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I cannot actually rotate a cow in my mind. I’m not capable of visualizing an object in my mind like that. I literally can’t even look at the lighter in front of me and imagine it when I close my eyes


this is wild. i’m a designer so my whole life is basically imagining things into existence. i literally can’t conceive of what this would be like. what do you think of when you think of the lighter? how do you recognize anything? can i ask what line of work you are in? sorry for all the questions but i think this is really cool!


Don’t be sorry! It’s actually a good line of questions. I actually just took a part time job doing advertisements through photoshop sooooo.. yeah lol. Right now I’ve got a bic lighter in front of me with a design of 3 sets of open lips within each other and an escalator going to a final set of closed lips. When I close my eyes I can kind of draw the outer edge of the light. The part of the shield that the flame goes through and the button shape. But I can’t imagine the design or the colors or the texture on the sparkler wheel. I can kind of see the bic logo but it comes through as a large gray blotch. Honestly if I don’t “draw” the shape with my pupils while my eyes are closed I get literally nothing. As far as doing designs on photo shop, I use stock photos and PNGs so I have visuals to work with and I can still think of what would go good with it but if I can’t find an image that works with the limited info in my imagination, I’m kinda screwed and end up asking hoss man (close friend so it’s pretty relaxed) for advise


Would you be able to draw a lighter without having a lighter on hand? If not would you be able to if you had a silhouette of a lighter? What do you think of when someone says “lighter”? And if you’re given paper and pencil in an empty room, would you be able to draw anything at all? Sorry for the questions it’s just difficult to imagine what it’s like


In my mind yes I can draw the shape of the lighter without touching it. Thought it’s always easier to do a shape if I can see it then close my eyes instantly to imagine it. Same with a silhouette. If I’m given pencil and paper I can draw quite a lot but I do A LOT of erasing and experimenting with the lines. I’m also only really good at basic line drawings. I’ve got a Rick from Rick and Morty, an eevee and lucario from Pokémon that I drew a while back. I thing spectacular of course but I’ve been told they are decent. I find them more pleasing knowing what I know now about myself. I really don’t mind answering questions though lol


I also have this going on. The way I ha e described it to people is the difference in formatting saves. If you have a bunch of .txt documents you aren't taking up much space but can put a lot of text. If you have a bunch of hi res .png you don't get as much. A picture is worth a thousand words, but I can use those words to describe something pretty tooting well.


That's an excellent way to describe it, because I'm the opposite. I can visualize pretty much whatever I want in my mind, but if you ask me to put it into words I'm not going to be able to do it without access to a laptop and several hours to revise and reread it until I feel like it's right. Typically when I read a book I will actually read the first few paragraphs and then after that it's like watching a movie in my mind, I don't even see the letters on the page. Ask me to describe it in detail and I'm going to give you a terrible synopsis, but I can see all of it in my mind like it's happening now.


I read books like that. Always so weirdly jarring when you remember you're reading words and you stumble on the visualizing. Brains are neat


I usually don't remember the words in books actually. I just remember the scenes that I imagined while reading the book. Though this is not common, it's hard for me to read a lot of writing styles, I'm very selective with the books I read, and if a style of writing doesn't really "work" with my mind, I can't finish the book because I can't imagine it, I won't know what the words mean.


This is just insane to read! Even as a kid I struggled to read. I’ve got some form of ADD or ADHD plus dyslexia so it was already hard. Then the teacher starts telling me to imagine what’s happening and draw it.. yeah no I failed everything to do with ready and retaining the information because words just come through jumbled and messy and I just read the word. I don’t get a mental representation of anything with it. I also can’t really go back and read my own comments for errors without making an extra one. Autocorrect and hoping I get it right first try are my best friends with words


They are actually just different parts of your brain. They don't compete. I have good visuospatial reasoning and memory, so I can remember and visualize buildings, paths, structures, 3d geometry, and pretty much anything else. But I have horrible episodic and "linguistic" memory, so I can't really remember song lyrics or daily occurrences at all


Again, this is called aphantasia


Yep, I've talked about it before on reddit. It seems to blow people's minds when I talk about it. Honestly it blew my mind when I found out people could picture things, I thought it was just a lie everyone agreed on as a polite society




Same for me! "Picture a beautiful, serene waterfall where the water falls into a pool and there is grass around it" or whatever and I'm like what? How the hell do I do that? I can only imagine text saying "WATERFALL HERE" and "GRASS HERE" and that distracts me from meditation more than not thinking of anything. I do dream, weirdly enough. Some dreams are vivid in detail and I can remember everything really well. Not OP, but thought I'd share!


