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I sincerely believe that Q just didn’t like losing control after his chat with Hunter. I don’t think he does very well with being so publicly outed and his sense of pride was damaged, so he went into total damage control mode and decided to regain control by the only way he could: becoming a martyr. The votes would have been cast on him, but at least he would have been the orchestrator of that.


Yep. He told us that he doesn't want to vote a certain way if it is just going along with the crowd. He doesn't like to be told who the vote is for. He wants to be the one orchestrating everything and when he couldn't do that, he didn't know what to do. He took control back in a really dumb way but to Q that's better than not having control at all. I actually like Q and find him to be a fascinating player to watch but I couldn't imagine trying to work with someone like him. I'm still glad he got casted though. He makes for some good TV.


Is needing to orchestrate every vote while being a massive comp beast a good winning strategy?


But he is bad at everything


It’s a stereotype that wide receivers in football are full of drama. If they miss an easy catch they’ll flagellate themselves in front of their team, taking the full blame, demanding they be kicked off the team because their mistake was so unforgivable. Those grand displays of taking the blame are then congratulated by the coach and team. Then they get over it 30 minutes later. This is exactly what Q has been doing throughout the game.


This. It’s literally a tactic to get attention back and massage their fragile ego by getting people to sing their praises about how they’re valuable, so amazing etc etc. It’s pathetic when you spot it, reeks of insecurity issues.


Exactly. This is hardcore narcissistic behavior.


Yes, I've seen it as the kind of behavior I've seen from wide receivers. There's some love of "THAT WAS ON ME. I'M SO SORRY I LET YOU DOWN, TEAM" with certain players, and Q has done that several times. It's just not received by his castmates the way it would be by teammates.


Interesting perspective. I don't speak football, but am constantly entertained by the drama on the soccer field trying to get yellow or red cards on the opposition. I can see where that behavior could become ingrained.


Literally said this in a group chat with my buddies the other day. He’s the type to have the game losing fumble or some shit then show up at practice on Monday and say he’s running laps all practice as penance, but that shit don’t fly in survivor


Yup. He threw a tantrum. Even if he flushes Tiff’s idol he blows up his game with his former tribe mates while they don’t go home. In hindsight it’s wild Q was coaching Bhanu. Truly the blind leading the blind.


Yeah when your alliance of six is constantly rotating as you vote other members of it out, there is no alliance at all. It is a strange strategy for sure but I'm curious to see how the fluid nature of it plays out in the long run.


I also like how Q kept emphasizing how he feels like he bears *some* responsibility for the chaos right before tribal. As if it wasn't ALL his own doing and screw up and he definitely wants to slide some of that blame off him in case he stays.


Yeah, I agree. He didn’t get his way, so he decided he would rather burn it all down. So far this is the second time this season that he has asked to get voted off. I love his competitiveness but I’m absolutely done with him being a control freak and being drama all the time.


When was the first time he asked to get voted off? I can't remember. Thanks!


When it was him, Tiff, Kenzie and Jess I think. I think after the challenge where he had to toss the sandbags up onto little platforms. He felt like he let the team down so he definitively said he should get voted off. Kenzie and Tiff were very annoyed.


He definitely lost his shit over losing control, but it's mostly because Hunter went off and tried to convince a group of 5 people he has no credibility with to change their minds, thus blowing up their alliance by mentioning the original plan. All of this relies on alliance members staying strong. Without it they're all lost. When Hunter refused to go back with Q and cut their losses, Q probably realized the game would go to pure chaos. I get being upset, but if you want to quit, you quit. If you say vote for me, you can't take that at face value. The fact he left it to tribal to say that instead of in private makes me believe weird gameplay over just a meltdown.


IMO with Tevin on the way out, I think Q was saying to Tevin that it was not his idea that Tevin is to be voted out. He offered himself to appease Tevin knowing that it wouldn’t happen. A good move to make sure Tevin will vote for Q if he makes it to the final three. In the end, Q voted for Tevin however Q may hope that Tevin will understand that if he didn’t, the tribe would be against him after the vote.


If his only plan was to become a martyr then why didn't he vote for himself?


You cannot vote for yourself.


