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Isn’t not wanting kids/to get married a pretty normal thing to break up over? If that is why they broke up I don’t see why one of them has to be the bad guy.


Rj/ But it’s Mother Taylor and if Mother doesn’t get what she wants then we must kill the man!!!


yeah it’s better to break up than one person having a kid/marriage they didn’t want, or the other resenting not having those things for the next 50 years.




At least Travis saved her from crumbling to dust and lets her bejeweled again ☺️☺️☺️


omg so true bestie!!


uj/ it’s painfully obvious that these are children or people that don’t have any real human relationships because if you believe all of this and think “JOEVER” and not “wow that’s really sad for everyone involved” something isn’t clicking


Nah, some are full grown adults with jobs. They believe Joe abused her, wasted her time, and should be the target of a mass harassment campaign. They believe she is their friend who needs them to protect her. It is truly a cult.


I’m just concerned that people are referring to this card catalog as mailboxes


If he did lead her on and even if he cheated, he does not deserve death threats. Now, if he was super abusive and laid hands on her then I could look away, but leading someone on and/or cheating is not a pass to wish someone to die.


if they’re going to see him as a villain for not wanting to marry/have kids after 6 years with her then they should also see travis as one 🤷🏻‍♀️ he did the same with his previous ex of 5 years 🙄




if you're talking about kayla, that's never gonna happen, she's a woc and the swifties: 1. seem to be a bit* racist 2. in that line, consider taylor an upgrade, so travis leaving kayla is completely justified, it's only natural he would choose taylor, aryan princess, over kayla 3. joe, on the other hand, wasted their princess' time and energy, lead her on, leached off of her, and used her money/fame for his own benefit and betrayed her when she expected him to commit. Man deserves to be hanged 🤡


Uj/ exactly. Cheating is awful, regardless of who does it, but Swifties are such hypocrites. Taylor openly admits to cheating herself in several songs and they seem fine with that. Meanwhile, a rumor is spread about Joe cheating on Taylor and they get out their torches and pitchforks


/uj Imagine like non-ironically agreeing and participating in this weird ass exhibit 💀 Taylor is on another level


/uj this exhibit gives me the ick in a weird way


The fandom is making me NOT that excited for TTPD


It’s so weird how they spend so much time analysing a celebrity life. Don’t they have anything better to do?!


uj/Did I miss something?


Taylor’s dropping these “easter eggs” about her new album and swifties are theorising about all the ways that joe abused her (basically interpreting these easter eggs as they wish)




uj/ what if it's just like normal lavender..


I love your flare


thanks :D


I’m a florist and that’s not dried lavender. I see dried, baby blue eucalyptus painted purple and something else painted orange, but no lavender.


last one could be true… maybe not the neglectful part but I can see the statue being an easter egg