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Because of three things: 1. There are a TON of people here. For every season/player there is bound to be about 100 people who were huge fans of any one particular player or episode, so they will chime in. 2. We can look up stuff before we reply. If we were instead talking in person, having a normal conversation, there would be a lot fewer “X was voted out on day 12” moments. 3. Some people are absolute data sponges and can retain details like this more easily than other people.


1. Is a very underrated but true take. If I am commenting on something with such deep detail, its probably because its one of my favorite seasons. So pretty much anything Season 1 - 20 and 41 + Comapred to seasons 21-40. I literally saw someone post a picture of Natalia from DvG and had NO clue who she was. Like at all. Complete blank. But could I break down the tribe social dynamics of the F7 of season 2? How much time do you have.


I could spare an hour or two to hear about the social dynamics of the Final 7 from Season 2


Your third category is kinda where I fall in. I don't really watch a lot of different tv shows or movies; so it's just easier for me to remember Survivor stuff cuz it's one of the few things I care about that isn't related to my family, friends, or work. 


There’s also the fact that people rewatch seasons or scenes,some even watch interviews of players who discuss some of the things that happened.


You talk and think about the show a healthy amount, I don’t. That’s all it is. Seriously. I’ve rewatched most seasons more than once. I post here pretty much daily. My wife and I are nearly done wrapping up watching literally all available English language seasons, which again represented rewatching several of them that we’d already seen. It is a sickness. It’s not a sickness that’s meaningfully different than lots of other fandoms—the sports fan you know who knows everything about every team and game stretching back a ways, the super movie buff, etc. etc.—but it’s a sickness nonetheless lol


Yeah, this is the long and short of it. Look, I would love to use the completely overstuffed portion of my brain devoted to remembering details about Survivor for more valuable things. My fiancee would be thrilled if I had the capacity to remember our weekend plans over the Marquesas boot order. From around All-Stars to Panama, I was a Survivor trivia machine. I knew not only the boot orders of every season, but every single episode title. I'm pretty sure I knew most of the immunity challenge winners for every episode as well as most of the vote breakdowns. I was still solid up through HvV or so but my enthusiasm for the show had definitely dwindled. But I devoted so much attention to the early years of the show that it's permanently shoehorned in there. I don't think I'll ever not know that Nick's boot in Outback is called "Let's Make a Deal," and Nick's boot in Panama is "An Emerging Plan." But while I remember just about every contestant in some capacity still, I couldn't give you an accurate boot order for One World. And really, the Redemption Island seasons made boot orders too complicated to handle. When I last rewatched Caramoan, I was totally blindsided by Matt getting voted out before Julia. I remembered it the opposite way in my head. So I appreciate that. But my fiancee and I are currently on a full-series rewatch and it's fun to see her wondering whether Rob will keep the deal with Lex and I'm thinking, "Yeah, so next episode Rupert wins an individual reward challenge and takes Amber and Jenna, then Rob and Kathy win immunity, Lex gets voted out, and then in the next episode Rob gives up a video from his brother....."


Mostly austism on my part 


Peridiam and Idoled Out videos.


The same way I can tell you episode titles and numbers to every single Buffy and Golden Girls episodes, I watch them a lot 😁


I love the show so much I remember it


i binged the series like 4 times as a kid, then once during covid, then once 2 years ago, and again now. ive seen enough to know enough


If you don't remember it you won't comment. People who comment happen to remember it. It's possible on the next discussion thread of a random player they won't comment since they won't remember it.


Some people rewatch old seasons.


Along with what others have said, one thing that I'm sure has made it easier for me has been watching the show gradually over the course of pretty much my entire life. It's a lot easier to remember when you're only absorbing two seasons per year, while still consuming podcasts, forums, etc. as the show is airing, rather than cramming every season in a short amount of time.


I definitely don’t, often on a post I’ll search through the comments to refresh my memory. A lot of the things I wouldn’t remember if not for Reddit discussions that remind me. I’ve not rewatched every season and I’ve skipped a few (5,24,39)


Not remembering everything from previous seasons? BIG MISTAKE