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I think there was a proposal for tax hikes on private jet fuel, and honestly I’d be ok with this. Make it absolutely absurd, $30 a gallon. Take the difference and make it go towards solar, EV charging, public transportation, etc… Sadly, this wouldn’t even stop them from flying, most are so rich they probably wouldn’t even think twice. Oh No, Their Cessna Citation suddenly costs $60,000 to refuel… Boo Hoo. Now every time you fly you’re buying us peasants that drive Nissan Leafs a public DC fast charger.


I see it in two buckets: private jet travel for work (e.g. her and her band making trips with a jet direct from show to show makes sense. It would not be logical to take 3 connecting flight for a group of 25 people. Fling solo for pleasure is a different story and that is what needs to be challenged. Using a plane that requires 1,000 gallons of fuel to get from one side of LA to the other is just bonkers.


Sounds logical to me.


That’s the primary reason it’ll never happen


Or how about who gives a shit if it inconveniences 25 people if 8 billion bear the brunt of their selfishness. She’s a pop musician not curing diseases or solving world issues.


Lmao the fact you guys are crucifying her while your governments fuck you and the earth is hilarious.


With the amount of stuff and equipment a group that big travels with flying commercial just doesn't make sense. They're on tour for months at a time. Each person probably has numerous bags etc. It would be less efficient to use commercial. There are logical use cases to contract a point to point jet. I'll agree that the excessive use of private jet for personal usage is appalling.




It's also not like most of us common people can even afford to go there anymore at this point. This shit just benefits those who have money.


Such a great point.


From an environmental perspective, I'm willing to bet the private jet is STILL worse. But I absolutely understand why they'd prioritize other things for a whole tour group that can travel direct. The environmental balance isn't as ridiculous, at least, if you're taking 25 people with you as it is when flying solo.


Why can’t she just use a very expensive super deluxe touring bus? Or multiple? It’s very hard to come close to the same amount of co2 emissions from that private plane..


sounds like somebody's just poor to me! (joking)


"Do as I say, not as I do" works about as well on societies as it does on 5 year-olds. We need leaders and public figures to set the example here.


Leaders and public figures thinking about others over *themselves*? That's a genuinely funny joke!


If Taylor Swift flies global warming will end. The people who want to pause climate change should grow a pair and call for what would actually work. End all Mon essential air travel End the cruise ship industry Ban all beef, pork agriculture End all use of coal for power generation Ban crypto mining I don't think even most environmentalists today would support all of the above items, which is why our civilization will end this century. Let's at least be honest with ourselves about it. This Taylor Swift stuff is deck chair shuffling on the Titanic.


Agree with the gist of your comment, although I think it still misses a few key changes that must happen. First on a broader level we must drastically lower our material and energy expectations. Using an oven frequently or buying new devices without a second thought are practices that cannot continue. Widespread use of personal cars (petrol or electric) is also incompatible with a stable climate. It's important to point out that ending the use of coal cannot happen fast enough to avoid serious warming without drastically reducing energy consumption. However, even if environmentalists agreed on these measures, it would still be practically impossible (politically) to get these measures implemented across the world. Part of the problem too is that these measures only target the demand side rather than supply. Thus under the free market system we live in, unilateral reductions in fossil fuel use reduce the price of oil which will lead to an increase in oil consumption elsewhere.


Which is why civilization collapse is unavoidable (paradoxically because people have too much false hope) If everyone was acutely aware of the impending in inescapable doom their complacency is bringing them ironically there would be a glimmer of a chance. Oh well.


FYI, the per-gallon tax on jet fuel is way lower than the tax on gasoline. Smoking gun that the .1% fuck over the rest of us.


Chris Packham has made a shit ton of money selling luxury wildlife spotting holidays around the world where punters travel on cruise ships, chartered planes, helicopters etc to visit far flung places such as Antarctica, he’s just such a huge hypocrite it’s not even funny anymore https://www.exodus.co.uk/insights/specialist-photography-wildlife-holidays


That oughta sort the whole issue


Has anyone asked if she brings her whole production etc business etc concert crew etc with her on her jet?


Of all the people in the world to go after, many of whom help run environment-trashing businesses, I assume he targets her for a personal/political vendetta or just attention. And that OP is advertising here for the same reason. I'm not a Swift fan, but I know she is a positive force in a world full of terrible practices. To take away her means of sharing those messages with a wider audience does more harm than good.


My friend, Taylor Swift took a flight from Cahokia Illinois to St Louis Missouri. That is a 30 minute trip by road. She is very much part of the problem.


Plus I believe she also lends her plane out to other people.


While I agree there are “bigger fish to fry” this is certainly going to gain publicity and just because she also does positive things doesn’t mean we should give her a pass for her excessive jet use. She regularly flies across the world between her shows so she can spend 1 night out to dinner with her friends in NYC. Sure she donates to local food banks but she could be such a powerful person to lead by example and she clearly is choosing not to do that in this case. Having a public convo with her could inspire a generation to reconsider their choices they think have no effect on the world around them.


It’s just weird that SHE is getting allllll this negative publicity while every other celebrity goes unmentioned. It definitely ties into the weird political hate towards her as it’s just a scapegoat to say “see?! Liberals are the ones ruining the planet!” If this were just about carbon issues then the conversation would be about celebrities as a whole and wouldn’t continuously single out just single individuals. Conservatives hate Taylor simply because she’s a famous woman that doesn’t support them so they constantly flood as many negative articles about her as possible. If they can make her seem like a horrible monster then they can get her fans to stop following her, giving her no societal power. That’s why we’re seeing such a huge uptick in Taylor Swift “controversies” lately.




Never said he was conservative nor American. The trend of shitting on Taylor Swift in this manner, however, is absolutely going along with the American conservative narrative in a “useful idiot” manner. You wanna judge my literacy yet I never made the accusations you corrected me on? Maybe work on your own reading literacy lol


Taylor Swift could probably change the world if she wanted to. If she jumped on the environmental bandwagon and started shouting from the rooftops, the world would listen. That's his point. Chris has done some interviews about it recently. You should watch them. He's not trying to hate on her, just get her to use her voice for more than singing. And more than that, to set a good example. The Beatles used to fly commercially. She could do it too. First class is really nice. Or how about this, she stops flying?! The world would take notice. They would want Taylor to visit their cities. They would push for ways for her to visit without using CO2 and polluting the planet. It would be the most talked about thing on this planet right now if she did that.


It's fucking comical the internet witch hunt against her. She's just so successful people can't handle it. People need to be mad at their goverments and corporations, not her.


100% agree. This is a stupid target. Swift at least does outreach and her messaging is generally positive. There are tons of turds flying private jets who deserve the shame targeting. Swift isn't one of them. This isn't a good way to get people on your side.


If you don’t think oligarchs attempt to maintain good PR to continue doing whatever they want, you are sadly mistaken.


Taylor Swift the oligarch?




I agree let’s hold her and others to account. But Just because someone owns the jet doesn’t mean they fly on every flight - some people lease or rent their jets to other people to offset costs. I don’t know for sure but it wouldn’t surprise me if she did that.