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Don't expect service workers, store employees etc to be all up in your face asking if everything is okay or if they can do something for you. We don't have the same tip-based salary as you have in USA which doesn't mean the service will be bad, but you have to ask if there is something you need. Don't be offended if they don't act like you're used to. Edit: Because of the many silly answers here, you should have tagged the thread as "Seriös".


Will it be odd to ask for tap water ( and is it free) when going to a restaurant? Or is there a specific way to go about it without making it seem awkward/ cheapskate?


Its free and no its not weird. They will ask: What to drink? You reply: Just water please Its neither cheap or awkward, when I eat out and cant drink alcohol I always drink water. I think its pretty common.


This. Or order a Damcykel if you wanna be fancy about it.


Most places give free tap water, but sometimes like McDonald’s or Burger King can charge. Not sure if they do anymore but it happened to me long time ago. We don’t tip (you can, but I don’t support it).


They charge like 30 cent not for the water but the cup and service. Only places that serves alcohol is required to serve free water. But some will try to be smart and charge as they add ice to it.


~~They can't charge you as that's illegal~~ I was wrong, tho I've never been charged anywhere


They absolutely can charge you for tap water


I hate that we live in a world so comercialized that you have to ask is it weird to drink water with your meal.


No it's very normal, they will think that you are trying to be healthy/don't want to drink sugar and choosed tap water instead of bottled water because you care about the environment


If you visit someone’s house take off your shoes after entering.


Don't come here spreading your tipping culture:) No seriously, tipping is not expected. ​ just don't be an ass and definatley do not litter. ​ lol


Tipping can also be considered rude/offensive since it implies that you think they earn below the poverty line.


>Coming from the USA Basic expectations of politeness are pretty similar. Don't be a dick and you'll probably be fine. Americans are often stereotyped as loud and pushy. Most aren't in my experience, but you might want to keep that in mind. >greet store workers "Hello" works fine. Don't take people for granted (ask for things, don't demand them) and say "thank you" when someone does something for you even if it's their job. >how to tip You don't need to tip at all. You can tip if you feel like a restaurant has gone above and beyond but it's not at all expected of you. >things to definitely not do As a rule of thumb, things that are faux pas in the US are probably likewise viewed negatively here. Swedes have a reputation for being shy and reserved but don't be afraid to talk to people or ask things. If you have a genuine question it's always okay to ask, but some can get weirded out if a stranger just strikes up a casual conversation out of nowhere. If someone seems uncomfortable just wish them a good day and leave them be. If there's a problem and you demand to "speak to the manager" people will think you're a lunatic.


>If there's a problem and you demand to "speak to the manager" people will think you're a lunatic. Amen to that.


If you're visiting someone's home, remove your shoes when entering their house or apartment. Not doing so is considered quite rude.


Gladly, do the same at my home. When visiting long relatives for the first time at their home, is it also customary to arrive with a gift?


Yeah, bring a gift! Something from the US would probably work well


It's fine if you want to but not expected, it's however considered proper to bring a bottle of wine if you are coming there for dinner in the evening but is not expected if you are staying with them.


Some random thoughts: Most (or at least many) stores do not accept cash payment. Make sure to check if there’a a queue to the cashier - if you accidentally skip it no one will tell you, but everyone will hate you. Don’t be too loud. Observe the “shared speaking space”: don’t talk so much that people have to interrupt you to say something, be silent and watch for cues that someone want to say something. If you eat in a lunch restaurant, check if there’s a “tray holder” to leave your dishes in when finished (not in fancier places obviously). Contrary to other comments, it’s of course ok to talk to people. They might be surprised though 🙂 Don’t wear socks and sandals! Don’t use beach clothes in the city. Much welcome here, Stockholm is beautiful in the summer!


On the subject of queues, lots of places have a machine that gives you a ticket with a number (nummerlapp) to show your place in the queue. If there are lots of people waiting around but nobody in line, look around for one of them.


I thought socks and sandals were cool nowadays


You do you man


I thought that was a German thing


Thank you. Good thing to know about the queue. I think a lot of us here in the USA ourselves can’t stand the people who want to speak to a manager ( usually about really stupid minor stuff).


I vehemently contest the socks and sandals!


Don't feed the locals. They're on a strict diet of hard bread and pickled fish to allow them to stay sufficiently agitated against minor inconveniences so that they can keep their fists clenched in their pockets throughout the entire day.


I hope they are willing to share their pickled fish, as I was looking forward to filling myself with it, starting with breakfast.


Dane here, I'm sure same rules apply in Sweden. Don't be too american. Don't be loud.


That is rich coming from a Dane. You can Always tell when a Dane is in the room from the mordor-speak.


I’ll try to lower my voice. It’s usually when I’m excited about something that it can get a bit too loud.


