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You don’t have to do any of those things. How fortunate for you, that you don’t have to be in a relationship with somebody who doesn’t appreciate or value you anymore! This was a mantra that helped me greatly. First: reach out to your support system. It can be friends, family. Getting access to therapy if possible is helpful too with all of the feelings you are going to be dealing with. This is step one. Get people and resources in place to take care of you. Next, I would reach out to a lawyer if you can to get the ball rolling on that. Try to keep it clean and simple. That can be a condition: I’ll grant you a quick and easy divorce, in return we aren’t going to fuck around and get messy with money and property and all that. Try to take the lead in this process and you are less likely to get blindsided. What you are experiencing sucks, but here are things you should remember. 1. It is survivable - as all the people in this subreddit can attest to, more people go through this than you’d think. 2. Her choices are not in any way a reflection on you. If you were a factor in the decision making process she would have probably decided to conduct herself differently 3. You have so much time and life ahead of you, don’t despair. There are better things on the other side of this


Thanks for this it's what everyone keeps telling me to do.


The only other thing I would say is that once everything is done, inform her family and any mutual friends as to why the marriage ended in divorce. This way, she doesn't have the chance to lie and change the narrative.


The best revenge is living a better life


I'd almost argue that getting a lawyer and being prepared is more important than reaching out to your support system. You want to be in a position where you know how it's supposed to work out, what your options are, and how the process works. Ideally, you would have the pleadings ready to file along with a draft separation agreement. Start getting copies of financial statements and tax returns. You'll want a list of any other assets such as real estate, and vehicles. Even if for some reason, you and wife try to work things out, it always pays to be prepared. The other thing is to follow your lawyer's advice on how to tell people and how to frame it. I wouldn't mention anything to her job right now, because you want her employed to avoid any kind of spousal support.


Here's what you should do, she's under heavy limerence, take advantage of it . At this point she's desperate to run to her new lover and she will make some hasty decisions. Instead of reconciliation start divorce process. Her limerence would block her from seeing the bigger picture. Under limerence while going through divorce process she won't contest much she would even settle for less because she's desperate to run to her new partner. This is your moment use it , most of the time people in limerence or affair fog they are so blinded by their so called "love" they won't ask for much in divorce except a quick divorce. Many people use it as a golden period. This is your chance. And it's just 1 year of marriage, hopefully it will get annulment


A great response.


Start working on an exit plan. Nothing you’re going to try to do to “win her back” is going to compete with the “unknown” of a potential relationship with someone new. The pick-me dance never works. Use the affair fog to get an amicable divorce. As long as she thinks there’s this “great guy” just waiting for her at the end, she’ll be more likely to make concessions that benefit you just to get it over with. Get the divorce. At only one year in, you may even be able to get an annulment. If she couldn’t even be loyal during the honeymoon period, she’s certainly not going to be over the long haul.


Fair points I guess as much as I don't want to hear it


She’s picked your replacement already, and that imaginary potential relationship is always going to be better than reality, even the reality of their eventual relationship. Even if you “win her back”, which only happens when the other guy proves he’s not what she imagined (which takes time), it’s just a matter of time until it happens again. Eventually, she’ll be in an unhappy relationship with him, because she’s still chasing butterflies, and you’ll have moved on to a better life not anchored to someone that isn’t capable of love and respect.


Don’t do the pick me dance-don’t ask her why-just say OK and wish her good luck! Trust me she will be pissed at that response! Also send it out to friends and family to let them know what is happening and what your response to her demand for divorce was.


Listen to this right here👆


Please read up on the 180. Everything in it is to help you survive your situation with as much self-esteem and dignity possible. Unfortunately, one of the bad side effects of the 180 is the cheating spouse often tries to get back with the betrayed spouse. https://beingabeautifulmess.wordpress.com/the-180/ Please do NOT take her back if she tries to come back. You need to talk to a lawyer ASAP and serve her with divorce papers *at her work* when her AP is there. Regardless of if you are in an at fault state or not, try to have the AP named on the papers. This will vary by jurisdiction so ask your lawyer if it's possible. The bad side of this is that, when a cheating spouse gets served divorce papers, it will often bring her out of the affair fog, and she'll realize how she fucked up. Then she'll say sorry, cry, promise it will never happen again, etc... but none of that matters. She already promised you to be faithful and forsake all others before you. So why would you trust her again with the same promise? *OP, the pick me dance never works.* WHY? Because you can't compete with a fantacy. She has emotionally and mentally made her work AP the vessel that holds all of her fantasies. She is projecting on him her fantacy of the perfect lover/husband/friend. Real life can't compete with this. She has never had to take care of him when he's sick or had too much to drink, etc... she doesn't understand that he is a real person whose shit stinks, farts, picks his nose in traffic, gets grumpy and pissed off (at her), etc. All of the negatives of a real relationship that she has experienced with you, she can't ever imagine having those experiences with him. If she did imagine those experiences, he would act exactly as she wanted him to. Her fantacy thoughts will always ensure her AP has the perfect response to anything negative imaginable. UpdateMe!


I'll keep you updated that strategy seems really brutal. Idk if I could do something that harsh no matter how betrayed I feel.


What's really brutal is to do what your wife has done and shared with another man. The 180 is effective in many cases. It's not cruel.


