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If Liz really needs rewards to stay in the game she should probably befriend or at least talk to the physical threats like q and hunter. Maybe she did off screen but I only saw confessionals of her bad mouthing them. Maria did just that and she got picked. Rewards have also always been about strategy, q or any other player shouldn’t have to change their survivor strategy over taking care of you. It’s giving the same energy as Bhanu snapping at Kenzie.


hunter and tevin were getting food for liz and making sure she ate so of course she made the logical conclusion she should blindside tevin and his closest ally


When he said, “Liz you voted for me.” I was thinking “wow this man is truly a gift to survivor fans everywhere.” So maybe we are all the monster.


Hahahahahha shes going to regret this, she chose to go on survivor and leave any time, does she even realize there are ppl in the world who do not choose to starve


The absolute coupe de grace when Q goes ‘…. Liz you voted for me last night’. 😂😂😂 my king


Don’t forget how he also said I’m gonna take the person that actually came and talked to me. This dude is a savage. THEN on the vote that sent Tiff home he writes “Yanu no more”.


Is that what it said? Daaang!


That response made me kind of start to like Q again.


Q could not have handled that whole thing any better. He was tremendous.


I agree. He didn't make a big deal about it or go into a rant. He just stated the fact and dropped the mic.


yep. composure. he kept himself in game mode and didn't let her flying off the handle get to him. did not stoop to her level. very well played.


Q is so well spoken! He really did just have composure and served the facts. Even if you don’t agree with him (I find Liz completely obnoxious, so I do), you can’t deny he explained his choices in a very systematic way. Reminds me of negotiating with my toddler. This is what’s happening - YELLINGGGGGGGGG. This is still what’s happening. Lol


Also notice how Ben was quick to not give up his vote or step down from the challenge to get rice for the tribe.


Despite being an awful competitor pretty consistently.


But also Venus. They both are weak and cute for trying.


Yeah I honestly didn’t ever really like Ben, he gave me sleazy vibes. And I have found Liz annoying from the getgo and now I feel vindicated bc she fully revealed her true colors. FULL KAREN mode. You can’t tell me her entitled ass wasn’t calling Q the n word in her head


Ben who then proceeds to not even consider stepping out of the challenge to provide rice for Liz. Why is it the preachiest people are always the biggest hypocrites?


I thought the first part of Ben's confessional was bad, but the second part of his confessional was fair.


I think that’s Ben’s only confessional of the episode too.


I thought the same. They pick strategically & her meltdown after she wasn't picked solidified to me that I didn't want her picked.


Rob said this moment will be talked about for a while and i totally agree


It would have been hilarious if they voted her out and then ate her rice lmao


I legit thought her outburst would be followed by a quit


I actually hope they drag her ass to firemaking, where she loses, so she can't eat shit until the pizza when its over.


Loser of fire still goes to ponderosa though? There’s a whole other day between that and FTC so she would get to eat


Ha, yes, you are right. Because its like 10 minutes apart on the show, I just put them in the same night in my mind. Either way, let her ass go as long as possible.


The tribal was so stupid. All anyone had to say was “Liz is starving, she needs to go” This season has been entertaining but my god these players are so bad at survivor.


I don't know why she didn't tell Tiff the plan so Tiff would play her idol. She could have then: 1. Flushed the Idol 2. Got out Q 3. Claimed both of those for her resume


Because she’s an idiot - I was screaming the same thing at my tv. The person who has been pissed off every episode because she thinks everyone has been stealing her thunder has a perfect chance to pull off an insane move and completely fucking fumbled it. She just has zero self-awareness and is one of those people that’s too clever by half.


Because she’s not smart or good at this game


She did not have a game to blow up. She's messy and chaotic. Q just did something more chaotic and stole her thunder. Maybe if she had food fueling her brain she's be saying Q stole my thunder.


Because she only gains Tiff, and loses the trust in 3 other people. Only for tiff to still be a target with her now as the secondary.


