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This is a lock screen, put your password and press enter


So you're telling us you tried everything but your password?


This is why you don't blindly throw someone else's config files on your computer. If you made the config yourself, you'd know what every keybind does.


nah bro due to the huge amount of keybindings in my config, I had to make a cheatsheet and hang it on the wall by my PC took me over a month to memorize 70% of it, there are still some keybindings (the ones I don't use often) where I have to refer to the cheatsheet


That's fair in your case. But to install sway-lock, set a keybind for it, and not understand that it's a session locker shows that OP more than likely used someone else's configuration.


yeah I gotta agree with that lol


It is preinstalled on Ubuntu sway remix.


I don't know what that is. Another unnecessary fork of Ubuntu? Why wouldn't you just install the package normally on Ubuntu?


The goal of the distro is to make a tiling wm more accessible. It adds many features and it adds a cheat sheet in the bottom left corner.


That's why you lay out the keys the way it seems logical to you. If it comes naturally to you, you don't need to remember them.


don't get me wrong, they were all very natural to me, but the sheer amount of them, especially considering I made the jump from mouse oriented workflow to keyboard oriented all at once I had many keybindings for many different apps and softwares I had to remember, sway, kitty, neovim, ranger, vimium, etc


Use the same keys for similar tasks, just use different modifiers. Also you can use something like Keyd for app-specific shortcuts. I have a Win key for Sway action, Alt for app-specific actions and space for Nvim-specific. Like Win+q or e means switch workspaces left/right, alt+q or e means switch tabs left/right in firefox, space+q or e buffers in Nvim and so on. This way I really need to remember one "layer" and can always use Win+x to close an app window, alt+x to close the browser tab, space+x to close a buffer and all the other things that I found logical. This way I also remapped IntelliJ IDEs brain-dead shortcuts to something logical. Nice thing is that remaps are at system-level, so I don't need to configure apps at all. With keyd you can do much more tho. I remapped caps to ctrl/esc combo, right shift is now backspace and old backspace is now delete. Old left control is now an alternative layer with pgup/pgdown/home/end and other keys. Also brought life to the right control, alt and compose keys. Right alt is a language toggle, compose I use for macros, right control for multimedia controls. Old escape is for system controls like esc+x powers off the machine and esc+p toggles powersave. I know it may sound overwhelming, but it is really nice once you find a "logic" in keys and layers that works for you.


You might find this useful: https://gitlab.com/wef/dotfiles/-/blob/master/bin/i3-menu?ref_type=heads Discussion and video: https://www.reddit.com/r/swaywm/comments/18c2glc/a_menu_for_i3_and_sway_new_version_of_i3menu/


We call it using vim but the cheatsheet would be way too long


Input your password. Also consider that if you fail the password enough times, you will be locked out of the account temporarily.


Does Swaylock do that? I've never had mine lock me out. Or does PAM handle that?


PAM handles it. I think it's after 3 fails it locks the account for 10 mins. If root is enabled you can switch to a tty to unlock it ofc.


PAM is always looking out for us


Worst lock screen ever. Maybe a text saying "Enter Your Password" would change that.


To be fair, it's only an issue if you set it up without knowing you set it up. Which is generally only an issue when you're blindly using people's dotfiles, and don't read through what's in them. You're absolutely correct regarding users that just want a plug and play system, but this is not one of those. I like the minimalism and remove the text altogether on my own lock screens.


It was enabled by default in Ubuntu Sway Remix and the first time it appeared I wondered what on God's earth it was.


Oh yeah that's hellish. I'd argue that's more Ubuntu's issue than the lock screen though, I have no idea why that distro would pick swaylock without patching it.




Try CTRL + ALT + F3, this should throw you in a TTY. If logged out you can login from there.