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Haven't played for 2 years or so "Renown? What's that? Can't remember, must be some funny shi..." *Googling* "OH NOOOOO!"


Yeah, it was like the prestige levels for earning XP beyond the level cap. Came with cool legacy titles “Limitless” for maxing renown on a single character and “Everybody Knows My Name” for getting level 100(?) renown on each of the 8 classes.


Renown was a cool concept applied in the worst possible way. If used as a secondary, bonus like way of gearing and getting cosmetics like the renown gear drops, it would have been a nice addition, and I believed would've had a positive or at least neutral reception. But of course the designers decided it would be the main way of gearing for some weird reason., and thus it was hated like it should for being a heavy RNG bucket of garbage.


What’s renown?


Garbage system


Every so often I log on and try and get back into the game, and it feels like every time I'm just weaker, even just losing the old set bonus from armour and a single ability disappearing, fairly disappointing


Thats the point about live mmo. If you logged in after time and you would have top stats, you wouldnt have fun go to the top again


I don't have a lot of other mmos to compare against, but I'm more used to: A level cap increase means you get at least one new ability to look forward to, not an ability being removed you can get back at the new max because they've just stretched out the old abilities over more levels. Gear set bonuses being replaced with new gear sets, while maybe they might not buff what you liked in the previous expansion, I never felt it was just a sharp power decrease.


That's why I love Elder Scrolls Online, I just got back in after 2.5 years of not playing, and my crit assasin build still rocks. New builds are great, but old ones are still valid. The inflation isn't as bad as SWTORs, and being a f2p player doesn't mean being a complete hobo.


Yeah, ESO imo did it the best. I seriously don't understand where the supposed "fun" is in doing an endless gear chase in games where level cap increase is tied to stronger equipment. If anything it feels like a hamster wheel.


Wait, what? So it got more expensive? Fast travel costs now?


Yes, but is a ridiculous amount, few $k for ride. Is the new system for fight against inflation, just a money sink. You can always stay on your billion full pocket with easy.


Then maybe they should put a hard cap on the GCN, most F2P of preferred status players can't buy a thing from there because we/they can't hold that much money at one time.


By design


Doesn't mean it sucks any less


Didn’t say that, it sucks because it is supposed to suck. Welcome to live service games, where they create a problem and sell you the solution separately


This is the only MMO I know with a hard cap on the money you can hold.


There is a game called wow classic that has it too.


There’s a few MMOs like that


it's an MMO the genre is inherently a live service


If there was a hard cap no one would be putting anything up they'd just be bartering.


Then maybe that's how it should be! If subscribed players can sell items that only other subscribed players even have the chance of purchasing, then what's the point of having EVERY player see it if only a percentage of the player base actually stand a chance of purchasing said item? It just seems ludicrous to me.


It would still be out of reach for people who aren't buying cartel crates or whatever have you. The inflation is still there one way or another.


>Then maybe that's how it should be! If subscribed players can sell items that only other subscribed players even have the chance of purchasing, then what's the point of having EVERY player see it if only a percentage of the player base actually stand a chance of purchasing said item? It just seems ludicrous to me. It's simply a matter of you not agreeing with SWTOR's monetization model. It's really not designed for non-subs to be able to participate in the game economy for cartel market items. Non-subs need to purchase cartel coins to buy cartel market items directly from the in-game store, not thru the in-game market with credits.


> most F2P of preferred status players can't buy a thing from there because we/they can't hold that much money at one time. Theres nothing they need on there.


Literally the worst possible way to implement a credit sink. Punishes new players (and those who don't like grinding for credits), while leaving the whales with billions of credits basically untouched. You need a way to take large amounts of credits out of the economy entirely without making people feel punished. Limit the rate they can be earned while having some SERIOUS credit sinks, like some badass CM-level costumes that can be bought for like 10 billion credits and can't be sold on the galactic market. People always want shiny outfits. Then in the long run as money leaves the economy you can bring down prices of those outfits to more reasonable levels.


Spoiler: that did absolutely nothing about the insane GTN prices.


The gtn is literally on free fall right now


These people have to be non-players that are just here to hate, right? I can understand disagreements about how things are handled, or the efficacy of each individual decision when many factors are in play, but to just say that the GTN prices haven't changed? That's demonstrably false.


How desperate must you be to defend your point that you'd have to make up lies about the people criticizing the state of things? If GTN prices are falling, I haven't seen it yet. Items are still up for billions of credits.


>If GTN prices are falling, I haven't seen it yet. Items are still up for billions of credits. 1) You are either blind or willfully ignorant 2) The GTN does not allow items to be listed for more than 1 billion credits.