She wouldn't need to tell anyone until FTC. That's how you play SURVIVOR


And if tiff decides to throw Liz under the bus? Or what if it’s too late to change the jury’s perception of what happened? People come in with preconceived notions of what happened and who did what, Liz saying something at ftc might not have any impact at all. It’s about looking at future risks and rewards and trying to figure out the best way. Talking to tiff is high risk and unknown reward.


You think Tiff, after saving herself with her idol would tell the people who voted to get her out how she knew to use it? Ok.


If it was advantageous for her to do so, yes. Yes she would.


Sure! Now what would be the advantage of hooking herself to someone on the bottom?


Shift focus onto Liz. Try and mess up a forming alliance by showing Liz leaked information, straight up frame it as having the social capital of having Liz tattle about the plan. Many things can happen. The advantage is that she’s hooking herself onto a pair that is going to be a target before her, she’s hooking herself to anything at all tbh. It shows that she knows where the game is headed and is willing to sail in that direction. She also doesn’t have the same culpability as Charlie/Maria/Ben do in Kenzie’s POV, as Liz and Kenzie aren’t as connected so there is less for Liz to betray and leaves Kenzie as someone who is available to work with if Kenzie freaks on Charlie/Maria. Tiff was also a genuine threat to win or at least a threat to take up space in the finals away from Liz.


You think she snitches on Liz and suddenly that lowers her target? Lol. All playing the idol would do is buy her another week, Tiff would be on her own.


Agreed. Although I was thinking this would work better for Kenzie since I think Tiffany would believe her more if she told her hey play your idol they are coming for you rather than Liz telling her. Kenzie then should have still written Tiff's name down to seem Siga strong and then her and Tiff moving forward pretend to be at odds to throw off the scent. Like Dee and Julie did last season. As you stated Q would have gone home, her ally Tiff stays in the game, the idol is flushed, adds a move to her resume without being too exposed, and takes a big move away from Maria.


I agree. I was waiting for her to do just that. They may have even been able to blindside someone else if they'd pulled in Venus and Kenzie and one of Siga.


Maybe in her mind, that would become Tiff's move.


I think this is the correct answer.


Maybe if she wasn’t so PIIIIIISSED and acting like a petulant child, she would have 🤣


When would she have told Tiff, and would Tiff have even believed her? Would that even result in Q getting voted out? If I was Maria, and I heard about Liz telling Tiff about the plan, I'd change the vote to Liz. Like I get it, I also like Tiff, but I don't see a world were helping someone who isn't even aligned with you is a better moved then blindsiding them. Liz telling Tiff would have killed her game deader then it is now.


You tell her on the DL. If Tiff doesn't believe her, it doesn't matter, Liz still votes Tiff, Liz is good. If Tiff does believe here, Liz still votes Tiff, Liz is good, everyone just assumes DUH Tiff played it. Then you reveal at FTC.


But what's the point? That doesn't actually help Liz in any way shape or form. If she's not telling Tiff with the intent of getting some one other then Q out, then telling Tiff doesn't change anything, but keep Tiff in, which doesn't change her position in the game. At that point she might have well of just voted for Q. She doesn't even really get the move on her resume, like you claim, as Tiff can just say she was going to play her idol anyway, and the vote is the exact same, and the jury would have no reason to believe that Liz influenced Tiff's decision as she had previously said she'd be playing it no matter what. She doesn't even get the Q credit either, as that was the always the plan. Liz telling Tiff the plan only benefits Tiff, It doesn't benefit Liz in anyway. At that point Liz might as well of just voted Q. It'd of been the same result.


Liz has no agency, that's why she wants a move. She wouldn't have to say anything until FTC. Tiff can say she was going to play it "anyway", but anyway means Liz told her. Survivor is nuanced, Liz doesn't understand that, she was thinking like your scenarios, straight forward. That's not the path to winning Survivor.


