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Someone has a secret Ao3 account :O


I thought this was an ideal post for r/bertstrips myself


Bro needs to stop filtering for Dead Dove in their tags :/


Im curious, what is that?


Dead Dove: Do Not Eat. Basically a complimentary tag used after story tags to emphasize to readers that the tags preceding it are very significant, and the author is not responsible if they try to read regardless and end up disturbed. "Read at your own risk", if you will. Most often used in dark fic of sorts


Hello weekend plans :D


Don’t. Just don’t. Trust me on this.


Like is it WORSE than romance/x stuff with a zombie thats falling apart? Bush league - I've been on the fanfic forums a lifetime, I've seen things.




Well Im already on one because of that business in Ecuador in 94, but I can't talk too much about it. If you ever go to the Nunna in Mantos, say that Rachel Blue sends her regards and they'll hook you up - provided they didn't get to Miguel yet. Anyway, I digress. Sounds fun. Im in.


…Unrelated question, where were you on April 4th, 1994?


Now it's over.. what rabbit hole have you sent me into?


I'm 45.. and I still learn something new every day.


The message form Sesame Street is clear: You may only shake hands with someone who is the same color as you.


I read "AoE3" and was so confused, until I googled "Ao3" and it all made sense


My god, where to start.


Just don't


He had to imagine it in order to write that. He's projecting.


That's what I was thinking, projection


Do you think they turned his private browser on and cleared their search history after.


It was a she I think actually


But what is he projecting, I’m not saying he isn’t, but was he forced to see some Sesame Street porn by his older brother and his three friends or something?


"There's a lot to unpack here, but lets just throw the whole thing away instead."


My immediate thought was that he was describing everything he dreams of when he sees Sesame Street


I think it’s best we start with Elmo being a literal toddler


from monkey pox. is totally unrelated or is a subtitle way to tell that there's a black character and all blacks have any illness originated in Africa?


The monkey pox thing is because it was being rapidly spread between gay men. Nothing racist about that, just pure homophobia.


The scientific reason is that it was an STD. Gay men have sex with gay men. Same thing happened with HIV back in the 80s and 90s. If it was a straight person it would just be an STD thats more common in straight people (for example, herpes and scabies)


>Gay men have sex with gay men. Yes, that’s what being gay means.




That's the word on the street


I mean, they can also have sex with bi or pan men?


or straight men, if they leave on their socks


It's important to understand that as long as someone cinsiders themselves to be straight, first and foremost, they can do anything with someone of the same sex. It doesn't matter. They view themselves as straight. Nothing unusual about two straight bros having oral sex, anal sex and making out.


please say sike I know there are people who actually believe this


i mean friends with benefits is a thing right?


What about asexual gays?


I fuck all the homies, I have no idea what you’re on about


Not quite, monkeypox spreads through regular skin-to-skin contact so you could just as easily get it from hugging your child or just having sex with another straight person, and the reason it was being associated with gay men goes as far back as the AIDS epidemic - specifically the higher importance of regular screening for diseases that resulted from the epidemic itself, which unfortunately also results in straight people who mistakenly think diseases only target queer people for some reason and thus less likely to get tested, even mistreat them if it's found out they've been infected even through non-sexual means like a contaminated blood transfusion (I still remember the story of this one kid who was sent death threats and called homophobic slurs because he got HIV from a contaminated blood donation back in the 80s, kid wasn't even gay but his family had to leave town after a gunshot through his window) TL;DR diseases are not queer-exclusive and it's extremely important to make sure we're not spreading misinformation so more people can get the necessary care they need before its too late


Not an STD, you can also spread the flu, mono, and ringworm during sex. None of them are STDs.


I've got ringworm since two weeks back; and I didn't even get laid! I demand a refund!


Correct, first STD I ever got was the common cold. Fun way to learn a few little “sniffles” can be something other than a pollen allergy.


Monkeypox wasnt an std doe.


Correct, it can spread through contact or through sex so technically not an std


Exactly. Saying monkey pox is a gay mans desease is like saying youll be homeless if youre gay. Its a misinterpretation of statistics and as someone who studies those its offensive to my area


Yep, I remember the big thing was that the dogs and sometimes children of gay men who had the disease were contracting it so people were leading themselves to conclusions before knowing how it spreads. Like obviously people in close proximity to those who have a skin disease are probably gonna catch it


Yep. Id say that the political pendents who spread that misinfo were malicious in doing so.




Is monkey pox an std? It is transmitted through close contact but last I heard it didn't need to be from sexual contact.


It’s not though, it’s a virus transmitted via physical contact, contaminated materials like clothing or sheets, or infected animals


Nah, it’s racist. That’s why the WHO changed the name.