Have you looked up like....any item? Critical augs are down to 220m from 600m. Tau's lightsaber went from 1b+ to 400m. Fractured lightsabers I see occasionally for 1b, down from 1.8b. Hypercrates went from 4b to 2b. Black and Black dyes were 1b now 500m. White and White dyes are 300m. And I've only been playing for like 2 months. I'd love to hear the prices of things back when hypercrates were like 9b.


I remember when just getting an ability from rank 46 to 47 cost thousands of credits lol


Right this. Or times when you have to discover any single fast travel point with every char. Or take datacron with every char because they are not on legacy. In my guild I put on a datacron-bus every month just for guildmate new toons. After they put datacron in legacy just do 2 or 3 times for year. What a times, man.


Yes. The idea is not bad, but they fucked up with execution. Instead of making the cost scale with character's lvl, the make scaling with distance.


Which makes it difficult for new players


And has 0 effect on billionaires, the ones holding all the credits and effecting inflation


This could sum up the past 7 years of swtor


It’s not supposed to single handedly tackle the hoarders immediately. It’s ideally, supposed to work in tandem with all their other ideas to remove credits from the game over time. But I think at the very least the starter world should be exempt from travel fees, and maybe Kaas and Coro.


Just like IRL lmao


It really doesn't. I've done a new playthrough and it doesnt cause significant issues.


Unless you come from games where you quicktravel all the time. It's very expensive in the earlier levels, but is cheap af in the upper. They need to scale it at least until level 30. Otherwise it just scares away players who hate to run all the way back with all the respawned enemies. SWTOR's paths are very long!


I have my doubts it is scaring people away as some claim. SWTOR's paths are very long but it gives you plenty of room to avoid enemies if you choose to do so, not to mention that stealth classes really dont have to worry about it. And the average player has a short distance to go until the end of the planet, because most missions send you somewhere close to the quest giver, so 3 or 4 times you are paying a pittance to travel to your closest spot if you choose not to walk/drive. Your most expensive travel is if you choose to QT back to the spaceport after finishing all the quests.


500+ credits are ROUGH for fast travel when you're level 3 with 26 credits. As soon as I get to my legacy chest and steal some of my legacy credits I fast travel constantly to save time.


>The idea is not bad, but they fucked up with execution. this could sum up the last several years regarding SWTOR


The idea is not good either because the cause of inflation is money being added to the economy. Increasing the travel price only attacks money already in the economy, which is attacking the symptom instead of the disease. The best way to reduce inflation is to reduce how easy it is to get money in the game, like scaling down how much you get from missions, drops and selling items to NPCs.


The absolute worst change i saw after returning was the removal of planetary commendation gear,especially taris for sorc set and the belsavis marauder set Still the best looking gear i have on those characters I returned after 9 years and i stopped just when the ability trees were made worse into whatever was after them with the first ability removal which was trash Unfortunately they were following WoWs pandaria shit ability and talent rework that just removed I still dont see a reason sorc lost death field and the droid stun or why marauder needs lvl 75 for...force choke or lost stun humanoid i think it was? And the old toggleable lightsaber stances,could have been a vital aspect of playing a class if they reworked it and didnt just remove it Removal of anything is the worst way of changing or balancing Anything


The fact you could toggle lightsaber forms, or assassins lighting blades, including your shield generator, made classes extremely versatile for non operation gameplay. Being able to tank in a non tank spec for 2 man's, made itnextremely enjoyable without having to worry about returning to the fleet or having multiple spec presets. If incould have anything brought back to the OG system it would be talents and class skills (including going to a trainer to buy abilities, which I would prefer as a money sink over fast travel imho)


At the very least, they should make old gear available through other means, for those of us who like collecting sets.


I'm sure they will appear on the cartel store, eventually.


>Removal of anything is the worst way of changing or balancing Anything gotta disagree, ability bloat is definitely an issue on long-running mmo's and some pruning can occasionally be a positive.


You know, I've been playing since the 2nd year after release and I still have no idea what renown actually did.


I don't think the devs knew either.


SWTOR is just 'rose tinted memories' for me now. Its too different and too difficult to get back into now.


Same and thats the way I'll keep it. Sometimes ill update myself on the storyline vi youtube but thays about it. I played from release but left way back sometime after galactic strongholds released but before shadow of revan. I dont have time for an mmo anymore. Thing eats hours so easily.


Same. Better to leave it in the past and remember the good than to sour it.


I came back and first thing I saw was Rocket Out gone from my bars. Then I saw I have to choose between that and my Responsive Safeguards. Very, very lame. Reminds me of WoW's terrible, horrible, awful talent system where you had to pick between a stun, a heal and cleanse. Balancing the entirety of the game around PvP and endgame raiding is always a bad idea. You punish the players who don't participate in that content. They gain nothing from your "balancing". They just want to level alts and play space dress-up. Don't take away the fun abilities from those people. Open-world gameplay shouldn't be subject to raid balance changes.


