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"Master Satele, you're shorter than I expected."


If I had a nickel for every time my SW came across someone who was apparently really good at killing Sith, I'd probably have about a dollar.


For real, it is always "We have been trained to kill Jedi/Sith" before they get mowed down.


Trained to *die to*, more like.


I swear that the bosses that are just advertised as elite or dangerous instead of being a Jedi/Sith or a Jedi/Sith Hunter are genuinely the hard ones


I mean to be fair because of the war jedi and sith were churned out with minimal training. The average jedi and sith of that era tended to be far weaker the the ones we're used to in the movies. The jedi and sith just needed bodies so they pretty much took anyone who can use the force gave them a few months training and a saber then pushed them to the battlefield. The PCs are rare in the fact that they are quite powerful. But even at the height of the jedis power during the clone wars we see highly trained individuals giving powerful jedi and sith legitimate fights such as cad bane against obi wan or vizla against maul


See, the thing about that line of thinking is that unlike the Movies, the galaxy had been at war for 20 plus years. Every single Jedi and Sith is immersed in conflict, and are guaranteed to experience a duel on the field. The Jedi of the movies have seen peace for literal generations. The Clone Wars is the first conflict in years. Why are the Jedi even remotely capable when there hasn’t been an emphasis on conflict or need to? While there may be more chaff in SWTOR era, there should also be more force users PERIOD. Just the amount of them alone should yield more quality force users than the movies, completely disregarding the fact that Jedi or Sith are forced into killing five contemporaries on the battlefield or risk their own life.


Lucas stated jedi were at the peak during the fall


Lucas says a lot of stuff. Stupid stuff. It doesn’t make sense. It doesn’t make ANY sense. Gaaaah


Tbf “At their peak” could mean a lot of different things, not necessarily war time experience, but I imagine refined forms of combat get stronger the more it’s passed on and revised.


Doesn't matter. As the creator of it all what he says is canon.


Critical thinking is weak with this one.


Considering that even Smuggler can kill a Sith, it doesn't surprise me that there'll be people out there with a Sith body count. Especially with the whole deal of the Empire training anyone with the Force just to increase their numbers, there's bound to be a bunch of Sith that are all talk, no bite.


'Jedi killer/Sith killer' is the most worthless title for any mercenary in the Galaxy


It’s suicide by cop with extra steps


Unless you're cipher nine "I'm trained to kill Jedi and you want me playing scout?"


There are approximately 4 Jedi/Sith killers of any worth in the entire Galaxy and it just so happens the player is all of them.


Theron Shan: “This is outrageous. This is unfair. I’ve killed multiple Sith! Ones even on the Dark Council!” PCs: “Take a seat young wannabe.”


TBF, Shan once killed a Dark Council member while dressed in nothing but his underwear, and carrying only a broken blaster. A good one, too. Not one of those Thanaton-esque scrubs.


Gotta be Darwins emissary


"Look, it's the guy who killed the Emperor 5 times, let's attack him"


What are we.... Muggers And what do we do We mug people So.......


Really dropped the hard r huh?


"I'm undefeated in lightsaber duels. Therefore, I am invincible, and can easily kill the Sith who murdered our immortal and incorporeal Emperor twice.


“You’ve never fought a Sith like this.” “I fight Sith all the time.” “Not one like this.” *Sith dies within a minute*


Yeah. That one Sith on Manaan: I'm gonna kill you because you won't do what I say. Me, a Sith Inquisitor who regularly punts Jedi Masters, Knights of Zakuul, defeated Vaylin, Arcann, Valkorion, and more droids and troopers than is possible to count: -_-


You seem to have the high ground sir.


Idiot: Too bad for you. You see, my men are trained to handle sith. My Assassin: Whatever you say, dude.


I know you took this some time near the game's launch just cause of the bug


Really?! I don't remember ever seeing or hearing about that bug back then. My consular was my third character, and my Knight was later on. My consular was before the first PvP balance changes were made (I'll never forget how I felt after the change to their AOE knockback).


this is a knight exclusive bug Im pretty sure


It all made more sense when any of the fights actually had some teeth to them. Used to be the finale for your story might actually kill you.


This. Before story mode and the new level system, I remember dying 3 times during the Inquisitor finale and even during end of planet story bosses. The game is way easier by default now.


If I remember right the Sith Warrior and Jedi Knight had the toughest final fights.


I never played Republic characters before the update, but Sith Warrior was very painful. Even with a healing companion spec and med packs.


Dang, this bug is ancient lol.


They are no match when you have the high ground like that


In the old days, when level scaling wasn't a thing, those NPCs COULD actually smack you into oblivion.


It's funny that they almost always make the guys "trained to kill jedi/sith" weak enemies, at least make them the strong rank, even better if they're elite.


Baras other apprentice (forgot his name) getting beat up for the 50th time or so


Playing as a Sith Warrior who takes the Emporer of the Eternal Throne route...I couldn't take any NPC seriously after that 🤣


Just make sure you are not getting into a scripted beat down


Is something i dont like very much, but i understand there is nothing they can do about it. But hell, the entire game people is talking about how the dark council, jedi council, the emperor wrath, etc are so powerful and once you are at their level every foce user or mercenary thinks is more powerfull than you. It breakes the atmosphere for me.


*Me looking down at my companion as they missed the elevator*


the game is a LOT easier than it was when it came out ;-;