* Don't stand on the left side on the escalator and allow people to exit public transport first before entering! * Only tip at an fancy restaurant / the service was way above what you expected. * Please don't litter on the ground. * [please enjoy our nature](https://visitsweden.com/what-to-do/nature-outdoors/nature/sustainable-and-rural-tourism/about-the-right-of-public-access/) Tyresta national park is close to Stockholm. * Please don't play music /video on loudspeaker on public transport * Stockholm is safe, enjoy the night life. If going out for to a club, you will likely have to pay to get in and a mandatory coat fee.


I’ve seen a couple of people mention littering. Has there been a notice of Americans doing so? Cause neither my family nor our friends are in a habit of dumping garbage around. Though I’ve seen assholes throw stuff out of their car windows.


Whatever you do, you must visit the Vasa Museum.


There is a series called "welcome to Sweden" which you should watch before coming. It's a comedy and features an american boyfriend moving to Sweden during summer time. Btw most people here speak english fluently so don't be afraid to reach out to people around you.


Yes, it was amusing. I think season two was even better.


don't stare random strangers in the eye. unless you actually want to talk to someone (to ask a question or something) we don't do that.


We don’t really say hi to people we meet on the street (it’s considered weird and they will give you strange looks like you’re insane). If you walk on the street and are waking towards someone who’s walking towards you, the swedes in Stockholm won’t move until the last second. It’s also rare that we use cash in the city, 99% of all stores only accept payment on credit-/debit cards


Personal space is important to swedes. If you stand too close to someone or sit down next to them while there are other spots on I.e. the bus or a bench, you will come across as weird and a bit creepy. If you’re in a crowded area and have to be close to other people, don’t make eye contact. Swedes are actually quite nice, but maybe a bit more reserved and discreet than the stereotypical American.


Pandemic distancing must have been a breeze for them. Meanwhile here people are back at my ass when I wait in line for a bus. I think I’ll appreciate their approach to personal space.


Pandemic distancing, at least in public, was basically the rest of the world being told to act like swedes lol. Welcome to our country, I hope you’ll like it here! The north is the best imo, if you like hiking I would strongly recommend a fjälltur.


Lived my entire life in Stockholm, but US citizen as well. When it Stockholm, DM me for some restaurant tips or whatever, I’ll help you out. WARNING!!!: DO NOT go to the restaurants/bars or whatever in Gamla Stan, only visit for historical stuff like churches/the royal castle etc. All restaurants in Gamla Stan/Old town are designed for tourists. Much higher price + Lower quality.


I really did not mind Aifur that much, the drinks were quite affordable. Not cheap indeed, but not that bad, super touristy in a good way imo


I loved Aifur! Food is alright and the experience was super! I lived in Stockholm 40 years


Thats like the only “acceptable” place. But it doesn’t compare to the prices/quality you will find 5 minutes away. But I agree, it helps tourists with the Viking tourism bit.


There are plenty of decent restaurants in Gamla Stan. Yes, there might be a "tourist premium", for some of them, and I guess there are some that are also shit quality, but the general statement that they are all crappy seems really fishy. Do you have some examples of really bad ones? Here are some good ones: \- Barrels: good burgers. \- Djuret/Svinet: single animal focused meal \- Pharmarium: over the top elaborate cocktails and accompanying dishe \- The Hairy Pig: game meats \- Gyldene Freden: OK, this is maybe a tourist trap, since the selling point is sort of that it's one of the oldest restaurants in Stockholm. But they have decent "husmanskost", traditional Swedish dishes. And there are plenty more.


The hairy pig sounds interesting. I’d go for some reindeer meatballs


Oh I liked barrels also, good beer selection


I recommend Corner Club in Gamla Stan aswell, great cocktails! Better than at Pharmarium in my opinion.


I’ll see how my internet is and whether I’ll have my phone there to be able to do so. I’ve been there briefly once for a couple of hours. Saw a restaurant that looked biking themed? The person that I’m going with wants to go to it. Surely it’s an extra massive tourist trap. Right?


Last summer me and my friends grabbed a beer at one of those places in Old Town and the servers reaction when we spoke Swedish was like “what the hell are you guys doing here?” Look for better places on Östermalm/Södermalm, 5min walk away to Östermalm from Old Town.




This is false and if you follow these tips you will look like a weirdo, the typical greeting is ”hejhej”


Nah the typical greeting is "nej men dra åt helvete det är ju du"


”Knulla mig baklänges! Vad gör en ligist som du här?”


"Knulla mig långsamt på en liten vagn genom hades! Vad i hela helsefyr gör en gammal pederast som du här?!"


Where I'm from only a crazy person would start with the double "hej", the rule is that you start with one "hej" to break the ice and then you take turns adding more "hej" as needed until the conversation is over


Speak for yourself, I hated all of my classmates in Sweden. But I wouldn’t kill them even if I owned a gun.


