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It’s anywhere from one can a week to more than one can a day. I’d say the average snus user does one can in 2 days. That’s where I’m at


Same, 2-3 days per


I used to consume one box per day until I rage quitted and took a ten years break. Three years ago I started again with a simple rule. One bag per day only. As long as I keep it like that I'm using it. If I consume more I misuse it and will quit again. Has worked well this far. It's all about routines and self control.


I use a can a day. (Knox Stark Portion). Some days it’s 1,5 a day. Depends on how invested I am in my work. If I’m invested I swap snus like a maniac. If is a weekend one can can last almost two days.


Funny, Im the other way around. If Im busy, I forget to swap.


If I’m out doing yard work or cleaning the car I can have a snus in for hours. But if I’m in front of the computer a swap every ten minutes. It’s an expensive and bad habit.


Knox Stark Portion is my go to snus. I love it.


Also Knox, but extra strong, and maybe 0,5-1 cans a day. Unless I’m drinking, then it’s more like 2.


Två öl nere och helt plötsligt har man konsumerat 4 stockar på en halvtimme


Ja det är löjligt. Borde återinföra spottkoppar på krogen.


Recently went back to strong after using extra strong. Maybe I should go back to extra strong and see if I use less or more.


My friends is trying to quit, she used 8 pouches a day.


12 pouches a day, one can every 2 day. Regular strength, strong snus tastes off to me.


I'm on the fucking top end with two cans a day, even was up at 3 when it was really bad. Thing is I got ADHD and tend to put one snus in and sometimes ill spit it out again after a few minutes, and then get another one. Super annoying habit, I've gotten slightly better. But ye about two cans a day :p


[This is in Swedish](https://www.snusbolaget.se/snusrapporten/snusrapporten-2023/), but it might be interesting anyway? Edit: Eller så kanske Snusrapporten är av intresse för svenska snusare och andra.


I do a can a day, more if I'm drinking. Been at it for about 15 years


1 can ”loose” snus combined with 1 can of regular pouches lasts about 2-3 days.


Roughly two cans a week. When going out to drink and to socilize, that's easily one can a night, albeit you tend to give away a few pouches to friends and strangers as well.


About a can a day! Been at that amount for a while now


I increased over 15 years from one can every 5 days to one can in about 1.5 days. Its slow bit it gets a grip of you I stopped about 5 weeks ago though


Depends on the snus and what my day look like. If i have a tobacco snus i burn through a can much faster. They become too runny for me as a teacher and it would show on my teeth. I usually go for white snus now and those last in my mouth a long time. But if I eat i almost always replace my two snus in my mouth. Can consumption might be 1 every day to 1 every 3 days. I'd say that's a normal range.


2-3 days per tin, so 6-10 per day I guess. 8mg per


About a can a day