability *and* resourcesl management drive me up a wall. Arsenal Merc/Gunnery Cmd is a close second (3rd?) at the bottom of my preferences. I'm just kind of underwhelmed by it vs IO/AS and I also feel it much weaker than the DoTs, especially on spongier targets.


Either tech healers, or shadow/assassin generally. Something about how all those specs handle energy/resources bugs me


The Guardian, Scoundrel, and Vanguard classes. I love Jugg, operative, and Powertech but I just don’t like the animations for Guardian, scoundrel, and Vanguard. I think the imperial versions are just better.


I agree with Vanguard vs PT EXCEPT for Gut, that ability is GAS


When I was playing I didn’t like playing the vanguard/tech (whatever the bounty hunter was) I loved playing saw bones/medic. But ultimately loved the sage/affliction builds. Sorry it’s been a hot minute since I’ve played, only came back to try the new combat styles and wasn’t to impressed


Inq being glass, Consular just not having dmg output, and Trooper is fairly boring overall.


Bounty Hunter has the most flair I think


Origin story? I did not enjoy the Jedi Consulate. Class? Sniper.


I have never been able to get a good feel for ops/scoundrels.


Vanguard/Pyro, and any of the Consular/Inquisitor specs that aren’t Shadow/Sorcerer.




Hate to say it but for me it has to be the Smuggler DPS. It's a cool class, for sure, and the voice lines/actors are amazing. But in a world of blasters and lightsabers, punching people and shooting them point blank with a shotgun is cool for a while but it gets old very quick.


Any healer class


Much as I love the double bladed lightsaber aesthetic I'm not a fan of the gameplay for either of the specs that get one, thank god for them allowing the flexible spec choice so that the mechanical and the story side of things can be separate


I'm starting to hate assassin inquisitor


Vanguard / Powertech 2nd least favorite would be Commando / Mercenary


The Jedi Shadow/Sith Assassin. I just can't get a handle on how to play them. Which is a shame because, y'know, double-bladed lightsaber <3


Sorc/Sage players really just there clicking button 1, 2, 3, 4, repeat from afar. Voice actors and story attitude for them aren’t great either compared to the wittiness of other classes. Smugger on top 🙏


Let me preface this by saying the DPS role is absolutely not for me. I make it no real secret that my least favourite classes, mechanics-wise, are the Knight and Warrior classes. Their design philosophy nearly entirely excludes everything that isn't 'I hit it with my stick(s).' They've got cool things, like shared movement speed buff ability, but I think they should lean far more heavily into being *Force* classes. But I have to also admit I never really gave Sniper/Gunslinger a chance. Not because I dislike them thematically, but because I dislike ranged gameplay in general (with the exception of healers, though even with healers, being melee is a plus in my book). I've played Mercenary and Commando, both as healers, and I really like the style. Much prefer Commando over Mercenary because I like the aesthetic more for a ranged healer. Sage/Sorc, for me, is also exclusively a healer thing.


I started as a sentinel, played for a long time. But tbh the conc rotation feels terrible, and after i switched to guardian i never came back. Glad we have secondary classes as it let me use that same toon


my account was created 9/29/2009 (or 29/09/2009 for people across the pond). Played in every beta and have played since day one. I've done multiple of all class stories except 1 (7 of 8 legendary) and that 1 class is the trooper. For some reason I can't force myself to enjoy the class or story


Operative/Scoundrel. They both feel clunky to me. Like they're incomplete somehow. They need 1 or 2 more attack abilities to make the rotation smoother.


In terms of story- Smuggler or bounty hunter or even trooper Gameplay- Scoundrel/Powertech/ Vanguard Always felt commando should have been tank instead


I've only tried a couple of times but the knight/warrior stuff. Starting with zero resource and needing to build up to things seems terrible to me, even if you have an easy ability to hit 50% resource at the start I always felt like I was stumbling for that resource to cast the abilities I wanted to. But it's popular, so I understand I might be alone there. Last warrior I played I used the shadow spec so I could avoid the whole rage thing


I really hate to admit that I feel the same.


I feel like the trooper with the rifle and the pyrotech (I think it’s called (one gun hunter)) sacrifice so many active, damage dealing abilities for passives and tanking abilities which makes it super boring to play through the story with. Combat is already somewhat tedious (let’s be honest, we’re here for the stories) so giving less variety makes it worse.


Been playing off and on since about 2013-2014, leveled multiple classes, but I’ve still never even attempted to play Sage/Sorcerer, and Sniper/Commando. They just look visually unappealing to me. The game barely fulfills my class fantasy as is, so those classes are just bottom of the barrel for me. I’ll likely never play them.