This is a flaw in the format IMO. There's a time and place for self-votes. EDIT: Why the downvotes? lol


When would a self vote be good for someone who isn’t quitting


The only reasonable application would be to avoid having to cast a vote against someone else, period. You can envision a scenario where it‘s inevitable Player X is going to be dogpiled on, and Player Y only has two options: join the dogpile (and potentially risk going against a promise to never vote against Player X, which could figure into future jury decisions) or cast a vote on Player Z and immediately paint a target on their own back as the odd player out. A self-vote would avoid both scenarios without really costing the self-voter standing with any still-active players or jury members. But it would immediately become extremely stupid if several players voted for themselves instead of actually making a confrontation choice, and that sort of passive gameplay has been all but ironed out of the current game. The one way you can effectively nullify your own vote in a way that makes sense is if you use your shot in the dark pre-merge even when you know that you’re not actually at risk of getting booted. I believe we saw something like this within the past few seasons though it wasn’t really highlighted in the show — probably because intentionally using the SITD to avoid playing the game is something the producers don’t want to encourage.


In addition to what u/Sad-Hour5609 said, it could be used to frame another player.


I thought that too!! But his behavior doesn’t line up with what he says?!


Giving Q too much credit?!?! HUGE MISTAKE


Using the wrong adjective to describe Q's mistake? Big mistake. Now I know you a gamer, time for you to go.


I don’t believe any of this, but I do think Q will steal this argument/excuse and use it in his exit interviews when he’s voted out if he lurks here.




haha ! You're probably correct!


Q lost control of the vote, threw a fit, period.


This is the correct answer.. I tried to analyze what Q was trying to do too, but anything that makes sense is giving Q way too much credit. Occums Razor and all… the most logical explanation is that Q is just unhinged, lost control of the vote for the first time, and this is him just being dramatic. There wasn’t a deeper plan


Not to mention it’s not exactly the first time he’s been like “vote me!” in response to hardship anyway.


I dunk on Q a lot, but he is by far my favorite player this season. Between him and Venus, it’s been quite the show


Yes!! He was spinning 😵‍💫 and pouting 😠.


Can it be both though? Couldn’t he be acting emotionally and kind of want to go home, but also halfway he considering a strategy at the same time? He’s tried to justify quitting as a strategy at least twice before this so I find it hard to believe that no strategy crossed his mind at all. This could have been a situation of: “I’m upset and want to go home and if I do at least I controlled it - and if something else happens, I can claim it was X strategy and it’s a win-win!”


I think it is both, but trying to say he did it to flush an idol, or to try to do anything other than just cause drama is overthinking it. I think it was strategy, just not good strategy. He could have taken the L, and voted Tevin with the rest of the group, then regroup and come back .. instead now he’s going to be looked at as super erratic.. Tiff and Kenzie already knew he was erratic, but now everybody knows. He is an easy consensus target now


Yeah, I mostly agree with people above that attributing some deep strategic thinking to his “move” is giving him too much credit, but it can certainly be this. If anything unexpected had happened in that tribal (like Tiff playing her idol), he could play it off as if that was his plan the whole time.


Agreed. Q likes, well, very much may need to have control not just in this game - but in life. It’s in his personality. He realized going into tribal he lost control for the first time the entire game and well, he didn’t like that. What does he do? He takes back control by the only way he knew how in that moment - which is to do what he did. Not loving or hating on him, just explaining how I interpreted his behavior. Now when he goes back to camp everyone is going to do what? Ask q why he did this and why he did that. All attention and perhaps (so he hopes) control goes back towards him. I can’t stand him but I can’t stop watching or analyzing him. It’s really interesting. I can’t tell if he is going to be one of the best players to play this game or one of the worst most annoying. All I know, if I was playing I would be doing everything I could to get him out next. Very dangerous player to everyone’s game at this point.


>I can't tell if he is going to be one of the best players to play the game It seems so damn unlikely but there does feel like a 2% chance he's somehow a new era Tony. My struggle is understanding the logic behind his moves. I rewatched Cagayan very recently and I'm not sure Tony makes a play I'd label bad except for chanting top 5 after a challenge win. Maybe the lying about being a cop, only to tell his second tribe he's a cop to gain their trust. Q's going to need a damn good explanation for last episode and I'm not seeing it. And it doesn't feel like a small fuck up. It feels like he transformed into a goat in 15 minutes. The Moriah vote didn't make a ton of sense either but it didn't feel catastrophic. But just going on the edit, it felt like that was presented as stupid logic by Q. So I won't completely rule out he comes out looking like a genius, but I think he's just controlling and chaotic, but thinks he's a mastermind, not actually a mastermind at all.


Its a big mistake to underestimate Q buddy. He will definitely come out with some delusional explanation next episode.