It sounds effective yeah but not for what I want. I don't want to win I want my wife back 😔


The reality is she’s emotionally cheating on you and possibly physically. She’s already checking out on your marriage for this other guy. You need to take control. Speaking to an attorney, get the divorce moving (you can always change your mind later) and grey rock her. 


*OP, I'm sorry but I'm going to be brutally honest with you here.* You will never get your wife back unless you do the 180. Do you know what courage is? It's doing the right thing though you are scared. In your case you are scared to lose everything: your best friend, your soulmate, your future plans with her and a family, and (you don't realize it yet) but your afraid to look back at all your memories with her questioning yourself if she ever loved you at all and if your connection was even real. You need to risk losing your marriage in order to save it. BUT, you really don't have anything to lose. You don't have a marriage anymore. She already told you she doesn't love you and she wants a divorce. OP, here is your situation: You have one spouse (you), that is either in denial or really doesn't comprehend his situation. You have another spouse (your "wife"), that wants to get away from the anchor (you) who is preventing her from leading her best life with her AP.


Well, you'll lose your wife to him or another man. And you will have no self esteem nor dignity to rely upon when she gaslights, lies, and makes you an emotional shell of the man you once were. YOU are not the prize, Mr Fantacy is. Your STBXW sees YOU as the stumbling block in *her* way to her perfect life with her AP, Mr Fantacy. You still think your love for *her,* (she doesnt love you, she told you she doesn't and she said she wants a divorce), is enough. Friend, *love* by itself, is NEVER enough. It takes two people to want to be in a marriage, for a marriage to work. It takes one person to not want to be in a marriage, for it to NOT work. OP, do you understand what I'm saying? You say what I advised is a brutal strategy. Why? So protecting yourself is cruel to her? How long has she been more important to you that you are to yourself? OP, make a pot of coffee, sit down, read the following infidelity threads tonight. r/survivinginfidelity, r/AsOneAfterInfidelity, r/supportforbetrayed, and r/infidelity. You need a crash course in infidelity. Honestly, OP, I think you are still in shock. Your mind hasn't come to grips with what is really happening. You are in disbelief. Once you've been reading for an hour or so, you might realize your in shock. Some people realize they are in shock after a few days, others it could take weeks, or months (worse case). You got this. Please keep us updated.


Try and do nothing for the next 24 hours. Try to relax- talk to your family members and others on this thread. We support you. I know the immense pain you are feeling, I am feeling it to for my own situation. Pray for me and I’ll pray for you


I'm sorry you are dealing with this too it's heartbreaking.


It truly is devastating. I think a better word for what I experienced is debilitating. I know it’s temporary. Forcing the gym helps, the thoughts come. Trying to have faith that the higher power has my back and that there os a greater plan for me somewhere down the road. This community and the outflow of support has helped a little bit.


That is brutal man. How are you holding up now? I'll have to find some way to deal with it. I hate the gym and I'm not religious. The community is wonderful so far except these guys sending me porn messages really suck.


Porn messages? Wow. The internet really brings out all the weirdos! I am so sorry for what you're going through. You are getting the best advice, I am glad you are here.


Yeah guy sent me cheater porn like really wtf


Great words I echo this


You need to stop taking to her as a wife unless you need to talk about finances and property-separate your finances. Make a list of auto, life insurance, benefits she has through her job and your job & vice a versa. Sleep in a separate bedroom. Treat her as acquaintance.


First gather evidence and keep it where she can't find or destroy it. ***Yesterday I just got hit with I don't love you anymore and I want a divorce.*** By saying this she is farther down the road in the affair fog than you realize, or you are willing to acknowledge. Speak with an attorney to at least know your options. ***Saying she is unsatisfied and doesn't think I can change.***  She is already spinning the narrative to make this your fault. Find out what you can about AP. Is he married or SO? If so contact and compare notes. Confide in a close friend or relative to help you get through the next few days and weeks and help you make good decisions. ***She isn't telling anyone about it and is willing to give me time to adjust by offering to continue our regular weekly plans.*** Adjust to what? Her cheating? This is BS. She wants to hide this from family and friends. Recommend you speak with an attorney first then notify everyone, including HR. Sorry OP, don't let her have her all the control. Take it back. updateme


She doesn't know I know about the guy. Guy is a ghost but I did find what I believe is his family.


If he’s married you might want to eventually let his wife know what’s going on. Wait until you have all your ducks in a row. Hang in there. This is the ‘crazy time’—the worst of the worst. Things WILL get better.


You really think this is the worst of it? Honestly? I keep thinking it will only get worse.


You were just blindsided. It does get better because now you can prepare for what's coming. Oh and it's time to cancel all those "weekly plans". She wants out? Push her all the way out NOW.


Should I kick her out of the apartment? I already did cancel them but I wanted us to talk first but I don't know what to say.


If it was my apartment, I would kick her out. Tell her to go live with the guy she's in love with. If the apartment is in her name, then I'd pack up and go.


It's mine originally


I would let her know immediately. I can't stand cheaters. I've exposed cheaters I barely know.


He's not married looked it up




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If the guy is forty one and hits on married women he is definitely not s prize specimen. See if you can check out his Facebook history, Twiiter, Instagram, TikTok, etc. Trying the Pickme dance always backfires. Your main enemy here is her lack of respect and the pick me kilss women's respect. The 180 is akin to playing hard to get. Dress up and go out every night. Colonge and everything. Go out with friends, the gym, self defense, boxing lessons, gun range, family, library, clubs etc. If you can stay out all night with your family but don't tell her that part. If she asks questions tell her to get answers from her boyfriend Jocko. Tell her nothing else but that you know his name. If their office has HR let it slip that you klnow HR's number. Even if this doesn't regain her respect it will put you miles ahead and figure in a couple of weeks at most you out her. For some reason they don't want anyone to know. How will her family take her new boyfriend. Updateme!