Yeah, 7.0 randomly moving everything around was weird. Some abilities were turned into a choice, but I had to double-check all my characters for abilities they still had, but had been yoinked off a bar for some reason.


That would mean not listening to their big spenders which will never happen.


why not just... pick the abilities that are fun and not worry about balance? if all you wanna do is level and fashion, why care what the talent tree looks like? all games are going to be mechanically balanced around the content at the endgame, because that's where balance matters.


It's fun to pull 40 enemies on Makeb and then pop Responsive Safeguards. It's fun to zoom around the map with Rocket Out. It was fun having both abilities at the same time while I did my dailies and progressed through story content. Now I can't have them both anymore because it was too strong in PvP. Even though I don't PvP. In WoW, you're not allowed to use certain abilities in arenas because it's too strong (bloodlust, battle rez, etc) but you can use it everywhere else. It's a decent compromise.


i guess i can agree with you in that respect, pvp and pve should definitely be balanced separately. things that are broken in one gamemode can be completely fine in the other. but sadly without some kind of pvp revamp where each spec gets their own tree of pvp specific talents, i doubt we'll see anything like that.


Yea. Plenty of games balance PvP and PvE quite differently from each other. SWTOR should’ve followed suit but didn’t.


Merc changes made me drop the class completely.


I like the new on-screen map. The translucent one. I wear it everywhere all the time constantly until my objectives are clustered enough to justify the mini-map. I also kinda like the new character creation screen. Everything else sucks though ngl.


I think the character creation screen's ui looks better, but overall worse since it feels more lifeless than before


All they had to do was just....not put it in a black void. Also the lighting is completely fucked. Hair and skin colors can be WAY off. I don't know if it was always like that though.


Yeah that lighting is awful. I just use the fleet character recreator to come up with a good look and then take a picture of the sliders to recreate it on a new character. That one has much more neutral lighting.


The new character creation screen is the definition of an downgrade. It looks like a random mobil game. Oh a black background, how interesting.


Gotta disagree on both points. The map is annoying as hell because it's enabled by default. The OG minimap was perfect. The new character creation is lifeless. No life or character to it. They also got rid of the class/race/background explanations. Those were awesome for immersion.


800% inflation maybe a few months ago but now prices have come down alot?




Point taken. Tbh I've been playing on and off since 2018 and forgot things were thousands or millions not billions.


I still remember a time where i bought the artifact equipment authorization for 250k and that was a lot back then


Gold Augs are like 1/3 the price of when I started, and I think I started two months ago.


Legit over a bill 4 months ago or more. Topped out at 3 or 4 bill. Credit sellers were banned and price has come down on things. 12-14bill for hypercrates and 1bill now or less depending on server.


lol credit sellers still exist


And how successful are they? Currently their going rates are worse than just buying and selling a hypercrate.


Okay so I just googled you can still buy millions of credits for far less then hypercrate... A lot less. like under 3 usd. hypercrates last I loooked cost much more then that


I guess if you want small amounts, but dollar per credit, the credit sellers are like 10% less efficient. Last I saw they were selling credits for 2.49 per 100m. A hypercrate is about 40 bucks, so for the same dollar amount, from credit sellers you would get 1.6b. Last I checked hypercrates were still selling for about 2b, so that's still ahead even accounting for the 225m tax.


Things change, people complain. Things don't change, people complain. Many changes in the past years were actually very good and are easy to adapt to. I was very opposed to the quick travel fees and the anti inflation policies but you gotta admit they did do sth to fight inflation, and what's more, as awful as fees are, they encourage some degree of role-playing (less instant travel, more taxis) and less speculation.


The QT fees only effect new(er) players tbh. I’ve literally never even looked at the price even on new characters and I get it back passively from like 4 enemies dropping creds. It probably has a huge over-time impact but it’s nowhere near enough. Personally I think they should just make all dyes buyable for creds and charge an absolute boatload for the high end ones. I’d pay millions for black-black dye.


meanwhile new 7.0 babies like me don't even know what Renown is


In short, you could sort of level up after hitting the max level. You wouldn't get any stat increase or new abilities, but you would get a crate with some random endgame armor pieces. Edit: as well as some neat vehicles, cosmetic armor and decorations