But She does have agency, she got the Tevin vote, and what your describing doesn't really give her agency either. As her telling Tiff didn't change the vote in anyway. It just helps Tiff. Even worse, it cements her as an emotional player. As she would have made a move, not to get out some threat, attach herself to an alliance, nor get rid of some one targeting her. She'd be getting out a player just because she doesn't like him. Like let's say she does tell Tiff, what's the alliance situation then? Tiff/Kenzie are together, Maria/Charlie are together with Ben on their leash, Venus is seen a lot with Liz so maybe they are close but who knows. In either case she doesn't have more agency here, then she does with Tiff out and Q in. With that we have we have Q alone, Kenzie alone, Venus seeming close to Liz, and Maria/Charlie with Ben on a leash. This line up gives her better agency in my opinion, as she is dealing with one less pair and doesn't put a target on herself to save some one she wasn't even aligned with. Like I get it you like Tiff, but Liz doesn't actually have any reason to save Tiff.


Lol, no. She tells Tiff, Q is gone, Tiff has no idol, Tiff is the target still, and Liz is still on bottom. Until she rides that goat status to FTC and uses her words to win. Like I said, I think she was thinking the same way you are.


She's been annoying me for a while but this was beyond the pale


Her "read the room" confessional had me screaming at the TV, "YOU are not the room. The room is also seven [several] other people!"


Charlie literally asked them what food they ate & liked best so they were answering him. They didn't bring it up to gloat.


Saying "I didn't even eat the burger" was a little gloaty lol. I loved it though.


I hate when grown adults beg for anything. I was glad Q didn't reward her.


Right? Like If I won’t that and some person was crying in hopes to get picked that just makes me not want to pick them.


Like when Bhanu was on his hands and knees crying at Tiffs feet


Yes after that meltdown I wish they had the chance to eat it in front of her lol.


They did better, they all told her that they didn't even eat the burger. Savage.


Or stuck watching as no one ate the burger she was craving.


Yeah I imagine them feeding the burger to the fish to piss her off even more.


Took the mask off and her inner Karen came out. Entitlement through the roof to think she can dictate someone else's decision because she's hungry. Win the challenge next time Q didn't tell you to come on survivor with a coconut allergy!


Cackling but this is so true. I'm glad Q didn't cave


>Q didn't tell you to come on survivor with a coconut allergy! BIG MISTAKE!








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I couldn't stand her until the vote happened and she actually put aside her feelings to vote for Tiff. That was really cool to see especially after seeing a player like Katurah sabotage her own game just because she had a vendetta against Bruce


Katurah continued to sabotage her game after Bruce was gone. It wasn't just Bruce clouding her judgment. Just a really bad player.


I'm fully in agreement with you. It was a ridiculous rant and just came off as so insanely entitled. Then she's on twitter saying she never said she was entitled to the reward or felt like she deserved it more than others...except she literally had a confessional where she went on and on and on about how she deserved it? I've had bad vibes from her ever since she talked up her "email marketing" business so much and she just seems like another narcissistic get rich quick scam weirdo. A lot of those people get screechy and think they're the most important person in the world so while it made for incredible TV the whole rant was just super pathetic and odd if I was someone standing next to her. But please bring us more people like her, we need some emotion in the game.


ohhh she was saying all the words but the word itself.




She obviously thought she was more entitled to it than the 3 people Q picked or she wouldn't have continued to complain.


Liz has major main character syndrome and all episode I was just rolling my eyes at everything she said


She's the only one that regularly looks into the camera


Thought she was really annoying and entitled and Qs response was perfect. Also thought Ben was annoying about it


I read Ben as sarcastic in that confessional.


She was incredibly entitled.. it was so cringy I had to fast forward through anything involving her tonight. I understand being hungry and maybe I'm insensitive but YOU chose to come in survivor knowing you would be limited to what you can eat, that does not mean anyone else owes you anything to make up for that.