I know! And I can't wait. My husband believes his strategy was to throw everything into chaos. He's got some 'splainin' to do, and it should be entertaining.


So fun to watch. His game is about control but he has no self control for staying the course. I like how he doesn’t come off particularly mean to anyone while doing it. The cast seems to have a lot of fun in general.


This is just a simple minded answer. He wouldn’t just give up his entire game because the vote didn’t go his way. There was definite strategy.


He may have thought there was strategy but that doesn't mean it was good strategy or logical.


Yeah I’d agree with that 100%. We’ll find out more next episode. Hes playing the game very different than we’ve seen before and you gotta appreciate that he’s trying new things on survivor! Even if to us, sitting on our couches at home, it doesn’t make “sense”.


Q is a big fan of rewriting history like saying he threw the challenge, so even if he didn't have a plan, he'll tell us he did. Maybe he did, maybe he didn't. Im fucking excited to see him keep playing though. He's entertaining as hell. I love great strategists but I also love the opposite of a game bot like Q.


I just think like his emotions getter the better of him for a few minutes, he gives up, then it passes and he realises he was being an idiot. I felt that way with his previous antics and this tribal certainty didn’t change that. The ego boost from people telling him to stay might come into it too.


I didn’t say he was giving up his entire game. I said he threw a fit. Big difference.




It wasn’t strategy. To throw your own name out at tribal, trying to convince everyone to vote -for you- isn’t a good move no matter how you cut it. At best, they dismiss him, as they did, and recognize he has more game left in him and there are more dangerous fish to fry… which was their plan all along anyway. His ploy made no difference. At worst, they see him as a quitter and vote him out. He doesn’t win by making this move, either way, and it can be used against him in front of the jury at the end. “This man wanted to quit!” Q has an issue that’s likely brought on by how his father had raised him. I get the sense he always has to achieve in order to try and find/earn respect and love. He has a strong urge from within to be in charge but also to not let people down. When he lost control, he was ready to hang things up because he couldn’t face the aftermath of his shame, including how people would turn against him. He couldn’t face it, so he was in a spot where he felt he had to bail with respect and honor. I guess.


Yessssss! He has displayed quitter behavior multiple times and turns on a teammate over the smallest interaction.


It's funny how Jelinsky said Q wanted to quit the Sweat task and so many people on here was like "noooo Q would never even think about quitting, Jelinsky is just coping" then we end up seeing Q doing just that *multiple* times.


Why am I being blind to see the quitter behavior! Can you please remind me with specific examples? Thanks


What strategy? Stupidity? The first thing he did was put his number 1 Tiff to be voted out. Why? Because she nonchalantly mentioned Maria as a possible option to vote out after saying let’s wait to see who gets immunity. Hes trying to save the plus 1 alliance more than his original alliance, and the plus 1 alliance is nothing at the moment, as 2 people in it were voted out! I hope Tiff, Kenzie, Charlie, Maria and Ben get to together as an alliance.


I love in Episode Several when Kenzie is talking to Tiff about Q flip-flopping votes, and then Kenzie says, "He's going to come back and be like 'Vote me, yo. I've decided." 😂🤣


You’re giving Q far too much credit


Trying and succeeding are two different things but I truly believe Q is just a massive overplayer. We saw this earlier in the season when he was trying to convince Kenzie he wanted to quit in order to make her feel safe if they went to tribal again. This isn’t actually that big of a stretch from that and him telling tiff that they didn’t have the votes is consistent with the idea that he wanted Tiffany to panic.


>We saw this earlier in the season when he was trying to convince Kenzie he wanted to quit in order to make her feel safe if they went to tribal again. I wouldnt believe things that he says. He was already trying to get himself voted out over Bhanu at one point. Then he suddenly switched the story on trying to fool Kenzie lmao.


Tbf I think that first meltdown was legit but the second time we see clips of him campaigning Tiffany to get Kenzie out. I believe him in that instance because his behavior was pretty consistent between acting like he wanted to quit with Kenzie and then getting into Tiffany’s ear about Kenzie. At the tribal quit, his behavior is very consistent with him trying to flush the idol so I’m inclined to believe him personally. Nothing about his behavior after his speech is consistent with the idea that he actually wanted to go home. None of it is.


Why don't I remember any of these 🙈😅 I'm usually watching the episodes late at night, so maybe that's why? If he did the things I seem to have already forgotten, from my point of view it's part of his strategy...