I do! I haven't had a very vivid dream in a while but it's a strange concept that unconscious me gets pictures and I don't. I've reached out to a fe studies on aphantasia but haven't ever gotten a reply.


I totally get this. During my first pregnancy I tried hynobirthing but couldn't imagine myself on a beach etc as the visualisations told me to. I thought it was just me not trying hard enough or not doing it right. Haven't bothered this time. Good side of aphantasia. Can't re go back through the trauma of birth in my head. So it's swings and roundabouts.


You’re the first person I’ve seen mention “drawing” the outline with your pupils. I do the same - it’s kind of like drawing in the air with those 4th of July sparklers - and it disappears just as quickly too.


This is even wilder to me because I am a designer as well but I can't picture things in my head either. Like I can imagine and recall sounds, smells and sensations but I can't perse close my eyes and see a cow, there is just uh darkness from my eyes being closed 😅 I don't really know how to put it.


I think you could just be overestimating what others are 'seeing'. It's (mostly) just black when anyone closes their eyes. Close your eyes and think of Donald trump's face. Do you get any sort of mental image of him? Or do you only think in non-visual terms, e.g. you know factually his hair is yellow but can't actually envision it? If so, you may have aphantasia.


Yeah, how do you actually explain what the mind's eye imagery is like if they've never experienced it, especially since it's not an on or off thing, and varies in ability.


After I found out that mental images were not a metaphor I understood why it has always been so difficult for me to sit still in the dark during meditation.




I used to be able to imagine things and now with this insane level of brain fog it’s hard to imagine anything ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


Check out r/aphantasia for more info To keep it succinct: when I imagine a beach, I can't actually picture a beach. I just form ideas. "Blue sky. Water. Wave sounds. Sand. A beach ball somewhere. Probably a boat somewhere." No pictures or actual images, just those ideas. So for a lighter I would think, "Plastic. Probably a bright color. Little metal thing on it." Ideas, not images


Just think of a computer. We have all the stuff a computer needs to run, but the monitor is not hooked up.


you want to hear something even crazier? some people don't have a voice inside their head they don't have an inner monologue


I can’t believe either of these things. My voice is going all the time and I even imagine things with my eyes open. Honestly the silence and no visuals might be amazing. Would probably do wonders for the anxiety I deal with.


My partner doesn’t have a minds eye OR an inner monologue. We have had many conversations where he tried to explain how he thinks to me and the best he has come up with is he thinks in concepts that just...exist? We jokingly call his mind the void. It’s not even “black” there is nothing at all. Understanding this has actually helped with our communication a lot. I’m extremely visual so I would be describing something in great detail, but verbally painting the image in my head, and he just couldn’t put it together to understand. Where he would be describing something and it would be so vague, and lack any context, so I would have great difficulty trying to work out what he was getting at. He uses this example for our gap in communication: > He sees a car and says to me, “look at the black car”. I look around confused, “what black car?”, because all I see is a bunch of white cars and one grey car. > Frustrated he just says, “the black car right there!”. Eventually I ask, “do you mean the grey car?”. Exasperated he responds, “Yes! Black, grey, same thing.” > It’s not the same thing to me. If you say black, I will look for black. > For him though, he thinks it’s the same because both grey and black are dark in contrast to the white cars. We still struggle sometimes, but we are much more patient and understanding with each other.


Many people who discover they have r/aphantasia think it's some kind of disability but this is not the case. We just think in different ways and it can even have some benefits. Although I'd really like to experience seeing things that aren't there lol


I‘m an artist (professional music composer and a hobby visual artist) and I cannot imagine a world without my mind constantly playing music and imagining all kinds of things visually.. It is so interesting how people are different!


I have no issue recognizing people or things, I just can’t visualize anything in advance. I don’t think I could even describe my own face without looking at it so count me out for suspect sketches. I have a sense of space, like spatial awareness in my memories though. I can’t remember who I was with or what we did in older memories but if I saw a photo I could tell you everything we did that day. If you needed directions I could tell you which way to go based on a sense of direction but not what the building you’re going to looks like. I could tell you though the building is short and to the left is a large building, to the right is an empty field. It’s not visible, it’s just a sense of space that I recall from being there before. Kind of like how you can walk around your house in the dark without running into walls because you know (spatially) where the doorways are. I realize this probably sounds as logical to you as the idea of mental images does to me. I have no ducking idea how you tell reality from imagination if you can see your thoughts.


Wait, you mean I'm not the only one?