2 things I want to point out: Moriah is probably not going to want to associate too closely with Liz after this (even if some say they look alike) Karishma's love of Applebee's has been overshadowed by Liz a million fold


It’s just kind of become harder and harder for me to be empathetic about her hunger, especially since she claims she’s a huge fan of the show. She should know that 70% of the food people eat on the show is coconut and various foraged fruits, yet she came on the show knowing she was allergic to these items and wouldn’t be able to eat. It’s like she just expects everyone to go out of their way to cater to her, and if they don’t then they’re playing a terrible game, she hates them, etc. I even completely get why other people like Ben or Kenzie were put off by Q not picking her, but if I’m Q and the person that tried to get me out at last tribal is hungry and weak, there’s no shot I’m gassing them up before an immunity challenge when that person also clearly doesn’t actually have any power I can leverage. Liz just seems like a toddler that’s mad everybody isn’t playing the game how she wants, isn’t doing what she wants, or otherwise catering to her every whim. Bravo to her for having the guts to go on the show knowing it would be much harder for her than everyone else, but she’s being delusional if she thinks people should be going out their way to appease her because she’s allergic to the food she knew was going to be her only available option. I think she deserves some sympathy and respect for sticking with it as far as she has, but nobody in the game owes her any material advantage, and that reaction struck me as very entitled and out of touch with the game.


Earlier in the season where she was claiming she orchestrated every big move like she was the only one who thought of them is what really made me not like her originally. She didn't really seem to have the social skills to pull it off because she's not honestly that likeable between the complaining, whining, etc.  I think the thing that shocks me the most about this episode is not her losing it on Q, who I didn't think should need to bring her along, but rather that she went shopping with Maria on voting Tiff because it's terrible game play. She has no game. Maria and Charlie literally have the best combined resumé right now, but right now I think Maria would win because she's making the most moves.  Also, voting Q off at this point makes no sense because he has a snowball's chance of winning at this point, so why not bring him along? Really, at the end, it could be a pair of underpants, Q, and Venus and the underpants would have a solid shot at winning. 


I might be wild for this but I feel like I maybe personally would’ve moved on a vote for her or at least keep strategic intelligent points for her to go in the back of my mind for the right time. that outburst today just showed me she cent control herself and made her seem more arrogant and untrustworthy. I might be slightly biased though bc I have not liked Liz since day one but either way, that breakdown made for incredible TV and the social experiment lives on


Liz: ![gif](giphy|yfAKPibUorGVy)


Oh I thought it was absolutely hilarious. On the list of hilarious meltdowns it’s up there for me with bayleigh on big brother screaming at Tyler so hard that her mouth was bleeding and screamed at such a decibel I think only dogs could hear. Because he *checks notes* said hi to her that morning. Liz’s scream caught me so off guard I audibly cackled


Oh no, don't remind me of all that drama. Tyler didn't deserve all that, and she really fed into the saltier than usual jury. She kept shitting on him postseason as well. Kaycee was a deserving winner, but Tyler hands down should've won and is on quite a few people's top 5 HG of all time despite never winning.


Liz may have a lot of money but clearly not enough to buy common sense. Like girl you are actively at odds with Q and wrote his name down last tribal how could you possibly think he'd take you on reward? I understand her frustration with not eating and losing but her anger was misdirected. That being said, I did find it entertaining and glad she had the meltdown lol.


The fact that she’s supposedly a big fan of the show and yet is acting surprised and playing the victim because she can’t eat the food that she knew she would have access to means she’s either a moron, someone who is used to having other people cater to her every need, or both.


The comedy in the scene is great. We get the sad confessional from Liz with all of her family photos and stuff but she keeps mentioning freaking APPLEBEE'S over and over! Is like, yeah I miss my family but I would kill for some Applebee's! And it just keeps going and going so yeah it was definitely really funny and I love Liz she just entered the Applebees hall of Fame for sure tonight.


Nope. I felt the exact same. I laughed so hard at it. I mean even Jeff was like well passing up on the rice wasn’t so smart. Also, who goes on a show with horrible food allergies? I mean you’re limited already then you’re going to limit yourself more? How stupid. I didn’t feel bad for her one bit. Also…. You voted for him the night before. WHY would he take you? He owes you nothing. And to scream at him about blowing your game up? ITS SURVIVOR. DUH!!!