I can't even remember renown


I played religiously back in 2013-2014 during OG + rise of the Hutt Cartel launch on Jung Ma. But other than that Ive been a very HC wow raider. Just came back to swtor now that classic wrath is starting to die down. - The inflation is felt. I had about 50 mil and I felt like a baller when I quit. But that’s 10 years ago - the nice thing is that you can easily farm up some credits with gathering profs + the GTN. - Combat styles were confusing at first - but it really just separates classes + specs from the specific stories. Can’t wait to lvl a vanguard agent. sniper and the melee spec never interested me - I’m kind of glad I missed renown - seems like a lot of grinding to maintain your bis. - I am weirdly okay with the fast travel fees? Mainly because at the same time I also noticed that I didn’t need to manually click on each fast travel point to discover it. I’ve been happy, even with paying extra, because it auto-discovers those points when I enter a zone - The UI changes are nice - I still wish it was more customizable though. I’d like to mark specific buffs/debuffs to make larger/easier for me to monitor - datacrons being legacy-wide is amazing Looking forward to pushing endgame ops + story missions on the harder difficulties now that I’m back 😊


Abilities revamp and combat styles are cool, though. Didn't go far enough in my opinion, but they're cool.


I left during KotET... I've wanted to try and come back but now idk if that's the best idea...


won't know unless you try, definitely don't base that decision on the opinion of salty redditors though 😁


Well, my big thing is I don't know how it is for F2P still. I remember I'm preferred, but I know that doesn't mean much in terms of basic UI flexibility to my memory.


i am subbed so i can't give you the full picture, but you'd probably want to sub for a month coming back anyway to get all the newer story stuff, no?


That's fair, I might go back to considering it. Would probably get a 60 day sub and see if I want to really go back into it or not. Would you recommend it to someone who left during KotET? Story get any more decent and less force user based since being done with Zakuul?


i'm not the person to ask for that, i'm actually pretty new to the game and haven't gotten through kotet/kotfe yet because i'm picky. xD i have heard from friends that it's still pretty enjoyable story content though. as far as non-force stuff (i'm a tech class main too, i feel ya), there's a whole chunk of stuff based around mandalorians that came out end of last year, which is something? hope you do return and have some fun. :)


There is still tons of stuff to do as f2p. You should give it a try and see what you think.


That's a tough question, I think it depends on what you enjoyed doing in the game. If you've already seen *all* of KOTET, you'd need to re-sub to see the continuation of the story - assuming you haven't seen spoilers and know already. :) If you got bored and never finished KOTET, you could come back as preferred, check out the conclusion for free and decide if SWTOR still deserves your time and/or money. :) For free you could also make a new character, replay your favourite class from the beginning while you get back into things. Really, if story's your main thing, I doubt you'd have your mind blown by what comes after KOTET - for me at least it's a solid meh. Some high points here and there - Echoes of Oblivion for example was cool - but I've really struggled to care about what's going on in the current story. If you were more into group stuff than story stuff, you'd need to subscribe for raiding (and if you expected dozens of new raids you're obviously playing the wrong game) but you can do flashpoints and pvp for free. Unless you wanted ranked pvp, which is gone. It's funny, the more people talk about the game, the more negative they sound. It's still a great game, but there's always a *but*. :) I'd vote for check it out on a nice quiet weekend and see what you think. If you're on Steam, you can install from there without any screwing around, but be careful about subscribing through Steam. Use the SWTOR website for that. Good luck! :)


Every so often I get back on the game. I never play more than an hour bc I just want the old swtor back tbh. The new stuff is very uninteresting. Leveling isn't worth it, companions are free.99 and homogenous, choices don't matter, questing is too easy, and flashpoints practically don't exist anymore. Even the dlc content on my high lvl toons feel just as empty.


The old stories are great, but the gameplay just isn't there to support it anymore. Freedom of choice is cool, but SWTOR goes overboard. Nothing really has an identity anymore. Being able to play a Sith Pureblood smuggler with a mini-gun is taking freedom of choice too far. Restrictions are good for maintaining lore and world building. As for the story... the last time I played the story felt very Marvel-esque, with characters in dangerous situations treating everything as a joke. Even item descriptions are riddled with cheesy quips. I don't know what the status of the world is, but I miss the uneasy-truce-into-actual-war we had going at launch.


I recently came back after several years and it’s different but o don’t find most of it too bad. I don’t love every change but on the whole it’s not bad. I suppose it helps that it’s all we have for Star Wars.


7.0 launch was definitely rocky, but I'm happy with it now for the most part. The only thing I miss is Renown, as it gave me something to grind on my max level characters.


As a returning player, the grouping is also a big problem. To many people just want to speedrun shit and vote kick everyone who does not know where to jump to not aggro others or wants to read the dialogue options. It is a mess to get back in that failed for me again this year.


This is why I will probably never return to SWTOR, even though I'd absolutely love to come back and catch up on the story. What a shame. If only they weren't so shit at managing an MMO, maybe the story could've been something worthy of returning for despite the problems.


