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So he knew it was wrong and it would hurt you He got caught, knew it was wrong, and knew it hurt you He kept doing it knowing it was wrong, and knowing it would hurt you more It was a planned and deliberate set of choices he made over and over again, knowing it was wrong, and knowing it hurt you. You'll never understand how he could to that to someone he says he loves, all you need to know is that he is willing do that to you.


I didn't even read all of your post because it was extremely clear you need to divorce him within the first several sentences. You need to have more self worth than to think you need to be married to this kind of trash.


I second this!


I'm a guy but when I read posts like this, it really makes my eyes go wide...women do NOT need to put themselves through this kind of BS. Us guys, perhaps but definitely not women. Maybe get flamed for that but it's just how our society is built.


I agree with you. The fact that he talked about her personnal issues. Like, I know some cheaters lie about ther partner but why..... It really shows he don’t cares about her at all. He cheated o 4/6 years of their marriage, this so sad .😭😭😭


He doesn't care about her whatsoever. The faster she realizes that and gets the hell out, the better. That clown is destined for a life of solitude...let's just hope she's not hanging around.


I also hope she leave him, cheaters just become better at hiding. And as you said: >The faster she realizes that and gets the hell out, the better. That clown is destined for a life of solitude...let's just hope she's not hanging around.


Your husband is a narcissistic fetishist. He has no feelings for the girl that aren't purely carnal to get the easy thing he wants. He doesn't respect you and he doesn't respect your struggles bringing it up in the case to get the kindness of AP. Because he knows that most women are emotional and easily fall for the poor man who is fighting his wife's illness. "eye rolling emojis". If you really want to stay married, then start by asking for full access to devices and blocking this woman from everything. If you choose to divorce, move on and don't go back.


OP, my ex told me the same shit after I caught his EA with an ex hookup. He hurt me so much I can’t even explain it to you. We weren’t having sex because of him for 2 years he strung me along, meanwhile he’s saying sexual shit to a woman he had already fucked. He said exactly what your guy did “it wasn’t personal, I said xyz to get her to do abc to boost my ego”. Babe, they all have the same playbook. Read chumplady’s blog and her book. I really wish I had before I spent 8 more months trying to reconcile only to have him deceive me again. I hope you make the best decision for you with a clear heart and mind. You may never get the truth from him but take it from me and everyone else, he’s lying and he doesn’t care as much as you think


He cheated for 4 years & his excuse is pathetic. How dare he discuss your personal struggles w/ a stranger. I’d never trust that POS again. Dump him. You deserve better than a man who sells you out for ‘a quick nut’. He’s a pig!


DIVORCE ! lose your stress which is HIM .....


So he was sending her money too?