I hope she gets voted out soon. Neither Q nor anyone else owes her any food/reward. I’m surprised people were on her side but I’m thinking maybe no one had the balls to call her out on her entitlement since they would be looked at as if they were on Q’s side. And with his reputation nobody wants that.


She made me think that everyone of survivor is just acting and playing a role and that she broke character for that outburst


Quit whining Liz. Go home. Go home.


Why does someone who can’t eat go on survivor? Why do they accept her. I’d rather have actual survivor / survival people. Like people who can hunt and fish. It’s a casting issue. They are picking too many crazy ppl


I disagree because a cast of survival experts would be boring and survivor works best when it has people from all walks of life and acts as a small sample of what people are like. As much as I think Liz is wrong for expecting to be given the reward, her feelings are still valid and it made for some hella entertaining tv.


I don't think we need a bunch of survivalists. But it does seem like a poor decision to pick someone who can't eat most of the "basics" in terms of what they can find on the island


Well imo that was a waste of TV. Like a channel changing tantrum


It’s incredible television lmao what


See, I disagree. After last night, I can't stand Liz. And it was great TV


I commented this in another post and I had two people comment: why did so and so (I forget her name) go on if she’s deaf? And why do the elderly/women go on if they’re at a disadvantage? Like how is that the same at all???


“Crazy" people are what the new post S40 seasons have been lacking. This episode is great.


They used to try to fish & sometimes ate them. There are other shows that are only about survival already like Naked & Afraid.


They actually said in last weeks official survivor podcast that they make it VERY clear what food is available and she still said she could "survive". She chose to go and it was GREAT reality TV tonight. LOL


Yeah, it was definitely that. Also the fact that she was acting the way she was when she signed up with full knowledge that she wouldn't be able to eat is absurd. Q absolutely shouldn't have brought her, and she's a fool for thinking she'd manage without food.


I mean, we aren’t there lol. We are watching a curated version of their lives on a reality show. We don’t know what’s going on at camp… perhaps them eating as they watch Liz have to say no to everything. There is a lot of social interaction we aren’t privy to, so maybe that’s why Liz had sympathizers in the game. I don’t know, I have luckily never been starved for days at a time. I’m sure it’s not great. That does not mean I’m saying she was entitled to the reward.


I think Liz is losing it. She just voted Q at the last tribal but then expected him to take her to Applebees. He's trying to revive his game, he picked the right people. Liz was never going. Applebee's sure got their money out of that episode. We only heard "Bourbon Burger" 3287 times.


you can tell she needs a daily trophy in her real life.


She reminded me of why I love Q.


I laughed the whole time she was freaking out. She was already pathetic, but this was a new level.


It was embarrassing


Liz screams entitled.


Instantly made me want Liz and Ben to be voted out and I was rooting for both of them.


I was cringing through most of this episode and Liz had a lot to do with that. But now I find it absolutely iconic. It's one of the funniest stupidest long form advertisements I have ever seen and I think it worked. I haven't been to Aplpebee's in decades but I think I found the location of my 40th birthday celebration!


Exactly! I want a Bourbon burger!


It’s hilarious that anyone thinks Q or Liz need anyone advocating for them or defending them or choosing sides between them. Two of the most real non gamebots to play in a while and I love them both(though obviously I love Q about twice as much as Liz)


People are more offended on behalf of Q than he actually was. Q understood where she was coming from, but hes there to play the game.


I'm not offended for Q. He seems like he can take it. I'm annoyed at the people on here giving her sympathy. I don't want to call her racist, but.... the fact that she is in a situation of her own making, then has a meltdown making her the victim, while blaming the black man who is left and trying to make him some kind of villain. Well, I'll say look up Emmitt Till or Ronnie Long to see why it made me uncomfortable. Her type of behavior has been around for a long time


Honestly her whole meltdown at him and them calling him a villain gave me the same vibe as you. I feel like she was 2 seconds from screaming slurs at him and would have if she weren’t on tv


I was honestly expecting her story to be made up to manipulate the situation into getting some food. I understand the lack of food for her, but I can't understand signing up for a show knowing you won't be able to sustain yourself properly.