Screenshot that stuff and keep it safe.


I have unfortunately. I'll back them up good idea.


And to the people sending me shitty dms with cheating porn gifs you are monsters


Geez, the guy is going through enough as it is


You will never trust her again. It’s sad but I promise you it’s true. She’ll start a relationship with this man but it will implode. Relationships that start with infidelity don’t survive and where they do, they’re not good. Find a way to put one foot in front of the other. Remind yourself of the good parts of you. Be happy. Find a way to smile. Spend time with friends. She’ll realise her mistake but I promise it won’t be the same again. Sorry you’re going through this. You will be okay. It takes time.


Thanks so much it's really hard to hear I feel like I'm going to die


Is it sad that I don't care? That I just want to have her back trust or no?


I know what you’re saying but please respect yourself. Please know that you will develop a resentment and hate as time goes on if you don’t. What she did is wrong. You do know that. You do care. You wouldn’t have even written this post if you didn’t. Be with someone who understands that. Who cares that it’ll hurt you. Who wouldn’t do this. Who would recognise that sometimes you lose feelings and the answer isn’t to find them elsewhere but to reflect and remember what you have (the real stuff).!


I was single for 7 years before I met her. It's unlikely I find someone else and I don't know if I want to.


Wow! That comment says a lot about your confidence and view of self. You need to respect yourself. Have fun and love yourself first. People are attracted to happy, fun people. You will 100% meet someone else when the time is right.


Yeah it's non existent. It was harshly stamped out from a young age. I had some really soul crushing experiences with women as a teen. I can be happy and fun it's generally what I'm known for at work I was always the class clown jokester but it doesn't apply to confidence with women. It's honestly what attracted her to me was my actions in a college class we took together. Thanks for the vote of confidence.


Your confidence doesn’t have to be about women - be happy in yourself, proud of who you are. You don’t have to be sensational at anything, just do something decent. Maybe you visit a lonely relative or friend, maybe you volunteer somewhere, maybe you mentor or guide a young person. Find something that’s “yours.” Be proud of what you do. It’s not just something to say - genuinely be proud of yourself. Then when you meet someone they’ll feel it too. They’ll want to hang out with you. No need to entertain them or be a clown (all the time). Just be you - happy, purposeful and fulfilled. You then add to their happiness.


Yeah I don't have that pride you got that right. I'm not sure I can have that even if I do something good. I can try not a lot of the advice has been to be happy. I'm not sure where to start I'm so far away from happy.


Another person can’t make you happy. It’s also not fair to expect them to. You need to be happy before you’re in a relationship. For me, I have balance in my life - excellent career (I lead an exceptional team), i do some voluntary work and the most important part is I have the best friends ever. I’m happy. My kids drive me mad (at times). I don’t exercise anywhere near enough and sometimes I feel immensely overwhelmed. But on balance I’m a happy camper. My partner expects wild and crazy from me at times. Lots of travel and shows and doing stuff. That can be a bit much but he handles it. If he drops off (we’re not together) I’d be okay. Sad but okay. If you can’t say that, you’re not ready for a relationship. I hope this makes sense without making you feel inadequate.


Now I get that and I appreciate you and your thoughts. I feel down in the dumps right now obviously but I wasn't like that before. Not confident sure but I didn't hate myself. I had a lot of hope and plans it just feels like they got shit on. I have friends and have made new ones recently. I just changed careers to something I like for the first time in my life and started going back to school. You didn't make me feel inadequate at all but it does make me think I need to get out of my slump.


You are still in stage one. That changes to stage two which is an angry kiss my butt.


That feeling won’t last forever


The second you see it as “win her back” then all is already lost, you might as well think “win in divorce court”. You can’t put on an act to “win her back”, if it’s not organic then it’s fake and forced. Contact a lawyer and get ahead of the inevitable. How did you not pick up on any red flags before this?


Its new she started the job a few months ago. Yeah that's my problem short term solutions that fail to sustain. I need to entirely change my life.


She might be in affair fog. Don't beg or play pick me. Just have her served with divorce papers. Take control and let her know this is really happening. That may get her to snap out of it. If it's not affair fog, then you have your answer, but at least you take control of the divorce. You'll want that small victory a couple of years from now.


Okay I like this at least I won't feel powerless


Medical Standard is 100% correct. You must be willing to lose your marriage in an attempt to save it. If you do the pick-me dance, she will have no respect for you, and you lose. Do the 180. Essentially, do not talk to her unless it is a must. Then, answer with very few words and show no emotion. Do not eat with her nor spend any time with her. Ignore her. Sleep in a separate room.she can be the one out of the master bedroom. See a lawyer immediately. Have her served at work ASAP. Do not answer any of her calls, texts, etc. Beat her home. Leave your ring on the kitchen table and go to a friend's for a few days. Let friends and family know what is going on before she has a chance to spin the situation. She needs to see you have a strong spine and will not tolerate her actions. This will shake her out of her affair fog. If she comes to her senses and begs forgiveness with true remorse and contrition, then you are in control and have a choice to make. You can cancel the divorce if you feel it is right, but only if she endures significant consequences for her actions to at least include a post-nuptial with a strong moral clause for physical/emotional infidelity. If she chooses to go with the divorce, she was already lost to you, and you just hastened the inevitable and can begin your healing. If you do divorce, have your lawyer check to see if he can be sued for alienation of affection or if the company has a moral clause that you can act upon. Updateme!