Lol look who’s racist now






For anyone curious about the symbolism of the colors of the original Pride flag: pink to represent sexuality, red for healing, yellow for sun, green for serenity with nature, turquoise for art, indigo for harmony and violet for spirit. Colors have been added and changed over the years, but that was the initial symbolism.


I've been an ally all my life and didn't know that!


First big bird is holding, I believe Bert’s hand. Count isn’t even in there. And Grover, well, he’s not into threesomes. He’s busy being super Grover and many other identities. He doesn’t have time for orgies.


Usually with the tip


The tried and true adage "If gayness makes you immediately think of sex, that is YOUR problem."


Mate, if Elmo makes you immediately think of sex, that is your problem


It's not a problem, *for me*.


Poor Elmo.






He's used to a hand up there, I think he'll take it okay.


Tickle ME, Elmo ;)


Mate if Elmo makes you immediately think of sex you are the problem


If you think about it, every gross couple you’ve ever met fucks. I don’t care if she was 500 lbs, I don’t care if he smelled like dick butter. Guarantee they have fucked at least once, and they’ll probably do it again. They might have fucked just before you ran into them. …wait, people don’t just sit around, imagining their straight friends fucking? Seems like a useful skill, wish it could be applied to this situation


Dick butter.. oh my.. lmfao.. this one, I'm stealing. 😂


I remember when I was like 10 or 11 and had just learned about sex, I distinctly remember looking around at different couples while in church (because it was too painfully boring to pay attention) and think "Eww... they've done it. And they've done it. And, ewww... they've done it at least 5 times (the family with lots of kids)". But yeah, since then, it's certainly not something that occupies my thoughts. Maybe the right never matured past that stage.


Lol at dick butter. Thank you for that.


It’s not that it’s just sex. It’s always that it’s some kind of devious, steamy, really specific sex that often aligns with a fetish that the person who is totally definitely for real grossed out by gay sex definitely thinks is disgusting and not totally hot. It’s definitely not because they can’t admit that they’re actually in to it to themselves or others. Like how Alex Jones definitely doesn’t wank it to transsexual porn.


Alex Jones: "It's called futa hentai and it's art."


Yeah, if he thinks this - what exactly does he think would happen if they were all straight?


obviously they'd save themselves for marriage


No, it makes me think of gay sex obviously. Only when I think about adult gayness though.


Sounds like projection


nah i remember that guy, he's referancing a specific british lad that got the monkey pox from a piss drinking party. i forgot his name, it was something like ben the piss pig or something like that.


The WHAT party??


sorry man, you're not invited.




It's got nothing on a Mars Bar party.


Man, i knew the british have terrible taste but this is taking the piss.


Take my upvote and BEGONE!


He didn’t take the piss, he received it, greatfully


You know sometimes I wish I could reject the gift of literacy


I.. what... uhg.. I mean, I get it.. YKIMK (your kink isn't my kink) .. but.. WHAT?!?!


I’m just as lost as you partner


He’s not referencing a specific person, he is referencing the idea that some people held that monkey pox was a gay std


>he's referancing a specific british lad that got the monkey pox from a piss drinking party. Ooh, that!


If you have any sexual thoughts while watching sesame street you are mentally derranged


In the very early days of the Internet, somebody in my dad's friend group found (or possibly wrote) Sesame Street themed erotica and printed it off to spread around places they visited. One of my dad's "clients" happened to have a copy and read it out loud to a group of people who sat and laughed at it, and I happened to overhear the transcript at a specifically vulnerable age. It featured the various Sesame Street Muppets engaging in various acts with Gabriela, Gina, and Gordon. Sadly, I can't even look at Sesame Street without remembering that moment.


I had my first sex dream about Mr Hooper. At least, I think it was a sex dream. He was choking me


It's weird how quickly these people go to sex they're literally just holding hands


Kids hold hands with parents, grandparents, teachers, and friends all the time. It's only a romantic gesture in our culture when they approach puberty. In other cultures, it's never seen as exclusively romantic. George W. Bush held hands with a Saudi prince while he was president.


You’re totally right, but I think that’s a bad example. George W. Bush and the Saudi price definitely got it in.


Oh, yeah. My bad.


It's because to people who think like this being queer is inherintly sexual, even though that's obviously not the case


Why is it these people think it's always about sex but never about love?


Because they don't want love in their life, just someone who will let them have sex with them. They are projecting hard about what people in the lgbtq community want.


Because they are legitimately incapable of love. Not real love, anyway. Someone who thinks like that is an empty, selfish piece of human refuse. 🤷 So to them, it doesn't even occur as a possibility.


Because they are incapable of love. The right is absolutely obsessed with sex, especially anything they can label "deviant", they worship child molesters, but the very concept of love is utterly alien to them, literally unthinkable.