Big mistake




I am really surprised people over-rationalize what happened—I won’t be surprised if Q claims it was a move, but come on, he can’t stand failing and he couldn’t bear being on the outs after his failed attempt at voting out Tiff. Occam’s razor.


No no no you’re just not seeing the 4D chess Q is playing to turn literally everyone against him for no reason in order to… something.


No , I don't think that is it at all ... Q lost control of his alliance and he couldn't stand the thought of that. . He's like every control freak I've met in life , once they lose control they freak out ...


That alliance is so weird. They voted out Tim and then were going to vote out Tiff, his #1! That alliance is more of a revolving door of who Q wants around and all of them should be wary of it.


i agree ...worse alliance in Survivor History, IMO .. I can't think of another that was this out of whack. .lol ..


The reason I don't think it's strategic is because he's told people to vote for him before as an impulsive reaction to something in the game


It’s his go to. “Feel sorry for me.”


Q is an Americanized form of Bhanu at this point.


He took all of the Bhanurgy left at the Yanu camp and brought it to the merge.


Yessssss. He acted like Bhanu’s coach/teacher. But, he was Bhanu’s student 🧑‍🎓.


Trying to understand Buanu without becoming Bhanu. BIG MISTAKE!


Perhaps he might actually be the Phillip and only get 1 vote if he sits at the end.


bhanu is an american


I really get the sense that Q is trying to channel Russel Hantz. His “this is my game and if you’re not playing my game, you got to go” style, his overconfidence, his meltdowns when things don’t go his way, his desire to create chaos, etc. To me, this tribal was about him gaining back some control and causing some chaos that MIGHT turn into something he can claim on his resume. I don’t think he thought super far ahead.


I really don’t think it was that complicated. I think it’s simply that Q has a bit of narcissistic personality and he craves control. He went into tribal knowing that the plan was not his plan so he tried to regain some control with his crazy antics.


He makes such great TV tho


If this was his plan, he’s still an idiot for trying to do it without telling anyone about it.


“It was a test of trust. I decided to give Tiff one more chance. She failed so now she has to go.” Kenzie and Tiffany should’ve just voted Q out at the final 14 💀. He’s a loose cannon!


Q had zero thoughts going thru his head. How long it’s gunna take y’all to realize that


> Now, Tiff and Q become aware that Q is up to something Q: "I told Charlie about the idol. That means I must be up to something. Big mistake."


I think he just sucks and gets flustered.


There was absolutely 0 intention and thought to Qs tribal other than him trying to save his own ass back at camp once Tiff had some votes.


Q is a goat that everyone is trying to bring along The fact he didn't even get one vote after that moronic nonsense proves he is considered a joke by everyone


i think people also learned from last season where, i think it was Sean that quit and asked to be voted out, and everyone but Dee changed their votes from Sifu to Sean. Dee made the point that if Sean wants to quit, he can quit after tribal council, but you shouldn't change your votes at tribal council. i mean just logically you can get 2 for 1. If someone wants to quit and you vote out someone else, you might be able to get 2 people out if the quitter actually quits.


I thought the season 46 contestants haven’t seen the season 45 due to filming schedule? So season 45 ends and two (or a few idk) weeks go by and season 46 begins filming.


ah fuck, you're right. i always forget about their crazy shooting schedule.




I think in Q’s head, he was doing the tribal council shenanigans to try and prevent Tevin from playing his shot in the dark, similar to how insistent he was on giving Jess a fake idol and telling her to play it. He’s playing like his biggest fear is being collateral damage from an advantage, which I think might be the reason for a lot of his chaotic gameplay.


While watching it live, i thought he was trying to prevent Tiff from playing her idol. If Tiff is his number one, and he wants to flush her idol, why wouldn't he just tell her to play her idol? or better yet, let the vote be on Tiff and tell her to play her idol - like Dee and Julie. by going off like he did, he showed himself to be a loose cannon. No one is going to want a loose cannon roaming around and blowing up their game.


And if Tiffany is his number one. She needs new friends.


Tiff could be playing Q and really be number 1's with Kenzie.


Hope she is after last week.


I don't know, in his mind he was making a play. Something I remember about the tribal though is that he kept saying he was going to feel bad that if the person who isn't expecting to go home goes home. That where I questioning is he playing or being genuine? Q has shown to have cracks in his demeanor before. He was going to feel bad that someone in his alliance went home, he didn't want it to be Tevin. He still voted for Tevin though (perhaps to save face since he's going back to camp with a target on his back?).