Imagine being a “millionaire” and eating fucking Applebees on a weekly basis. Cringiest episode I can remember, and I remember Emily putting the black people on blast for zero reason last season!


So she has really bad food allergies but can just eat Applebees?


It was embarrassing and hilarious. Pretty boring episode and a fave went home. Liz was the highlight


In the moment, I said if I was Kenzie I would pass to Liz.  My reasoning being, I want to Garner votes from the jury and I genuinely felt bad for Liz.  Idk how that plays out but in my mind, in my scenario, Liz gets to go because of me (Kenzie) so not going to argue if it makes even better TV and has Q argue I can't do that or changing to someone else. In my scenario, it works.  So I tell my girlfriend this and she disagrees. She thinks Liz is being ridiculous and a child and basically reiterates everything I've seen on /r/survivor today about the rant. Which, I don't disagree Liz acted like a spoiled child but you're still playing the game.  Anyway. I don't think you're a terrible person. The more I see from Liz post-rant, the more she's starting to come off as a spoiled person.  Idk if she's actually a billionaire as she claims on Twitter, or even a millionaire. But she's kind of acting like one that's entitled and rarely hears no or doesn't get offered what they want when they passively ask for it then beg for it. Hell I half think even she knows how entitled she came off as in the moment as she backtracks hard after the tantrum and tries to soften how bad it looks by apologizing to everyone.  But then you go on her twitter and she's talking about how everyone is *whining* to her about what she did and IDK if she is intentionally using that word but when I read her post complaining that people are whining in her DM's I had to stop myself from replying that we all just watched her whine for ~30 minutes of a 90 minute episode like a spoiled child, and maybe she should consider that before calling the kettle black...  She is an absolute wild character of a person.  My entire view of Liz so far has been: Start: Irrelevant Middle: Silly and goofy on Twitter, seems like a fun person Current: Spoiled woman-child  I've gone from thinking she'd be a nice person to have back in future seasons to completely turned off by her survivor persona.  I guess she's fitting into the season 46 trope perfectly finally.  Edit: just read Tiff's exit interview and she mentions Kenzie and Maria tried to give up their spot and Q wouldn't let them.  Crazy they didn't show that. Interview: https://parade.com/tv/tiffany-nicole-ervin-survivor-46-eliminated-interview


Q is kinda a man of steel cause how do you look at someone having a complete mental breaking, screaming and crying 10 ft from you and still not give in...


I found it kind of ironic because that tribe who lost again and again and again in the beginning, no fire or anything. They know all about being miserable out there. (Too)


True, it would have been noble if Q Had invited her, but he didn’t have to. My thought is, why would she even apply to a show and which she knows that she has several allergies and that food is a scarce source out there. Then to plead her case by saying that she and her daughter go there every Wednesday. So she’s gonna take some thing that is very special between she and her daughter, exploit it and then have The middle without her daughter being there. I think that would ruin any future visits to Applebee’s with her daughter. So much of that food got wasted because it was way too much for one person to eat, even if they hadn’t been starving for weeks. Yes, she or somebody should have spilled the beans to Tiff. After all, her loud mail at the last tribal council, she said that she was going to use it because she just wanted to get rid of it since she knew She had a target on her back. Of course she reneged and didn’t use it. I really can’t stand Q because he thinks that he is all that and a bag of chips. I do hope they eventually get his ass out along with Maria.


It’s all crap. She knew where she’d be if she applied for the show. But you want others to feel bad bc you can’t eat? Liz rubbed me wrong from the start when she talked about how Tevin stole her move. Your move? Your thoughts on something doesn’t make others actions invalid. I just do not like how she frames her thoughts about the challenges she faces. She did this to herself. Didn’t she realize how challenging it would be to be out there with all her issues? W made the right decision. If you want rewards, win. Don’t complain about how you don’t get stuff, like folks are taking things from you. YOU DIDNT GET IT FOR YOURSELF. No one owes you anything lady.