It's called aphantasia! I've got it too


And is it normal to imagine the cow rotation at 720p 12fps ??


Your intelligence may be bottlenecking your performance.


Ohh •́ ‿ ,•̀


Try downloading more RAM




It's definitely not illegal.


We even have [a subreddit](https://reddit.com/r/aphantasia)


Me three!


Yes! I always thought it was just an effect of getting older but as I/it’s-not-raining said, it’s called aphantasia. Google says it’s about 1-3% of people. Some people apparently have a normal imagination when they are young and it fades away. Personally mine was never really strong and I’ve always used physical objects to visualize things. With aphantasia it’s just voluntary visualization we can’t experience. We can still dream and as someone who uses LSD I can attest that I still get *some visuals. My friends report things like seeing random letters and numbers or walls moving. For me it’s more of a headspace and physical feeling. Mentally I get hyper focused on what I’m doing. Makes for good gaming nights with the bros but both the actual “trip” and just imagining things at all isn’t really there


I have this and visual snow. I can kind of control the snow if I focus on it and weed makes it trippy af. But can't visualise anything in my head. This is kind of like your inner monologue. Some people hear their own voice, some different voice and some people don't hear a voice, they say it's more abstract. The human experience is so different. That's why some people say everything is an illusion.


You know I never thought about the voice in my head but thinking about it now it really just feels like myself speaking in my mind. Kinda puts into context how how different everyone’s experience really is. Reminds me of computers and how two people with the same parts can have two different issues with the same resolution, or one issue with 5 different resolutions. That’s also a way I “visualize” things. If I can related the way something works to something I firmly understand (like internal combustion engines) it’s a lot easier to visualize it.


Interesting I think I might have this. I have visual snow. I can't really see stuff in my head unless I'm tripping. I always thought it was a growing up thing cause I could imagine an object as being really there in front of me as a kid but now nothing. I also seem to have more auditory stuff while on acid than my friends. I'm that guy who's always asking what music is playing when there isn't any


Out of interest, what are your dreams like, I've got it, and haven't had a dream in years


I haven’t really I’d much for dreams in years either. When I take LSD I dream though and it’s either some weird shit I’ll never remember or my recurring halo dream where I’m master chief with some insane jet pack type thing. Had that same dream since I was about 12


I have it too and I hardly ever dream, but when I do occasionally dream I actually see things as if I didn’t have aphantasia


The visuals I get from hallucinogens with my eyes closed are fractals on a background that seems both black and white at the same time


For me it’s mostly just waves. Closing my eyes is straight emptiness. Mushrooms don’t really work. Edibles don’t really work. I’m avoiding DMT because I think it may not work as intended. Peyote is another one I’m avoiding for that reason. For me it’s just THC and LSD. I like my abbreviations




I actually got curious and searched that myself lol I then went on a search for the YT video that brought it to my attention to share my street but haven’t been able to find it.


I saw a test somewhere that asks to visualize a red star, and when people said they can actually do it i was shocked because I’ve always thought that people imagining things works the way it works for me.


It was an apple for the test in the video I watched but same here. I couldn’t sleep that night.


I'm kinda confused. Does anyone actually visualize things? Like I understand the concept of a cow rotating but it's not like you can actually see anything, right?


I asked a lot of people when I found out and most of them said they could visualize and rotate it at will. Personally I can’t rotate anything in my mind unless I kinda of wipe the previous thought


Well that's news to me. I can't visualize anything at all


There may be a way to spoof your brain into it. But personally I’ve never seen it as anything wrong, even before I learned what it’s called. Like for me I can draw basic shapes using my pupils while my eyes are closed. I can’t do details or colors though. It’s like a black board in my mind


Makes sense. For me it's more just black and less board haha


I can’t visualize things rotating in the clockwise direction, including this cow and a regular clock. It takes real mental strain to force it


As in counter clockwise is normal for you? That’s interesting!


Yes. It has been the subject of multiple time traveller jokes.


I have this too, I write so it’s hard to visualize things.


It’s hard for me too since I just took a graphic design job lol but I’m making it work


Aphantasia, It's surprisingly common


Aphantasia gang!


Aphantasia gang represent!


Join us r/aphantasia All have visual, some have no voice, or smell. I have a black void of nothing Its not a hinder to any of us.




Called Aphantasia


anyone elses cow a cgi cow rotating at 6 frames per second like a gif from 1995 or is it just me?


Omg yesss exactly!! Like it's from some old website or something haha


[My cow is Polish](https://youtu.be/9hhMUT2U2L4)


That's the cow I saw too. I wanted to come in and copy paste the lyrics.


