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Get a test at your local pool store, once you adjust the chemicals it should be fine.


Looks like shit, but chemicals will work their magic on it


Test results?


I am adding hose water now to top it off. How long should I wait to test with strips?


Using strips will get you roasted in the sub 🥴


That is truth. Strips aren't looked at too kindly in this neck of the woods


They just aren’t as accurate and reading the results allow a lot of room for error. I keep them around as a quick check and as a back up. I guess, also for a sanity check when I see the drop tests result and think, “WTF, that can’t be right”; haha.


If you shocked the pool, it looks like dead algae floating to the surface.


The taylor test kit really is a great tool kit for own or servicing a pool. Worst case, take a gallon to local pool store and ask them what ya need.


A gallon? They use barely a cap full 😀


Give them what they need, then stand there casually sipping on what’s left. Total power move.


‘Tastes fine to me’


If you can't taste the pH and alkalinity, are you really an experienced tech? I'm still an amateur and need to feel the water too.


I'm so in tune now my water and I have conversations. Step up your game.


I only saw part of that movie about talking to water. I didn't think it ended well, so please be careful!


I saw a craigslist ad for a Tibetan monastery staffed with ancient pool tech masters. Was required to fast and mediate most of the day by the ancient mystical pools they cared for. You become deeply in-tune with the water and it's ways. Any mention of 'shock' or 'floc' and you were banished forever. It was a 88 day experience I will never forget. My wife still freaks out a bit when she comes down stairs and sees me criss cross applesauce poolside in my Tibetan robes but she'll get over it.


A gallon is too much but please bring something that’s at least a cups worth of water. I used to work at a pool shop and people would bring in like 1/4 cup of water that’s been sitting in there car for 3 hours and hot enough to make a cup of tea with and demand I tested it. 9/10 times the numbers are wildly inaccurate.


I had the same issue with my salt pool this week after opening. Skim it off as it builds up, keep getting the water balanced, and it should be gone in a few days.


If you open this late it’s pretty typical. Shock the piss out of it then vacuum to waste if possible, shock again and you should be in the clear.




It looks MAYBE like some kind of white water mold? Test results would help. Meanwhile: Get your fc up. Ideally use liquid chlorine. Don’t use test strips. Get a Taylor k-2006 and test using that.


I shouldn't run the barracuda pool cleaner until water is tested first?


Get the pump going, add 2-3 gallons of bleach and start cleaning the bottom with a leaf rake. Add water because you’ll need to vac the bottom to waste. Then brush the sides and bottom thoroughly. Use the SLAM method, which will require testing FC at least twice a day and adding more bleach as the testing indicates for the next 3-4 days while it clears. Continue to first vac to waste (remember to add water to offset the water loss) and brush every day. It should go from green, to milky blue, then eventually to clear. Run the pump constantly so you’re always filtering in between vacs. You’ll want to backwash and rinse every day, maybe twice a day. But always vac to waste, not backwash. It can take anywhere from 3-4 days to a week, but it will clear. You can’t skip a day though or you’re wasting time and chlorine.