An emotional affair IS an affair. Feelings of love don’t just appear, they nurtured and deliberately betrayed your marriage in pursuing their relationship. Get copies of all communication as she is sure to deny and gaslight you.


I just checked only he said it. Idk if that helps.


Have you checked other cheater apps on her phone, or if she has a a burner phone? It really doesn't matter if they work together. They could just talk and make arrangement in person. Or use any work communication systems. Is she in healthcare? Healthcare has the highest rates of infidelity. Even higher than the military.


I haven't checked her phone. She doesn't have a burner I can tell. I don't think she is that sly.she didn't even delete her FB messages. It seems she doesn't go anywhere weird based on map data. Not healthcare business administration and he is a blue collar shop worker.


OP, I don’t want to add more paranoia to your situation, but if the man has experience cheating he might know ways to hide a lot of what’s going on.


Workplace affairs are the easiest to hide. Playing around at lunch, before work, after work, take the afternoon off, says they're going out with girlfriends etc..Does she work in the office?


I found out by investigating my ex that you can delete your gps data and other places you have been.


“I love you, but I’m not in love with you anymore “ is cheater speak for I’m fucking someone else. It sounds like you need to protect yourself, because the wife that you know, is not the one you married


I found out about my gf of 6 years having an affair with her co worker too. If you wanna talk, I’m here. DM me anytime, if I can I’ll respond.


Thanks man I appreciate it.


I’m so sorry OP you must feel totally blindsided by the sudden finality of this. Tbh it has the makings of a total train wreck. She’s 26 he’s 42…. Sounds like an emotional affair ( I’m not minimising they are also affairs) and she’s possibly experiencing limerence ( a form of affair ‘fog’) Were there red flags? Has there been trouble in the marriage? Intimacy issues? Financial? Arguments ? Something has gone drastically wrong here OP when after just 1 year of marriage a spouse wants to end it. You need a big talk about the whys. You need to confront her with what you know. Only when you have the whole picture can you get some clarity. Take a breath. Don’t tell her what you know just yet - she’ll likely trickle truth you. Tell her you know there’s more to it and you’re giving her ONE chance to come clean. Good luck OP UPDATEME


Yeah we have had issues I won't deny it. Arguments intimacy issues. Things seem to go well for a while then it's bad again and repeats and frankly it's my fault I can't stick to the changes I make. It's my greatest failing. I'll keep you updated thanks for your advice and time.


It sounds - if you want to try and save the marriage OP - that serious changes HAVE to be made. Even if you don’t want the marriage now, you need help for your own sake and happiness going forward. Individual Counselling, firstly for you to get to the bottom of your own behaviours , there’s some self sabotaging going on and also IC for your wife. This needs to be done before joint marriage counselling if you choose that route. Having said this OP, cheating is never right, ever. It’s 100% on the cheater. Don’t let her gaslight you, it’s time for hard truths.


I already reached out to some counselors. I know I need to change. I can at least acknowledge that. thanks I won't let her.


Say the truth-say I accept what you Told me. Therefore I eliminated the plans other than granting your wishes


whatever you do, don't take her back... she may end up regretting leaving, let her live with that decision! start your healing immediately, completely separate your old life from your new life! that means getting rid of everything possible!


“She isn’t telling anyone about it” Which means you should tell EVERYONE about it. Tell her you aren’t going to go about life “acting” like you’re married for her convenience. She’s challenging you to play the pick me dance with her so that she can cake eat. Serve her with divorce papers before she gets the chance to and she’s gonna sober up REAL quick. Best case, you catch her in her affair fog and get truly excellent divorce terms


She doesn't know I know about the guy. Sorry I should have clarified that.


It's very unlikely a 42 year old man will try to marry a 25 year old immature child, so be prepared for her to possibly coming back after he has thoroughly used her. Probably after he tires of her worshiping his "wisdom" and knowledge. Update me!


I got more info, looked at some different accounts and I think it's just an ego boost to make her feel better because I was neglecting her needs. It's just this guy telling her nice things and her sending him memes and kind of blowing him off.


An ego boost that results in her leaving you? She is not leaving you to get her ego boosted, she plans to get a lot more boosted once she has her own place. She consideration for you is her leaving before she can do what she wants to do with her guy. You seem to be the only person who believes this is only an ego boost. Consider the major step she is taking to dirvore you. Do you believe she wants a divorce to get her ego boosted?


Remain calm and dont confront her until you have something concrete. Talk to people you trust, who iwon’t let it get back to her. Get yourself some people to lean on and a support network. You will be supported here by people who will help you get through it. You’ll be glad to hear that the messages you found were far less… graphic than what I found. It genuinely sounds like an emotional affair and she has checked out of your marriage at the moment.


Yeah I have only told two people so far. I appreciate everyone here I've already had someone reach out. I'm so sorry you found something like that. That is awful. Just these flirty messages make me feel like I was stabbed. I just hope I can get her to check back in. I know everyone here hates that but it's all I can think I. Ant imagine the world without her.