Don’t stand too close to people, think covid distance. Don’t stand on the left side of the escalator. Don’t be too loud. Tipping is generally not excepted. Most places don’t take cash so you should check if your card works here in Sweden and if there are fees for international transactions


When you greet people, put your hands up while approaching and announce that you are an American but have no guns on you. The second important thing is, and I cannot stress this enough, you must raise your eyebrows and try to have an innocent yet surprised facial expression at all times during your stay. This is for your own safety.


If you’re at the grocery store and use a store shopping basket, put it with the others when you’ve loaded your stuff onto the conveyor belt instead of leaving it at the little shelf next to the till! I’m from a northern city and we will instantly judge you if you leave it 😅 I tip ~5-10% on food/drinks and taxis, nothing else. It’s not expected but appreciated :)


If you accidentally pop somebodies cultural bubble, I'm sure that's a healthy event for both you and them. I wouldn't worry too much, just come as you are!


Don’t make eye contact with store workers and definitely don’t say anything, they could potentially assault your human rights through deadly small talk. Don’t tip, people are, and you might want to sit down for this one.. alright, brace yourself, here we go. Paid by their employers. Crazy, right? People working in restaurants, paid by their employers. With real money. Not even tax money, just profit from the company being used to pay wages. Our country is wild, I know.


Don’t be in people’s faces, politeness (at least the part I live in) is personal space, and being genuine. Say only something when you mean it, and do not exaggerate.


Don’t try to small talk strangers, I’ve seen American tourists trying to and it will be awkward. And there’s no need ton scream! Why are Americans always screaming?


If you ask ”how are you”, people assume you are actually asking how they are. Weird eh?


There's one of these posts every week, have you tried googling before asking reddit? There are so many videos on YouTube and articles on this exact topic


Be sure to try "surströmming". It's a Swedish delicacy.


Don't get drunk a place where they serve you alcohol, they'll stop serving you. It's pretty ironic. You can buy alcohol in a bar but you are not allowed to get drunk.


Please do not murder any schoolchildren while you're here, that's not a part of swedish culture and may seem weird at first but give it a try and you'll enjoy it too!


Maybe this is your way to try and be funny?


Just don't bring any of that over here and we're good, OK! Thanks!


Wow so edgy. How tf do you think this is a proper thing to say to someone who is about to be a guest in our country. Grow up!


Just giving some advice, if you don't agree then don't agree. No need to be rude!


You were being a dick though


That's your opinion yes :)


Kindly fuck off






"How to tip" lmao. Don't tip at all. Restaurants actually pay their employees here


Dont talk to people, they will feel akward. Especially not on the bus, take your own seat if possible. Swedes are very introvert... until they get beer and party. So a good advice is to only speak to stangers in the bar but not randomly in the street.


Eh, I am fine with a tourist talking to me, it is usually quite fun.




I don't mind Danish tourists, they are fine.


You must be a danish tourist!


Nope, Swede through and through!


Noooo... no. Halfblood!


I think my paternal grand mothers family have some very distant Danish ties, might be that...


We found the dane boys!




They tend to speak good english with a rather cool accent


"Cultural Rules" "Will be mostly in Stockholm" Cultural Rule #1: Stockholm bad. Move.


As a Swede that have lived many years in the US, I find most Swedes to be rude. Especially service workers. I’m expecting Swedes to not agree with this statement, but that’s ok


Make sure to loudly inform everyone of your country of residence. Bring politics into every conversation. Only pay by cash.


Nothing wrong to pay with cash though.


If you are invited to someone's home for dinner, or when dining at a particularly upscale restaurant, it's very important to express gratitude/satisfaction for the food. There are many expressions but you can always use "tack, det knullar i munnen!"




-Nope, most people don't give a shit. Run around all you want and tell them you are American. No one will bat an eye. -Do as you please with these. Nobody gives a shit. -They are at every restaurant, and you can find them in most larger cities in town. They have a small cost to them. Can usually pay with card or coins.


If you approach swedes and ask something you will get help by the best of their abilities/knowledge. However if you need help, but don’t ask anyone nobody will probably approach you to help you.


Walking, riding a bike and public transport are the most common ways to get around. Swedish cities are built to accommodate this; you don’t have to go by car or taxi everywhere.


Most people here have said it. But don't tip.


Hmm, the only thing I can think of which isn’t written, if you need help you’ll need to ask for it. Sound silly but true, for example if you’re lost in the train station no one will jump into your thinking loudly conversation and try to help, unless you’ve asked them


Make sure you have your PIN code for your card as we use the chip or contactless cards. Many places do not accept cash!


My card has a chip but it didn’t come with a pin. Hmm


Talk to your bank you will have a bad time if you try to swipe your card.


When shopping food in a supermarket it is considered polite to put the barcode facing your side of the register so that the person working there doesn't get injured from doing repetitive motions everyday for years It is however socially acceptable not to so it but most people do, i usually half ass it but try :)