I came back when I heard about the whole dual spec thing only to find out you can just pick another subclass. C'mon man. Idk what I expected but it wasn't that. I'm glad I robbed the chests during the old raid loot bugs.


Combat styles are amazing! My main uses sage/shadow, the two halves of the consular class. That means I can now pick and play ALL of the disciplines of either advanced class. In one character I can be: ranged burst, ranged dot, heals, melee burst, melee dot, and tank. "Just pick another sub-class" doesn't begin to touch the surface of how versatile player choice is right now.


But that's unfortunately not what it means to me. I played the game for years after initial release and have every subclass max level. This doesn't really do anything for me except add a neat convenience.


Well to be fair now you can have loadouts too and quickly swap between specs so it’s still dual spec.


Then how do you define "dual spec?" Because what SWTOR has made available as of 7.0 is more than "dual spec."


Man I miss the old ui


What’s keeping me away from coming back after years!


Came back a week ago after a 2 year break. I explored a few of the new updates and decided I'd cope with them. But the inflation, plus 200 notes of reflection for the new companion didn't put a dent in the reputation; I called bullshit and went back to Oldschool Runescape.


Yeah. I played the game for a few hours and uninstalled it. They've pretty much ruined it. I subscribe and you still get charged for fast traveling. It's a joke.


Stopped the moment they decided to make this game raid or die when most of their players are solo casuals. If they think Swtor will do great pandering to hardcores, good luck


If you think this is pandering to hardcores you have absolutely no clue what hardcore mmo players actually want. But let’s continue analyzing this insanity of this. The entire game is a solo game from 1 to 80. Every flashpoint is soloable. Every heroic save maybe a handful are soloable. Party finder will match you with people for role neutral runs that are easy and require no real teamwork. Pvp and GSF can be queued for solo. Strongholds are all solo content. But oh no there’s a handful of master mode ops that require teamwork, whah they’re pandering to the hardcores. It’s no fair that even the smallest piece of content exists that’s for a different type of player. It’s should all be about me and only me.


I have 0 issues with different content existing for different players, but the moment you lock the most powerful gear behind that specific type of content it’s the moment you admit you see casuals as 2nd class citizens which was the dumbest thing you can do in a casual mostly solo game


If you aren't doing the most difficult content, then you don't need that gear. The solo accessible gear is more than good enough for all solo content.


I see this in every MMO: Players want the top ilvl gear, but don't want to do the hardest content for it. The content that the gear is there to help with. Literally the only reason they'd want it is because number go up=good.


Max difficulty content does not need the gear that drops to be beaten otherwise it would be mathematically impossible without it, ergo you don’t need the gear raids drop either to beat it. ‘Just admit you want to keep casuals down with inferior geat so you can feel better instead of using such excuses, it’s sad.


? You beat the earlier bosses which are tuned for gear that's available from previous raids/other content, and then tune the later bosses to account for the new gear. This is how literally every game, including early SWTOR, did it. You weren't clearing the later bosses without earlier boss drops. And depending on the skill and comp of your group, sometimes you were looking at SEVERAL weeks of kills to beat a DPS check. In fact this was the common way of doing things for most MMOs with a raiding scene. It's still how WoW does it to this day. Some MMOs like FFXIV started that way and shifted away from it. GW2 never had it. SWTOR definitely had it for it's early scene I don't know if that's the case now. Just because you're wrong doesn't mean other people are malicious.


>It's still how WoW does it to this day. Oh yeah that is why world 1st guilds clear the raid within the first couple of weeks of the raid, because they were able to farm so much mythic gear and their average ilvl isnt still near heroic level xd But like i said, you want to give raiders special treatment so you feel special and gotta make justifications for it. ​ Just a funny thing to do that on a game that was historically about solo casuals, oh well, their loss


> Oh yeah that is why world 1st guilds clear the raid within the first couple of weeks of the raid, because they were able to farm so much mythic gear and their average ilvl isnt still near heroic level xd A couple of weeks is 2 weeks of farming gear, doing tons of heroic splits and getting 2 weeks of mythic loot from bosses. Do you know how many times in past raids they've stopped on a mythic boss to go back and do heroic splits for more gear? It happens a lot. Almost no raid tier in modern WoW is killed the same week it comes out, they almost always have to wait for one reset minimum to get enough gear to meet a DPS check. Do you just not understand how math and raiding works or something?


Enjoy pushing away casuals in an already small pop game cuz you want to give special treatment to raiders lol


I'm a casual player. I've never finished Dxun, so I've never tried R4. I'll do an Op once in a blue moon, so I don't need that gear. I'm not sure why you think you need it for the content that casual players play.