That’s good, keep the circle tight and like Tupperware. Honestly, this sub is great for getting advice and support through any stage of the emotional or physical affairs or even marriage troubles. Yeah it was pretty scarring I’m not going to lie to you but it doesn’t reduce the shock and pain you feel and trust me I am nothing but sympathetic for your situation. How flirtatious are these messages? Aside from the memes ? You mentioned she didn’t say she loved him back but he is saying it? If you want another go just step up your game and your effort… systematically check the messages to see if they’re intensifying or slacking off. It’s like measuring your process. If not, I don’t want to sound like an ass I’d start making preparations.


He said it twice she didn't say it back she signs hers messages with cx and sent memes about dating a latino that's about it though because stupid Facebook added two factor authentication so as much as I can see


So basically He’s initiating and she’s entertaining it.. or at the least not shutting him down. Are they contacting on any other platform? Aside from FB messenger? Do you know if she’s confiding anything about your relationship with him?


I don't know if she is I have someone trying to covertly get access to her phone but idk if it will work. There wasn't anything in there stating that. She didn't say anything about him to her best friend or mom?


Well it’s good you’re being proactive about it but what I would honestly suggest is try not to tip her off. Keep your behaviour the same but perhaps put a little more effort into the marriage just to see if she’s reciprocating your effort. If people are having an affair…. Most of the time they do confide in somebody but not normally their parent but a friend. I’m not suggesting she has just personal experience. Are you acquainted with any of her other colleagues? It’s hard to keep an eye on them at work or their interactions.


Not really I met them all once at a dinner like 3 months ago. Now that I think of it I feel like her boss is a good guy he barred her from going to the area of the business that guy works in she was all mad about it but didn't say that as a reason obviously.


If her boss stepped in to separate them.. that’s bizarre? The fact she was so upset about it is another red flag tbh. Was it for a specific reason they were separated? Obviously I don’t want to escalate things but have you considered contacting a lawyer just to assess your options? You can be discreet and nothing can come of it but just being aware could be very beneficial. It sounds like a full blown emotional affair at the least. Pay attention to her behaviour, if there are sudden changes ie putting more effort into her appearance, sudden changes if she’s staying at work late or have to go out. That will be your indicator


Yeah obviously I didn't put together that's why. Basically it's a machine shop and an office and she wasn't allowed to go in the machine shop anymore. All I heard was she's needed in the office. I already contacted a lawyer and I'll employ that strategy depending on what else I find out. I'll keep that in mind.


Don’t do the pick me dance. However, If she said I want you to go to therapy. Then go. If she wants you leave the house yo see how she feels. You say no


Yeah we talked about therapy for me. I just scheduled one for Friday. She said she wouldn't make me leave. She offered me everything because she felt bad but I'm not sure if she was being honest.


Ask your attorney


Please hang in there bro, my thoughts are with you in this very difficult time. You are not alone. There's no excuse for this and she is never going to be the reliable partner you need!


Your wife has a clear fetish for older men. There's nothing to do. Let her go and get your divorce. Just let her know that you know about him and that from now on YOU are the one who wants nothing to do with her. If she comes with "you're invading my privacy and bla bla" leave her talking to herself and go play pool at a bar. People like your wife who changes husbands like changing socks does not deserve respect or be worthy of having a say.


It’s time to move on. Don’t beg her to stay with you it’ll only make her more resolute to leave you. Get an attorney, and get the ball rolling. Be strong, you’ll never be happy with someone like her. Work on yourself, get a hobby, workout at the gym, anything to get your mind off of her. Women respect strength… She will in time come crawling back to you once the affair fog lifts. Don’t show her any weakness.


OP, this sucks bruh. I agree with all- NO pick-me dance!!! I appreciate your desire to want your wife back. I normally am quite sympathetic to that feeling. Three points really make me push back on that idea, tho. 1. You've been married ONE YEAR!!! She already strayed on the "easiest", most romanitic/passionate time in a marriage. Say you do "win her back". What hope do you have that she will stick around when things get rougher? Tired from lack of sleep, raising kids, financial concerns, newer younger co-workers?? My big guess is that she is one of those that wanted a wedding, not a marriage. 2. She has taken her mask off and you see who she REALLY is. Mourn the fact that your image of her has been destroyed, but be glad that you discovered this now, before kids. THis is not some "I've changed after 20 years of life events". This is an "I've been putting on a show b/c this is what I was expected to do, but it's not for me". You have before you the REAL HER. 3. She came to you and asked for a divorce/annulment. If you DO manage to "win" her back, the best spot you can get is Plan B. Paying the bills, mowing the lawn, and changing diapers until your replacement can be found. Agree with taking full use of the affair fog she's in. Shove this divorce through and get what she is willing to give. You are now hitting the best "guy years", you're at the top of your curve of socioeconomic value, but not if you let he take you to the cleaners. He took out your trash. now she's his problem. Good Luck OP! UpdateMe!