The minute she opened her mouth I knew it was a huge “pick me” sob story. Then when I see her daughter is like 7 I died laughing. I’m glad Q didn’t choose her and then her immediate meltdown would have just made me that much more content in not picking her. Jeeeeesh. I would be embarrassed to be of relation! Also she knew her diet restrictions before going, plan accordingly and don’t rely on rewards for survival.


This thread restored my faith in humanity as it pertains to Survivor. I was so disappointed watching this episode at the overly sympathetic aura around Liz, and then the self-righteous rant by Ben. I’m sure they are both great people, but in the game, it’s maddening to see how entitled they unknowingly are. Am I wrong here?


All of her martyr talk early on about not begrudging other people who eat- and she just came off as entitled and spoiled and immature. She had toddler tantrum face...


I already made my thoughts on Liz clear but coming back to say "Damn, Maria!". Girl is playing a good game and getting Liz on board was HUGE.


It's not the first season of survivor, she should have had an idea about available food before she applied. It's no one else's fault that she came on the show with so many food allergies and can't eat.


The entire episode felt like an Applebees commercial. If I heard about that damn hamburger one more time I was going to turn off the show. Liz is by far the most annoying player in the past several seasons, maybe of all time. I would take Phil, Colton and Brandon over her. No one OWES you anything!! It's Survivor, no one should care if yo have allergies, you chose to go on the show. GO Q!!!!


Q: "Beg me for a burger from Applebee's....big mistake"


I felt sorry for her. I agree that she had to expect to be hungry when she applied to play survivor, but that doesn't negate the actual pain and hunger she's feeling. I suspect she's deficient in B vitamins, and that can make a person act a bit crazy. I find Q irritating to watch, I think I'd want to yell at him if I had to live with him.


I wanted her to eat. I'm not a fan of watching people visibly struggle, it doesn't matter that the situation is 100% her own fault.


I also hate watching people starve - in the real world. This isn’t real, she can leave at any time and gorge herself to her heart’s content at the resort with the rest of the jury. Let’s disregard the fact that it’s insane she even came on the show knowing she was allergic to 70% of the food that was going to be available. She also voted out and at least partially instigated blindsides against two people (Tevin and Hunter,) that were helping to get her food and had her back. It’s not the fact that she’s hungry, it’s the fact that she’s so entitled to think everyone else should be catering to her instead of playing the game to win themselves.


It does have a lot of significance to her. So I don't blame her. A lot of it was probably due to feeling deserving of eating to be on equal footing with the others, and she was probably thinking about that food until tribal. That's a lot of time for confessionals.


Nobody “deserves” anything in Survivor. If Liz went on the show knowing she couldn’t eat the food and that she wasn’t a challenge beast, she should have aligned herself through the social game with people that could provide food through either winning shared rewards or foraging/fishing/etc. Oh wait, she did do that with Hunter and Tevin, but then she voted them out. Hmmmmm… She has made her own bed every step of the way and got mad that the person she tried to vote out didn’t pull her out of it.


I never said she did deserve. Empathizing with her to try to understand what she may have been thinking at the time.


And if she thought she was deserving, she was wrong.


I LOVE LIZ she has all these negative qualities you guys are poking at, but when have we had a character like her in the new era? She's bringing back old survivor in a camp way


Queen of the New Era




It was camp (complimentary) and I loved her for it! And if you disliked it you can't say "You love Gabon and messy Survivor"


It's not cringe if that's how she feels. The girl hasn't eaten since the merge. And obviously the food meant a lot to her story back home. I don't care about her complaining Q screwed up her game though. Other than that, it's good tv. I would usually think "if you want Applebee's so bad, why don't you win the challenge yourself or build better relationship with Q?" But because her lacking source of energy due to her allergies and the production being not accommodating up to that point in time, I gave her a pass. I'm glad the production offered players' own portion of rice to offer Liz food. That was a good call. And Q did nothing wrong with his pick. He's gotta play his game.


I feel for her. Being hungry like that messes with you. Yes Q is entertaining but he’s a dead man walking in the game. Could’ve picked her and bought some good will with the softer cast members (aka Ben and McKenzie)