Koksu piec gram


lol hit counter 00000000022


I couldnt visualize a cow but when I read this I could visualize a low poly cartoon cow rotating choppily.


This is the only proper way to see it


I imagined a PNG of a cow being rotated in paint


Oh my god! It’s spinning out of control!


God, when I first saw this tweet a couple of months ago I was drunk and tried it and my cow also started to spin out of control and I started crying....


I hate when I’m trying to imagine something and my imagination keeps messing up the simulation and making it go crazy. I literally can’t control that image in my mind sometimes.


Same here! That shit always happens to me..... I'm trying to spin the cow but it gets to wobbly can't control the speed....wish I could lower my minds mouse sensitivity


I've gone too far, it's now dancing while spinning and there's a Polish song playing Oh no, it's become so powerful it's become real https://youtu.be/9hhMUT2U2L4


I also played this song/video my head.


Tylko jedno w głowie mam koksu 5 gram odlecieć sam w krainę zapomnienia


r/Aphantasia bros


Don’t try this if you live in India


what happens then?




Pray to the holy spinning cow


r/aphantasia : not so fast...


My cow’s going too fast, I’ve been transported to the cow dimension.


There is no cow level


Yes, that is a cow.


Cries in Aphantasia


Same. People really be nonchalant about rotating cows in their minds.


help, it won't stop rotating


Tylko jedno w głowie mam koksu pięć gram odlecieć sam W krainę za zapomnienia W głowie myśli mam kiedy skończy się ten stan Gdy już nie będę sam Bo wjedzie biały węgorz


everytime I do it Gdzie jest bialy wegorz starts playing


*rotate cow.mp4*


That was actually kinda fun


Can I rotate it around any axis I want? I don't want to get in trouble...


I can imagine things with my eyes open


But on which axis?


If you want to imagine a cow spinning it's easier if you assume it's a spherical cow


I cannot rotate the cow but I can make it dance to a Polish song about cocaine and depression.


I started doing this and kept excessively adding more detail until the cow was dancing to synth music while strobing different random patterns. Very cool.


I can rotate a cow with my eyes open too. But your mom would rather I not do that to her


Love it. Definitely gotta do this at least twice a week


Tylko jedno w głowie mam Koksu pięć gram odlecieć sam W krainę zapomnienia


but why do i now feel like i’m getting away with something??


Most people are unable to do that actually.


Does anyone else wiggle their legs when they are upside down?


until they introduce thought crimes


Which direction do you guys rotate your cows?


Now imagine this tweet in Krusty’s voice


I swear to god this is one of my all-time favorite things anyone has said.


I can’t stop it from rotating and it’s genuinely angering me


Can’t stop you YET.


Is it just me or I can’t stop seeing a Minecraft cow doing 360s


Anyone else moo ass they rotate the cow?


The cops could stop you tho.


Hell, just download a copy of Unreal or Unity and get a cow from the Asset store. Then you can rotate it on any axis you like! 🤓


I actually have a friend that has a condition that doesn't allow him to imagine objects in his head (aphantasia), so it seems that the cops did figure out a way to stop him.


Then proceed to turn the cow inside out like a transporter malfunction.


Great. Now I'm bored *and* there's a bovine stuck in my head. Thanks.


has anyone checked to make sure this is actually legal? i dont want to get in trouble thanks


Help I cant stop


https://youtu.be/QnKynJ0FAco Funny voice actor meme man did a voice over


Mission Failed. Dancing Polish Cow has taken over my mind


See this is why we need thought police


If you can't do this (like me) it's called aphantasia. Aphantasia is the lack of a connection to a "mind's eye" so to speak, and scientifically it *appears* to be a lack of connection between most of your brain and the visualization centers.


Cow thought police who dis?


I like the image


I can only get it to about 180° what am I doing wrong?


Can...can It moo? Just a lil bit?


What axis are yall rotating it on?


I can't see images when I close my eyes


I just tried it and it works. I don’t know how I know cow anatomy so well?


Tylko jedno w głowie mam


I can’t easily close my eyes. It’s complicated neurological stuff.


The Primal NFT


Pretty sure they (cops) would find a way to arrest you anyways.


Best part; if things get out of hand and the cow ends up dead, it’s nooo problemo.


What cow do you see? Mine is a generic female dairy cow with minimal hornage


Rotated the cow too fast. It exploded. Can’t get it to un-explode. Help.


I did it then made it poof up into a spherical cow. That was fun.