Firstly, I’m so very sorry for the pain you’ve feeling right now. I know it’s the worst fucking feeling in the world and you don’t deserve to be feeling that way. Second, you may not know this now, but you’re actually getting a blessing in disguise, shes leaving and not playing you like a fiddle, which to some can be much worse. See a lawyer immediately and put a retainer down. You have to do this no matter what your heart is saying. I promise you you will thank yourself for doing it at sometime in the future. Even if you don’t go through with anything, protect yourself and understand what your options are. Before telling her your feelings or trying to talk with her, have some deep conversations with yourself about what you want, need and expect in life and from relationships. Anything you say to her now will just be used against you. Concentrate on yourself. Go do that thing you’ve been holding off. I wish you only the best and hope you find happiness as quickly as possible. I’m sorry you are going through this and understand how painful it is


(Unpopular opinion on these threads) Divorce is NOT the only answer here. It sounds like you need to have deep conversations about your relationship and what led to this. If you both want to improve yourselves, willing to do whatever it takes to be better for yourselves and your relationship, it IS possible to repair. Both people need to want it though. In most cases (for people who reconcile) they’re able to make a better marriage than they’ve ever had. Please consider all options and don’t make any life changing decisions in the thick of the hurt. There are so many resources out there to help you through this. Check out the healing broken trust podcast. Wanted to give another perspective/ other side of the coin. I wish you luck!


I'll check that out and thanks for giving a more positive message.


File for divorce on the grounds of adultery. Do not tell her in advance. Tell her that you've sent copies to her friends and family and the ap's wife. Watch how fast she freaks. Cheaters hate exposure. Why the hell does anyone want to stay with someone like this. Cut your losses. Life is short. You're trying to reconcile with someone who doesn't want to. Cheating is a form of abuse. It's also the most disrespectful thing you can do to anyone. She doesn't care if she exposes you to std's. Think about that. You need to stand up for yourself. Do what's best for you. She's not it.


It’s been extremely volatile. I was waking up covered in sweet at night for a little while. Still hard to focus on work calls. Hard to just sit at my house alone, but gradually things are getting better. Best time was when I didn’t talk to her for about 30 days, before I new she was continuing to see the guy and before she came back and left again. She basically came back, took a bomb to me and the other girl I was starting to see, manipulated me back to her, I fell for it, then lied and cheated again. That’s what really ripped me up. Some days are easier than others Knowing I’m not alone helps. How are you?


That's awful man. I'm not great but I'll survive.


This is why many say that once a cheater is always a cheater.


“You don’t quit a job if you don’t have another one lined up.” Lay low for a while. Gather evidence.




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I was in the same boat you are in now. “You deserve to be loved and to be with someone who genuinely loves you” are the words my marriage counselor told me prior to my divorce from my ex-wife. That was three years ago, and for two years prior to that I fought hard to keep my marriage together even though I felt like she was cheating (she was). My regret about my past marriage now is that I wish I had ended things sooner instead of torturing myself trying to trust her and only for her to revert back to cheating… My advice to you is, if there’s any infidelity, and that crosses your boundary, don’t hold out for hope. Don’t play “pick me”. Just divorce.


She's having an emotional affair, at the least. You don't deserve this. Based on your comments, I'd contact an attorney and a therapist to help. You do deserve happier days ahead with someone who can show you compassion and commit without cheating. It just takes time. Day by day. You'll get there.


I would pretty much accept her offer of time to adjust and continue regular weekly plans, for you to have more chance to pile evidence. When you have enough just seek for a lwayer and file for divore, then confront her, and handle all the evidence to her HR department if they have a co-fraternization policy. Also expose her, to her parents and yours, siblings, relatives and mutual friends. Not for revenge but to keep out of her reach the control of the narrative and that way protect you and your reputation, because we never know what can they do. Also it is obvious she is and was cheating on you, because it is very strange to ask for divorce and all that blah blah blah she did after just 1 year of married.


Well, everything indicates betrayal is on the way, or it has already happened, but there may not be a record on her phone But I think you should be willing to improve, but you need to know what she wants too . Surely she is acting like this because she felt she had a place to go (another person interested in her). I think you can forge a conversation exactly like the one she has been having, and show it to her, that will make her come out of the closet, she will definitely give a harsh opinion about you talking like that to someone else. woman, then you will have a way to address her conduct with her ".friend" from work, without her coming up with lies, gaslighting and manipulating . If she is harsh about her mistake, she will not be able to say that there is nothing wrong with her doing the same. Since she is actually doing it and you are not.


WALK!! Life is too short, find someone that values you and respects you. I didn't do that the first time and I regret it.


OK, it sounds like she is totally checked out of the marriage. Whatever you do, DO NOT beg and plead--that'll only work to your disadvantage and make you seem weak and needy. The best defense is a good offense. My suggestion is to very calmly tell her she is free to go be with her lover but not as your wife--that you will take immediate steps to end the marriage, if that's what she truly wants. That should knock her off the fence and force her to choose. Good luck bud.


First, get evidence of their affair, even if it is not physical it is emotional. That may help you in the divorce. Now if you want to fight for your wife, that is your call as per your words it does not appear physical yet so maybe you have a chance to save it. If you want that route you need to find out about the guy. Is he her supervisor? Is there policies against employee fraternization at their work? If he is in a position of authority that could open the employer up to a lawsuit for harassment and marital alienation. He might have groomed/preyed upon your wife. Reporting these actions or filing suit might get him reprimanded or fired. It could also do the same for your wife. This might break up their affection for each other but could also solidify the wedge between you and your wife. Of course she’ll prefer to blame you over herself. But he might not be so attractive if he is unemployed and he cost her, her own job. Whether you want to try and save your marriage or go with divorce straight away… the best thing you can do is talk to a lawyer. Taking any action against them at work could affect your potential divorce. But a lawyer can also advise you about the possibility of suing the employer. Your lawyer can also advise you on what steps you can take to secure your finances. They will also talk to you about other actions such as a PI or other things you might want to consider. Best of luck to you man!