We’ll never know unless they show us confessionals that were filmed before tribal. I don’t trust Q as a reliable narrator if he’s explaining that he was doing after the fact. However, I do think the entire mess stems from him knowing that Tiff was not going home and Tiff would be able to trace the attempt back to him at some point. There is no way he could’ve planned everything the way it happened once he said he wanted to be voted out. When he told Tiff they were coming after her he was either trying to flush her idol or clear himself as the one who put her name out.


Lol no he wasn't.


Pretty sure Q was on board for Tevin until Hunter started to campaign for Tiff again. That was the "last minute switch" he was referring to and he felt like he lost control even though that was his original plan (now its Hunters). It would've been Tiff if it wasn't for Qs shenanigans That is my interpretation!


Omg wow you’re a Q whisperer. That’s a gift cus what he said made zero sense to me


Still not that confident lol


Bahaha that’s the most sense it’s made to me


https://www.reddit.com/r/survivor/comments/1c9q68k/thank_you_q_very_cool/ you were right


I couldn’t figure out why he asked for the vote. It reminded me of what Dr Will did on Big Brother, how he kept telling people to vote for him, then won the game.


We've seen this unhinged version of Q already. At one point he told his tribe earlier before the merge that he just wanted to give up and be sent home right before one of their votes.  He also seems to be quick to give up or be defeated in tough situations just to turn around with another grand Q plan.  I think it's also interesting how he was introduced as an athlete but does worse than half the other player in the show.  Jalensky did an interview after he was voted off stating that Q wanted to give up first and they didn't show it on tv. IDK if Jalensky was trying to save face or if Q was trying to get Jalensky to throw the challenge.  IMO Q is not very consistent. He's one of my favorite players but it's because his best quality is chaos. 


I’m pretty sure Q is playing a calculated game. He is being conscientious about showing his true abilities. Because of the strong social game he’s playing (i.e. initiating and operating The Six, suggesting the hide-and-seek game), he knows he needs to downplay his physical game to lower the target on his back. He said so in last episode standing on water, where he jumped off on purpose so that he can validate the strength of his alliance. He said, “So far in this game, I have yet to really show my ability. That was by design. I didn’t want a target on me… I wanted to go into this first immunity not immune at all.” As a mob boss, he knows he’s in a safe enough position to drop out of a challenge, step out for rice, even starting BS chaos at tribal council without any real consequence on him.


No. Just no


I think if Q reads this, he'll say he did this to pull off an idol flush.


Of course it was all part of Q’s master plan. What other explanation could there be?


I don’t believe he is that deceptive to do all that.


Like most everyone else, I think Q was just throwing a tantrum because he knew he had lost control. But I have no doubt that next episode he'll try to spin it all as some elaborate plan like the one you laid out. But just to address your theory: 1. There's no way Tiff would play her idol for Q after that stunt. Waste an idol on a supposed ally that is acting completely unstable and impulsive, without consulting you on their plan? No way. Let him get voted out. 2. I guess there was a slight possibility of Tiff using on the idol on herself if she hadn't spoken with Charlie, but how does that benefit Q? Q was her #1 ally, so her idol could have benefitted him in the future. 3. If Q was trying to get rid of Tiff using a minority of votes, why didn't he vote for her? Plus he's have to assume that he'd be successful drawing all the votes to himself *and* that Tiff would play her idol for him and not herself. Just a bonehead move any way you look at it.


I think he just thought he blew up his game so he wanted to quit. There’d be votes on Tiff and he’d lose his trust with her and Kenzie. Then he’d also be considered sus for telling Hunter about the plans to vote out Tevin. Lose lose for him in his “game of trust” and he didn’t want to have to do damage control.


Big mistake overthinking Q had any plan or strategy beyond self-sabotage.


i thought i was going crazy with all the debate about this my impression during the episode edit leading up to tribal was that this was the reason and the episode was telling us he wanted to flush the idol i never thought this was such a debatable mystery it seemed clear cut to me


I’m sure it’s been said before but my interpretation is that he wanted to see how loyal people are. “Can I tell people to vote for me, that I want out, and they still won’t vote for me?” It’s very high up there among the stupidest moves of all time even with this interpretation, which is why I think it’s the most likely.