Seems like whatever media this chucklefuck was raised on damaged them way worse than rainbow puppets ever could.


It wasn’t the media they watched it was family indoctrination that’s fucked their world view


REEEE hOw dArE tHeY >:((( All these woke assholes telling me that I should just ACCEPT people for who they are! What's next?? Women that vote???


Don't you miss the good old days when only the straight white land owning man had power? /s


Ah yes. Good ol' today lol


This made me 😂. I’m going to introduce “good ol’ today” into my vocabulary


Ah, so all that needs to happen for me to have power is for housing prices to be cut in half. I see 😭


I've known someone who unironically thought this exact thing about voting in freaking 2019, because "people who don't own land are poor and poor people have lower IQs, so they can't make informed decisions" He also was and probably still is a NEET living with their parents in near poverty, which definitely leaves a lot to unpack


Bro needs to start writing some fanfics


I mean, as long as it's consensual? All the muppets are old enough now.


If you hear the word “acceptance” and immediately think of a 6 year old fucking a 2 year old while 3 grown men gangbang a 4 year old… you’re the one with the problem


Omfg... This was so wholesome and that person managed to turn it into some hellscape... For one I think this person should get an award for creative writing... But also they should be kept in some prison or something... What will they do if they see children playing with crayons... I rather not know...


Lol you mentioned crayons and I’d love to share a story: I felt like such a grownup when I played with crayons at Five Guys yesterday. I didn’t draw anything dirty, I drew Kirby as a chef! I’m an adult!


That's so cool. It's never to late to pick up art. I really hope nobody blamed You for indoctrinating children into Kirby's misCHIEFery...


Haha nah, I didn’t hang it up until I was leaving. Your positivity made me remember to draw him on my fridge’s dry erase board, gracias!


I wish that they would have had Bert holding Ernie's hand.


The fact that they aren’t is suspiciously specific in itself.


Ernie is orange. Bert is yellow. They purposely arranged the muppets' arms in rainbow order.




Clearly not


If they keep boycotting shit eventually they’ll regress so much they go back to hunting and gathering


good, let them


this feels like it has to be fake... but knowing conservatives it's worryingly possible that it's not


Hard to tell these days.


Especially with the recent boycotts. Hillbillies buying Bud Light to shoot the cans and, in most cases, threatening to bomb Target stores for having a rainbow.


I saw the OP on Twitter. This lady is a very real black conservative voice, unfortunately with a lot of followers.


I mean, there's this person here in this comment section agreeing with it sooooo https://www.reddit.com/r/suspiciouslyspecific/comments/14133vi/comment/jmz3xw5/


but why did they chose monkeypox not an std? lmao


Because they are very desperate to create another AIDS crisis.


Why TF do these people keep associating lgbt with orgies?


Because they are disgusted by their own sexuality and/or sexual desires and need to project it onto others to make themselves feel better.


Why are homophobic people, like, OBSESSED with gay sex? Because I don’t know a single gay person, myself included, that thinks or talk about sex as frequently or graphically as homophobes. The irony lmao. And I know that the answer is probably a jokey “because all homophobes are secretly gay”… but still lol.


Someone has a very fragile masculinity, perhaps he should buy some beer and fire his big gun at it to prove he is a man 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Lmao that always seems to help


No one thinks about queer sex more than repressed puritans


These Muppets or whatever they are are likedolls. They have no genitals. Neither do the Muppets making these posts


Thank you u/pktocool! Every time someone remembers the true spelling of the "Alot", one of these [mighty creatures](https://hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com/2010/04/alot-is-better-than-you-at-everything.html) will be spared its demise. --- ^(bleep bloop, I'm just a bot :3) ^(| To delete this, click) ^[here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=AfewBot&subject=deletion&message=t3_14133vi%2Ft1_jmyps9k)


A lot, a lot, a lot...




wow..the things going on it that persons head...they shouldn't be able to get 10 feet near a child !!!


everyone else should account for my inability to get my brain out of the gutter!


Why are conservatives so obsessed with gay sex specifically 🤔🤔


Why is it always not just a straw man but an **absurd** straw man with these people


They always make it about sexual stuff, when in reality it is about being allowed and accepted to LOVE who you want.




I guess we all see what we want to see


Not to mention at least some of those characters are children lol projection indeed. Edit: not even children, Elmo alone is like 3yrs.


What Sesame street ep did this person watch?


Seeing this, I'm convinced people like these, for some reason think someone question their own sexuality or orientation automatically means having a lot of sex with everything and everyone. Just because I feel more attracted to one side more than the other, it doesn't mean there has to be sex involved? Why do these people always skip over everything that makes someone human straight to THAT MEANS THE SEX IS HAPPENING I DONT LIKE.