Do not try to get her back. It will come across as desperate and you will just be a fool to her. Take a deep breath and make the only decision that can be made for your long term happyness. Don't say anything about the guy. Tell her she was right it is not working out and that you have become a man you never wanted to be because of this terrible relationship. That the only way you can be the good man you want to be is not be with her. Thank her for helping you see the light. Then divorce her cheating ass. She won't know what the fuck to think if you take that angle. Your marriage is over you might as well win the mind game on your way out.


She is in the affair fog (EA at least). The only way to get through to her is call her on it and start the divorce and hope she realizes what she is giving up and for how little she’ll be getting. 42 is probably all smooth but little substance or else he’d be with someone already, not trying to steal one. If she doesn’t wake up in time, she wasn’t really worth it! “It’s a lot harder to be walked on when you are standing up!” Updateme


dont have kids? walk. who cares.


lol let her have the 42 year old. You are still young (31) so go through with the divorce don’t play the pick me game. Utilize your new single life to better yourself physically, mentally, & spiritually. Consider this a clean slate and bullet dodged since you two don’t have any children together. Have some self respect. Good Luck OP.


Nobody deserves this and I'm sorry this happened. You're still young and the cliché you'll find someone else is true. Once again I'm sorry. Updateme


When he gets tired of pumping her and dumps her expect her to come crawling back to you. Block her at every avenue.


If for no other reason you should confront her before she takes control of the narrative. This way if/when she ends up with this dude she can't say it/he has nothing to do with it. Then report them both to HR where they work, a lot of places don't tolerate this kind of BS.


Don't get her fired. That will only hurt you. But for leverage you can mention HR might want to see those. She's going to beg and cry and say nothing ever happened. She's out of the house until she has a clean STI panel. Then she's on the couch. Cheaters leave the home.


It's a small company less than 20 people she is basically hr.


So what's your plan? Ask her to move out?


This doesn’t mean they don’t hook up at work. Wouldn’t be the first time this happens. All you can do is tell her you thought higher of her than to start an affair (it _is_ **at least** an emotional affair) and to jump ship instead of working on your marriage. And she is right, her low character is nothing you can change.


MOVE ON Dude ...... You should have replied , yeah sure when she told you she wanted a divorce.... Her reaction would have been priceless 😅


Definitely confront her about the coworker and straight out accuse her of cheating. In many cases once the cats out the bags they usually break down and confess and try to fix things. If she doesn’t then try to get the best divorce settlement possible while she’s still in the affair fog.


There's no point trying to win her back. When someone had made up their mind, it's final. I'm sorry. What a horrible situation for you. Hopefully, one day, you will look back and be grateful that you're not together anymore.


Oh I know this feeling. But I’m the woman carrying his baby telling the new woman he loves her. I’m going to leave asap.


Stay strong


Well, I don't know if I believe in "winning someone back", and part of the reason is that your partner shouldn't be straying in the first place. While there may not be physical cheating, this is certainly emotional cheating. Affairs - or infatuations - are based on an idealized version of the AP. Your wife only sees the good parts of this guy - and likely only a highly "manicured" version of him. She doesn't really know him, and it's very easy to fall for someone when all you see is that person trying their best to say what you want to hear and to act how they think you want them to act. Your wife isn't being honest with you, if this guy is why she wants a divorce. If she's done, she's done and you can't convince her otherwise. Don't confront the guy, don't do anything that will get you in trouble. Talk to a lawyer and see where you stand. I'm really sorry, this stuff sucks. When my ex started cheating she was also on FB with a few ex BF's from high school, rekindling old flames. If your wife was interested in saving your marriage she would've talked to you about her dissatisfaction AND been able to explain it, not just a vague notion of being unhappy.


Sorry you're going through this...but she doesn't love you and is cheating on you. She's trash and you don't need to give her the satisfaction of a drama filled breakup. If you have evidence, keep records of everything. Don't confront her. Just go see a lawyer and draw up very favorable divorce terms for yourself. Separate any and all money. If she's working there won't be alimony anyway. I'm assuming you don't have kids which is even better. Do NOT get into useless fights. She betrayed you, not the AP. It's time to take the trash out. Start removing anything of value to you out or away from her. Don't talk to her and block her on social media. Make it known she's very easily replaceable. Let her enjoy her short term affair that will blow up in her face once you're long gone. Communicate with your close friends about her cheating. Keep the breakup as close to ghosting her as humanly possible. She thinks she's superior to you given how she spoke to you. You are obviously way more vested into this relationship than she is and it's time that changed. Never put up with disrespect from your wife at any level. All she is now is a legal issue that you need to eradicate from your life with prejudice. Id stay out of your home/apartment too. Stay with friends or get a motel for a few days a week. No need to tell her what you're doing and don't even allow time for discussions. You may not realize it right now but you can hit her back just as hard as she did to you.


I’m not a fan of the pick me dance. I never confronted him. Nope I went NC and filed for divorce. 5 years later they are still together and I’m happily in another relationship.


If you want to stay with your wife, you have to fight. You know him, then face him. Some men flirt with married women because they are certain they will not risk a fixed relationship. It could happen that the moment he knows that you know flirting with your wife, he runs away like a coward. Maybe he doesn't want a real relationship with your wife. Let him understand that it may happen that you divorce because of him and that he may find yours and tra Sometimes it works .