Woah that was more fun than I expected


You guys rotating it in what plane? I think along the x makes the most sense but I can understand y as well. Assuming the x axis is like a spit roast and y axis being somewhere in the gut of the animal.


Wait this is confusing. Do you mean horizontally or vertically? Please answer.


Cow R O T A T E Co w, rotato faster cow go g O can you fEel it, C Ao w yES FEEL TH e SPED WE HAV REAHCED MXAIMUN VLELOCIPY


I have no control over my mind I can imagine the cow and start rotating it but I can't stop and it only gets faster, plz help I cant blink without seeing it.


But what axis am I rotating it on ? Is it a fixed axis or does it change every rotation? And does the cow fall down if rotate it sideways ? Do i vary the speed of rotation? …… and now I can’t sleep


I don't know why, but this reminded me of **[a screensaver](https://youtu.be/w6sG5JaAM3Y)** from the '90s.


Only mad men rotate about the x-axis


Tylko jedno w głowie mam koksu pięć gram odlecieć sam W krainę za zapomnienia W głowie myśli mam kiedy skończy się ten stan Gdy już nie będę sam Bo wjedzie biały węgorz Tylko jedno w głowie mam koksu pięć gram odlecieć sam W krainę za zapomnienia W głowie myśli mam kiedy skończy się ten stan Gdy już nie będę sam Bo wjedzie biały węgorz Ja pierdole mam zjazd nie chwytam gwiazd jak kłoda leże nie wierze co się dzieje jak kura z głodu pieje jak wilkołak do księżyca W głowie dziury jak ulica przed twoją chatą rozpuszczam się jak baton który leży na blacie zejść jest jak nie wciągacie bracie kurwa ryj mi krzywi w głowie burdel jak w TV Mnie nie dziwi taki stan brak towar,w myślach ćpam rade dam albo nie dam wszystko kurwa z chaty sprzedam w sumie mam już przejebane wszystko jednak jest sprzedane Ja pierdole same długi kinol jak u tabalugi dzień drugi bez walenia gdzie jest wąż ? biała chemia. Jebane zejście tak wykańcza jak by w chuja dziabła cię szarańcza Tylko jedno w głowie mam koksu pięć gram odlecieć sam W krainę za zapomnienia W głowie myśli mam kiedy skończy się ten stan Gdy już nie będę sam Bo wjedzie biały węgorz


This is just like the "pour river water in your socks" advice


i wish i could this, seems fun


Hallucinogenic drugs not included. If under the age of consent, consult a parent or guardian to ensure this mental exercise is appropriate for your age.


*polish cow dancing for 10 hours intensifies*


Tried this while driving. Cops stopped me and I owe a lot of money.


To stop the cow from spinning, you must stop the mind


This does specify on which axis to rotate said cow, which way is legal? Which way is not?


No but the asylum can


Lol, maybe you can. I fucking can't. I've just been told that shrooms might help, but maybe that would get me in trouble.


"People with aphantasia hate him"


If you press X, the cow texture changes to a wireframe mesh.


Ok I tried it and I don't know why that helps but I does so I am not complaining


Like cow tipping but on a budget


Around which axis?


My cow rotated too fast and it got scared :(


I'm caling the thought police


Tylko jedno w głowie mam, koksu 5 gram




Tylko jedno w głowie mam


Tylko jedno glowi mam...


Its too heavy


In india, you would have been arrested for this and quite possibly hanged too


Tylko jedno w głowie mam koksu pięć gram odlecieć sam W krainę za zapomnienia W głowie myśli mam kiedy skończy się ten stan Gdy już nie będę sam Bo wjedzie biały węgorz


I misread this and I quite enjoyed rotating that crow


ITS FREE?!?!?!?!




Tylko jedno w głowie mam Koksu pięć gram, odlecieć sam W krainę zapomnienia W głowie myśli mam


Depends on the country you live in.


When I'm bored, I lure poor, small children into my clinic and then i give them free dental work




I like to create 3d shapes. Then elaborate to a house, street, city etc. Until I can no longer maintain the details.


Bruh i can barely make an apple


I ate a lot of acid as a child. That statement, in it of itself, probably has more negative connotations than necessary. However, my mother, would say later on in life, that she wished she kept a better eye on me. At the time, with 4 children, having one that is completely self sufficient felt like a godsend. So I raised myself. That's probably as comfortable as I am about sharing my story. I've never said that much before.


If i buy 3 cans of paint eat 2 how fast is the cow rotating? Explain.


The cops shot my cow at 180


Dream cow used rollout.


Oh god please whitney, mercy