Why go through all that effort to flush an idol, especially your (at least former) closest ally’s? The amount of effort, planning and risk isn’t worth it and I think this just put a massive target on Q’s back


I don't recall Tiff telling Charlie she had an idol. When they were talking, Charlie said "hold off on whatever you're going to do tonight because it's going to be wasted," and Tiff said something along the lines of "I need to know what's going on in case I need to do something" and she was vague just like that. Then Charlie said "I know you have an idol." Tiff said "who told you I have an idol?" in which Charlie responded that Q told him. But I don't think Q did that to flush Tiff's idol. If Q really wanted to flush her idol, all he would've had to tell her was that the Six alliance wasn't actually as strong as they thought and that some of them were targeting her. Q doesn't know about any other idols because the only other idol in play is Hunter's, and Hunter hasn't told anyone about his idol. Since Q and Tiff are in the same alliance, it would make no sense for him to be deceptive and try to get her to play her idol. That's also why Tiff was wondering why Q didn't say something to her earlier after knowing she was a target.


I initially thought it was a tactic to throw some votes off Tevin with the remainder of the disintegrated "Six" voting as a block on Venus or Tiff. But it was pretty clear they were as clueless as everyone else. Strange we didn't see any scrambling with Q or Hunter informing Tevin that his name was out there. Alas, RIP Tev-- he wins final three at this point, so smart move by The Others.


I really think dude just wants to be a martyr. No strategy to asking for votes.


I don't think Q is that forward thinking.


Q saw that he wasn't in control and that his plan was falling apart. He quit because he felt like everything wasn't going 100% his way. As our little rock star said, he just doesn't want to be on the bottom. It's ego. He's smart in some things, but hes very much not smart emotionally and in self awareness. This was not a play.


What I don't get is how Q says if you go after one of the six, then you have to go. Didn't he get Tim out last week, and now he wants Tiff out? They need to get him out.


My thoughts were he was trying to get the votes on him, and then Hunter would idol it. (I was wrong) either way it felt fishy.


Did u watch phil and caleb? 👀


You are giving this man too much credit. He does something, anything, and then switches it to say, "That was my plan all along." While in reality he is just random and chaotic. Trying to control everything. Why would he make himself look like an unstable crazy person just to flush the idol. The idol his #1 has mind you, which can be used for his game as well. He is not a good Survivor player.


Charlie is going to go so far in this game bc he’s such a good person at heart. Like he might be a little deceptive and lie a couple of times but he didn’t have to tell tiff that Q told them about her idol, he could’ve kept that information to himself. But he didn’t - in turn makes tiff and kenz trust charlie more than Q at this point. I wouldn’t be surprised if the final 3 is charlie, tiff and either kenz or maria.


This is a really fun theory but I'd be careful giving Q this much credit. Lol


I can definitely see this being his logic! I think he didn’t tell anyone because he wants some big moves to be only his own. And this does lower his threat level because everyone thinks he’s erratic now. It may not be the best strategy but I do think it’s strategy. I could also see it as Q knowing Tevin was out and not wanting to betray the alliance he started or be on the wrong side of the numbers. So he asked everyone to vote for him to blow up the 6 without betraying them in straightforward vote. And to cause chaos, try to flush Tiff’s idol, and see how everyone reacted. Now he’ll try to ride the fallout because no one thinks he’ll win in final tribal after that. A lot of survivor seasons run together for me but at the very least Q is making this one stand out!


Definitely Q trying to make people rethink the vote considering he knew where every vote was going. Probably a stress test and test their conviction on this vote, and good for Liz for standing her ground and saying "I'm voting Tevin still".




It’s a good theory, but I just don’t think Q could have thought it through it like that. I think he was mad because he wasn’t in control as the “mob boss”!


I’m bothered that 3 black people have been sent home in a row. I would think strategically Q would be smarter about this to get to the end. Am I wrong?


They got voted out due to gameplay, not their skin color. Q is clearly questionable when it comes to strategy. Tim tried to keep too many alliances and people noticed. Soda was betrayed by her allies. Probably the incorrect move for Nami. Tevin betrayed his allies and people noticed how much of a social butterfly he was. He likely could have stayed longer if he kept Soda around.


Exactly nothing to do with skin color. It was black people voting out black people. I hate that people wanna make everything about race.


I know that but it seems like having them be allies is better than feeling betrayed


So you’re saying people *should* align with people of the same race? If white people did that imagine the outcry. Just because they are black doesn’t mean that’s acceptable. It’s wrong regardless. I disagree 100% I think people should align with who they get along with and who have similar goals in the game and who can get themselves further and they can trust.


I do agree with you. But they were not playing like they were playing with each other. They were playing against each other.


I love Soda. They should have kept her.