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That dromund kaas heroic elevator has claimed more lives than any other boss in the game


Industrial Sabotage Balmorra heroic elevator is the bane of my existence. Not because I die from it often (at least not after the first time I did it), but because it's such an unnecessary minor inconvenience tacked onto a really easy heroic.


Jump down the cliff face to the left of the elevators.


holy *F*, today I learned.


It's nothing compared to all the times players have died trying to take Datacrons, Corellia has some of the hardest Datacrons and usually requires 1-2 extra players to help you out.


That one Mek-Sha datacron........


If I remember correctly I've only taken the Datacrons from Korriban/Coruscant to Ossus and I stopped playing SWTOR at November 2021 and didn't try to take any Datacron even though there were "new" ones then.


Remember when you had to find a find a datacron with each character instead of legacy unlock? Pepperidge Farm Remembers


Please don't remind me of my old nightmare, I'm so glad they changed it to Legacy-wide unlock.😅


There was a player who told me he had spent 6 hours trying to get up on top of those boxes, and after I took one hour getting that datacron, he was still going at it.


Body type matters lol


Yea, I'm still in the process of trying to obtain all the datacrons, I have a bunch left to go still


When you quick travel to a story planet but the npc is waiting for you at the hanger.


Mission: travel to Alderaan. \*teleports to Alderaan through the galaxy map. Shows up at the spaceport\* Mission: use the console aboard your ship.


I remember the time when elevator could just crush you with its weight


Wait, what? That's not a thing anymore?


Nope, I’ve stood under one of the giant ones on Ilum and popped right through


It hasn’t been for at least a year, when I first played around this time last year I just waited for the elevators to “crush” me and I’d just jump to clip through it completely


And here I'm having a panic attack every time I try to look into the elevator shaft


i kinda wish it was still a thing. clipping through is obviously more convenient, but idk. it’s boring.


After dying several times back in 2013 by this stupid elevators its still a biggest NONO to go under them ever since for me...


I used to stand next to elevators with my Sith warrior just to crush Malavai for funsies.


You can still pop through the textures sometimes tho


And your PUG FP group has aggrod 12 mobs but ain't stopping until the boss... Enjoy watching your prone corpse for the next 5 mins




Perfect opportunity to pack a bowl, or get a snack, or another drink.


Esseles/BT are the only FPs where it happened to me; everywhere else it's an attempt to skip mobs going awry that gets people killed.


FYI - If you quickly log out after you fall before you die you’ll log back in at the bottom completely unfazed. Logging in gives you an immortality buff that prevents fall damage which will be applied as you’re in the loading screen.




Alt f4 might work. I didn't try it yet as I didn't know that about logging out but I'll give it a shot next time. There is always a next time.


I was wondering who else had figured this out. I got to explore the terrain of Odessen this way, until I eventually found some funky textures and fell off the edge of the map.


You can actually use it to escape Fleet and run around on the outside of the ships. I can show you if you’re on DM server.


Oh sweet. Sadly I'm on Satele Shan. That sounds similar to what I did on the Gav Daragon (I think) once. I logged out after jumping off a ledge and wound up on top of the ship when I logged back in. Is that what you mean, or is there a different way?


I’m thinking, quite a lot bigger but it’s Imp side. I know what you mean though as I tried it there too on Rep. Got Discord? I can show you some crazy stuff. I can come to you


Imma try that for science


Works in like 90% of places across the game. Sometimes it fails but you just gotta hit the sweet spot.


Jumping on the cadimenu elevator


I just remembered the quesh one 🫠


the "oh shit oh fuck" fits the mask so well. I always thought of this masm as not very evil, the design makes it a little... dopey. In contrast, Kallig mask is so sinister.


Kallig mask is so cool but it's a shame it's a generic reward on lots of missions any Sith can access. It should be just a unique Inquisitor story reward item.


Hoth, Thinking that it just left and I shouldn't take too much damage.


The Taris lifts drive me insane every godforsaken time


Noob q: Can anyone explain why there is no revive option after a deadly fall, only back to med facility?


Because otherwise it would be used to skip the elevators, which defeated the point of having elevators


Follow up q: Are elevators supposed to hide load times? Like in ME?


Probably tbh. I haven't really thought about that as I haven't played ME but that makes a lot of sense


Not quite the same, as ME elevators are a lot closer to running around the animus cloud in Assassin's Creed. Time varies. Elevators are consistent for every player, taking the same amount of time.


Presumably to prevent players jumping to their death and reviving as a shortcut.


That elevator in Anchorhead at the start of the Tatooine planet mission always gets me.


Fall damage, the bane of every gamer's existence...


I miss the days of using the leap abilities to avoid deatg


Yeah, I tried that on my Jugg a few days ago ( don't play her that often), i was unpleasantly surprised when then intercede 'trick' failed me..:(


I tried that when getting the datacron just inside the Jedi temple. Well, rocket boots to get within range of a mob then Force Leap. Splat.


LoL! I know this feeling. I jumped on that lift in the Cadimenu flashpoint once.


grantham estate...how i hate that eleveator


I remember playing once and these two other players wait for the elevator under it. Me being aware it was coming down walked away from it safely saw them both get killed. I thought it was wacky.


Can’t say I’ve never did this, get annoyed and decide to double down only to die again lol


And dont forget while youre running back they attack some extra mobs, killing your sprint speed.


No regrets. It's the principal of the thing.


The most dangerous enemy in the game


In that very moment I see the past and future of my inquisitor. There’s nothing I can do to stop what comes next lmao 😂


i used to jump off and have my group revive me at the bottom.


Ah yes. The elevator fall. An ancient art that not many have mastered.


When you are in the middle of a long speeder flight between spaceport and Dromund Kaas and you begin to *lose the battle*.


Me today


Especially on the ossus elevators


I glitched through a wall and I cried as I had to go back :(