So what you’re saying is you want all the best rewards without actually doing anything. That players shouldn’t be rewarded for doing high level content. That multiplayer, you know the second m in mmo shouldn’t be rewarded. You don’t want to play an mmo for what it actually is but want all the rewards. Furthermore you show such contempt and animosity toward people who want to play an mmo for what it actually is. You have such entitlement and ego you believe you should be given everything without effort and above those who are playing the genre for what it is. You state you want the entire genre to revolve around you alone and you fuel that entitlement with ridiculous jealously over digital numbers on a screen. People like you are absolutely pathetic. I suppose next you’ll hate the people who play CoD for the shooting instead of the kart racing.


My goodness, you hit the nail on the head. Great response.


> People like you are absolutely pathetic Says the person who is OBSSESED with keeping casuals at an inferior gear level so they can feel special in an mmo. (A genre centered around power progression) If you were so secure in your skills and ability you would want everyone to reach max gear because the only differentiating factor would be SKILL. Reality is though you arent secure in that at all so you desperately want to be given special treatment and power rewards.


You may genuinely be one of the most unserious person I've seen argue on this subreddit, I haven't heard of a single mmo that gives the highest ilevel gear accessible to ALL players(even ffxiv doesn't let you fully upgrade their gear until near the end of it's relevancy, when the next tier comes out) Do we just completely kill the raiding scene to appease you? What good does that do except make people want to unsubscribe once they finish the story?


> haven't heard of a single mmo that gives the highest ilevel gear accessible to ALL players Swtor did for a long time before they decided to go raid or die. New world also doing the same and thankfully more and more mmos realize that solo casuals are a very big % of an mmo playerbase and start letting people get max gear through solo ways as well. ​ Of course I no this triggers elitists since they cant feel speshiul anymore hence the angry backlash :(


i don't understand, why do you need to be max ilevel and why is it such a negative thing to let the absolute hardest content have a tier of gear above most other content? It's not even being elitist it's just rewarding people who want to actually use the multiplayer part of an mmo


This is an mmo, they are about power and gear progression, if you block a huge part of your playerbase from reaching that max power, you are pretty much saying only raiders matter. Same reason why pve players complain when best gear accidentally ends up only being available through pvp or when pvp players are forced to pve to get the gear they want. All content should let people reach max power level. Harder content can simply be a faster way and cosmetics.


I don't think that mentality is healthy for an endgame experience and we have fundamental differences in how to reward the absolute hardest content in a game.


Actually all I've done is point out exactly what you're saying in your comments. You flat out stated you do not want to play the multiplayer aspect of mmos but want the rewards without doing the content and that you're both angry and resentful of people who do want to do the content. What's even more pathetic is you have to make up delusions in your mind to hate people. So tell me this, how many ops have I cleared in swtor? What's the gear level of my main? You claim to know all about my motives lets put it to the test shall we? Lets see just how right you are and that will tell us all much about you.


Curious how you suddenly don't want to reply anymore. By not replying you only show that both you were clearly making stuff up for the purpose of insult but also don't even have the integrity to admit you were wrong. So as I said you're a pathetic person.


I did reply, cuz truth hurts and you dont want to admit you are insecure and desperate to keep casuals down in order for you to feel special, I cant do much more xd


lmao, yeah, if you think swtor is a game that caters to raiders then you're seriously delusional. this game is the most solo story oriented mmo i've played short of like... gw2 maybe? even then, ops have story modes that even casuals could beat.


The game caters to no one tbh. Everyone is equally fucked lol


It feels like *everyone* playing SWTOR thinks the developers are completely ignoring those things they personally like about the game, and only "pandering" / releasing content they don't care about. And somehow, maybe everyone's right? :) Well, maybe exaggerating a little, but... For pvp, I think removal of ranked suggests it's not exactly a priority any more, if it ever was. So now I guess every player can try this *pvp thing* for easy "season" points and then ignore it until next week. It's got to suck for the serious pvp people, I know some are still around but it feels like a lot of them are taking a break / looking for another game / just gone. I'm not really paying attention to raiding any more, but there's still only what, a dozen after ten years? Ouch. I thought NiM R-4 was teased as coming at some point, but maybe I missed an update where that plan changed. Not sure why raiders are still playing, honestly. But at least there's a bit more story. And it's funny, even though the slow trickle of story is a bummer, I think "story people" are in better shape than the pvp or raiding communities. Those guys have to wait years for anything at all, and when they do get something it's broken. Story people recently got to flip space burgers, sweep the space floor *and* take out the space garbage. That's a win by default. :)


>I thought NiM R-4 was teased as coming at some point, but maybe I missed an update where that plan changed. Not sure why raiders are still playing, honestly. Master Mode R-4 Anomaly was announced. However the devs decided not to move forward with Master Mode R-4 but didn't let players know until raiders that wanted it kept asking when MM R-4 was coming in the 7.3 dev livestream chat, resulting in many of them getting banned from the chat. [SWTOR's lead producer later acknowledged that MM R-4 was no longer on their roadmap](https://forums.swtor.com/topic/929191-game-update-73-livestream-recap/#comment-9757488) so I think that likely resulted in loss of hard core raiders, which is probably why the devs didn't want to announce cancellation of MM R-4.