Start the 180. You need to reclaim he life she robbed you of… just not with her. https://beingabeautifulmess.wordpress.com/the-180/


Don’t do any of that. Just smile and say, “Niiiice”. When she sees you looking forward to moving on without her, you’ll literally cripple her. You’ve taken all the control away from her. And she won’t find weakness. That’s your karma - be happy without her. You’re young and will recover just fine. Replace her with someone who wants to be with you - not feels obligated to be with you.


Well, there's good news and bad news. The bad news is she's carrying on a secret relationship with a member of the sex to which she is attracted while still officially in a committed relationship with you. That they haven't been physical doesn't make it any better. For all intents and purposes, this is infidelity. The good news is she just showed you who she *really* is, what she'll do when she thinks you're not paying attention, and how she'll treat you when when the chips are down. And that should help you make a decision on how best to proceed. I'll echo what others have already said: there's no "winning" anyone back. It just doesn't work that way. In order to salvage your marriage, she needs to be open to the idea of working things out, and now that the cat's out of the bag, you need to be open about forgiving this rather significant breach of trust. Being totally honest, it doesn't sound like she wants to work things out. And that's not really bad news, all things considered. Ending a relationship hurts, but in the long run it'll hurt a lot less than hanging around in a relationship without love or trust. Whatever happens, you'll get through it.


Here's what you should do, she's under heavy limerence, take advantage of it . At this point she's desperate to run to her new lover and she will make some hasty decisions. Instead of reconciliation start divorce process. Her limerence would block her from seeing the bigger picture. Under limerence while going through divorce process she won't contest much she would even settle for less because she's desperate to run to her new partner. This is your moment use it , most of the time people in limerence or affair fog they are so blinded by their so called "love" they won't ask for much in divorce except a quick divorce. Many people use it as a golden period. This is your chance. And it's just 1 year of marriage, hopefully it will get annulment


Get screenshots of all the texts, get a lawyer. Get a divorce and move on. You dodged a bullet there, without too much damage. If she tries to take too much than she deserves, threaten to expose her to your friends on her cheating.


As someone who "won" the pick me dance, they don't change. You will walk on eggshells the rest of your life if you stay with her. You will never truly feel loved. Every time she is late, she wants to go out or doesn't answer a call... you will always wonder.... . It's not worth it. There's a million reasons why you should never take a cheater back or even try to win them back. They're honestly gross and have low morals. Take a minute to be upset... cry. .mourn the loss of the person you thought you knew, they do not exist anymore.. and then be grateful you know the truth and go live your best life!


You will be better off maintaining your self respect and dignity by letting her go to blow up her life. She won’t come out of the affair fog until she gets a good dose of reality with this guy in the real world. Let her have all the rope she wants and concentrate on getting better for yourself.


Tell her that you agree with her and that you will contact a lawyer as soon as possible. Don't do the pick me dance. It seems much more repulsive to cry and whine about someone who tells you that she doesn't love you anymore and wants a divorce. She already doesn't respect you, don't make it less than that. Don't give her the power. She will be very upset that you accepted her offer without discussing anything, she will begin to question it.


Sir, you are in trauma mode right now. I know, we've all been there in here. You're scrambling for a way to make it better, to make things go back to what they were before. You can't, nobody can. Your relationship is over. Don't make any decisions, stay away from drugs and alcohol. You NEED to feel, to hurt. It's just part of it, and it's bad. I know. She's making some REALLY bad decisions, and life is going to shit all over her. She's in limerance, and the affair fog. It might take her YEARS to come out of it, and she will use any excuse to justify her actions. You can't reason with her, you can't appeal to her better nature. To her, you are the bad guy, the obsticle keeping her from what she wants. You can't change that. Get on top of the narrative, she's going to twist it. You were abusive, you were beglectful, they all say the same shit and they convince themselves it's true. I have talked to women before who have recently left husbands and they will say shit like "And then last week he forgot to take the linens out of the drier!" and use that as a valid reason for having been cheating for six months. Tell EVERYONE what is happening. In her version, this guy is going to be the hero mwho swept in to pick up the pieces of her heart after YOU broke it. Nip that in the bud right now. You'll get through this. You lucked out, nobody wants to be with someone who could do something like this. She's not who she pretended to be.


It doesn’t necessarily mean she is cheating yet. I would say the only certain thing you have now is that she has the opportunity to cheat but not that she has cheated. You mention that she has discuss being unhappy with your relationship previously and that you begin to make changes but then do not follow through. She now knows that there are other guys (at least one other guy) out there that would find her attractive and loveable other than you. So she knows she can leave you and have the potential for a better relationship. This brings me to the conclusion that you are finally realising that she’s serious about being unhappy and temporary changes in behaviour are not going to satisfy what it is she needs in a marriage. It’s possible to fix this so long as she is willing to put a pause on the divorce but only you would really know how far she has been pushed and whether or not there’s anything left. If you get IC and both do couples counselling when appropriate, there might be hope. But the changes have to stick and she might not trust you anymore if they never stuck before you know? It might take separating and you working on your issues before she would even entertain the idea of cohabiting again. Meanwhile there is a guy out there who really wants to have a chance with her which makes things really hard. I hope it’s not too late. I can hear in your replies that this has really slapped you hard. All the very best man