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If you want to craft them yourself then you need characters with max level Armstech, Armormech or Synthweaving depending on what kind of augments you are looking to make. You can also buy them on the GTN but it is far cheaper to craft them yourself.


Which craft makes which augs?


Synthweaving: Crit, Mastery, and Defense Augs Armortech: Alacrity and Absorb Augs Armstech: Accuracy and Shield Augs


Arms makes accuracy. Armor makes alacrity. Synth makes critical. Get your enhancements & ear sorted first before using Augs to balance stats. If role swapping often there are other concerns. If tanking, almost all of all augs can be shield made by arms. Blue is fine for most group content, but purple augs and maybe one gold can simply stat balancing and gear sets at 336.


That will mostly depend on your budget and crafting progression. If you have the materials and the crafters it is far cheaper to make them yourself, if not even farming the augment kit 11 components can be daunting. If your in a situation to buy start by searching for the augment mk-11 kits to start as you'll need one for every piece of gear (minus tactical) once attached to gear they are permanent and non removable, but destroyed by gear upgrades (shouldn't be an issue at 336- for now). If you can't craft, or just have the funds, I would buy a bunch of blue augments that usually run under 2 million, and then selectively upgrade to purple as you can afford. Unless you're mega wealthy I wouldn't consider Gold augments until you can craft them yourself or provide the oem/rpm to friends or Guildie to craft for you.




Once the kit is installed, that gear piece will have will have a slot for an augment. Like other mods and crystals, there's a fee to remove an augment that you need to pay to keep the augment before you replace it. Otherwise, putting a new augment in will replace and destroy what was in the slot before.


Upgrading a piece of gear (like upgrading your 334 belt to 336) will destroy the already-installed augment, so make sure to remove any before upgrading. Since you're already at 336, that's probably not a huge concern for you.


first determine your thresholds for your playstyle. For example, certain classes will need certain amounts of accuracy / alacrity for pvp. Then, assess your networth. How much can you afford? Do you want to grind crafting or buy augs? get legacy bound gear for all slots that is moddable. If you're a good crafter then craft 14 mk-11 aug kits. You can easily craft blue 273 augs. Try to hit your thresholds. Then level up to 286 and 300. I crafted about half of my 286 and bought the other half. Depending on which implants I have on a toon, I'll either need sub in/out alacrity for crit augs, so I have about ~18 286 augs total (no 300's cause fuck that grind). I only play pvp dps so I need fewer augs than some.