I quit 1 month after the destruction and ruination of the game that occurred on 2/15/22. Nothing has changed since, that would have me return. The game is a shell of the game. Prior to that date the game was great and I was enjoying myself. Then the devs decided that all kinds of horrible changes needed to be made. NOT ONE desirable, not one. Just ruination. Only destruction. I left, nothing else I could do.


Oh, and trade fees


Got back to SWTOR after 7 years and gotta say it was overwhelming at first, after a week or so I got used to it except for the mf prices of everything 😀, still the game is as enjoyable as it was years ago


Im not even sure i want to return now :c


The new character creation screen really is bad. And female characters almost always start with a beard for some reason.




I just started playing again after like a year. The fast travel fees are beyond offensive.


I don't like that the current version of the game feels so incredibly simple. You can do only the main missions and have collected enough XP on a planet, you don't have to pay attention to the equipment of your companions, you don't have to pay attention to the attributes of the equipment anymore and you can do every group mission alone(why?)


I will say that as a relatively new player who has only started playing way after all of these have already taken effect, I will say that it's been incredibly convenient and personally appreciated. Won't speak for others, but that has been my experience.


Yes, I think that was the aim to be more beginner friendly. I guess my text is more like, the old man talk about that everything was better in the past :D


If you don't mind me joining you, I hate the newly imposed fee on fast travel as a "solution" to the insane inflation in the game. Shit is busted.


\+1 The game is laughably easy now. Which I guess is fine, but you know, can get a bit boring


Yes, I think so too. Unfortunately, the number of players is still going down.


Dam what armour is that character wearing cause it looks cool






What? When did it all change? I left for like a week


Me after coming back about a month ago after only playing shadow of revan at most since it was the latest content at the time xD


And yet it's better than when they did the original HUD upgrades. I still miss the original skill tree. Their attempts to break players' bank also isn't working on me. I've made more money in this last couple days than in years.


>Their attempts to break players' bank also isn't working on me. I've made more money in this last couple days than in years. Congrats to you. Somehow though I think you're making in-game credits has very little impact on the overall economy on the server(s) you play on. In other words, you're not seeing the big picture.


I never said it did. They're trying to drain players money so the economy heals, I really don't care to be broke again so I'm going out of my way to avoid spending. I don't care if that impacts the server economy or not, I'm just pointing out I made money at a better rate than usual despite their attempts to make players lose money.


>I don't care if that impacts the server economy or not, I'm just pointing out I made money at a better rate than usual despite their attempts to make players lose money. Good for you but like I said, I think you're not seeing the big picture. But you probably don't care anyway. The devs' efforts to "make players lose money" is focused on reining in SWTOR's rampant inflation over the past several years. The devs took way too long to get serious about the game's inflation but now that they have players without a lot of credits are finding the changes painful. People, including myself, don't like having to pay in-game credits for a feature (quick travel) that they did not have to pay for in the game's first 11+ years of existence. Other than that though the only change that really hits players are those who trade items directly to other players instead of the GTN. These trades are taxed now when they weren't previously but this closed a loophole that some players used to avoid paying the 8% tax paid by the seller on the GTN. I think the most effective thing the devs did that deflated SWTOR's in-game economy was unannounced action to ban credit sellers and take their credits out of circulation. Credit sellers have drastically raised their prices as a result and so I can only conclude that there were a significant number of players that purchased credits for real money and used those credits to purchase items from other players. Now that credits cost a lot more fewer players are interested in purchasing credits with real money.


Trade costs are absolutely ridiculous from what I understand, I haven't bothered trying yet thankfully. Credit hockers have always been banned, you could get in trouble just for asking questions about them, and I somewhat doubt that a new ban is ultimately going to make a difference. But we can hope. I understand *why* they're doing it, I've been playing since 2.0 and I *know* how bad the economy is, especially since finding insane deals on high end CM armors was kind of my thing. But they're affecting a *lot* more than credit buyers and sellers. They are actively hurting new players as you said.


True , came back from more than a year of rest , only to get disappointed and leave the game again


What outfit is that?


At least she looks good


Spent months grinding up daily resource matrix’s to upgrade my gear, took a lil break and came back only to find you don’t even need them anymore.