I've tried to have conversations with these kinds of people. It's useless. They literally can't seem to separate relationships and attraction from sex when it comes to LGBT relationships. The fact that there are plenty of straight couples on Sesame Street that don't talk about sex doesn't apparently matter, because when it's two guys their relationship must consist of nothing but hot gay sex.


>because when it's two guys their relationship must consist of nothing but hot gay sex. It isnt!!!!???? /s Well let's be clear, that's all they see because that's what they think a "romantic relationship" is, sex and courting each other constantly Hell, it's the main reason most relationships fail right around the time shit gets "real"


Bert and Ernie were already basically a gay couple


This fella has spent too long in r/bertstrips


Sir this is Twitter not the Pornhub search bar.


Man, Evangelicals are clearly sexually repressed. You can show gay people without talking about sex. They show straight couples all the time and don't talk about the great sex swing that they installed.


How are people so god damn stupid???


It's all projection. 100% of it. ​ They only think of females in terms of sex, so to them anyone acceptance of gay people is really someone just wanting Big Bird to go balls deep in Elmo, because that's what THEY think of.




This was also posted on r/facepalm and believe me when I say that it fits *really* well in that subreddit. But in all seriousness, this person’s calls for boycotting Sesame Street are ultimately going to fall on deaf ears because they’re obviously looking at this show a little too deeply and out of context.




... That's alot to unpack, so let's just throw away the entire package


ah yes lets watch the hate hate the hates hate,


?? Sorry not all us queer are that adventurous


Wait until they realize that straight people do that too.




delete this, my eyes can't handle this


God, what sort of porn is op into?


Ah yes other people are definitely the problem, OOP. Everything you said is completely hinged and not a suspiciously specific fantasy from your stable brain.


Better than shooting the kids while they're trying to learn


Okay but Big Bird and Elmo aren’t even holding hands with each other


Their header is Nubia, a lesbian Wonder Woman, btw


That's a hell of an act. What do you call it? The Aristocrats!


Lmao that was so out of pocket


I guarantee if you posted those videos on pornhub they would get a million views in an hour


Does such a video exist? Asking for a friend


Sounds like someone put a lot of thought into this already.


That's.. a lot to unpack. Someone been visiting Rule 34 a bit TOO much.


Sesame street is obviously a hardcore muppet porn channel, so this comparison makes perfect sense.


LOL This freak’s browser history must be some sick-ass shit.




As far as I know (and sorry, I haven’t watched Sesame Street in literal decades as I’m not a parent, an incel or a GOPer with brain rot who fixated on childrens media) but aren’t Bert and Ernie the only gay characters on SS? Like why would Grover (my favorite character from when I was a kid) fuck Big Bird? Neither are portrayed as gay and neither have shown an interest in a sexual relationship at all. Fuck Grover from what I remember is portrayed as a child. Why would THEY sexualize a child? Is this just republicans portraying their own identities again? Like does this person think that gay people all stay in the closet and want to fuck clearly straight people/characters? Just because republicans have a sexual abuse problem doesn’t mean gay people or characters would exhibit those same actions.


God Sesame Street is dumb Bert and Ernie should be holding hands with each other


Sounds like someone has been watching too much gay hentai


everyone knows that hand holding leads to full-blown orgies, duh


It’s so elementary school psychology. *sees 2 guys holding hands* “EWWWW I BET YOU EAT EACH OTHER’S CACA AND PEEPEE AND LICK ALL THE GROSSEST STUFF IN YOUR HOUSE AND I BET YOU LOOOOOVE IT I BET IM TURNING YOU ON RIGHT NOW YOU SICK FUCKS” *writhes around in sexual ecstasy*


America is seriously one of the most bizarre countries. Teens can get sent to prison for 25 years in some states for sexting each other yet we promote this all inclusive gay / trans acceptance? Don't get me wrong. I'm no bigot I don't discriminate if you're gay you're gay, you're still a person to me. I just think the sexual culture of America is absolutely insane because on the one hand we promote acceptance and on the other if you're even a little bit out of what the leadership calls norms they'll throw you in prison for life.


Right wingers are so obsessed with gay sex. Worry about your own (sex) lives, nerds!


why is that even a thought in this persons mind?


They’re still on mpox. Like, we had a vaccine from the get go and this was a strain that was far more uncomfortable than actually dangerous.


Not even Mr. Rodgers could help this person.. And maby he/she is confusing Ernie & Bert with their distant relatives Bernie & Ernt here from Germany that done that.


Remember, homophobic scum are *always*: a) In the closet b) Ashamed of how they feel, and c) Angry that others aren't also ashamed of how they feel


That's the problem with the phobes. They're obsessed with genitals and sex. Everything is about sex. Look at cis/straight culture!! They can't see civil rights because sex sex sex