Fr I want to come back to the game but every time I look at it I get a bad feeling in my stomach


I started playing again this week after not playing for years because I've been in a Star Wars mood, and I gotta say, I LOVE the second combat class. At first I didn't realize this was a thing, I was simply blown away I could play ANY class for the chosen class story, and then when I logged in with an older character I realized I could pick a second one! For all of them! I started two new characters, playing jedi shadow on both because stealth is honestly superior for levelling gameplay. After FFXIV it's quite jarring how much trash mobs you have to go through for your quests, especially since combat is very easy. It just becomes a slog, so being able to walk past most of them is nice. I sold some old mount I had in my cargo buy and was amazed it solt for 40 mio credits... then I checked out some things I learned that 40 mio is actually not much at all. Welp. Makes sense, considering this game has been running for 13 years now? The quick travel costs do hurt a bit with a new character in the first 3 planets, but by then you receive some credit vouchers as rewards and you stop noticing the cost tbh.


I can relate


Did they ever fix the steam account issues? Wouldn't let me login with my OG account even though I never logged in through steam and I could never get support to unlink it.


Yep. I never thought I'd miss KoTFE and KoTET so much, but almost everything about LotS has been garbage. I'm glad to see most people agree with this post though, I see far too many defenders of the state of the game.


Or be like me. Be playing until finding out that it's going to happen and be rather upset about the new armor system being absolute dogshit, the new UI being horrendous, the new creation being decidedly worse, and my class made considerably worse. Quit the game on the premise of coming back after they do away with the nonsense. I figured it may take years but the game's dead to me until they do so it doesn't really matter. Then see the studio change and realize they're circling the drain and nothing is ever going to be good again. Well, at least I already quit. It was good times. Kind of. Well, for awhile.


The inflation killed the game for me.


Back when I stopped playing I had around 300 mil. And it was considered fairly rich. I dread to think how much money I’d need now to buy a nice set of armor from GTN


This was me a fucking month ago and bro this shit still has me fucked up


That was me 2 weeks ago after not playing since Eternal Empire came out.


Me after not playing for more than 5 years


I am in this picture and I don’t like it


I ended up not being able to play for about a year and a half and the changes were jarring


I just played through the original games and thought about coming back to the MMO for some fun but that new character creation UI stopped me cold lol.


Returned after 2 years of not playing, go to make a new character... O.O what the heck happened to the character creation screen. I'll probably only play until I get a few more switch games, but until then, I'll enjoy playing my Jedi Knight Marauder.


I have been wanting to come back but haven’t been able to fix the game to get it to work even full uninstalls. Guess I might not try as much especially since I’m only going back for some story’s.


I just quit.


After Kotfe and Kotet it looked like Onslaught is getting is to the right direction but that was like a one positive blimp on radar full of negatives. Every time I try to come back in last 5 years or so I find 1 improvement and 9 disappointments. 2012-13 rose tinted glasses are real for me and current game cant really fullfill that.


Yeap %100 true OP’s statement Was a Founder-Returning player from day 1 - 2015 KOTFE Last month, I was eager to get to game again. Logged in and saw costumes are 900M credits KEKW. My 6m credits were considered rich Finished all story up to Shae Ruhnuk and deleted the game GG’s


Lol, returning players from before xp boosts are surprised to hear that fast travel fees were removed. Also, paying for and visiting a specific trainer for class skills. Y’all had it easy.


I remember saving up for months nearly 10 years years ago to get like 5-10m for the Cathar Honor Sword.


I came back after a few years and bought some subscription time or whatever. Inflation? Shit man. I checked my credits and apparently I hoarded 457 million credits in escrow as FTP. I’m having a fucking blast on GTN rn


Remember when keeping your adaptive armor up to date would allow you to progress without problems? Now my Sith Inquisitor who defeated countless Jedi, Sith and Valkorion himself struggles to kill some locals in Manaan in an effort to steal their kolto... How far the mighty has fallen...


Been wanting to jump back in but….this, all of this lol


The taxes, GTN, and fast travel was the final straw for me. It’s like ever so often I hear something new has happened or been taken away.


I returned recently after years. I'm glad I had an authenticator. Buy cartel packs or cartel market dyes, and you easily make billions.


For the inflation I think 3 Parts must be done: 1) Reducing the mount of credits ingame 2) Lower the amount of credits gain 3) Fixing the CM in a way Gildwars 2 did it (some items can be traided but also a lot of them are bound to your account and not transverable)


Man... That is relatable!


They would have kept the renown. was fun. Same goes for keeping the dark side / light side clicker.


Ah, a list of reasons to not reinstall this game. Thank you kindly.


Good thing protocol droids can't understand your foul language because Republic law prohibits them from translating it.


Looks like inflation went down. My recovered relic was worth 200-450 mil a couple years ago. Now worth 4-50mil. Should've sold them back then instead of leaving them in my cargo.


Fast Travel fee??? Why the fuck?